By Santino Puokleena Yien,
Cairo, Egypt
September 25, 2021 — Nuer Community Youth Alliance who claimed to have scheduled a thanksgiving ceremony to Salva Kiir for the appointment of Peter Lam Both as SPLM’s Acting Secretary General in particular and to all Nuer community bodies globally.

Nuer Community in Arab Republic of Egypt humbly address you all on community subject matters after triggered by the letter written by a group from Nuer Community named itself ” Youths Alliance” dated 22nd Spt.2021 which is still floating on social media titled
“Public invitation to attend Thanks Giving Ceremony to Salva Kiir Mayardit for Appointing Comrade Lam Both as the Interim Secretary general SPLM. on Sunday 26th, Sept. 2021 in Juba.”
“Nuer Community Youth Alliance”,
With due respect dear youths, Nuer society has no thanks to give to Salva Kiir about any appointment or shall it have about anything to thank Salva Kiir for. Salva Kiir has undeniably massacred our innocent community members, intended it for what he believed as the revenge of the said 1991 of our Dinka Bor brothers by the result of their blood handed SPLM internal conflicts which led them fell apart in the mid of deadly struggle against Khartoum based government.
Salva Kiir created good number of orphans to our community, starve and locked down the same orphans in UN camps in their own country as we speak and yet you seem continue pleasing him. What are you pleasing Salva Kiir for? Why are you pleasing our community murderer with the name of the community which he has murdered in cold blood? Are you trying to tell the members of the SPLM party that Peter Lam Both is from Nuer? Are you telling Salva Kiir thank, you love Nuer or you did something good to Nuer people because you appointed Peter Lam Both? Is the appointment of Peter Lam Both a compensation to Nuer people? You seem and we believe you are forcing yourself to who do not care of your present or absent nor want you. We are not telling you don’t work with Salva Kiir in his government if you have any political interest rather, we are telling you work with Salva Kiir as an individual without using community or Nuer name to please Salva Kiir, if you want to please Salva Kiir please him yourself don’t force the whole community to please him. The day Salva Kiir will want Nuer society he will come out to the public on SSBC and apologize for 15th, Dec.2013 door to door massacre that will be the day where there will be a little peace and trust building between Nuer community and Salva Kiir.
Salva Kiir thinks our people who are still in UN camps up to date are politicized and we believe he will know gradually Nuer people lost an enormous trust which was there before 2013 massacre. Any Nuer son or daughter who is working before or during R-TGoNU with Salva Kiir now is working base on personal completion not because s/he is a Nuer as a normal citizen of South Sudan before 2013 massacre. Revitalized peace agreement , Abuja, Addis Ababa peace agreement and all kind of the negotiated minor or major peace talks are/were at all not between Salva Kiir and the Nuer society other than between Salva Kiir and his rivaling politicians. Dear Nuer youths’ alliance we ask you to remove the name Nuer in the title of your ceremony poster or we are hereby condemning and describing you as a “small group of Nuer politicians who want to deceive Salva Kiir that we bring for you Nuer community in order to secure rewards in the name of Nuer people” . Until Salva Kiir publicly apologized to Nuer society. Salva Kiir lost our community’s credibility since 15th, Dec. 2013 without trade off, the very day which he has decided to take arms against innocent Nuer civilians because of the same SPLM case that you are still today dragging toward the same remaining murdered Nuer civilians. One thing Nuer community can thank Salva Kiir for is incase he got miracle to bring back the lives of our massacred innocent community members leave alone apology which can just only lead to forgiveness and renewal of trust building.
SPLM is a blood handed former political wing of the Sudan Poplar army the now political party in one of the States of old Sudan (South Sudan) which destroyed social fabric between our community (the Nuer community) and our Dinka brothers (Jieng Communities) and among other South Sudan citizens with their 1991, 2013 and their continuing internal disputes which used to killed our innocence civilians over political manipulation set ups three decades long, whose member appointments has no ceremonial credibility in the name of Nuer Youths or Nuer Community and Nuer Students’ bodies anywhere. Hence, SPLM is a political party whose membership, executive elections, appointments, nominations, celebrations lies inside its political activities as constituted separately from social entwine.
Nuer Youths are the civil defense forces named White Army guided by Nuer community’s customary laws, who have nothing to please Salva Kiir on Lam Both’s appointment or any other appointment. It’s advisable to Nuer Community Youths Alliance who are pleasing Salva Kiir in the name of Nuer people to cease doing so based on the above outlined facts. What Nuer youths could have been looking forward to is to hearing from Salva Kiir an apology for killed innocent civilians on his SPLM internal differences.
Different between Nuer society and SPLM.
Nuer society is there before SPLM and will still be there after SPLM. Nuer society governs itself using traditional Nuer customary law unlike SPLM which govern itself using manifesto, code of conduct, constitution and some other various documents. SPLM formed itself in 1983 whilst Nuer society is created by God eons. It’s so nonsense for SPLM members to celebrate and give thank on ceremonial birthday of Nuer new born child or even celebrate it themselves than Nuer society to celebrate appointments, nominations or elections of SPLM members. Nuer community love its sons and daughters including Peter Lam Both but as son of Nuer Community not as member of the so-called SPLM or any other political party. Dear Nuer community Youths Alliance the thank giving you are forcing to Salva Kiir on the appointment of political party member is condemnable at all costs.
Nuer community in Arab republic of Egypt call on Nuer communities and Nuer people in general who are in Juba to either advise those youths or boycott their Salva Kiir political dating.
Office of Nuer community in Arab Republic of Egypt reminds, encourages and calls on Nuer community in Juba, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Khartoum-Sudan, Canada, Australia, United State of America et cetera, and Nuer lawyers anywhere around the globe to step out the comfort zones and teams up in filing lawsuit to indict Salva Kiir and his entire SPLM members on International Community High Court about 15th, Dec.2013 Nuer massacre in Juba, South Sudan capital. This is the right time for citizenship rights claim to the murdered innocent Nuer civilians.
The author is Santino Puokleena Yien, he is Secretary General of Nuer Community in Arab Republic of Egypt and Student of Computer science and Information at Ain Shams University. He can be reached via
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