Opinion Politics

Opinion: Eng. Bol Ring and Quest for Rapid Development, Achievements and Ideal Programs.

By Ranlei Mikol Mayiik,

Bol Ring Murwel, Nile Petroleum Corporation(Photo credit: file)
Bol Ring Murwel, Nile Petroleum Corporation(Photo credit: file)

Aug 13, 2021 — Upon assuming the roles of the Managing Director of Nile Petroleum Corporation, the well trained and experienced Engineer Bol Mourwel embarked on reforming and transforming the National Oil Company into one of the strongest national oil and Gas Company across the world. Eng. Bol Ring was appointed as a Managing Director of NilePet at the time NilePet was at a collapsing stage due to the illegal corruption under the previous managing Directors. Majority of the citizens were not aware of the existence of NilePet in the past few years but they knew the existence of their national oil and gas company (NilePet) after the appointment of the true nationalist and reformist in the person of Eng. Bol Ring. This is due to the fact that NilePet was only controlled by the sons and daughters of a few elites with the exclusion of the sons of ordinary citizens. The former Managing Director was concentrating on embezzling the available cash for their personal benefits while forgetting the vision and objectives of the NilePet. In a period of less one year in the office, Eng. Bol Ring succeeded in accomplishing tangible achievements that were not even accomplished by the previous Managing Director since the NilePet Establishment.

Before I shed light on the achievements of NilePet M.D Eng. Bol Ring Muorwel, I find it necessary to inform the general public on his historical background. Eng. Bol Ring Muorwel is an Engineer by profession. He graduated in mechanical engineering from the University of Khartoum in 2001. Before returning to Sudan Bol participated a lot in promoting the SPLM activities in Egypt. Under South Sudanese Students Association (SSUSA), he and other comrades pushed for establishment of the SPLM middle chapter office in Cairo. Being faithful and committed, Cadre was trusted by the Dr. John Garang De Mabior to the extent he was entrusted with top secret satellite radio for coordination and communication. In 1991 when SPLA split, Bol was secretly sent to Sudan by the movement as underground cells to enable mobilize youths to join the SPLA/M at one hand and on the other way to defuse the messages that came in with the Nasr faction in which he indeed exerted his all efforts to found African National Front (ANF). 

African National Front (ANF) was founded with purposes to disseminate the course of struggle for people of Sudan. With his imminent perseverance plus commitments of caliber cadres of SPLM under ANF, many students Associations were set up in various universities in Khartoum. Other secret cells were also ordained into social hubs such as communities gathering bodies. In Spite of severe harassment and persecutions against South Sudanese  activists in Khartoum at that time,  Eng. Bol Ring continued to play a great role in mobilizing the then Southerners who were living in Khartoum to go to bush and join SPLM/A. Katiba Jongo and others were fruits of their contributions.  Their underground mobilization was very successful and had led Many Southerners who were serving in the Islamic regime abandoned their positions and join the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/ Army in 1990s.

In recognition of Eng. Bol Ring’s role in the Liberation Struggle, the high leadership of SPLM appointed him as a chairman of SPLM in Khartoum State after the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005. He was nominated as a member of parliament representing SPLM in the Khartoum State Parliament in 2005. During the referendum, Eng. Bol Ring mobilized the South Sudanese who were residing in Khartoum to vote for secession. Khartoum was very insecure for those who were campaigning for the separation but the spirit of patriotism and nationalism motivated Eng. Bol Ring to carry out an open mobilization in support of separation. However, his campaign for separation was successful when 99% of the South Sudanese in Khartoum voted for secession with the exception of 1% whom the NCP bribed to vote for unity. In addition to that, Eng. Bol Ring Muorwel offered moral and political support to his comrades (SPLM candidates) who were contesting for Parliamentary Seats in his home county of Twic during 2010 elections. In the midday of May 2010 Bol and those of Pagan Amoum Okech plus patriotic SPLM members took it to the street to protest against the curtailed plan of NCP which had stipulated the turnout at 75% for voters as the main condition for successful referendum. They faced sharp-jaw NIF security forces of Khartoum with courage and sacrifices, such protest voided that ill intention of NCP. The percentage was put down to 50+1%.  Eng. Bol Ring is a first tier member of SPLM national Liberation council. Below are the tangible achievements of Eng. Bol Ring Muorwel in Nile Petroleum Corporation.

  1. Nile Drilling establishment

For the quest of betterment and prosperity for People of South Sudan as his life dream, Bol eagerly as soon as he was appointed in the NilePet Corporation he discharged whatever it took to ensure there is inevitable development. Bol came up with the idea of establishing Nile Drilling as a subsidiary of NilePet to tackle the exploration and drilling activities. In 2013, he formally launched the subsidiary despite no support as a factor for progress, he managed on scratch to import two rigs for drilling. One of the rings is now producing crude oil worth 300,000 USD per a week, and the other one is in process to start drilling next two weeks. Nile Drilling is now bearing our hope with South Sudanese vision to take over the oil industry responsibility by 2027. It is one of his best own legacy attributed to him. 

  1. Administrative Reformation in the Corporation

Under the previous Managing Director, Nile Petroleum Corporation was engulfed in financial corruption and nepotism. There was rampant financial corruption being practiced by the previous Managing Director in broad daylight.  Recruitment wasn’t done on merits but on the basis of the blood relationship to the powerful elites. The former Managing Directors were only offering the vacancies to the sons, daughters and relatives of the powerful elites thus excluding the sons and daughters of the ordinary citizens. You couldn’t find any son or daughter of an ordinary citizen in NilePet during the administration of the previous Managing Director and this explains why the existence of Nile Petroleum Corporation was not known by the majority of South Sudanese. Discriminatory treatment prevailed now and then as many South Sudanese were employed on temporary contracts meanwhile closed clicks were the one enjoying privileges of full or what so called unlimited contract. It was overriding servitude that took place in our time against very same citizens of one nation.  However, the coming in of a professional engineer in the person of Bol Ring Muorwel, saved NilePet from collapsing by establishing equality among employees in the institution. He completely eradicated disparities in the management as well as financial corruption, by introducing a free and fair recruitment policy as means of equal opportunity to all South Sudan. Those who had been marginalized for political motives got their deserved promotions. It is for the first time in NilePet history, the sons and daughters of ordinary people managed to get into the Nile Petroleum Corporation as staff. 

  1. Operationalization of Unity Oil Refinery

South Sudan was transporting its crude oil via pipeline to Port Sudan Refinery. Sudan was the one benefiting from the byproducts of our crude oil. As a nationalist, Eng. Bol Ring Muorwel struggled hard to make sure that our oil refinery at Unity Oil fields is operational. He managed to purchase the necessary equipment and in a matter of less than three months in office, South Sudan began producing refined oil from Unity Refinery. Unity Refinery is currently producing 7000 barrels on a daily basis. The scarcity of fuel in the areas of Unity State, Ruweng and Abyei have become the thing of the past due to the availability of refined fuel in those areas. In addition to that, NilePet Managing Director will soon launch the construction of a similar oil refinery in Thiangrial in Melut County, Upper State. Thiangrial Oil Refinery will be refining the crude oil from Paloch oil fields. Other two planned plants of refineries will be established in Torit and Akhon respectively as soon as the Bentiu refinery is operating.

  1. Construction of fuel Depots

Another achievement of Eng. Bol Ring is the construction and operationalization of fuel depots in Wau, Bentiu and Akhon. These operational depots will solve the problem of lack of fuel storage facilities. Large quantities of fuel are stored for use in future or as it is transiting to the destined markets. The refined fuel from Tharjath Refinery will be stored in large quantities in those depots. Wau depots will be supplying fuel to the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad and Darfur (Sudan) which will in turn generate revenues to the government of South Sudan.  Eng. Bol Ring is in the process of constructing more depots in all the capital cities of ten states and three administrative areas. As operationalization of the refinery is awaiting completion of roads rehabilitation, parts of Juba and Wau and big capacity storage, NilePet has teamed up with trinity Energy to build storage of 20 million meter cubic in the area of Nesitu. This center will supply East African Countries.

  1. Roads rehabilitation and construction

Nile Petroleum Corporation under the administration of Eng. Bol Ring has constructed and renovated several internal roads across South Sudan. The roads being renovated by NilePet are Juba-Wau, Wau-Bentiu, Bentiu-Panriang and many other roads across Unity State. The renovation of those internal roads has resulted in transportation of goods across the states without difficulties. For example, before the renovation of Wau Bentiu Road by Eng. Bol Ring, the distance from Wau to Bentiu by car was 15 hours. But the car now takes less than four hours from Wau to Bentiu.

  1. Purchase of two Ferries for transporting fuel from Tharjath to Juba and from Tharjath to Khartoum

Nile Petroleum Corporation under Eng. Bol Ring has purchased two ferries that will be used for transporting refined fuel from the refinery in Tharjath to Juba and Khartoum respectively. The towns along the river Nile shall also be supplied with fuel by the ferry.  These four Nile Ferries two will be exporting while the other two capital Juba. The system is on readiness and will very soon operate.

  1.   Training Centre

With the contemporary world, the enhancement of the capacity of human resources is a matter of life as long as performances and development are concerned. Eng. Bol last week invited experts from Canada to enable setting up of the center. The center will provide the necessary and required specialized training to South Sudanese engineers. Other indispensable fields will be taught for instance Administration capacity, Heath, Safety and Environment, communication and other crucial fields.

  1. NDS air aviation 

The Nile drilling services department of air transportation was another milestone legacy of engineer Bol. The department of air transportation was established last year to carry on facilitation of communication between producing areas and their main offices in Juba. Fortunately, within six months in operation NDS had extended its route to Wau, Yambio and Kuajok. The underline plan is to connect all ten state capitals plus three administrative areas as soon as possible. 

Last but not the least, Engineer Bol is a man of action and has uniqueness that many people believe in. His inquisitiveness for development, prosperity and dignity for people of South Sudan is a matter of fundamental echelons. 

The author is a concern citizen and can be reached through email at ranleimikol@gmail.com

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