Opinion South Sudan news

Opinion: Jonglei State Governor Denay Jock’s Partaking In The Lou-Nuer Youth Leadership Dilemma In Juba Was Illegal! 

Press Statement,

Juba, Republic of South Sudan,

My Dear fellows Lou-Nuer Youth!

Jonglei State governor, Denay Jock Chagor speaking at the Lou-Nuer Youth Elders forum in Juba(Photo credit: courtesy image)

Dec 19, 2021 — In response to the unexpected event of today organized by illegal group of political entrepreneurs in the name of Lou-Nuer Elders ‘Youth Forum in Juba, I and my team were shocked and forced to write this public notice of strong condemnation to the move planned by sure group and financially shore up with handful help from Jonglei State Governor Denay Jock Chagor. Nevertheless, the Jonglei State Governor Denay Jock ‘Partaking in the Lou-Nuer Youth Leadership Dilemma in Juba is not only sounding an alarm but also Illegal and Immoral altogether!

In protest against what took place today at Juba ‘Dabench Hotel in an auspice of the Jonglei State Governor Denay Jock,  I and my team are strongly condemning in all possible terms such an uncalled for preferential politics of dividing Lou-Nuer Youth through fragmented political interests. The Honorable Governor was caught drawing political contour amongst the Lou-Nuer youth in Juba where there were certain groups threatened Governor’s partiality and neutrality status by using Denay Jock as a political barricade in covering their community-bases crimes.

To our dismay, the move came after I and my team have urged and echoed precaution to the Honorable Governor not to be tricked and mélanges with Lou-Nuer youth political grouping in Juba. This is because I and my team believed that, like Lou-Nuer youth like any of the Jonglei State community youth groups, we were all under the Governor’s headship.  Equally the same, we were eagerly looking upon him for any solution if needed. Indeed, with this public notice, am conveying my own and the team ‘positions regarding what took place today (i.e. whence illegal group planned illegal activity, earned financial support from Honorable Denay Jock Chagor, and  have successfully managed to misinformed the masses)… (e.g. succeeded in blindfolding majority of the Lou-Nuer elders youth in Juba through demagogue aries and political fraud.) 

The so-called “Thanksgiving Event” of today in the name of Lou-Nuer Elders Youth in Juba was not legally and morally fair. My and my team ‘position is very clear that, “we are not against such a similar initiative if the very prime objective of the Lou-Nuer Elders Youth Forum were to be for health tension and about to benefit our Lou-Nuer community in one way or another.”  Equally the same, we would like to assure you that, I and my team shall never accept in any form a demagoguery mend to divert the Lou-Nuer youth ‘attention and covering the election crimes by those who committed them.   

My Dear Brothers and Sisters! With this Public Statement, I and my team would like to remind you that the LNYAD-2021 ‘election in Juba was very far from over. There has never been a successful election made yet by the Lou-Nuer youth if our objective was to establish a stable and effective leadership for our Association in Juba. And, for those very few amongst our Lou-Nuer youthful community in Juba who may have that slightest thought in their minds, and convinced the process came to an end, am telling you to believe it today that, our Constitution and country ‘law are our guiding principle that, and we shouldn’t ignore the cause and effect of law when needed be.

Therefore, I and my team proceeded on urging the Electoral Committee and their followers not to continue violating the legal and moral norms of our Association in pretext of forging a rapid popularity.  Before we resolved altogether all the majors’ faults that were detected throughout the election such as, the full evidence we have received that there was a one Candidate or group of Candidates who penetrated the Electoral Board (EC) with money and fraudulent promises. This complex case began to destroy the integrity of the Electoral Committee and completely diverted its attention from conducting a free and fair election process as stipulated in the LNYAD Constitution.

Meanwhile, I and my team believed that, the issue of those indicted Candidates or a group of Candidates who has been seen collaborating with the Electoral Board to sabotage others Candidates/group of Candidates using illicit money for bribing and interference with the Election procedures (such as, the voters’ registration processes and during the polling exercises) is that could be explored first in seek for constructive solution because, it was very clear that, the Electoral Board has been under such influence of money and promises, and these illegal practices were that disrupted the moral of our voters, and, obstructing a constitutional process of the election ‘conduct stipulated in the Lou-Nuer Youth Association for Development (LNYAD-By-Law). it was very simple that, I and my team asked for Electoral Committee to satisfactorily answers these following pressing questions: 

  1. The issue of the false registration of voters (ghost names) allowed by the LNYAD/EC-2021.
  2. The issue of the Favorite registrations by the Electoral Committee of the voters who were using phony names or fake identity.
  3. The issue of duplicating the voter slips by the Electoral Committee who allowed such illegal registration of the voters in multiple locations in Juba and/or by different agents working for the candidates of the EC ‘choice.
  4. The issue of a Fraudulent registration of absentee’s ballots (names) used by the Electoral Committee which allowed illegal names used by illegal voters often male in the name of female and female likewise using name of a male absentee to vote the candidate of the EC ‘choice without the knowledge of the actual voters.
  5. The issue of transparency during the voters registration where the very EC contradicted itself when announcing the list of the eligible voters registered and ready to casted their ballots whilst, after the voting and counting of the ballots, the number increased by over four hundreds (400) illegal voters.   

Due to these and many others deadly irregularities unmentioned here, and that followed the Lou-Nuer youth Election of 2021 in Juba election so far, I and my tear therefore would like to keep on telling you our dear brothers and sisters that, we are still having few unfinished process toward the establishment of the undisputed victors of our recent Spoiled Election in Juba. It is too early any group whatever it is being inspired to conclude irresponsibly that, we came to an end whence the preliminary results of the Star Hotel ‘LNYAD 2021 Election were early rejected right away.

As per the need for a legal attention whence similar tension arose, the grieved and disappointed candidates under my headship have officially declared and widely circulated an objections ‘call accompanied by several Joint Petitions against the LNYAD-2022 ‘Electoral Committee. We are still following up and all aspects of insistence are available to be exhausted when necessary. Undermining our legal claims by either the illegal group, their supporters and/or Honorable Denay Jock in his political capacity as a Governor, I and my team would definitely treat that feeble undertaking as  a defect of/or lack of knowledge for the national laws of tort.  

My dear Lou-Nuer youth in Juba, the Petitions that we have written were distributed widely amongst the concerned bodies/personalities. Amongst the notable entities and personalities that were informed earlier about the Lou-Nuer youth election faults, the office of the Jonglei State Governor was the first to be contacted and presented his copy through the Governor’s coordinator. Likewise!  Lou-Nuer Community Leadership Council, the national law enforcers, the local community socio political partners, and indeed, an entire Lou-Nuer community in Juba were made aware.

Ladies and Gentlemen! What we made was not only that information circulated through various social media platforms and/or the printed copies which presented to honorable Denay Jock in this regard by myself and the team, a personal contact between my team and the governor was reached whereby, Honorable Governor Denay Jock Chagor was personally informed of the hutted dispute over the election results prior to the Dabench Hotel by my team.

He (hon. Governor) was briefed by our agent to the point that Lou-Nuer youth in Juba have so far disagreed over the recent election conducts. He was formally told that the results of the election were essentially disputed and declared void and null by groups of candidates who were still seeking both moral and legal solutions to the contention between the team and Electoral Committee. In contact with Honorable Governor, our team managed to present therefore a precautionary explanation that would have guided Honorable Denay in length not to be lured in by a group whose tension was to exploit the Governor’s sociopolitical prestige to forge feeble popularity. More importantly, our demands on him (governor) were simply one.  “Never to emphasize with an illegal group that may try to approach and use the Governor’s sociopolitical prestige as a covering spate for flame”! 

Despite all the attempts that were made in our best knowledge and efforts to convince and persuade Hon. Governor not to partake in the youth dilemma (e.g. I and my team have tried all endeavors that are supposed to keep Honorable Governor away from Lou-Nuer youth ‘political mess up). Hence!  Our regret came after I and my team got astonished when the Governor defied our appeals for restraint and chose to heed a call from an illegal group. Such an unfortunate event was today the 18th of December, 2021 in Juba whence I and my team have been extremely caught in surprise with the unlawful news of the same failed Electoral Committee. It was even more saddened whence learned that, the same illegal group have been financially aided by Honorable Governor, and were purportedly reaching out to the target age categories (35-50) in the name of Lou-Nuer Elders Youth Forum. And, without a sign of apprehension from Honorable Denay of the nature and motive which aggravated the group to call upon him for that alleged Thanksgiving Cocktail, the Governor accepted the uses by such a  illegitimate groups of his name as Trademark for enlistment of their supporters, and of grabbing of the masses attention toward their scandalous project.

Dear Lou-Nuer youth! To make everything even so doubtful, in the event of today at Dabench Hotel, the same personalities who have been seen intermingled with the LNYAD-2021 Election few days ago and messed up the LNYAD election results due to the group ‘unprofessional behaviors, were the ones who have persuaded the Honorable Governor to help them conduct of that much confused event allegedly in honor of the Governor. And if for example, those of you were there during the event at Dabench Hotel, and may be realistic and somehow conscious of what you have been attended, and the reason why you heed the call which you were responding to, there would have been no doubt in your mind that, the same team posed to imposed and protection Mr. Wal Makuach Wiw’s controversial dream such as: 

  1. Mr. Gatluak Khot, 
  2. Mr. Gatkuoth Riek Lam,
  3. Mr. Deng Gai Gatluak,
  4. Mr. Gatwech Chuol Bayiek,
  5. Mr. Wal Chagor Padiet,
  6. Mr. Goi Gatluak Reth,…..

These and many others unnamed supporters of the group mentioned above were the ones compelled Hon. Governor Denay to take sides in the Lou-Nuer youth politics. These very few names I mentioned here were the ones who obliged and made the Governor act as if he was a specific group leader. And, our surprise as individuals and/or as a group was that, “how dire Honorable Denay has failed to understand that such an illegally assorted group was illegitimate?” 

Therefore, as I and my team have already started to pursue all possible means, it remained our constitutional right as an unsatisfied group of the candidates to seek for a solution through communitarian approach first if the types of our community ‘leaders were to be somehow neutral and transparent. And, if the community members failed to handle our own problem through a community-based approach, then the legal processes through competent courts are also acceptable.

Before today, I and my team expected Honorable Dinay Jock Chagor to be somehow neutral in a situation whereby the Lou-Nuer youth in Juba plugged into disagreement over the result of a recent poorly overseas election. Instead, we thought of the Honorable Governor to be responsive and seek remedial options that could bring together youth for dialogues and amicably resolve any odds that were involved in the election process. Now, it is doubtful that, Honorable Governor is still unbiased hence embarking on seeking a solution through him.

And Thank

Santino Chiok Ding Hoth 

Candidate for the Chairmanship of Lou-Nuer Youth Association for Development (LNYAD-2021) in Juba

Tell: +211916165079/

E.mail: santinochiok2017@gmail.com 

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1 comment

Gol Bol December 27, 2021 at 7:26 pm

“Opinion: Jonglei State Governor Denay Jock’s Partaking In The Lou-Nuer Youth Leadership Dilemma In Juba Was Illegal”

That is was why the creation 32 states in South Sudan was a good idea. It is precisely to consign our Nuers ke nyantoc pieces lawless wretches witth their believe in magicians and their Ngundeng Buong fanaties and go to and manage with their own states with with usual reckeless politiciking.

ir want their damn own states. They just want to be Jaangs/Muonyjanags/Jenges/Dinkas and in Jaangs/Muonyjaangs/Jenges/Dinkas’ states and these wriches and lawless creatures always pull down the Muonyjaangs/Jaangs/Jenges/Dinkas progress. THis Denay Jock piece of trash had been ‘denied here in Bor.’ the liw life is wasting his damn time and our times. 32 states have never revoked. Those so-called Lou Nuers, should youths should better concentrate in rebuidling their damn villages and towns, than wasting their damn times about being parts of Jonglei and Upper Nile states.

There are some limits of playing bullshits all the times. The low lives have been warned a number of times to grow the damn up. But these wreches and lawless creatures the facts, they will go and ignore and think, they are being told to games. We whatever a Muonyjaang/Jaangs/Jenge/Dinka does, a nuer will try copy cat it. If a Muonyjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka is called a doctor, our Nuer a Nuer ke nyantoc would want to be a doctor, if a Muonyjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka, is a general, then our ke nyantoc would also want to be a general, if a Muonyjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka is a chairman, a nuer ke nyantoc would also want to be called chairman (Kuor mi diit). If a Muonyjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka, goes to the moon, a nuer ke nynatoc would want to go the moon also—–no a Muonyjaang/Jaang/Jenge/Dinka has gone to the moon by the way. Not white American piece of shits have never gone to the moon—–let the damned Nuers ke nyantoc do their damn superior mathematics, Physics and chemistry. No one has gone to the moon. Neil Armstrong and his team, didn’t go to the moon. They just to ‘space and morroned their spaceship in Australia’s and Antartica and Greeenland——part of Denmark . and lied through their evil teeth.

And this precisely during the so-called COLD WAR era. You can damn go to space, but not has gone to the moon. The Russians were first people to go space. And the criminals who thought/think, playing cheap and dirty intrigues over countries and their people is always a idea.

In 1991, Nuers ke nyantoc, piece of trash, Mr. Riek Machar, Mr. Lam Akol, Mr. Aduok Nyabe and Mr. Joseph Oduho stabbed our mighty SPLM/A at back on a *directives of US (CIA), Mi6 of the devil infested island of England, our cloned so-called Arabs of North (Hasbrats), evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Mosad. This was at end of COLD WAR. CoLD WAR has never ever gone anywhere. Democromatic of republic of Congo (DRC) or Zaire, in 2016, our Nuers low lives were allegedly went to DRC with their Riek Machar, in DRC/Zaire national zoo. Yeah?!!!.

Our nuers ke nyantoc, game is over. You piece of trashes, who do think you are equal to?

Don’t you remmeber your gat Machar was a terrorist and a secret society piece of evil? Mr. We killed him here in Bor, at Panyagoor/Kongoor. Your Gat Machar ran on foot with Lou Nuers and they were cut down like grass right up your Nuers villages. Your Riek Machar piece of rubbish went and surrendred himself into Malakan, which was under our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan and then went and signed their then so-called kiirtoum (Khartoum peace agreement (KPA) in 1997. A piece of shits ‘Mr. Omar Hassan El Bashir and his lieutenants, just ripped it off and told your gat Machar (Riek Machar and Mr. Lam Akol to get fucked’.

We have informed you, never ever again dare try to the cloned so-called arabs of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopian) prostitutes, Bantuses, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their gulf Arab terrorists, Nigerians, Rwandans, white Americans, white English people, their UN, their sleazy NGOs, their UNMISS of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans into our country and over our people just like in 2005, on the guise of the so-called *UN AGENDA 21 or UN AGENDA 30 and AGENDA 50, UN NEW WORLD ORDER, GOVERNMENT WITHOUT BORDERS, HUMANITARAIN AID, DONATIONS, PEECKEEPING, HUMAN RIGHTS BULISHITS

Into our country and over our ever ever again, and that South Sudanese will be killed. Resons, pure HATRED and RACISM.>>>>>


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