Contributor's Opinion Press Release South Sudan news

Position of Twic-Mayardit Community in the Diaspora on the recent conflict between  Twic County and the Abyei Special Administration Area in which the citizens of Twic  and non-Twic citizens, in Abyei areas, were massacred in cold-blood

Press Statement,

By Twic Mayardit Community in Diaspora (the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe)

To: H.E. Salva Kiir Mayardit, The President of the Republic of South Sudan, Juba   

Your Excellence, 

Displaced people of Ngok Dinka tribe following intra-tribal conflicts between Twic Mayardit and Ngok Dinka(Photo credit: supplied)

April 06, 2022 — First, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for your recent presidential decree that ordered  the formation of the Abyei-Twic investigation committee led by Vice President Hussein Abdulbagi and to  also wish you every success in your endeavors. Equally, we would also like to convey to you our concerns  and highlight the major one regarding the crisis of Aneet that led to the merciless killing of Twic County’s  citizens and other citizens of South Sudan inside Abyei’s areas. 

Your Excellence, the Twic Community Worldwide, namely the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe  is shocked by the inhumane atrocities, targeted killings, and continuous violence against the people of the  Twic County inside Abyei’s territory instigated by Abyei Chief Administrator, General Kuol Deim, and the  wanton acts of cruelty perpetrated by Abyei youth, police, and security forces. The Twic Community in the  diaspora has strongly condemned such acts of violence that have claimed the lives of innocents and posed  a threat to the peace and security that our people dearly need in Twic County-Warrap State, South Sudan. 

Sadly, countless numbers of our people were brutally murdered in the occupied areas of Twic  county, Agok, which was allotted ( in 2002) as a camp for Ngok Dinka IDPS during the Sudan-Southern  Sudan’s civil war and is now forcefully occupied in the form of civil administration by the Abyei  administration and its security forces and the UNISFA. The Abyei-Twic crisis will undoubtedly result in  further human suffering and will escalate if not managed immediately and with great care.  

IMPORTANT: Your Excellence, within less than one week, a number of our people were targeted  and killed in the Abyei areas, defying belief. There have been 178 confirmed killings, with many people  still unaccounted for, and the list grows daily. The brutality of Abyei-Twic’s Crisis is both horrific and tragic.  Wisdom is required to ensure that these genocidal acts against our people cease, and that the situation is peacefully resolved. Only then will the peace, security, and integrity of the suffering people of South Sudan  be restored. 

In the light of peace, the Twic Community in the diaspora urgently appeals to your good leadership,  all authorities of the Government of South Sudan concern, the elders of our communities at large, and all  the parties involved in finding a peaceful solution to this crisis.  

Your Excellence, a time like this requires forgiveness, wisdom, and courage that surmounts  differences and bitterness. Despite the horrific act of Twic-Abyei’s incident that has claimed the lives of our  innocent people, we urge you to salvage an immediate and binding peaceful solution to a long-standing  conflict. This conflict between Twic and Ngok Dinka of Abyei has culminated into a bitter communal war.  Never do we want our people to fall victim to such senseless war-related killings and suffering again.  

The sons and daughters of the Twic Mayardit community in the Diaspora grow ever more  concerned. The continued atrocities, grave violations of human rights, and targeted killings of our people  and other South Sudanese citizens have occurred inside the territory of Abyei and Twic County’s areas  occupied by the Abyei Special Administration since Aneet’s communal fighting on February 9th, 2022, between Ngok Dinka of Kordofan-Sudan and Twic Mayardit Community of Bahr El Ghazal-South Sudan.  

It is in the spirit of peace, and for the sake of our suffering people that we, the undersigned  petitioners, do hereby submit our petition in the hope that your authority will take immediate action with  regard to the following APPEALS:  

(1) Protection of our citizens and territory: Having learned how our people were brutally killed inside  Abyei, we request the deployment of South Sudan People Defense Forces (SSPDF) across the boundary  between the Abyei Administrative Area of Kordofan—Sudan and Twic county of Bahr El Ghazal—South  Sudan in accordance to the Republic of South Sudan territorial definition as stipulated in Article one (2) (a)  that states “All lands and air space that constituted three former South Sudan provinces of Bahr El Ghazal,  Equatoria, and the Upper Nile in their boundaries, as stood on January 1st, 1956”, amended Transitional  Constitution of South Sudan 2011. The Deployment of the SSPDF across the boundaries between the Abyei  Special Administrative Area of Kordofan – Sudan and the Twic County of Bahr El Ghazal, Warrap State –  South Sudan will not only protect the Twic-Mayardit Community from Ngok Dinka Youth and the Abyei  Independent Brigade, but it will also protect the entire country from the proxy external conflict and  aggression of Sudan, perpetuated by the Abyei Administration, whose status remains politically unsettled  between Sudan and South Sudan.  

Displaced population of Twic-Ngok communities(Photo credit: supplied)

(2) Repatriation of Twic’s citizens in Abyei: Equally, we request the repatriation of Twic Mayardit and  other South Sudanese citizens who are still stranded inside Abyei following the outbreak of fighting in  Aneet. The attack and massacring of our people in their legitimate land, Aneet, by Ngok Youth and Abyei  Security was planned by the Abyei Special Administrative Area authorities and the Ngok Dinka politicians.  Twic County has records of its citizens who were killed inside the Abyei territory, following the communal  fight in Aneet. As a result, relatives in the diaspora possess as proof a list of the people killed in cold blood,  including those from other parts of South Sudan who were non-Ngok Dinka or Twic citizens, yet slaughtered by Abyei youth and security forces. From the Warrap government’s report, we have also  learned of persistent killings and maltreatment of our people that reside in Abyei and Twic County’s  territories occupied by the Abyei Special administration. 

 IMPORTANT: In this regard, we appeal to your authority in urging those in charge of the Abyei  Special Administrative Area to stop the killing of Twic-Mayardit citizens, as well as of other South Sudanese  citizens who did not get a chance to flee from Abyei and are still in hiding inside Abyei’s territory. Indeed,  we appeal to the government of South Sudan to provide escort forces to bring out Twic County citizens  stranded inside Abyei areas to Twic County—South Sudan safely. 

(3) Demarcation of Twic-Abyei Boundary: We urgently call for demarcation of the boundaries  between the Abyei Special Administrative Area of Kordofan—Sudan and Warrap State—South Sudan. 

On July 9th, 2011, after South Sudan became an independent country, the amended Transitional  Constitution of South Sudan of 2011 clearly states that the Republic of South Sudan’s territory is defined in  Article one (2) (a). The amended constitution postulates that “All lands and air space that constituted three  former Southern Sudan provinces of Bahr El Ghazal, Equatoria, and Upper Nile in their boundaries as stood  on January 1st, 1956.” The 1956 boundary defined three provinces namely Bahr El Ghazal, Equatoria, and  Upper Nile Provinces to constitute the territory of the Republic of South Sudan. 

The boundaries between Abyei of Kordofan—Sudan and Twic County—Warrap State, in the Bahr  El Ghazal region of South Sudan, are therefore no longer provincial boundaries, as before the independence of South Sudan, but have become an international boundary between Sudan and the Republic of South  Sudan.  

As a result, we appeal to your authority to demarcate this boundary and deploy your national army  to protect the border as an international boundary between the Republic of South Sudan and Sudan until  Abyei’s status is settled politically between Sudan and South Sudan.  

We stress this request, as it is the responsibility of the national government to safeguard the  international border as one of the primary responsibilities of the national government, and that it should  not be left to the community to fight over the international boundaries. Indeed, Article (151) (b) of the  Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011, as amended, states “the mission of the  national armed forces, in addition to its other duties, shall be to “defend the sovereignty of South Sudan.” 

(4) Removal of Abyei Special Administration from Twic’s Territory: In addition, we request the  Abyei Administrative Areas, inside Twic County’s land, to be moved back to Abyei’s territory, north of River  Kiir. 

It has now become clear that the Abyei Special Administrative authority has an intention to grab  and occupy more lands of the Warrap state and other territories of South Sudan as indicated in the “Abyei  Box Map.” The so-called “Abyei Box map” has erroneously and intentionally annexed areas of the Twic  County straddle south of the Kiir River from Warawar (Aweil North) through Twic West (Akoc-thon  Payam), Pannok Payam, Adiang Payam, Turalei Payam up to the Twic East (Ajak Kuac Payam). We have attached this map to clearly show how politicians of Abyei crafted the “Abyei Box.” The “Abyei Box,” in  Figure #2, is feloniously crafted, making it dangerous at its best in even stealing places where not even a  single “Ngok Dinka’s village or citizen” is found. 

 IMPORTANT: Should this map be left unrevised and the boundary between Twic County and the  Abyei Special Administrative area demarcated, it would cause a proxy war engineered by Abyei politicians  between Sudan and South Sudan. Having failed to recognize Kiir River as a physical boundary between  Abyei and Twic county as stated on January 1st, 1956, boundaries agreement in Sudan, the politicians of  Abyei deceitfully claimed international recognition of the “Abyei Box” (Figure #3, #4). Such a claim falsely  shifted the boundary deep inside the Twic County land south of the Kiir River, making the UNISFA forcefully  deploy its forces in areas that are legally Twic County, Warrap State territories. The boundary between Twic and Abyei is the Kiir River as shown in Figure #3, and the shifting of a known physical boundary from  the Kiir River deep into the South of the Kiir River is an intentional provocation of the Twic Community by  the Abyei Special Administrative area and by the Abyei politicians that crafted the map. 

(5) Justice for our Citizens and Non-Twic Citizens Killed in Cold Blood in Abyei and other areas  where there is a conflict between Twic and Ngok Dinka of Abyei:  

Moreover, we request justice for our citizens mercilessly killed in Abyei. The report we have  received from different sources on the ground, in particular testimonies of survivors of target killing inside  Abyei’s territory, carried out by Abyei’s youth, the Abyei Independent Brigade and supported by the Abyei  Chief administrator, General Kuol Deim, and Commander Ayuel Kiir, revealed a number of our people who  lost their lives after Aneet’s incident. Please refer to images attached (Image #1, #2,#3,#4, #5, and #6) 

IMPORTANT: Hence, we are appealing to your authority to investigate and bring those who have  committed those atrocities to book or trial. We request that the Abyei Chief Administrator, Gen. Kuol Deim,  and the Abyei commanding forces leader, Ayuel Kiir, be held accountable for the massacre and targeted  killings of our people that occurred inside Abyei after Aneet’s incident. We are shocked to have learned of  the killing of eighteen (18) officers in the Abyei Mission in Rumkoor. Allegedly, the eighteen (18) soldiers  from Warrap county, most likely from Twic County, were disarmed and later killed. The Abyei Mission  Bridge is commanded by Ayuel Kiir and Pagat Lual. As a result, we hold Ayuel Kiir and Pagat Lual  responsible for the massacre of these officers, and as such we ask for an investigation as to what happened  in Rumkoor’s Brigade. 

(6) United Nation Interim Security Forces for Abyei (the UNISFA) to leave Twic County areas to  Abyei’s territory, north of Kiir Rive Immediately: We demand that the United Nations Interim Security  Forces for Abyei (the UNISFA) immediately leave Twic County areas and move to Abyei’s territory, north  of Kiir River where its mandate is confined.  

We have learned that the UNISFA forces, together with Abyei’s forces, were involved in enforcing  land surveys in the Aneet areas that resulted in communal fighting between Abyei Ngok Dinka of Kordofan  of Sudan and the people of Twic County of South Sudan. Clearly, the UNISFA has failed to recognize the  existence of an international boundary between Twic County and the Abyei Special Administrative area,  and thus, the UNISFA illegally crossed the international boundary to conduct the survey and as well carried  out combat in areas where its mandate is not confined.  

Such a failure by the UNISFA disregards May 13, 2019, UN Security Council Resolution 2469 (2019)  which recognized that the current situation in Abyei and along the border between Sudan and South Sudan  continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security. In keeping with this, we ask your  authority to press the UNISFA to provide their report on the Aneet incident. That is to say, the UNISFA must  report activities inside Abyei territory, during and after the incident that has claimed many lives of our  people.  

Indeed, we have learned of the involvement of the UNISFA forces in fighting alongside Abyei Forces  that resulted in the killing of innocent civilians of Twic county inside Twic’s territory. The survivors  testified to the involvement of the UNISFA in the killing of our people and that the UNISFA’S forces were  fighting alongside Abyei’s security and youth forces in Twic County territory. We, therefore, appeal to your  authority to investigate and review the UNISFA’s mandate and stop them from exceeding the Abyei Special  Administrative Area territory. 

(7) Call for People of Abyei to Promote Peace and Non-violence: More importantly, through your good  office, we ask the people of Abyei to promote dialogue, not violence. People of Abyei are engaged in verbal  attacks against our elders and politicians in the media. Assaulting or verbally abusing our leaders and  elders, like Uncle Bona Malual Madut Ring, Honorable Charles Majak Aleer, and Honorable Nyadeng Malek  is unacceptable and should immediately cease.  

Such verbal attacks may potentially ignite a response from our youth, which, in turn, would  exacerbate the conflict. We also ask the elders of the Ngok Dinka community, Dr. Francis Mading Deng, and  others, to stop speeches that encourage their youth to seek violence. In 2021, in Nairobi Kenya, Dr. Mading  Deng made an inciting speech that today encourages the Abyei youth to commit atrocities against the Twic  Mayardit people in Abyei. Instead of encouraging violence, we appeal to the Abyei elders, in the person of  Dr. Madiing Deng, to join ranks with our elders like Bona Malual Madut and Honorable Charles Majak Aleer  to bring peace and reconciliation between the sisterly community. 

(8) It is with great consternation that we have also learned that General Akuei Ajou of Majakkol brigade  and his bodyguards physically assaulted Twic County Commissioner, Mr. Deng Tong Koc, after which he  was held at gunpoint. We strongly condemn such acts of violence which have both humiliated and  disrespected the Commissioner and the Twic Community in general. We request that such an incident be  investigated thoroughly and that General Akuei Ajou be disciplined for this affront to the commissioner  and, in turn, the Twic Community. 

(9) We are greatly concerned with the investigative team, headed by the Vice President, H.E. Hussien  Abdulbagi Ayie. We have learned with great dismay that the investigative committee has made the  following resolutions: 

  • That the security of Aneet is to be handed to Ayuel Kiir of the Abyei Brigade, General Makal, and  Gen. Ring Chom of Majakol Brigade 
  • That Ngok Dinkas, who ran away from Aneet due to the communal fight, be asked to return to  occupy Aneet 
  • That the administration of Aneet remains under Abyei Administration 
  • That the bloodletting of bulls, a traditional Dinka ritual in which the blood of a bull is spilled  between rivalry communities, be sacrificed in Aneet 
  • That the Twic chiefs and the Commissioner be asked to sign resolution and reconciliation  documents.  

We are baffled by such a one-sided rush to judgment, and by this method of reconciliation. Such an  approach to this conflict, which has claimed the lives of many innocent people, cannot bring about the  lasting peace we need to achieve. Hence, we request that there be a fair and just settlement to the Twic Abyei conflict that will benefit the two communities in achieving a binding solution. 

(10) Assisting Internally Displaced People (IDPs): Finally, but equally important, we urge the  government of South Sudan and the United Nations to assist internally displaced people (the IDPS) with  food, shelter, and medications. Since the communal fighting broke out in Aneet, the Internally displaced  People (IDPs), who fled to Twic County, are still unassisted by the Government of South Sudan and the UN  agencies with food, shelter, and medications. We ask the government of South Sudan to press the UN  agencies to address the needs of the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in Twic County. Please refer to the  images (#7 and #8) attached. 

(11) Conclusion: We request the administration of Aneet and towns south of Kiir River be administered  by Twic County, Warrap State. Legally, Aneet is Twic county’s land, situated in the middle of Anganya,  specifically in the area called Athony in Kuac Anganya. Kuac is composed of six sections: Anganya, AtorAyuang, Guotjuor, Aheer, and Duor. These six sections are divided into two sections: Anganya, Ator and  Ayuang are called Athony and Duor, Aheer, and Guotjuor are called Akurbiok. To reiterate, “Aneet” is in the  middle of Athony but “Diil ” of Ngok Dinka of Abyei is not in the middle here. DIIL is not even a part of Kuac,  otherwise, Kuac would have had seven sections, which is impossible. We have 36 villages of Anganya and  Ayuang before reaching Aneet and Diil is not a part of this. Where would Diil of Abyei insert itself here?  From Aneet to Amidgorou Southward we have Kolluoth, Malual dau, Acuong, Majokahot, Ahot, and Abii  before one steps foot in the water of Amidgorou. Where is Diil here? And from the East of Aneet to Ajak  Kuac, we have Mabuny, Majakkol, Manhawan, Kethdhac, Nyaguong, Dombolnhiim, Panameth, to downtown  Ajak Kuac; Diil isn’t here too.  

We request that the administration of Aneet to be handed over to Twic County where Aneet belongs and not shared between the two communities (Twic and Ngok) as Dr. Francis Mading Deng suggested in  his article. Simply speaking, Aneet belongs to Twic County, and as such MUST be administered by the Twic  County. We ardently appeal for the Aneet issue and the demarcation of the Twic and Abyei boundary not  to be once again ignored or be deferred further to an indefinite time, as Dr. Francis Mading Deng alluded  to in his article entitled, “A Personal Perspective on the Ngok-Twic Conflict in Aneet,” published by the Sud Institute. We want the TWIC-ABYEI boundary issue addressed immediately to avoid fostering conflict  between the two communities.  

 Your Excellence, we hope that under your leadership the people of Twic County will achieve peace.  After the establishment of the Abyei Administration, our people, in their territory as well as inside Abyei’s  territory, have suffered a great deal at the hands of Abyei youth, security forces, and the Abyei Special  Administration. With dismay, we learn, year after year, that our people disappear from their farms or to  the farms, inside Abyei territories, where they sought employment. Our people, as repeatedly reported by  the Twic County Administrations and Warrap State authorities, are frequently prosecuted inside Abyei  territory or unreasonably maltreated or jailed for no apparent reason. Hence, we are calling upon you to  bring about a peaceable solution to this crisis through nonviolent negotiations. We salute your great  leadership. 

Sincerely yours, 

Signed by the following members on the behalf of Twic-Mayardit Community in the Diaspora

NO.  Names  Title  Country  Telephone  Email address  Signature:  
Morris Kuol Yoll  Chairperson of  Twic-Mayardit  Diaspora  



Alberta, Canada  403-830-9278  Myoll2002@yahoo.com  Endorsed
2.  Ring Marol, Chairman  Chairman Ontario, Canada  519-819-0448  Endorsed
Ayir Kuot Malok  Chairman Alberta, Canada  403-988-8533  ayirstem@gmail.com  Endorsed
James Mathon Atem  Chairman Manitoba, Canada  204-952-1639  mathonbungbeek@yahoo.com  Endorsed
Achuil Giir  Acting  


Ontario, Canada  602-348-2650  Jima-05@hotmail.com  Endorsed


Mr.Chol Ring Bol  Chairman Arizona, USA  480-519-5616  Endorsed
Lawyer. Riak Atem  Lok  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-618-0933  Riakalok020@gmail.com  Endorsed
Lawyer. Bol Paul  

Yach Nyuol 

Member  Sydney, Australia  614-518-56382  Post2bol@hotmail.com  Endorsed
Martino Atem Kunjok  Former Deputy  chairperson of  Investment  Authority of Warrap State, South Sudan. Saskatchewan,  


306-209-8664  matemkunjok@yahoo.com  Endorsed
10  Joseph Majak Tuok  Former Commissioner  of Twic county,  and Minister of  Information of  Defunct Twic State Arizon, USA  928-350-0557  tuokmajak@yahoo.com  Endorsed
11  Makuach Ajiig, Chol  Member  Arizona, USA  602-900-2163  Mchol1@yahoo.com  Endorsed
12  Kiir Akol  Former Chairman Arizon, USA  804-308-6493  Endorsed
13  Deng Mayiik Atem  Former   Chairman Arizona, USA  602-348-2650  azdinkaarbicl@gmail.com  Endorsed
14  Makieu Ngeu  Former Chairman Melbourne, Australia  614-346-4436  Makieu13@outlook.com  Endorsed
15  Ring Akier Kuot  Member  Ontario, Canada  613-407-7937  wanglathcad@gmail.com  Endorsed
16  Yac Mabior Tiel  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-561-2721  Simonyac196@gmail.com  Endorsed
17  Williams Mawien  Member  Alberta, Canada  587-892-4975  Dengwilliam79@yahoo.com  Endorsed
18  Mawiir Ajang Tong  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-605-1849  mawiirtong@gmail.com  Endorsed
19  Angelina Ajok Atem  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-619-7154  Endorsed
20  Mabior Madut Chol  Member  Melbourne, Australia  041-175-1836  Endorsed


21  Albino Kon Nyuol  Member  British Columbia,  


778-779-2577  nyuolson@gmail.com  Endorsed
22  Peter Ajang Mathok  Member  Manitoba, Canada  204-229-1746  ajangmathok@yahoo.com  Endorsed
23  Guch Akoi Teeng  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-464-1559  Endorsed
24  Andrew Ring Juk  Member  Ontario, Canada  613-879-8870  Andrew.chom1@gmail.com  Endorsed
25  Chol Makuc  Member  Alberta, Canasa  403-305-3360  Mchol4962@gmail.com  Endorsed
26  Atem Malou Deng  Member  Alberta, Canda  403-903-3447  atemmalou@gmail.com  Endorsed
27  Jokrial Machar  Member  Alberta, Canada  780-977-7991  Wmachar722@mynorquest.ca  Endorsed
28  Deng Akier Kuot  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-793-1676  Endorsed
29  Myaom Noon  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-714-1611  Endorsed
30  Ring Dau  Member  Alberta, Canada  403-402-448  Endorsed
34  Rose Abang Kuot  Acting  Representative  of Twic Mayardit  in   Europe Norway, Erurope  316-840-58231  rabangkout@yahoo.com  Endorsed


  1. H.E. Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, The First Vice president of the Republic of South Sudan 2. H.E. Dr. Wani Iga, Second Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan 
  2. H.E. Hussain Abdulbagai Ayei Akol Vic President and Investigation Committee Chairman 4. H.E. Taban Deng Gai, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan 
  3. H.E. Madam Nyadeng Garang deMabior, Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan 6. H.E. Gen. Aleu Ayieny, Governor of Warrap State 
  4. Honorable, Jemma Nunu Kumba, Speaker of the National Legislative Assembly (RSS) 8. Honorable, Charles Majak Aleer, Member of Parliament 
  5. Honorable Nyadeng Malek, Member of Parliament 
  6. General Akol Koor Kuch National Security Service ( RSS) 
  7. Honorable Tut Kew, Presential Security Advisor (RSS) 
  8. Honorable Peter Lam Both, Acting Secretary-General of the SPLM 
  9. Honorable Bona Malual Madut Ring, Twic-Mayardit Community Elder
  10. Honorable Melanie Joly, Canada Minister of Foreign Affairs 
  11. Honorable Anthony Blinken, Secretary of the State of the United States of America 16. Honorable Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia 
  12. Honorable, Asma Mohamed Abdalla, Minister of Foreign Affair of Sudan 18. Honorable Demeke Mekonnen, Ethiopia Minister of Foreign Affairs 
  13. Honorable Christian Bader, European Union (EU) Ambassador to South Sudan 20. Honorable Antonio Guterrs, Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) 21. Honorable Nicholas Hyson, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) 
  14. Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyer, Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander, United  Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) 
  15. Honorable Yasmin Sooka, Chair of the Human Rights Commission in South Sudan 
  16. Honorable Ambassador, Dr. Ismail Wais, The intergovernmental Authority on Development  (IGAD) in Eastern Africa Special Envoy for South Sudan
  17. Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-in-Opposition (SPLM-IO) 
  18. South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) 
  19. United South Sudan African Party (USSAP) 
  20. United South Sudan Party (USSP) 
  21. United Democratic Salvation Front (UDSF) 
  22. Sudan African National Union (SANU) 
  23. Democratic Change (DC)

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