Contributor's Dak Buoth Opinion

Opinion: Congratulatory Message to president Salva Kiir for signing peace with SPLM/A-IO Kitgwang Faction

  By Dak Buoth Riek-Gaak, 

Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual signing his own peace agreement with a delegation of president Salva Kiir on January 16, 2022 in Khartoum, Sudan(Photo credit: file)

Jan 23, 2022 — The Liech community Association in Kenya formerly Unity State community Association is in receipt of the Peace Agreement signed between the government of South Sudan and the three leaders of the SPLM-IO (Kitgwang fiction) led by General Simon Gatwech Dual on 16th January, 2022 in Khartoum, Sudan. 

On behalf of this Association and the entire people of Unity State, I congratulate you on your success in restoring peace in our country. 

On 7th August, 2021, we wrote a petition letter asking the office of the Moderator General of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan and Sudan, to mediate between the two SPLM-IO factions to avoid bloodshed. However, when this did not happen as we expected, many precious lives and valuable properties were lost as a result of violence clashes between these two factions mainly in Upper Nile State. 

We did not know that His Excellency the President would be willing or voluntarily accept to initiate a talk with Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual, because he declined to work with him when he was appointed as Presidential Advisor on 20th June 2021.  As such we equally express gratitude to the SPLM-IO Kitgwang Leader for the positive change of heart, and for seeing into it that the country and peace are better than anything else.  

I take this honor to assure his Excellency the President that he has the full back of our Association. We shall play our part in disseminating messages of peace and reconciliation within and among our people in South Sudan and the region at large. 


Dak Buoth Riek-Gaak, 

Chairperson, Liech community Association in Kenya

19th January, 2022

Nairobi, Kenya 

 Leaders of the Liech community Association in Kenya Post for group Photo after a meeting in Nairobi

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1 comment

Gol Bol January 24, 2022 at 7:39 pm

“Opinion: Congratulatory Message to president Salva Kiir for signing peace with SPLM/A-IO Kitgwang Faction”

Mr. Dak Buoth Riek-Gaak,

You are in Nairobi, Kenya and not in Bentiu? What damned piece did Mr. Salva Kiir signed rubbishes?
Yah? Our Nuers, Mr. Salva Kiir let you low lives and fake PhD doctor, Mr. Riek Machar get away with things, but in the real world, our Nuers ke Nyantoc, Shilluks (chollos) and some of aringas belong in hell.

No one is treating you and your children-like-lifetsyles and your masters with kids gloves these days. Game is over pay back times low lives. You think, you can always run our Gambella region, our Kiirtoum (Khartoum), Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Nebraska, US, Melbourne, Australia, Kakuma refugee camp or Northern Uganda, Rhino camp and so on. And then come, that you are from Jonglei and Upper Nile.

And that the Jaangs/Muonyjaangs/Jiengs/Jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt, would come and consider you wretches anything with white rubbishes. Nuers don’t grow up.

These are the facts. The Nuers and Shilluks (Chollos) stabbed our mighty SPLM/A at the back 1991, In Anasir, it a coup created by Mr. Lam Akol, Aduok Nyabe, Joseph Oduoh, Mr. Joseph Oduoh was unportunately killed in here in Bor, Kongor, central Bor in 1993. Riek Machar, Lam Akol and Mr. Aduok Nyabe were the SPLA targets.

Tell the our Nuers ke Nyantoc and their allies anything, and they will go and use it as their own, without acknowleging where they get their information from. Nyamilepdia, I think it has something to do with South Sudanese, but it has already been bought by criminals in the US, the UK, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, ‘Nyamiledia’

is just part of a ‘troll’, not only Nyamilepia, Sudans Post, Radio Tamazuj, The Tower posts [used Uganda flag], Kenyan daily nation, most of gulf Arab online propagandists, devil infested island of England, all the UN, NGOs and the United Nations in South Sudan (UNMISS) of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Rwandans, Nigerians, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians), the CIA, MI6, Mosad, our cloned so-called so-called so-called North Sudan have been the ones who always ‘write their cheap and sinister propaganda our country and over our people.

Our Nuers ke nyantoc have been trhoughly informed. South Sudan is a muonyjieng of the Sudan and Egypt country. Here in Bor 32 are states, have never been move anywhere. Stay in your damn villages, ten (10) states, Old Fangak, there isn’t exist anything Old Fangak [Panjak] exists, Ngok Dinka country, Yeah, our Nuers ke nyantoc, Akoba, is our Anyuak people’s country, Jebel Bongo, our mighty SPLM/A training centre, Pachalla, Panyido,Gillo, Dimmo—-the whole of Gambella region, is our Anyuaks country. Our Anyuak people have never ever betryayed South Sudan and the South Sudanese people’s cause, they can just roll over claim to be South Sudanese, and no one South Sudanese will dispute them. They are South Sudanese people anyway; Itang, Bilpam and Tharpam are the only Nuers ke nyantoc countries.

But they are South Sudanese countries. Langecuk is just the same with Anyuaks of Akoba, Langecuk is a Maban country, our Nuers ke nyantoc stole Akoba and Langecuk when, in1980th when the South Sudanese were fixated on blasting out Arabs out of South (ern) Sudan. But our Nuers ke nyantoc don’t know, the games. Pi-bor (water from Bor).

The Murles don’t belong in our Pibor, The Murles just came to Jonglei in 1927, Southern Abesh (so-called ethiopia), theDinkas/Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jenges/Jiengs cattle/goats/sheep and other demonstic animals used to have no enough water. PIbor river, Barro River and Pakook rivers were not enough for our cattle, and thus, the Bor The Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jiengs/jenges/Dinkas just moved to main Nile courses. ‘Mac’ in Muonyjiengs/Jaangs/Jiengs/jenges/Dinkas of the Sudan and Egypt means ‘fire’. Didn’t your mother ever tells you not to play, you are going to be burned.

We are the masters of long shot war fares.* Our Nile waters, so-called WORLD BANK and the IMF* bullshits in our Gambella region. Where do the gulf Arab states’ get their own damn food from in a dry bone country, from us, our Gambella region central Sudan.

South Sudan and South Sudanese people are the most vurnerable country and people. Pure HATRED and RACISM lurk here fellows. There will be be no white people on this planet earth, let them take bullshits to South Africa and Kenya. And never dare try to use South Sudan and the South Sudanese people as their own ladder.

Watch this space. Kenya is not a country. Their politicians are pieces of shits, they think Somalia, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, I studied at Nakuru High school. Kenyans are lowly eduacted. The Maasais were banned from studying in their village school.

The Indians, Pakistanis, Napelese, Bangaledeshis, Sri Lankans and some Arabs, allowed to study in Nakuru High School, with With people; they were called “the indented”. In Uganda, Mr. Idda Amin Dada had other ideas, when he came back from Korean war. He came and kicked the Indians, Pakistanis, Napelese, Bangaledeshis, Sri Lankans and some Arabs, white people out of Uganda. Mr. Idda Amin Dada was a mercenary fighting for British empire. He went and be called ‘an ape in the so-called UNSC general assembly, meeting in New York’

For kicking the evils Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, British out of Uganda and white peope piece rubbishes out Uganda, Korean war was fought by the UN.

Lowly informed low lives, you better ask your mum [mother], to help you. No one likes white people, Bantuses, evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, their UN, their sleazy NGOs. Lake Victoria and the victorious take all, we are going to find out who is victorias? Uganda is part of of the so-called COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES, so does, Kenya, Rwanda is part of the so-called COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES, Oh Yeah?!! Mr. Paul Kagame, former Tanzania, president, Mr. Jakaya Kikwete (what a damn name), former South African president, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Mr. Jacob Zuma, Mr. Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique. Mr. Paul Kagame mercenaries are allegedly sent to Central Africa Republic (C.A.R), Democtractic republic of Congo (DRC) former Zaire, Mozambique allegdely to trying to move ISIS/L out of Mozambique. The Rwandan Mercenries are here in Upper Nile, they are all going to be Killed and thrown into the Nile and wait for the criminals who brought them into our country, Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM.



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