Contributor's Opinion

Opinion: No to LGBT rights in South Sudan

Beek Mabior

June 29, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – Homosexuality is devilish and it is not part and parcel of South Sudan’s culture and I’d like to break my silence and express my condemnation, total rejection, and dissatisfaction on this very controversial subject in the world. As you’re all aware that South Sudan is a member of the UN and has ratified many of the main international human rights instruments. And as such it is bound to fulfill, protect, and respect the rights enshrined in these instruments. All South Sudanese may turn to the UN Human Rights committee through procedure 1503, to the Special Rapporteurs for violations of specific human rights, to CEDAW for women’s rights violations, and use the UNESCO procedure for human rights violations in UNESCO’s fields of mandate.

Moreover, South Sudan is also a member of the African Union and its citizens and NGOs may file complaints to the African Commission on Human and people’s Rights. All of these instruments could be used to hold South Sudan accountable to better ensure LGBT rights. Furthermore, in May 2014, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ rights adopted a resolution condemning violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The resolution calls on State parties to ensure that human rights defenders are able to work in an environment free from stigma, reprisals or criminal prosecution as a result of their human rights protection activities.

Additionally, states are urged to no longer tolerate acts of violence and abuse by executing laws to prohibit and punished these forms of violence directed towards people on the basis of their sexual identity. States are advised to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of violence and have the necessary judicial means to support victims. So my question is, will South Sudan implement all those treaties or not? Will our country implement every UN and AU treaties in order to be regard as an obedient member of the UN and AU? Additionally, in 2010, the President of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, spoke of a nation of equal rights, democracy and justice.

However, he asserted that no gay people existed in South Sudan and if homosexuality was brought into the country it would be “condemned by everybody”. Homosexuality, he stated, was not in the character of the people of South Sudan and was not a topic the public could speak about. And I agree with Mr. president, homosexuality is not part and parcel of our character. It is not our culture, it is not even Africans’ culture neither, it is unchristian, ungodly and it is against the laws of nature. It is shameful and demonic and it is a mockery against procreation and the almighty God. It is an abuse against creation. It is an arrogant and demoniacal culture that aim to undermine God and to prove that almighty creator was not wise enough when he created both man and woman.

It is even hopelessly unscientific to a scientific atheist who believe in science and atheism perhaps. And it is also morally vile in the eyes of a Godly scientist who believe in Jehovah. Moreover, there are some despicable and morally bankrupt South Sudanese who have shamed our country internationally and portrayed her badly. Some of these shameless, heartless and deplorable people are accidentally South Sudanese by color but foreign inwardly. They have gone a disgraceful path and undermined South Sudanese way of life with their newly found, foreign horrible culture. It is for the first time in centuries in the history of our society when one of our lost and found mentally confused lady in the Western World married another confused woman shamelessly and claimed that she had a vision to return back home and rule South Sudan since she claimed to be a lawyer and psychologist.

That was a wishful thinking of highest degree and it’ll be a cold day in hell when that happens and should a gay and lesbian ever rule South Sudan. Other mentally confused South Sudanese men who need psychiatrist and rehabilitation also have equally, shamefully and deliberately embraced the satanic practice but good and luckily enough, they are not in our nation or are not known with their nefarious culture. In line with the above examples, therefore, there is a strong and urgent need in South Sudan to come up with a tough penalty in our constitution against this cultureless and ungodly habit. There should be an entirely criminalization, discrimination, condemnation, rejection and stigmatization toward this devilishly and morally bankrupt culture in our nation. Furthermore, our transitional constitution of South Sudan has prohibited the same-sex acts and it is punishable by a fine and sentence of up to ten years’ imprisonment.

The 2011 passports and immigration act, section 15 on refusal or cancellation of Visa states: “without prejudice to the provisions of Section (14) above, a visa shall not be granted to an alien who (6) is reasonably suspected to be entering South Sudan for the purposes of prostitution, homosexuality, Lesbianism or Human trafficking”. The fine and ten years’ imprisonment in our constitution are a complete joke and huge mercy to the lovers of homosexuality. The excellent penalty should at least be fifty years’ imprisonment if you want to favor them and don’t need life sentences for LGBT people. Homosexuality is totally un-South Sudanese, un-African and it is sinful and satanic according to the Bible. I hate homosexuality like death and the devil. And I can sincerely confirm it to you beyond any reasonable doubt that even if you give me the entire New York city in America with all its riches, skills and knowledge in order for me to embrace homosexuality and becomes a gay, I’ll totally reject it without hesitation, justification, fear and doubt. Mark my word, I’ll rather die in my African poverty without homosexuality than to receive wealth through acceptability of homosexuality. In addition to that, if homosexuality was the only path of getting sex on earth, I’ll rather live, grow old and die without engaging in sex. And if this was what democracy championed and is all about, then it is better to live without the so call Western democracy whose America claimed to be it leader and great advocator.

I can live without democracy and use our beautiful Africans’ values, laws and principles to guide and govern my life. After all, democracy is simply just a collection of different values, principles and laws that exists in all societies of the world. These values, laws, and principles have been modified by the West and put together to formed democracy. What the Western world has done is, they’ve defined democracy in their own unique way that suit their social, political and economic interests so that it’ll make democracy seem like their own making altogether. Every society has values and rules that govern their people even before the genesis of democracy and evil colonialism. The Western world has mixed democracy with their culture and they’re lecturing it to other nations in the name of democracy and human rights. Africans need to define democracy in their own way.

Finally, when former American President Barack Obama came to Africa during his visitation to the continent. He told Senegal and Kenya to legalized Homosexuality. But thankfully to the Presidents of Senegal and Kenya, they told him that homosexuality is not part of Africans’ culture and they rejected it totally. Obama was supposed to talked about poverty, illiteracy, corruption and bad governance in Africa which is his fatherland but he decided to talked on needless theme.  Also, all countries in Africa have rejected homosexuality completely exception of South Africa which has abrogated laws criminalizing homosexual conduct, including the common-law crime of sodomy and legalized same-sex sexual activity in 1998.

But if you know South Africa and her history, then you’ll not wonder much but to understand her cultural edifice. It is a rainbow nation. And South Sudan and they rest of Africa should continue to strongly reject LGBT rights in their respective nations. No relinquish to Western demand even if it means losing foreign aid and getting sanctions for rejecting it. The Western world ironically condemn FGM but accepted and championed LGBT rights as part of democracy and human rights yet both FGM and LGBT are wicked. So the question is, who is fooling who? The one who claimed to be the marketer of democracy or the one being lectured about democracy?

The author is a concerned citizen of South Sudan. He can be reached via: betterarticle165@gmail.com

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