By Simon Geah,
Sep 23, 2020(Nyamilepedia) — While the international communities are keeping silent, people of South Sudan are facing it rough under the Juba regime. The government of South Sudan is taking advantage of the silence of the international community while the country’s population is suffering in all cases. The country’s economy is completely out of reach. Lives become difficult for the ordinary citizens. Insecurity is still a concern in every day today’s life. Natural disasters are highly increasing since June to date but there is no response from the government. Killing in Juba is being reported on a daily basis, rapes and robberies are becoming worse surprisingly within Juba.

Despite all these, the international communities are turning deaf ears and blind eyes on these desperate situations in South Sudan. People of South Sudan had been suffering for seven years during the conflict that started in 2013, and continue facing the same challenges until now. They were hoping for peace to come in the country such that they resume their normal lives but in vain. Once the peace was signed in 2018, people celebrated with joy, singing and dancing, hoping that their lives would change for better but instead it changed for worse. Now it’s apparent that the hope is cut. The government of South Sudan had tactically hijacked the hope that the people were yearning for. Leaving the citizens to ask a lot of questions about the legitimacy of the country’s leadership. What next should be done to save the people of South Sudan?
- Is this government legitimate enough to govern?
- Is this government committed to the peace implementations?
As many are continuously asking the above questions, here, I conclude that none of the above questions is true about the South Sudan government.
Why I believe so, the South Sudan government is a distance always from the characteristics of a legitimate government. For example, a legitimate government is not the ones that it’s citizens fear, but the ones that fear its citizens. A legitimate government is not the ones that victimized it’s citizens but the ones that protects its citizens. A legitimate government is not the ones that seize properties from its citizens but the ones that provide properties to its citizens. A legitimate government does not loot it’s citizens and a legitimate government does not rapes it’s citizens.
A legitimate government is the one that provides fundamental services to its people such as security. With a priority in social security, economic security, and political security.
Is the South Sudan government doing these? NO! Therefore, it should be viewed as an illegitimate government because of its failure to fulfill its duties and obligations.
The South Sudanese community fears the government more than the coronavirus. This is because they do not see the government as their protector but their oppressor. The fundamental rights that citizens of every country are enjoying are a nightmare in South Sudan. People are dying with hunger across the country but the government is doing nothing in helping them.
Currently natural disasters are terrifying many parts of the country but the government is just laughing about how people are battling mother nature. For instance, in Junglei and Unity State, thousands of people are displaced by the flood while the government is doing nothing. Only in Junglei that some responses could be seen but mostly by the international organizations.
- Is this not a fragile government yet?
A functional government must be concerned about any problem that is facing it’s citizens. but not the ones that rely on international aid. Relying on international aid means that the country is dysfunctional and deserves the guidance of a functional nation. Peace has been signed since September 2018, but implementation is problematic. No progress at all. People are still suffering in refugees camps across the world and within the country.
Would you still call this government a legitimate one? We should be realistic about how our country is being governed though we are outside of it. The bad news all the time is so embarrassing to our images in the eyes of the world.
It’s absolutely true that this government has fallen to us, and therefore international sanctions are the only workable measures remaining to reverse all these unpleasant circumstances in South Sudan. The international communities from IGAD, AU, and the United Nations must step up to save South Sudan from total collapse by placing sanctions on those blocking the processes of peace in the country. Those individuals must be identified and sanctioned. These sanctions must include political sanctions on those political leaders that are standing on the way of peace implementation. Also there must be economic sanctions on those who are manipulating the country’s economy. They are there sitting quietly enjoying the country’s revenues and once they run out of resources, they will start shouting that there are no resources for the peace implementation. They must be sanctioned so that peace comes to South Sudan.
Thank you all!
God bless South Sudan!
The writer is a South Sudanese citizen and an International Political Analyst. You can reach him on,
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