Contributor's Opinion

The hopeful children and women of South Sudan in tears and hopelessness after the proposed face to face peace talk failed in Addis Ababa.

By Akoi Manyiel Guong,


South Sudanese rival leaders, Salva Kiir and Riek Machar do a group hug with the Ethiopian Prime Minister after their first face to face meeting in Addis Ababa(Photo: file/supplied/Nyamilepedia)
South Sudanese rival leaders, Salva Kiir and Riek Machar do a group hug with the Ethiopian Prime Minister after their first face to face meeting in Addis Ababa(Photo: file/supplied/Nyamilepedia)

June 24th, 2018(Nyamilepedia) —- South Sudanese women and children were hoping that the proposed face to face meeting between President Kiir Mayar and Dr Riek Machar Teny, the Chairman of the Splm/a-IO, in Addis Ababa would lift the brunt of current ordeal in the country and produced an outcome that would rescue the lives of south Sudanese across the country and particularly those in refugees camps in the neighboring countries and the displaced population inside the country.

The tiresome couples of days of the face to face talk were like years but as the days pass by  it becomes business as usually, with the results that we don’t want each other and forgetting the suffering population who care less to hear who does not want who. It seems that others in the government assume the government as their property, and can decide what to give and whom to give it to. What a pathetic phenomenon that South Sudanese are entangled in? South Sudanese worldwide have been on social media sleeplessly monitoring the outcome of the face to face talk, however the physique outlook of the hurling floating photos share on social media were masquerading, and that predicted the prematurely outcome as we knew our mentality.

Egotistical hatred and greed of power has played it devils hands as Makuei, the outspoken person, of the government delegation echoed strongly in his report that the government does not want Dr. Riek Machar to share the government with Salva Kiir, citing incidences that happened during the liberation struggle to hold Riek hostage not to lead in the country. What a dirty politics in a new born country! Well the question is does honourable Makuei care about the lives of South Sudan or just to stay in Juba and claims that there is country, is it what he wants?

I wonder whether those who were in the liberation struggle are clean  without blood in their hands. I guess many people remembered that some of commanders during struggle used to fire-squad members of their communities and relatives of those killed had to put up with it as people were told that we were fighting for freedom.

Unfortunately south Sudanese become the laughingstock people without morale obligation to succumb to, for the sake of people lives. It becomes obvious that personal interests overrides the purpose that South took up arms to fight Khartoum.

The reasons that were laid down that attracted the SPLM/A movement are not longer the objectives. It is manifested now that others were fighting to get to power and it was not to liberate South Sudanese from the mediocrity, if so for independent of all then there should be no this war. Right now everything is twisted and full with conspiracies so that you hold a country hostage, on false grounds is deadly to the lifespan this infant country.

Well the truth should be, if Kiir does not wants  Machar then he should step aside to allow Machar to lead if that is the case otherwise no one between them was ordained by gods to deny the other being in the government! That  is being selfish and politically retarded.

Regarding the issue of 2013 and 2016 it’s only God who knows who did what in J1 and a government can not claime that it was innocent.

Logically it’s impossible to suicide yourself unless you were mentally retarded, that Dr. Riek wage war in 2016 is a white lie because man with a sound mind couldn’t attempt in Juba by then without reinforcements. Inciting those chronological events in the lives of South It’s used as propaganda to perpetuate the war and prolong the suffering of the lives of South Sudanese and to character assassinate Dr Riek Machar in the eye of South Sudanese and international community so that he is seen as not fit to lead and forgetting the massacre in Juba that is in the book. J1 dogfight is baseless and would be dismissed by any logical minded person. Just to advise that South Sudanese are tired with lies.

Well it was said by Moulana honourable Abel Alier that too many agreement dishonoured. And it was echoed severals times by the president that agreement is not Quran or bible, so really what did  South Sudanese expected from the face to face as such statement stuck in the back of our minds.

In conclusion children, women and others displaced in the country and those who fled the country into refugee camps in countries surrounding South Sudan will  have long way to go as Kiir is not prepared to embrace Machar then Machar wouldn’t accept Kiir condition of forcing him out of South Sudan politics as they both deserves the right to exercise their politics and no one is having the right to eliminate or expell the other.

Nevertheless south Sudanese should remain hopeful to God as the answer and can turn this conflict around for the benefit of the suffering population.

This author can be contacted by email at bithguong77@gmail.com

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