By James Gaakuoth,

Jan 23, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —— The new US president Donald J. Trump surmounted one of the steep mountain and fierce opposition ranging from left and their conduits, own section of his establishment party, incompetent elites and fourth arm of the government among others to deliver one of the seminal victory for democracy and rule of law in the 21st Century. It was through the power of masses in democracy and rule of law platform that new US President Donald Trump got there not as an anointed candidate of political class. But whether US president Donald J Trump will extend that power which emanated from the US masses through democracy and rule of law platform to stand with masses facing persecution around the world because of their belief in democracy and rule of law remain to be seen though as Republican president there ought to be no doubt of his anti masses persecution and tyranny globally to protect those vital pillars of peaceful and successful nations.
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But why did they oppose President Donald Trump so hard? He was not one of their own (clique that purported to own right to govern) although allegations of predictability on his dealings with iniquitous and injustice rackets or players globally were sound to be raised. How the US president Donald Trump use that power the US masses entrusted to him globally remains to be seen but one thing is clear i.e. United State of America became leader of free world through stiff opposition to iniquities and injustices anywhere – whether oppression or rule of law or democracy avoidance and so on, hence there should be high optimism for Trump presidency by the people of South Sudan where masses have been exposed to unacceptable sufferings through failed leadership to avoid rule of law and democracy.
There is high hope from masses of South Sudan that Trump administration together with his allies over the world will be the resurrection of honesty from death in South Sudan crisis buried during Obama years. That means Trump administration will peruse all independent UN and AU reports on South Sudan war to ascertain prima facie of provenance as to what put the nascent nation of South Sudan off track and act realistically in a way commensurate with what qualified US as guardian of just and free world. That must include putting on scrutiny one of anti peace elements (Museveni) in South Sudan to desist harbouring iniquitous and failed leadership by sabotaging UN,AU,regions and other peace partners to bring to an end one of the conflicts with worst atrocities in the 21st century conclusively.
This must involve removal of his plague forces and end iniquitous influences that continue to fuel the war in South Sudan back to his home country where the masses seem to have comfort for iniquitous governing (alleged indiscriminate massacre at resident of tribal king is recent example).There will be no time that iniquitous rulings would bring the masses of South Sudan together nor leading to success of South Sudan as functional state.
The peace that anti peace elements abrogated in July last year to avoid accountability and to continue to rob the nation of her oil resource with no nation-building with some unethical players was to create an ad hoc situation where purported national army (SPA or Mathiang Anyoor) as it has not delivered on that front to protect masses in Juba,Yei,Leer,wau,malakal and other areas of control and forces resisting (SPM-IO or white army or arrow boys) to avoid reintroduction of sectarianism and tribalism (something which resulted to breakup of the two Sudans) were to be integrated to form national army and security forces which are representative of South Sudan with their allegiance to the nation of South Sudan, not particular politicians or section of community which is one source of current war.
It is not hard to reach inference that current security forces are from one section of community which is less than half of the South Sudan community and that imbalances will continue to be a source of plague for South Sudanese masses unless other regions of South Sudan are brought in to reflect national character therein of national security forces. That ad hoc peace to bring Kiir and Machar together after dropping all peace obstacles by the president including all unconstitutional new states is one of the options to create that balance and to end atrocities in South Sudan after establishment of state with diverse national security forces having allegiance to the nation in maintenance of law and order and to end current tribal allegiance which has been messy for the young nation.
After UNSC passed resolution for regional force last year, many thought that it was a step in the right direction because regional forces in Juba and other nine states(current additions had no constitution basis but source of introducing further chaos and thus remain null and void) would bring confidence back to South Sudan and to pave way for full implementation of recent peace agreement especially accountability to end culture of immunity, integration of security forces to become a representative of South Sudan to introduce hallmark of functional state security forces oppose to current sectarian which is not even half of the nation in term of ethnicity and to create better use of oil for benefit of masses among other vital peace elements. Thus masses were return to conflict in lieu of rule of law establishment by vulnerable elements in such environments.
In another world, that decision of the masses in US to elect US president Donald Trump (not politician class) would have been bloody if it was in some African countries with iniquitous or injustice governing or some communist nations fond of being racket for incompetent and iniquitous governing as proven in recent South Sudan arm embargo fiasco where other unethical UNSC members failed to support policies to end blood-letting and pushed to create functional state of South Sudan. And that proved why the United State of America shall remain guardian of the free world for the foreseeable future.
Anyway it is a given fact that democracy and rule of law in some of those unethical UNSC members to permit masses to pass verdict own governing is low but their masses are not at ethnic cleansing or genocide war path as in South Sudan where they failed to exercise their international responsibility and support arm embargo until functional security forces and state are established. With present of UN/UNSC, AU and region on the ground, neither the president nor rebel leader will be at adverse position during this ad hoc period of peace unless there is still continue contempt for full implementation of peace from anti peace elements which would have trigger a UN Trusteeship a long ago because of failed leadership in South Sudan.
What would come out is functional state of South Sudan if UNSC gave unanimous support for arm embargo and sending of rapid regional forces to bring back confidence in the nation devastated by senseless war and facilitate full implementation of recent peace between president and rebel leader especially to help in the integration of current divided forces by war to reflect the three regions of South Sudan and for those integrated forces to confirm allegiance to State not particular politicians or section of community which has been genesis of this conflict as designed by vulnerable leadership and few cliques in the rule of law and democracy environment, to end culture of immunity and to revert oil money to nation-building not arms purchase for needless war if there was leadership acceptance of rule of law and democracy in the country before the conflict erupted in 2013.
But what factors caused and kept on this war that subjected innocent masses to suffering? It was that gullible sacking of whole cabinet even running mate, SPLM party dissolution to bypass party rules and inappropriate respond to contain tensions and crisis that came with those needless decreed actions with targeting of unarmed masses on ethnicity basis. Another factor is JMEC and Obama administration through Museveni mischievous who should have noted that it is genuine and amicable implementation of peace, not current window-dressing peace for war that remain good for his country or some east countries Africa in the long term. They seem unscrupulous to the extent even ignoring UN and world observations that there is no peace in absent of signatory principal rebel leader.
It has been three years of war and nothing has been achieved developmentally and that means ending current crisis through war is not going to put the nation on the path of nationhood anytime soon. Many war experts and commentators and those who knew that it is when there is unity of purpose in the nation that state succeed disapproves it. They knew that war breeds disunity of purpose that can fail nations including South Sudan. As stated in an adage ‘a house divided among itself cannot stand strong wind’ and in fact South Sudan cannot afford protracted war that the leadership could not properly defined without her failure.
Thus current copycat of policies that created LRA in Uganda have already been detected and they failed miserably because many ethical and sound mind people worldwide have been cognizant of genesis of present South Sudan crisis as a democratic and rule of law avoidance that gone wrong. It is the hope of those fed-up masses from current atrocities that ethics may come to the heart of all UNSC members to embrace humanity regardless of backgrounds and locations and to enact those tools available to them unanimously such as arm embargo in South Sudan and rapid deployment of regional forces to rescue those sufferings in South Sudan because of failed leadership that resorted to silencing tactic through conflict at an unimaginable scale.
In conclusion, the logic behind the crisis in South Sudan that inflicted untenable sufferings to innocent masses of South Sudan resemble rejection of democracy and rule of law by incompetent leadership and cliques for suspicions of vulnerability in the level playing environments of rule of law and democracy in 2013. The masses that propelled Donald Trump to become the president of the United State of America (not seasoned politician) could lead to release of masses in prison of tyranny around the globe including South Sudan to make democracy and rule of law winners of 21st century.
It had the potential to end current attempt in South Sudan to copycat iniquitous rule similar to LRA creation by failed leadership of South Sudan that put the young country to ethnic cleansing or genocide path (study all independent reports on current conflict and committed atrocities to find where the fault is and act accordingly) because masses of South Sudan appeared not receptive to another iniquitous treatment as in other tyranny nations. Since Republican administrations are fond of commonsense approach to resolve burning issues like in South Sudan, nothing will prevent the resurrection of honesty, justice and rule of law from death again in the young nation and may need to amicable settlement of the conflict. As to those governing South Sudan that prefer to operate outside the rule of law, current unscrupulous conflict is neither the way to build successful state nor good leadership and dodging masses verdict at democracy and rule of law environment to the extent of current imposed immoral conflict on innocent masses remain a disqualifying factor.
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