By Elizabeth Achan Ring,

March 12, 2021(Nyamilepedia) — In Dinka Culture, whenever you see a thief stealing a public or individual’s property and you keep quiet without reporting the case to the owner of the property, the onlooker is termed a thief due to your failure to report the case. To relate this to the ongoing rampant corruption in Nilepet under the incumbent Managing Director Eng. Bol Ring. I felt concerned to enlighten and aware the public on the diversion of their petrodollars by Bol Ring and his good boys.
Bol Ring and his loyalists have emptied the bank account of Nilepet. There is neither a single pound nor a single dollar in the Nilepet’s account at the time of writing the article. Bol Ring transferred all the cash to his personal account and used some money for purchasing personal assets such as a Villa in Kampala, an estate in Gurei, Juba, a furnished house or apartment in Juba etc.
He recently bought four new brand V8s at 120, 000 dollars each, which he cashed out from the company account. He cashed out 120,000 dollars and ordered another V8 from Dubai. The vehicle is on the way from Dubai. Bol Ring took 12 millions dollars in advance from DPOC, SPOC, and GPOC in case he is removed from the position of Managing Director. He also took fuel from suppliers at the amount of 35 millions dollars and sold it in the black market without paying the suppliers.
The country is currently facing shortage of fuel because Bol Ring has sold the fuel meant for public use, in the black market. All the fuel depots are empty. The government institutions have a shortage of fuel and sometimes they buy fuel from the black market.
In addition to the above, Bol Ring Muorwel is a naturally born sectionalist, tribalist and clanist. Bol Ring has hijacked the duties of Director General, human resource manager, finance manager, procurement manager etc. In less than six months in the office, Bol succeeded in recruiting over one hundred relatives. The worst thing is that the majority of Bol’s relatives whom he recruited into Nilepet are mere illiterate who never stepped their feet near any school compound.
Bol Ring transported many of them from cattle camps in villages to Juba and contracted them in high grades as well as assigning them in sensitive departments in Nilepet. I have compiled their names and I will soon publish them in the media.
Lastly, Bol Ring is a potential criminal who should be sentenced to life imprisonment. I don’t know the kind of culture which Bol Ring and his good boys have adopted. None of the 64 cultures of South Sudan condone corruption or any malpractices. Neither the Bible nor Quran tolerate corruption. This means Bol Ring is a naturally born thief and that’s why he will die as a corrupt man.
Bol Ring should be tried in the court of law and sentenced to life imprisonment in order to be an example to the rest of corrupt individuals in South Sudan. Leaving Bol Ring and his relatives to corrupt the public resources in broad daylight, serves as an encouragement of the corruption in the country.
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