Golden rule once stated ‘Do unto others as you would them do unto you’
By James Gaakoth,

Nov 25, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– JMEC and associate idealists appear to be operating from idealists’ perspective to resolve current South Sudan war starting from the signing of hostilities, collapsed of peace agreement and until now as if the president who clearly appeared on the path of military solution to maintain dangerous sectarian security agencies will come to their idealist world. However, all evidence suggests that that coming may remain improbable for the foreseeable future.
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What JMEC need is to add realist lens to evaluate their work because nothing will prevent blood-sucking in current strategy which will be regretful if there will be third- party cover in that front. For example, are principal signatories to the peace participating? Is this an old peace or new peace? There is talk of new cantonments site but what happened to those groups in old cantonment sites and is cantonment site becoming government Trojan horse disguised through external third party or not? What is the weight of new peace in rebel held territories and not other way practices against international laws if any substance to those allegations? What will prevent future government abuse of civilians as recently evidence in Yei if people listen to current gimmicks and return to South Sudan by exposing themselves to danger prematurely without really peace? All these questions if answered with open mind, common sense albeit inhumane motives may lead to realistic and common sense peace resolution to help the people of South Sudan.
If current peace is devoid of common sense because current environment lack seriousness to so call peace implementation, even if it was arbitration, then current president would have not remained president either. Recent July conspiracy has already been demystified as of light weight and for peace body to adopt strange stance unhelpful to those experiencing current barbaric policies of perpetrators or what appeared to be reintroduction of oppression and enslavement through backdoor may be scandalous at some point. If current situation is considered from realist perspective, there is no credible peace except reviving of the collapsed one or for JMEC stepping aside all together.
JMEC should have learned in July that idealist resolution of current conflict is not working or through the realist report which resulted to relieving of Kenyan general stating clearly that the peace has ‘collapsed in July’ and desist from current unbalance or what may appeared to be hidden blood-sucking strategy. In the former case, there may be another body that the parties may respect to fully stick to their signatures and in the latter, a Good Samaritan may come to the aid of the oppressed in unjust and unfair way if introduced cover-up disappears from current war.
If JMEC and associate idealists still doubt an alleged uncivilised and unlawful actions of ‘tribal militia or shadow groups’ in 2013 which current peace strategy seem to maintain through keeping sectarian security agencies in a diverse nation, then referred to Leer, Malakal, Wau,Bor, Yei and other areas where accidental or counterinsurgencies that caused massive displacement in the country occurred or if still naive on the complexion of current war, pay a visit to concentration camps to ascertain knowledge first-hand and I doubt if there will be many people who would sign their death warrant to go back home for your current peace strategy unless JMEC and other idealist liberals adopt Kenyatta doctrine in order to secure those death warrants.
There is no superior mitigation mechanism available than establishing diverse security agencies in the country to prevent future barbaric acts as messy as it is. Another good thing that will come out of this visit is that it may cause revisit of issues for JMEC and associates to apply golden rule including rethink of current path to alleviate obstacles to suffering people or step aside completely because I knew in the concentration life is very dire but ‘safety first’ kept those displaced there despite its harshness. The golden rule stated that ‘DO unto others as you would them do unto you’. It would be funny to see how many will choose those concentration camps and current peace strategy if would have been involved in arm conflict.
Other flimsy attempt to target resistance officials as similar to what is happening in South Sudan will always remain bloody strategies. How will that end the current war without addressing really issue: president and his security forces- allegedly targeting civilians in abnormal way. It is natural where there are more than two human beings there is always that sort of organisation similar to current resistance arrangement and attempt to eliminate or silence anyone if not weird may help without core issues of the war being addressed and not only war even.
In conclusion, it is through realist perspective to address ‘elephant in the room’ not unscrupulous meddling which may not be fully persuasive to resolve current war and avoid what may appear to be a mischievous and an unscrupulous peace.
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