Contributor's Opinion Roger Alfred Yoron Modi

Opinion: South Sudan mps salary increase vs reforms & country’s “most corrupt” rating

By Roger Alfred Yoron Modi,

Swearing in of members of parliament begins at Freedom Hall on August 2, 2021(Photo credit: Nyamilepedia)
Swearing in of members of parliament begins at Freedom Hall on August 2, 2021(Photo credit: Nyamilepedia)

January 27, 2022 — As mixed reactions continue to flow since the reports of the passing by the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislation Assembly of the Bill which, once assent to and signed into by the President, will increase the salaries of the legislators to 800,000SSP ($2,000 ) and other financial benefits such as an entitlement for an MP for $50,000 car loan or its equivalent in local currency, the attention also need to go beyond seeking increase for other employees of the government, into the connections between such actions, and ensuring that parliament implements the reforms provided for in the R-ARCSS, including on transparency, accountable use of public resources and  fighting corruption.

This Tuesday’s ranking of South Sudan as the most corrupt amongst the 180 countries in the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) by Transparency International (TI), though not shocking, is still a matter of great concern. TI defines corruption “as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.”

Noting that countries experiencing armed conflict or authoritarianism tend to earn the lowest scores, TI writes, “Corruption undermines the ability of governments to guarantee the human rights of their citizens. This affects the delivery of public services, the dispensation of justice and the provision of safety for all. In particular, grand corruption committed by high-level officials usually combines the large-scale, transnational theft of public funds with gross human rights violations.”

Further, TI continues, “Our analysis shows that such corruption schemes – often facilitated by advanced economies who score well on the CPI – exacerbate repression by allowing autocrats to:

 Enjoy looted funds. Employing complicit bankers, lawyers and real-estate brokers in major financial centers, the corrupt can store their illicit gains, reward cronies and further concentrate their power.

Launder their reputation abroad. By bribing foreign politicians and employing western public relations firms and lobbyists, authoritarian and kleptocratic regimes soften international pressure on their human rights record.

Evade accountability. Through the abuse of secret companies and anonymous investments, the corrupt can hide their wrongdoing from law enforcement or judicial bodies and escape consequences.”

Salary Increase, Reforms & Fighting Corruption

Though it is also acknowledged that the armed conflict in South Sudan can be partly blamed for some of the ongoing challenges, highlights have been made on the connections, on one hand–between low payments of government officials including civil servants and the Army in South Sudan, payments unable to  meet market demands, and on the other– challenges to fighting corruption.

For example, when I hosted Dr Peter Biar Ajak on my Program last year, he said, “The system we have in South Sudan runs because of corruption. People are surviving because of corruption. And that is a deliberate decision so that then no one is able to fight corruption.”

At the moment, there are promises that Bills for increase of salaries of Civil Servants and Organized Forces will be tabled “soon” before the Parliament so that they “can cope with the current market demands.”

The increase of salaries and other benefits need to go far together with the reforms in the R-ARCSS, so that it not like the 2018 $40,000 each received the legislators, first announced as car loan and later said to be a gift, while others said it was for extending the term of the President in office. Also the issue of few elites unjustifiably controlling public money, limiting many officials to merely holding offices in theory and no finances to facilitate them deliver services must end.

As TI puts it, “Fundamental rights such as freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and access to justice guarantee public participation and keep corruption in check. The current wave of authoritarianism is not driven by coups and violence, but by gradual efforts to undermine democracy.

This usually begins with attacks on civil and political rights, efforts to undermine the autonomy of oversight and election bodies, and control of the media. Such attacks allow corrupt regimes to evade accountability and criticism, allowing corruption to flourish.”

South Sudanese must learn from others and reform.

Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, a South Sudanese journalist, is the author of the book Freedom of Expression and Media Laws in South Sudan.  Roger is also the Producer and Host of The Weekly Review: Making Sense of News and Relevant Topics.

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ZXQWuonKKb-90 January 28, 2022 at 12:12 pm

“Opinion: South Sudan mps salary increase vs reforms & country’s “most corrupt” rating”

Mr. Roger Alfred Yoron Modi, are you one of the so-called Dr. Google lawayers? Watch out chap. if we find you, in our country, then you will killed reaosns, pure HATRADE and RACISM*

Who gives a damned about your ratings? Sudan Tribune, your current piece of rubbish, Nyamlipedia, RadIo Tamzuj, The Tower [that used Uganda flag], New Vision of Uganda, The times of Rwanda, Daily Nation of Kenya are tabloids, which, most of the rubbish online here in South Sudan of Southsudan nation, top in Juba, Eye radio, are tabloids.

We know all of them, Eye radio is UN and NGOS propaganda machine, we have closed it here in Bor. in Juba, we have closed it, in Lakes states, we have closed it.
The Nile is not controlled by low lives, but by the owners. We are going find out who is victoria. Bantuses worship white people, Lake Victoria, in Uganda went and be named by white evils, after their evil queen victoria. Here in the Nile valleys and plains. We don’t consider queens anything, we got rid of our Pharoahs, eons ago.

At our Nile delta (Esuary) of Nile, The Greekis (Macedonia), their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, tried to bring their evil long noses into our Nile valleys and plains. They were crushed pretty badly. People who own Egypt are us, Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jiengs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan, our Nuers ke nyantoc, Shilluks (Chollos), Anyuaks, Jurchol (Luos) and Coptic people.

Don’t even the European say, that ‘kuac (leopord), don’t change its spot’.

The English drunk piece of trash, Mr. Winston Churchil, was brought here into our Nile Valleys, and plains; our Kiirtoum (Khartoum), Mr. Winston Churchil was a propagandist the evil juus (so-called israelis) and secret societies attack dogs were the ones who brought him to country. Mr. Winston Churchil and some of his European, then so-called countries. Even proposed that the Juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs would be ressetled in Uganda, a long our Nile valleys and the plains——-that Uganda is the pearl of Africa or Madagacar?

The evil juus (so-called israelis attack dogs would have been long time ago. They are going to be WIPED OUT MAP anyway, reasons, HATRED and RACISM.

Pure HATRED and RACISM is here. People who can challenge us on this planet earth don’t exist>>>

Gol Bol January 28, 2022 at 1:09 pm

South Sudanese people wear their SPLM/A card and get away with it. Dr. John Garang de Mabior, the leader of the SPLM/A even usd to carry his SPLM/A card. Yeah, well informed South Sudanese boy. His migty SPLM/A was about to march to our Kiirtoum (Khartoum) in 1991. ‘Pipidae Nimule (next to Uganda), lahart Alpa Jedid (our new Egypt), Mabruk Dr. John Garang, Mabruk Commondos, Mabruk Yalcuar boys and girls (bright star compaigns’

The Red army of Russia is what our elders just ‘copied’ and named ‘us’ Red Army. Not Red Army Russia; but Red Army of the Sudan and Egypt. The Red Army Russia were the ones who destroyed the Nazis, Most of the Nazis were evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, if Mr. Adolf Hilter didn’t go and poked his long long into Russia, Georgia, Ukraine. The Germans would have have just walked over the devil infested island England, and histories might been written been written differently. I understand, the Germans would have just walked over the devil infetsed island England and fucked their queens, princess or princesses long time ago and get away with it.

I understand the evil queens or Kings in the devil infested island England have relation with Germans, Yeah?! They can can roll over if they really think, they can damned can. And bring their bullshits to Africa, Western Civilization, our Egypt, UN AGENDA 21, UN AGENDA 30, UN AGENDA 50, UN NEW WORLD ORDER GOVRNMENT>>>


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