Part III,
By Mak Banguot Gok (MakJohnson),
June 25, 2021 — This is a question on which, many of the Jonglei State citizens are soliciting for the subject matter of what may have rooted a political strangeness between the governor of Jonglei State –Hon. Denay Jock Chagor and his minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement-Brigadier General Simon Hoth Duol. The young Governor is politically affiliated to the SSOA while the minister is of the SPLM-IO movement. The question is “why did Simon Hoth choose to oppose the young Governor?”

Needles for further augmentation of what set off (trigger) the distraction, and the scale at which, such a political diffraction that flanked the two (Simon Hoth and the Governor-Denay), here I would like to stroke only some of the few core probable causes of the roughness. And, that will solely depend on my own instinctive come within the reach (approach) of the actual situation subjected to Simon Hoth Duol. This is because, when you objectively think of, one may find the retorts (answers) to the questions above on much of his inability to/or undernourished political computations of this particular SPLM-IO political leader. That means, the large portion of his feeble political thinking is impending in an orderly view.
Whilst a minister with the current Jonglei State government, he is being glimpsed of disobeying the terms and scenery of his political attachment with the political stand of the SPLM-IO. The movement (SPLM-IO) that led the struggles against the genocidal regime in Juba ensures that there exists a political system in South Sudan which recognizes individual political rights. Until this objective is achieved, SPLM-IO or its associates has nothing to do with holding an opposed stand against any of the other opposition political movements in the country that has a genuine reason to play its political game. The SPLM-IO is neither having a problem with the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA) nor any of the opposition political movement which has a determination to play its own political roles whether in the realm of the current R-ARCSS political mechanism or anytime in the future. And, because of the revolutionary ‘movement’s prime objective that openly echoing for radical change of the decayed system in Juba, there are equally appears to be of no proper reasons for any SPLM-IO ‘political enthusiast to clings into an opposite and aggressive conspicuous alignment against the young Governor of Jonglei State. It is necessary whence that happened in a reflection of one’s political wimp.
In line with the explanation, none would dispute the fact that Jonglei State Governor- Denay Jock Chagor does not come from any of a political movement which is coupled with the oppression of people of South Sudan. Because of his political neutrality, he (the governor)is an unblemished opposition aspirant who came into the political scene without a conspicuous background. Employing only his own ability without an opportunistic backing, the young Governor who came onto the political surface with an objective of shifting South Sudan’s political status coup as possible as he can, deserves no resistance, but mutual aid. So, if the like of Simon Hoth Duol are in going an opposition to the young governor without properly thoughts-provoked of (fore example, the SPLM-IO political movement’s interests), there are indisputable grounds that, he (Hoth) does not any longer in lieu of the SPLM-IO’s political business, but turn out to be the lead antagonist against the state governor by means of blending an opposing block within the state government. He is most of the times at variance with not only the state governor as mentioned above, but also at odds and inconsistent with his own comrades from within the SPLM-IO’s Jonglei State caucuses on much of the basic steps toward state ‘Public Service restructuring.
He has his own way of playing an opportunistic imperfection that doesn’t reflect the SPLM-IO movement or its followers. And, if one looks into the nature of Simon Hoth’s opposing stands against the state Governor, you easily arrive at some winding up that his interests are not quota of the SPLM-IO ‘political wellbeing whatsoever. Instead, he abandoned his traditional roles as an SPLM-IO’ revolutionary guardian, and became somewhat best depicted as a “political gambler”. His politically motivated disaffection with the governor is without a reason rather than the actual sign of his political naivety simply because he reached into an agreement to work against the governor without first premeditating the impacts of his self – serving political recital. That means, he doesn’t have the knowledge that the only bad thing to do is the formation of eye-catching cronies with others ‘ethno-political antagonists against the Jonglei State Governor who don’t symbolize threat to the state instead. In the meantime, this my point of view is giving an emphasis on the fact that, there are existing a few politically disgruntled state government officials with whom Simon Hoth Duol consorted with in a political unfriendliness with the Jonglei State governor. Those individuals’ personalities hold on contrasting the governor by repudiating to go along with from executing his gubernatorial power entrusted up on him by the state. What is really his (Hoth Duol) problem with the young Governor whose political path has nothing to do with the deterrence of SPLM-IO from achieving its revolutionary objective? His action is purely own wimpy that came with a devoid of regard to the best interest of SPLM-IO followers who he (Hoth) is representing in the higher system. He is too personal and showed signs of deviation from SPLM-IO movement’s political objective.
The SPLM-IO’s revolutionary intent is at a standstill for radical alteration of the decayed tribalized political system including the prearranged decomposed public service bureaucracy. And, there will be no stone leaves unturned by SPLM-IO in search for that much expected systemic reforms. And, to make his (Hoth) altogether illegal, the group which he has joined up with is mostly consisting of unorganized political allies to the Jonglei State ‘Deputy Governor-Antipath Nyok. The question here is “whether the SPLM-IO’s Simon Hoth has properly thought out as to whom amongst the two leaders (Nyok and Denay) or between the two political organizations (SSOA and the SPLM-IG) is really an enemy to him and/or his political movement on what basis?” The same question also goes to others SPLM-IO supporters including myself of which one are the right to. Hence! As to me, preferring a forthcoming political demo with the traditional woes of the SPLM-IO movement is by its entirety a “political gossiping and indignity.”
And so, if you are a true SPLM-IO’s revolutionary companion, I think you have a very reason not to tolerate such a disgraceful association with those of (in case of the Jonglei State) Antipath Nyok’s group whose political antagonisms and objective in the direction of the SPLM-IO is hazardous. Imagine, the opponents beside the governor are ones with their own illegally refuted objective to rebuff him (D. J. Chagor) from free admittance to the exercise of his constitutionally bestowed political powers by the state. Those without reasons are wary of the young Governor’s politically climbing of the ladder, the ones doing so on their own and not in common purpose with the SPLM-IO movement.
The SPLM-IO movement’s objective doesn’t put off (prevent) in an orderly form a democratic transition which make it certain that, there is no any explanatory rationale for SPLM-IO ‘political leader, representative and/or enthusiasts to abscond the movement’s unshakeable position, and instead, allying with the likes of Antipath Nyok. If indeed it happened in that way as being advanced by Comrade Simon Hoth, there will be no other ways to politically convince others of his own personal reason for hostility with the young Governor.
In this regard, he is in concert of his own interests rather a political conformity with the SPLM-IO movement’s political reforms agenda. And, when you have a proper looks into the assertions made by the group which stands opposite to the Governor’s reforms agenda, you easily become conscious that, many of them with Simon Hoth included, are individuals with an ethnically motivated agenda (ethnocentric mentality). Each of them are individuals with hidden agendas, and, who eagerly wanted to/or pushing for its achievement against the young Governor. These sorts of tribalized political antagonisms en route for the Governor are not even what the SPLM-IO ‘political agenda is temperate.
The Recent Rift with Governor Denay Jock Chagor.
Whilst still with Simon Hoth’s illegal dealing with the young governor, there are most recent and fresh mortified scenarios in which he (Hoth) has been rightly affiliated to. I.E. There are ongoing debates at the state level about the formation and/or of restructuring the Jonglei State ‘public services. Meanwhile, the parties to the Jonglei state’s “Revitalize Transitional Government have entered into a political struggle which took the dimension of conflicting party ‘politics. That means, after the state government is formally formed, it becomes somewhat a question for an urgent need of forming the state public service (example the appointment of the directors who are going to serve in various institutions at the state level). This is one of the crucial steps ever which, a political consensus by the parties is considered necessary. If the parties fail to compromise like how they are entangled into a conflicting arena, the right person to decide upon will be the state Governor expectedly who can lead the way toward the determination. Like for instance, the recent hitting divergences are so far associated with how to agree on the selection modality of the nominees for appointments to the state institutional directorates. “What sort of modality could be used for the appointment of directors, heads of the departments and state ‘executive posts holders” continue to be contentious at Jonglei State level.
The debates therefore have created two of the contradictory ‘ diversionary ‘political stances. The state government officials are divided to the extent of each insisting on fulfilling an antagonizing political interest. Hence! The group which is politically associated to the Deputy Governor (Antipath) with Simon Hoth of the SPLM-IO built-in, is urging that, the formation of the state bureaucracy (example of the directors) should be based on the blueprint of before the 2013 ‘ Jonglei State ‘public service employments records. That mean, according to such a tiny group on whom Simon Hoth have joined up with, they are of an opinion that, only those who were the directors with Jonglei state ‘government institutions prior to the conflict in 2013 are ones decipherable for the slots back to their previous posts as the directors in the R-TGoNU). And, this version contains many debatable faults that highlight the continuity of corruption.
However, the young governor with others of his like – minded moderate state politicians prefers a new set of formulas. The Governor is proposing for an inclusive process (i.e. four defunct states of Jonglei ‘public services employment records, plus wider consultation with the relevant stakeholders) should be used to form the basis of the appointment process. With this proposal, according to the young governor, he means to ensure that his state government system is seen as balancing opportunities allotment among the people and communities within the state. As per the young governor’s version, there are suggestions that he (the governor) wanted to put it to the fore so that he would endure unbiased sharing among the people. He is aiming at favouring a straightforward modality which, when necessarily used for the allocations, identification, and recruitment of a proficient workforces in the state, a corruption in the state public service is luckily to diminish.
And, with these recommended process according to the young governor, he means (if for example, the former defunct four States governments ‘public services records of Akobo, Bieh, Phou and Jonglei States), and merge up together to form the basis for the selection of directors, merits shall be on the availability of those qualified. With it, the young governor is meaning a democratic modality that can bring jointly those former states civil services records for amalgamation to ensure an incorporation of the elements of good governance (such as, the rule of law, transference, responsiveness, consensus-oriented, equity and inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, and accountability) into the selection process.
The governor’s strategic vision is that he wants to ensure the participation of all men and women of Jonglei State to have a voice in the decision-making through legitimate intermediate institutions that represent their interests, and is being misunderstood in one way or another. Those of us who are well – informed about the reality may support the young governor’s strategic leadership vision. Whatsoever the interests might be, supporting Jonglei state Governor in the implementation of his reformation agenda has its unadulterated advantage to all of the Jonglei citizens and communities who may have been marginalized and oppressed by then entrenched State government‘s systemic ethnocentrism that paralyzed Jonglei State during those years.
Hence! The governor’s adaptation that, new formula is necessary for the reinstitutionalization of state bureaucracy is also cognizant of the fact that all the parties to the agreement are entitled to their share in the state’s revitalization of bureaucratic structures. The young governor’s acknowledgment of the political consensus-orientation meant for the mediation of differing interests to always work by reaching first abroad consensus on what is in the best interest of the group and, where possible, on policies and procedures that favour all citizens of the state. And, in a deeper prediction, the primary beneficiaries of the governor’s edition are all the communities, groups and parties including the SPLM-IO’s Jonglei State as one of the principal partners to the peace agreement. And, if he (Hoth) overlooked the intrinsic proof of the young Governor’s version, it means that Hoth is lacking a genuine sense of partisan judgments.The above stated projection is the most corrupt and, it only favouring the old nepotism. And, if he (Hoth) left behind his comrades unawares of his pursuance of self opportunistically motivated interest (example of the SPML-IO leaders who are with him (Hoth) in the same stated doesn’t know on what basis is his political recklessness), we concluded that, he has his own meaning and, that his political inconsistency with the SPLM-IO political objective is perhaps so luckily to have a devastated special effects on the SPLM-IO movement’s political expansion (such as, the reception by the SPLM-IO’s political objective by the movement’s followers generally of Jonglei state, and particularly, in the greater Lou-Nuer area).
There are logical justifications that, it is a true sleaziness by itself if you talk of the 2013 records, there couldn’t be ethical justification, given the fact that not even all the old faces who were used to be directors before 2013 are still alive. Even if there still exist some few old men from the year 2013 who used to be the directors in various state government ‘institutions inspired by the fact that none of them is in any form still can produce. And, with this particular projection, it means the involvement is such disgraceful dealing, in which Hoth affiliated without first thinking out the nature of the interests behind this formula. With this, one may end up asking him (Hon. Hoth) of where and how does he think the very people (SPLM-IO group) which he allegedly acts in lieu of, will come into the R-TGoNU? If indeed, he (Hoth) was somehow critically thoughtful of the nature of which he blindly felt compassionate of, he would have properly realized that, there is no others way apart from only permitting the young Governor to freely perform a governing reforms that, the like of him (Hoth) will ensure that, his followers are reached with the peace dividends. In this situation, he (Hoth) is standing detrimentally scapegoating at the Governor’s reformation agendas without properly thought in the matters. This is another area of letdown whence he (Hoth) unshakably stands firm with Antipath Nyok’s group on a ‘corruptive assertion that, the much anticipated work of picking those to-be appointed as directors in the state’s government institutions should not be solely entrusted upon the Governor. And, the terms and references of the R-ARCSS made it clear that, all the appointments of these kinds (directorates ‘post-holders)in the Revitalize Transitional State government is purely granted to the governor
That, in the current Jonglei state political arena, the citizens have understood and people are to continue standing firm by their young Governor in eradication of the ironic corruption. There is no room for such a group which is inspired with the same fraudulent and meiotic sorts of corrupt notions, and whose aim is to continue with the same corrupt employment policy that favour only pockets of a particular state population.
This is an area and the time where/when every concerned member of the SPLM-IO can set up to verify how apathetic the SPLM-IO movement’s greater Lou-Nuer chairman. This recklessness is excusably noticeable with his” Political inflexibility” that prompts unjust negotiations with the State governor-Hon. Denay Jock Chagor has strained many of the devoted SPLM-IO members to easily deviate from Hoth Duol and prefers an option to remove him.
The same way Simon Hoth has been messing up the SPLM-IO’s greater Lou-Nuer area (the way he has been dictating Late Governor of Bieh State-Koang Rambang ‘leadership (May his precious soul continues resting in peace’’) is alike the way he (Hoth) is implying today on current Jonglei State governor-Denay Jock. During the late Koang’s Bieh political epoch, the reason for antagonism between Simon Hoth and the late Governor was very clear that he (Hoth) was in a row with the late governor on the SPLM-IO’s political leadership of greater Bieh. Sabotage, scapegoating, insubordination and irrelevant agitations were only that shapes his political work condition with the late governor. Moreover, we were aware of his move that he (Hoth) was in the advancement of his own sub-clannish wimps within the SPLM-IO’s greater Bieh political leadership. And, now that he is relocated to the state where a fever of local sub-clannish political outlooks plays no significant roles, what are the grounds for his (Hoth) ill-wishes at the young Governor who is without any political interest smash together with his Simon Hoth’s political interest
Only you have the ability to judge which one of the modality from above suited public interests.
The author, Mak Johnson, can be reached through email at,
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