Sad respond from USA state department of Obama administration:
By South Sudan Kyilaya,

Oct 26, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— As Riek Machar was calling for self-protection and resistance against the Genocide government of Salva Kiir, John Kirby of State department of US’ Obama Administration, condemned Dr. Reik Macahar saying: “We find it inexcusable that he would continue to promote armed resistance. It indicates a lack of concern for the well-being of the South Sudanese people, many of whom continue to struggle just to survive and just as much want to see peace,” Kirby told reporters.
He did not clarify why many Southerners continue to struggle just to survive and just as much want to see peace. In my personal interpretation; Kirby and Obama administration are hiding and protecting brutalities of Salva Kiir regime.
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I would like to mention to all decision makers in Obama administration that terrible organized killings and tragedies are happening in South Sudan every day to poor innocent civilians, and it is being covered by Salva Kiir Killer Regime with a curtain called unidentified gunman and some of that are being covered by statement of “investigation is in process” as Taban Deng Gai mentioned in UN 71 General Assembly. In all these worse scenarios, State department of USA of Obama Administration is not condemning Salva Kiir Regime, but it seem that administration of Obama prepare to target Riek Machar whenever Riek wakeup.
If Obama administration is not seeing and not feeling the tragedies cause by Salva Kiir rgime to non-Dinka South Sudanese people, I suggest Obama administration to see UN eyes and nerves doctors, and then go to South Sudan and visit lands of non-Dinka in South Sudan. People like Wani Igga, Eilas Lomoro and Taban gai do not need to see a doctor because they lose feeling of humanity and develop spirit of living from blood of civilians. Their stands are unwise and poisonous to themselves and the rest of southerners.
Dear staffs in state department of Obama administration; the daily organised genocides and tragedies that happen to Civilians in South Sudan specifically Equatorians, non-Dinkas in Bahr El Gahzal, and non-Dinkas in Upper Nile are painful and intolerable suffering in our feeling as the relatives of the victims, but you in state department do not feel that paints. All that you feel is that economy is down and Riek Machar is not to be considered while members of the killer regime get respect, attention and protection. Riek Machar and Lam Akol are among the southerners that experiencing the painful and intolerable sufferings in feeling cause by Salva Kiir regime. I just mentioned two leaders meanwhile we have more than enough wise leaders with wise fruitful stands.
Salva Kiir said in daylight that the peace agreement that he signed is not for implementation. He Salva kiir killed that peace agreement and buried it on Jul 11, 2016 in Juba. Now Salva kiir regime and its international supporters are lying to UN and the oppressing people of South Sudan that the peace agreement signed by Rieck Macher and Salva Kiir is in fast progress of implementation, but the truth on the ground is that more people are being kill on daily bases in Equatoria by Salva Kiir regime.
On Dec 19, 2016 Festus Mogae, chairman of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) stated that last August’s fragile peace agreement is still alive “What makes the agreement alive is that there are representatives of the opposition who are involved, and there are others who are currently not taking part, but they have not said they will not take part,” said Mogae. Mogae should know not to sign a marriage certificate with a dead person in beautiful cloth. I don’t know how much Mogae get for that? Mogae should know that existence of cabinets in a government is not a sign of peace. Definition of peace is not related to the wisdom and logic used by Mogae. Hands of Mogae may not look as clean as of Kofi Annan.
I am not a member of SPLA, but Riek Machar is among the top leader of SPLA. He notice that Salva Kiir leadership ruling is not serving interest of all people of South Sudan as a result Reik tried to fellow democratic procedure that will end up for common interest of the whole South Sudan, but unfortunately the corrupters hunger power Dinka group under leadership of Salva Kiir turned against democracy and cause inexcusable organised genocide. Unfortunately all top countries of UN are treating the Leader of genocide Salva Kiir as a respectful leader that they will not condemn his regime.
We the victims and the oppressing people of South Sudan, we have all the right to fight our enemies for our survival. When we run from our oppressor, we should run as a tactical self-defence, and then prepare and put an end for the oppression with all means. Having in our mind that international supporters of the oppressor Salva Kiir would not like to see Salva Kiir is facing resistance.
One example, when Obama was visiting East Africa, I was excited and was hoping he was coming with some decisive resolutions of peace to the oppressing people of South Sudan and might condemn the brutalities of Salva Kiir regime to people of South Sudan. Instead he fought only for other rights among them was the gay foundation. I believe all Africans appreciate Carter foundation. So dear oppressing southerners, Obama briefcase has nothing for you. He is not like Bush. I doubt if Obama name will be clean in history of South Sudan.
Dear oppressing Southerners, For the sake of self-defence let your enemies realise that in your bush you are just as snakes to your enemies and as a prince of peace for peace makers. Matthew 10:16.
Dear suffering Southerners worldwide, if you know that your feeling or any part your body is suffering because of Salva Kiir regime and you notice that Regional or International Supporters of Salva Kiir destroyer regime is condemning your resistance to Salva Kiir regime, please do not keep silence, do not leave it alone to Riek Machar or Lam Akolo. All of you to fight back in news media (Luke 8:16). Let reginal and international supporters of Salva Kiir know that they are in a wrong side. Let them know that there are rights of self-defence from their enmities, and they might not have some friends in future. Being against our leaders means being against us and promoting our sufferings.
No surrender, to the end we go.
Sincerely, South Sudan Kyilaya, is a concerned South Sudanese Citizen. He can be reached at
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1 comment
We are tired of the suffering when our leaders pay deaf ears. Whoever sees evil without protesting against it is cooperating with it. But change is the only direction to wipe out the mess.