By John Adam Lual

August 15, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – Using traditional retrogressive politics of barbarians which have put back the country into an anarchic state; the citizens have nothing remain than to take the law into their hands and go on the defensive because no authority which looks into their matters. The untold injustice committed by these barbarian politicians has implanted hatred among citizens and the love of humanity went soars as a result of the failed state apparatus to put the country interests first than one of theirs. Most citizens have developed a psychological delusion and live a life of pessimism. The puppeteers and the puppet’s hands in greater Jonglei state conflicts.
The Jonglei states counterinsurgency cobra division is a state-sponsored militia politically stationed by the puppeteers to polarizes, creating disorder, terrorize, and kills innocent civilians in the state to allow presidential goons to illegally extract the gold and other minerals at Boma in Jonglei. The first plot was to engage greater upper Nile with insurgencies for the entire region to remain in total mess or disorder so that the few close members in the presidency will now succeed in their mission of stealing the resources in the region with nobody to question them.
The second political scheme was to set a fire between Bor, Murle, and Luo Nuer by making sure these communities should not unite at all. Bor has been perceived as a smart community in politics and if they are left free without being politically engaged, then they will politically play their political intelligent to politicize and power might be taken away while Lou Nuer with numbers and strong men powers; should these two communities colluded together and politically united then it will definitely be a Waterloo to the government therefore however the government used a political clandestine of making the 1991 Bor massacred as a political scapegoat to keep the two communities at grudges against one another.
As with Murle; they have been identified as nomadic barbarians which their own mission is to kills, raid cattle and abduction of children from Bor, Lou Nuer, Anuak, and as far as from Shilluk. With this existing conflict of cattle rustling, abduction of children, and killing of men and women by murle since from 1940 is now a point of political discourse by the government to employed and implanted conflict in greater Jonglei state so that the mission of divide and rule is well accomplished.
When Murle attacked Lou Nuer, and Bor, the government keeps quiet as if nothing has happened but when other communities whose their children and cattle have been abducted goes for a revenge attack government will come to the surface and condemn the move claiming it that it is a national threat making it confirmed that the government is behind the Murle.
President Kiir has been quoted on several occasions by using a story of a man who was chased by a lion while carrying a spear, but he has forgotten that he has a spear meanwhile later another man saw him running for his dear life, he told the man that do not let the lion harm you while you are carrying a spear; the man realizes immediately that there is no reason to fear, he spears the lion and killed it.
President Kiir concluded that; my in-laws even if you are crying you have the spears in your own hands which were seen as a hypocrite statement. The president always claimed that the issues of Murle conflicts are a history of the past, which at all contrary to what the government is really doing in the state. The government went farther with the plots of keeping these communities at the distance in order to implant more hatred between Bor, Lou Nuer creating greater Pibor as an administrative area so that Bor and Lou Nuer hands are kept away from what the government is doing in Murle.
Even though the youth has many pieces of evidence but where will they lay their complaints, the matter, therefore, remained there without being solve or unresolved. Last month Gen Salva Mathok Geng wrote an article cited that, why Bor, Lou Nuer, and Gawar are today united while Buor were massacred by Lou in 1991? and it is exactly the insight revelation of what the government wants the state to be. This is not a silly question as such but to politically keep these two communities at grudges in the name of the 1991 incident.
The question is, who the hell can still hold the conflict of 1991 as a grudge when Dr. John Grang has forgiven Dr.Riek Machar because John Garang is not stupid he knew 1991 defection of Dr. Riek Machar was a political disagreement but later Machar political moves was jeopardized by the white army which has taken advantages of Nasir declaration.
As white army are always not interested in politics, they diverted Dr.Machar political move to their own interests of cattle rustling which have resulted in the massive killing of vulnerable people including children, old men, and women of which later left Dr.Machar in a lousy situation, therefore, he has no other option than to go back to SPLM/A in 2002.
Now, who is this hell should still hold these issues as a grudge to keep these two communities to continue with conflict for an individual interest? Machar should be accountable for his political destruction in the future like the rests of other leaders who have cause destruction and killing.
On the other side of Bar el ghazal region, Agaar of Rumbek has been identified as a powerful community therefore to leave them without being engaged they will be hectic and inimical on the government. The Agaar communal conflict within lake state was a political setting by state political machinery to advance their petty interests as well with the same case of Aguok and Apuk in the region.
This is a political decoy used to set up the country into mess or chaos for the citizens to have no choice to support the government which does not deliver services to them. Another scheme is unknown gunmen insurgency posted in the city to threats, intimidate, and kills innocent intellectuals as well activists who have come to the surface to talk on behalf of the voiceless citizens that can not be able to express their rights on the public because of fear of unknown.
It was an intention of the state to terrorizes, intimidate, kills, and created political havoc through such undefined institutions of government. There are no realities shown always on concern matters of the citizens by the government.
The killing on date 3 of June 2020 at Shirikhat in Juba-South Sudan by J1 presidential security aid. Six people lost their lives as Lual-marine violently raided Shirikhat after he has destroyed graveyard and makes it his own land for the construction of numerous houses for his own business. Marine later lost his life, which angered J1 and makes the government form the committee to urgently look into the matter.
The committee formed went selectively and fallaciously accused the number of youth from the community where Lual-marine has killed six people. The committee has shown no independence by taking one side to arrest 30 youth and several leaders from Sherikat on the pretext that they might have hands in the Sherikat incident of date 3 June 2020. It is very crystal that the committee will never solve this case since it has proved it to the public that they are not independent and they cannot conclude a fruitful investigation.
With all these injustices endured, “the time has finally arrived where we will never accept a government that uses its own people as a human shell”
President Kiir is a callous, primitive dictator who will never be remembered for anything good in history.
The author is a student at Kenya Methodist University pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations. He can be reached via:
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