By Gabriel Aluath Nhialich,

Nov 3, 2019(Nyamilepedia) — Dear Nyakueth Buom Pal, I read your article titled : embracing diversity in South Sudan. In which you highlight that It is important to create awareness of others tribes’ existence for peace to reign.
You continued; a mass of the country’s population is unaware of other tribes’ existence, values, culture, and their social norms. We can’t be called ourselves one when we can’t embrace our diversity. But again what you don’t know can’t kill you though it will certainly prevent you from crossing to the land of honey.
Again, you correctly observed that integrating the forces won’t bring peace if the same people called civilians meet on streets and treat each other with contempt.
Your suggest–let’s encourage social activities that bring people together such as intercultural dance and drama or any other activity that will open a platform to portray the uniqueness of different ethnicity. This suggestion to our problem make you a lead civil field and in your conclusion, I learned that you are social and environmental activist.
As a response to your inspirational message, I would like to bring God’s peace into your knowledge that “God causes all things to happen for good according to those who love him–those who call him according to his purpose” another scholar paraphrased it that within the framework of every problem, there is always an opportunity in it.
Your article makes you relevant and excellent social activist. I believe you were inspired by our country’s current situation. As such God almighty had caused South Sudan crisis to happen as a benefit of those civilized in (sixty four-64 tribes) to cross enthnics lines and build robust and vibrant nation of twenty first century. Thus Social activists like you are desperately required at this critical time in South Sudan history to gear our people forward. In your personal note, It is important to jot down and pray to see that It will be after social transformation that Isaiah 18 will ring true.
Moreover, I would like again bring into your attention that change does not happen without God and individuals sacrifices. Through God’s knowledge and wisdom change must be a deliberate, conscious and systematics process dictated by principles and values of humanity. I have being ponding, praying and looking forward to meet matured, enlightened, civilized and informed South Sudanese like you to form a fool of role-models for our country to emulate.
So, your beauty does not lie in the profile photo you posted with the article but fundamentally and squarely on your decision to become a social change advocate. You become a role model when positive emotions–of what should be done constitute the dominating influence of your thinking. I believe with your strong determination to depend Nuer nationalism you too are robust and vibrant South Sudan nationalist. Thus I suggest that we form, attend or invite if you know one youth forum for sharing ideas on social cohesion and national development. I am also a victim of our country lack of self awareness. So, I chose to be an advocate for social change and nation building living in diaspora.
The writer of this piece was former Juba University Students activist and after the civil war is leaving in diaspora as social change advocate. He can be reached at gabrielmaluak16@gmail com.
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