Opinion Politics

Opinion: South Sudan Crisis is the result of foreknowledge or intelligence war

By Tap Koang Thany,

South Sudan government buys tanks and missiles every year only to use them on their own people. Now U.S. has decided to lead arms embargo on South Sudan to safeguard South Sudanese interests and reduce follow of weapons into South Sudan(Photo: file)
South Sudan government buys tanks and missiles every year only to use them on their own people. Now U.S. has decided to lead arms embargo on South Sudan to safeguard South Sudanese interests and reduce follow of weapons into South Sudan(Photo: file)

Aug 25, 2021 — The ongoing South Sudan civil war is/was a result of intelligence war between the intelligence agencies of the two states, South Sudan and Sudan, remember before the Heglig War in 2012, the SPLM internal wrestling were still manageable, right after the Heglig war and the subsequent defeat of SAF, the former Sudanese intelligence agency learned that, the South Sudanese army “SPLA” is/was strong and capable of facing them militarily, they opted for another method of war, which is intelligence war, in which they won or succeeded 101%.

The joint declaration of militias groups, Manytuil Sons and General Johnson Olony, under direct supervision of Gen Salah Gosh in person of Tutkew Galuak when they joined the government of South Sudan from Khartoum, that was the first time of it’s kind for the former Sudanese intelligence agency to legally find their way into South Sudan territory and politics.

When Gosh successfully made it to South Sudan through Tutkew, the then Sudanese intelligence agency curtailed SPLM, the ruling Party and the deadly SPLM internal wrestling which led to the current regrettable situation was pushed into its boiling point and Boom.

If Akol Koor and Douth Guet were matching the level of Gosh in intelligence, the current South Sudan fragile and pitiful situation would have been prophylaxis.

To prove that the former Sudanese intelligence agency had hand on Dec 15-2013 Nuer Juba Massacre and the subsequent destruction of the Republic of South Sudan, immediately on the fourth day of the incident, the then president of the Republic of Sudan Omer Hussen El Bashier made it to Juba, given the fresh fighting within Juba between Machar and Kiir forces.

What was his mission if you ask yourself?

The former Sudanese intelligence agency had outsmarted South Sudan intelligence agency that’s why we currently have Tutkew in J1 as the best striker for the government of South Sudan, if you think about this it gives you doubts on the educational background of the duo dudes Akol and his friend Duoth.

The South Sudan intelligence agency thinking and deceiving themselves that, they are doing well, the way they are trying their best fighting different rebels groups without asking themselves what was the reason behind all those defections and besides the duo forgetting that the wars they are fighting are preplanned by their main enemy to weaken them like the enemy successfully did, for instance if you look or compare the current SPLA or SSPDF and the SPLA of 2012, do they have comparison?

Could the current SPLA/SSPDF be able to defeat the Sudan army force {SAF} in Heglig like they did in 2012?

The answers to the above questions is “NONE” or in other words, there’s no comparison between the current SPLA and that of 2012 nor the current SPLA being able to defeat SAF in Heglig like they did in 2012.

When you choose to fight a wrong war, at the end of the day, you will find yourself wasting a meaningful energy and resources on useless things which would have been avoided. 

If South Sudan intelligence agency were intelligence enough, they would have known that their main enemy was the Khartoum or the former Sudanese intelligence agency and not the SPLM political cadres who were just voicing out their views on how best the country can be run, once if they understood this simple logic they would have avoid the Dec15_2013 incident and things would have not reached this far, unfortunately they were not, that’s why we reached at this unbearable and unbelievable situation.

Intelligence war is the worst and dirtiest war simply because it is purely mental and has nothing to do with physical ability or whatsoever, remember anything related to mental, require only mental capacity and intelligence, which are not easily found in any human being, that’s why small state like Isreal threatening the whole Arab world, this is because it’s all mental war.

Someone out there, please!! tell the South Sudan intelligence agency that they fighting a wrong war,

Tell them to be smart enough & know their real enemy.


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