By Sistor Olur,

Oct 29, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— Juba over the last few days have witnessed visits by many foreign dignatories coming from different corners of the world. The recent one being that of the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Hallemariam Daselegn in addition to the African Union Security Council members who are yet to conclude their mission in South Sudan this weekend. This is apart from the Kenyans MPs who are campaigning against Dr. Riek Machar,s family presence in Kenya and are due to jet in town early next week.
In every visit as we all know President Salva Kiir and all the government officials are saying that they are committed to the full implementation of the peace agreement. But when you look critically on the ground you find that the government is actually implementing their own version of the peace agreement contrary to what has been signed between him and Dr. Riek Machar. A clear example is the issue of the 28 States, and now we are hearing that they are going to create more States in Bahr El Ghazal and Upper Nile within the next coming days.
The African Union, IGAD, and especially JEMC as well as the Troika countries who witnessed the signing of the historic agreement in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia does not seem to care whether what Salva Kiir claim to implement is what he signed with Dr. Riek Machar or not. If what they are implementing is not what led to the formation of the ToGNU as it is commonly known, then there is no need to claim that they are implementing the peace agreement that was signed in Addis Ababa in August 2015.
President Salva Kiir is also on record saying that he should be allowed to implement the peace agreement with his friend Taban Deng Gai because they have good working relationship. Further more he said he is not ready to accept any new peace initiative that involve SPLM-IO under Dr. Riek Machar Leadership. What a mockery! In all conflicts situation you make peace with your enemy and not with friends. So since Taban Deng Gai is his friend there is therefore no point talking about any peace implementation.
The visit of the Ethiopian Prime Minister resulted to the signing of some diplomatic protocols between the two countries supposedly under the premise of good governance and respect to human rights and above all adherence to international norms which is lacking in the Republic of the South Sudan. The truth is a one day visit to Juba may not be sufficient for Mr. Hallemarian Deselegn to understand every thing that is going on underneath because he is being driven along the tarmac road from airport to J1 and then to the Parliament without seeing the suffering of the common men on the streets of Juba.
The author is a concern South Sudanese, reachable at
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1 comment
A house build on the sand always crumbles and this is no exceptions. Kir has fooled the world from day of this conflict and he is so far being some success but evil never winds. South Sudanese has never succumb to oppressions and this shall never come to pass no matter who supports him.