By HRH. Yom Deng-Katoch Bul,
Aug 06, 2022 — MY Name is HRH. Yom Deng-Katoch Bul, I’m an influential leader and a Committed Children and Women’s Rights Activist. I am a motivational public Speaker and a South Sudanese Human Rights Violations, Conflict Analyst who has been Researching on South Sudan War Atrocities and ongoing gross Violations of Human Rights in the Republic of South Sudan. I’m a former South Sudan Minister of Justice Director of Public Affairs, Founder & former Chief Executive Director of Achut Foundation (A.F). I’m the Founder and the former CEO of Ayual Super Power Girls “Nyan Pakou Ku Dollar” Global Association (ASPGA). I was born amid Sudan’s prolonged post Second Civil war which was fought between the SPLA/M, the political Party led by South Sudan’s Founding Father, late Dr. John Garang De Mabior and the NCP Party under dictator Omar Al Bashiir with Islamic coalitions based then in Northern Sudan then, is now Republic of Sudan.I’m currently working per Time as the Background Actress with CENTRAL CASTING BASED IN MANHATTAN, NYC, U.S.A. CO-FOUNDING MEMBER OF UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION. I had voluntarily worked as a Board member of University of Nairobi International Students Association from 2014-2017. The Former President of South Sudanese Students Association at the University of Nairobi, from (2013-2015).

In progress Master of Arts in Diplomacy. I’m Majoring in Diplomacy, International relations from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nairobi. I was supposed to graduate on December 4th, 2019 an Academic year, but I unfortunately am not in Kenya. I was Invited over to the U.S. by Trinity College in Connecticut midst April 2018, Spring Season. I hold talks, (Speaking Engagement project) In Few Colleges, Universities and have attended numerous Human rights talks and I attended Youth Summits at the UN in Manhattan, New York City, U.S in June 2018. I had Submitted my Immigration Application to the U.S government and approved. I got my papers and became part of the New Yorkers community and I’m so thankful to the U.S government for considering my protection and safety. I’m counting my blessings. I Holds a Postgraduate Diploma, an Equivalent to (Associate Master Degree). It’s an Associate Master of Arts in Armed Conflict and Peace Studies. It majored in Human Rights Laws, International Relations, Conflict and Peace Studies, it’s from the Department of History and Archeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Nairobi (U.O.N). My Third Degrees, I obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Relations, Majored in International Laws, International Security, Evolution of Modern History & Diplomacy, Mass Media and Communication, International Environmental protection and Humanitarians and Human rights laws from College of Humanities and Social Sciences, all are from the University of Nairobi.
I had worked with the South Sudan Mission in Kenya. This Internship gave me an idea on how International relations can shape both the domestic policies of member States and the International system. In every state interaction, I understood very well how diplomatic relationships contribute to the operation of the Sub Regional, International political setting Organizations. I was luckiest to get the opportunity and know how they negatively impact the UN and its settings. I was able to put the skills and the knowledge I acquired to use toward an enhanced perspective into the field. In 2009, In my position of former Director of Public Affairs. I had Served in the Ministry of Justice, known as the former Legal Affairs Constitutional Development, as Director Public Affairs. This broadened my skills because I work as the bridge between ministry and her Partners Ministries. A few years down the line, I had wished to stay and continue to help in the Nation Building operation in South Sudan, but I was forced out of the country because pressure became harder.
My first Job in 2006 was mainly in the remote area of Duk Chut, in my Hometown of Wangulei, my ancestral parental Home and an inhabitant of Ayual-mathondit, Twic East County in Jonglei State, South Sudan with the Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA). I was hired at the age–16 -year, a teenager as Deputy Finance. I was promoted in three months as Outreach Agent and Community Peace Mobilizer Officer, I had enjoyed interaction with farmers. I served the communities from different tribes across South Sudan. The stakeholders were Famers, Communities leaders, women and Youth programs that used an artistic approach to address body progression and seasonal changes, where women and the youth acquired modern Agricultural skills in farming. I made awareness of the importance of food Security, good nutrition to address issues of Chronic poverty, Starvation and Health disease. I made an impact on HIV/AIDS awareness and reduced the stigmas stage around HIV/AIDS victims and bullying it came with when tested positive of the virus. I carried out and made Education awareness for children while using my own personal influence of my own life story to motivate parents using my education as a tool. I had trained thousands of community leaders in 11 Counties in Jonglei plus under my leadership skills and knowledge. This was evidence of the importance of girls’ children’s education. This boosted up enrollment of the Girls children population in Twic East and many States in South Sudan around 2006-2013 and beyond. This awareness had bridged the gaps of an inequality between boys’ and girls’ children enrolment in primary and Secondaries schools in a remote area of South Sudan.
In 2006-2009, I was appointed as a Director of Administration and Finance with South Sudan’s Mines Action Authority/Commission (SSMAA) in Juba, South Sudan. The Commission was tasked by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed by Sudan warring parties in 2005 to deal with the extraction of the Land Mines.
First of all, i wants tell some of my fellows South Sudanese online propagandists is that, Assassination of one characters and trying ruining one’s peace and future using liars is considered as a crime under the U.S’s Bill of Rights Chapter, the U.S’s Constitution. Just to clear off something repeatedly said by Mr. Charles Keer Deng about his disability, thinking a woman should favor him for a relationship. Be informed that I’m not part of the welfare system to be given away for a relationship with a crying individual and think they deserve the right to harass for an empathy for a woman’s relationship. Why can’t you three go to the U.S government’s welfare system department? You go and ask for a free woman like you get food stamps and if you think it’s your right and you stop harassing me online or you come out and explain this useless live video of yours. I don’t deal with nonsense and stupidity. I don’t know about the heck happening with Mr. Charlese Keer, Matuor Dot Alier and Joseph Makuer Nyieth. You three must stop acting delusional, this is not South Sudan whereby men keep bullying an individual progressing and beautiful women. You got it wrong losers. Why are you always crying about why I came to America, you three weren’t born in America. You were helped by the White and brought here as immigrants like any other person. I need all these useless nudes and defaming videos Mr. Charlese Keer Deng from Awiel has been spreading across Social media platforms, Google and Youtube websites on the effects he read this article or otherwise, he will be required to explain himself before the U.S legal court very soon.
How did I come to the U.S? I was invited to come over to the U.S for Public Speaking Engagement project by Trinity College based in West Hartford, Connecticut, U.S. My Speaking Engagement was Sponsored by the West Hartford Human Rights Commission. If you are among those misled individual readers through these mischief and misinformation propagandas of Mr. Charlese Keer, Makuer and Matuor , then you can go to Trinity College’s official Website and read for yourself. Just to detoxing brain too, then go to Heather Robinson’s Blog and you will find a bit of my coming to the U.S, my Humanitarian, Charity and activism works @ Tittle” South-Sudan
Champion of Women and Children in South Sudan Says “We, Too” Published on June 4, 2018 by Heather Robinson, She’S New York Times Journalist and this information is on her blog.
Addition to that, I’m warning individual Buor online propagandists who claim themselves to be supporters of South Sudan’s falling regime back home. I know your hatred toward me is something you can’t hide, but I would want you to operate on these online nastier and dirtiest criminal activities alone and you stop dragging other vulnerable people like Charlese Keer Deng into this. I’am the voice of voiceless South Sudanese and I don’t care about your Hate campaigns against me, because it’s something that most of you can do better. You folks have been bullying me for more than 18 years. I feel like you are unfair because there are those American decent organizations who respectfully involved in my coming here for an official visit of which some of you are drunk of hate toward me to the point, they forget this is America and not South Sudan. You stop this kind of evil act and use of defamation. These kinds of habits are childish behaviors. I have seen how hardly you criminals have been running deadly fake websites across social media, Youtube, Google and beyond. Your agenda is to discourage millions of people who follow my writings to stop believing in what’s said. I know bullying me online too is another only way some of you can earn a living. Why can’t you people start going to work and make a clean money? This is completely inhumane and criminal acts to even involve yourself and keep lying and lying for money. You people have been Spreading lies, making use of mischief and misinformation publicly. You have been doing these to a lot of celebrities and trust me, this could even cause you to be charged with some fines and be charged with years in prison. I will find out very soon who is behind this fake page called SSD Meme, and many fake websites will be gunned down very soon. Those poor three lonely foolish guys are cruel, heartless, hopeless. Mr. Charlese Keer Deng is an evil person, he has been playing with disabilities as scapegoat, but trust me, there are prisons for disable criminals in the U.S. You better watch out with these primitive acts of yours. I have never come across such a dumb people ever in my entire life. They all act so delusional, what’s a loser of all time who has no future? I don’t even understand, that an old man called Joseph Makuer Nyieth, mony Aliau without him feeling ashamed of his loose shapeless mouth, In Dinka, alo bi Thok ciet mur Akaja, Jong Akat, Sakit. How could they even think them lying openly in public in a live video is recommendable in the U.S? Hello, Hmmm, mind your loose mouths, folks, you should know that this is America, and the American Laws are above everyone including the criminal individuals like you.
Here in the U.S, nobody is above the constitution. This country is a principal State, whereby every persons’ right to consider and all genders are protected equally. Our life stories, history were recorded before one could step onto American soil. You stop deceiving yourself. We were all documented on our separate arrival dates with unique stories in this beautiful country. My question to all the commentators on this muddy street, why are you wasting your comments on empathizing with criminals? Why wouldn’t any of you these failed individual audiences take a moment to question the credibility of what they are saying when they are mobilizing the public to support them to harming another innocent human being publicly in a live show? You could Ask Mr. Charles Keer Deng, how did he come to the U.S, which year and on what basis and find out if is an American Citizen? Ask him to post an Invitation letter which he has been claiming that he had sent me? How could a person rescued in Darfur in 2012 on medical grounds with zero English and having been hustling in America without papers and no paying job in the U.S could bring someone to America in 2018 ? I doubt too, and if you Mr. Keer is able to find a job and be able to rent your own home in the U.S. I think the Ratner Family did the right thing by kicking you out of their backyard in New York city? Mr. Charles Keer Deng, your life story was trending to the White community and people around the world until you revealed your own evil self to the world and everybody disowned you.
And trust me, this bullying project you drag yourself in isn’t good for a person of your type, I am not saying this in a bad way, but I feel like you are involved in a criminal’s activities will one day cause you, it always comes with higher prices to pay. I had asked some of your Aweliens community leaders to talk to you and give you advice to stop getting yourself used by Buor and South Sudanese online haters because of its repercussion, but you refused to listen and because of this degree of lying of yours, and promotion of hate against me, Ratner Family threw you away because of your previous court cases, they can deal with you anymore. To those who don’t know who Mr. Charlse keer Deng is informed that he was among those luckily rescued South Sudanese children in Darfur. Keer was brought to the U.S by Famous TV Owner Ellen Ratner. The entire Ratner Family had really tried to help out this jong Akat and they were really nice to him, but the guy is just unappreciative. I think Keer was kicked out of the Ratner Family after they had learnt that Keer is not a victim, but another undercover perpetrator. He is (Snake hiding in grass). What kind of a devil are you, you lie about bringing someone to America when you cannot buy bread on your own? I have uploaded all the damaging live videos on all my computers that Keer and his associates had conducted. Those falling for these three dramatized folks who keep defaming me and other people in their live shows, should stop following them. You should know by now that these dudes are nothing, but they are sick in their minds. My advice to you all, South Sudanese online haters should begin to use your brains then you keep wipe your butts with all these dead nightmare dreams.
Just to kick this note off. i am asking you all the social media platforms administrators, Managers, and especially the Youtube and the Google flatforms and Club-House, you have to immediately act by removing these damaging live videos from all of your undercover fake websites and individual haters FB walls or pages before it’s too late. This live show is completely irrelevant, it’s based on hate, defamatory, cyber-crime and useless kind of abusive forms. These three guys might have smoked expired-weeds, or they are operating this under the substance abuse or they might have psychological trauma.
I don’t want to argue with people who are in a suicidal state, hopeless. This shit is incredibly unhealthy, because it’s purely a framing, falsehood bullying and sexual harassment. What I know very well is, both defamatory, tarnishing, Bullying, mischief and misinformation are the tools and the cheapest weapons that the failed and hopeless men use against the bravest and strongest women. I think you picked a fight with the wrong person. Lastly, if you are my friend on social media or in another websites this video run through, then I am asking you to please keep reporting this fake account page Called SSD Meme because it’s being use for the promotion of domestic terrorism.
You may not know that, I am the victim of online hate-speech and bullies today, but guess what, tomorrow, it could be you, you might be the next victim. Let’s all join hands to fight cybercrime and Online perpetrators. I feel like South Sudanese individual folks should deal with their mental problems gently while trying to avoid disturbing other people like myself. With all the above deadly gone viral wild pernicious defamatory and tarnishing live videos against my good reputation, I felt offended greatly, and Mr. Charles Keer Deng is breaching my Peace and rights.
Thank you all.
The author, Yom Deng-Katoch Bul, is a Human Rights Activist, Political Analyst, Researcher, Writer, Former Ministry Of Justice Director Of Public Affiars, Founder & Former Chief Executive Director Of Achut Foundation (A.F), Global Citizen, War/Genocide Survivor & An IDP Child! For more information she can be reached via email at yombul2015@gmail.com.
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