Contributor's Opinion

Opinion: The Irony of Same Sex Marriage

The Same Sex Marriage and Its Contradiction,

Isn’t completely absurd for people who willfully refused to procreate by engaging in same sex marriage to turn around looking for off springs they would call a family?

By James Pui Yak Yiel,

A couple reacts with their daughter outside the congress as the senate votes to approve a same-sex marriage bill in Valparaíso, Chile, on 7 December (Photograph: Rodrigo Garrido/Reuters)

January 05, 2022 — There is a global upsurge in the phenomena of same sex marriages which were more or less encouraged, nurtured and actualized by the liberal policies of the western democracies. The idea initially originated in the West particularly among the so-called progressive whites and eventually spread to the rest of the world like a wildfire, albeit with the majority of the world societies still hesitant accepting the bait to this very day. 

The proponents of this obnoxious sexual orientation argue that they are exercising their democratic right to live in liberty and to choose and decide what is good for each and every one of them. As far as the liberal ideology is concerned, the individual freedom is paramount and at the center of the democratic political arrangements that no government authority whatsoever the circumstances can constrain it. Perhaps, it is out of the fulfilment of this fundamental right that the idea of the same sex marriage was born. 

However, despite the numerous attempts and the pull and push from the conservative as well as religious circles to thwart this cancerous and despicable social vice, the liberals are unequivocally undeterred. They vehemently argue that nobody under the scourging sun is entitled to deny them their democratic right to choose what suits them best in life. The same sexers are so determined to defend their inalienable right using the available legal resources at their disposal to preserve this right.

Ironically, after securing their same sex marriage right, the newly wed couples would shamelessly venture into a wild hunt for children to be adopted something that defy the commonsense of a rationale and reasonable human beings. Isn’t completely absurd for people who willfully refused to procreate by engaging in same sex marriage to turn around looking for off springs they would call a family? if the same sexers knew children are the fruits of creation, is there a need for this futile same sex marriage they shamelessly pursue in the first place?

It ii mind boggling that same sex couples use their economic standing to illegally and immorally adopting biological off springs of other people in exchange for some financial reward, this is the greatest sin ever committed in the face of the earth. Equally, it is a pity that governments allow gays and lesbians the latitude to trade in humans in the form of children adoption depriving the latter the natural care and affection of their biological parents.

Therefore, it is imperative that governments throughout the world have the moral duty to fight this crime and should not condone the practice whatsoever the circumstances. Any failure toward fulfilling this public good would tantamount to equating human life with material benefits. Worth still, negating this fundamental obligation will have serious repercussions for human procreation and life continuity in general. It is without any doubt that governments’ failure to stem this negative social phenomenon will send a wrong message to both parents and adults of marriageable age that bearing children is less significant since you can just buy them from any impoverished parents.

It is incumbent on governments across the world to make concerted efforts by denying same sex couples the opportunity to adopt children inasmuch as it was primarily their free choice that cause them to remain barren for the rest of their life. It is a common knowledge that people who are gays and lesbians seldom procreate children, therefore it is expected by choosing this path, they are fully aware of the consequences of their actions. So, the question that often comes to mind is why marry a person of your gender, what do you really want to achieve?

The same sex couples should be made aware that the era of slavery orchestrated by the white merchants through the connivance of their colonial overlords in which humans were reduced to saleable goods is over. Governments must avoid complacency and should instead face the issue head on. Such a moral turpitude should not flourish under the watchful eyes of the world leaders who long ago unreservedly committed themselves never again to let the shameful trading in humans take root.

If the same sex couples are genuinely desirous of founding a family, they have to abandon their sinful act of contravening the law of creation and instead revert to the acceptable way of life where opposite sex marry one another, procreate children and live as responsible parents. This family life is a God given gift which must be respected and cherished by all of us including the very same couple who halfheartedly detest it as abhorrent and yet shamelessly retreat to the natural family life, though in a different guise. 

The only adoption that should be allow to take place is the one made by heterosexual couple who though found a family, has seldom produced children for reason beyond their control. Nevertheless, this kind of adoption must be necessitated by humanitarian concerns such as when a child parent has passed on and there is no guardian to take care of the child, or a child abandoned by the parents for reasons of poverty and other depressing social reasons. 

Conversely, the same privilege should not be extended to the same sex couples who are bent on defying God divine command passed to Adam and Eve when he commanded “be fruitful, increase in number and subdue the earth…” (Ge:1, 27-28). The same sex couples must remain without children because that is the life they chose for themselves as liberal democrats who have the inalienable right to live as they cherishes. They should be content with the status quo brought about by their myopic whimsical fantasies, or they have themselves to blame for their rush and ill studied decisions.

For more information, the author can be reached through email at PuiYak@outlook.com

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