Your Excellency!
I write this ‘OPEN LETTER’ to you and put it on social media, aiming at grabbing the attention of Akobo sons and daughters who are residing in diasporas, since this issue concerning the entire community of Akobo county.
Before I wrote this, I have been irritably thought of what is actually promoting hatred between and among the beloved people of Akobo? In the midst of my deep analysis, with reference to what I usually heard from others, I quoted these three things, to extremely have unpleasant effect on the Akobo community. “On top is, RROSS, 2nd, THE ASSORTED GROUPS IN THE MARKET [BARS], AND 3rd, ARE THE SECTIONAL NAMED ASSOCIATIONS WHERE PEOPLE DISCUSS ONLY HOW TO LIBERATE THEMSELVES FROM OTHER LINEAGES’ DOMINANT.” I quoted these particular three issues, not because of only the main problem to the people of Akobo, but because of their much negative impact on the community.
To conclude my analysis, I said, I should appeal to the commissioner, and also call upon the intellectuals, elders and women group of this great community, to help in recommending what might literally bring durable peace to the people of Akobo.
In the first place, I would like to request, particularly those who might have ill-intentioned toward this call, to kindly waive and accord with me, for I know that, in every situation, there is an advantage and disadvantage, and people should just look into it by contrasting the negative and the positive part; if the negative part is greater than the positive one, therefore, it shall be halt and shifted to another alternative.
Start it here!
Well, your Excellency, Honorable commissioner!
In the previous years back, our home was the most stable place, in which, every situation was solved amicably, unlike the current way of solving issues, revenge killing was rare, in which, there was no excessive discrimination compared to the present days. Once the dispute occurred, either between two people or communities, others will just act as Mediators, who can only stick on solving it in fair and peaceful manner. People used to brawl using sticks but in rare occasion. There was no rampant killing, and therefore, communal or sectional fighting wasn’t supported. People love themselves as one family. You might see that one can go and spent some days in other people’s home, just to look for girls or leisurely to chat and spent time with the youth in that area.
Therefore, life was so blissful that everyone enjoy, unlike the presents day where the slew sectional division are known even to the children who are just trying to learn the language.
The names like Galieh, Jimaai, Joa Joa [Chie-Yol and Chie-Nyak ] were pronounced only when people go for war with outside Invaders, or else if there was an aids provided by World Food Program [WFP], where the Chiefs and Sub-chiefs would take the lead.
Your Excellency Honorable commissioner! The unrest situation in our home, ranging from revenge killing, sectional discrimination, nepotism, mass communal fighting incitement and the endless hatred among our community members are actually encouraged and escalated by the formed sectional named associations which we merely said to have promoted peace and unity while in real sense destroying the community. Why do I said this, and how would this affect the unity of our people and promoted hatred?
In the community, we have, Yoal Community Association where Chie-Yol discuss only how to get the rid of Chie-Nyak, both in the NGOs and also through radical fighting; in the other hand, Nyak community Association is also there, and even discuss how to get the rid of Chie-Yol, both in the work places and also through physical Fighting. We also have Chie-Guan-Nyang community Association where they also discuss that Nyang is Dinai’s son and must get separated from Nyabiel and Paduay whom they said to have been dominated them for years. The same situation also happened to Paduay community Association where they likewise discuss the same issue of domination and how they can overturn it and liberated themselves from others.
Repeatedly, it also happened to the major divisions of Mor: like Joa Joa and Jimaai, in which, Jimaai talk of being dominated by Joa Joa, while Joa Joa in parallel do the same.
We also goes down to the tertiary division where we have, Chie-Dok Association, Chie-Beliew Association, Chie-Chai Association, Nyang Dinai Association, Bhol Nyak Association, Chie-Paduay Association, and also goes down to Chie-Chan Association, Chie- Nyäl Association, Chie-Maroah Association, Chie Pärmän Association, Chie- Kuok Association, Chie-Buoy Association, Nyäl E Bor Association, Nyäl E Char Association, Chie-Both Dok Association and continually goes to the smallest lineages where even the family call themselves Association in order to encourage the discrimination.
However, your Excellency, Honorable commissioner!
In this situation, how can we expect peace and unity to come to our home, when people divided themselves into those small sectional group? How can you expect me to participate in Akobo community Association when I know that we have Joak community Association where we will discuss how to utterly dominate Jimaai in the government distributed posts and also in the NGOs?
Again! how will you expect me to participate fully from Akobo Community Association, if I’m from Jimaai while I know that we have Jimaai community Association, where we will strategize how to overturn Joa joa community in the family political game, and also in the NGOs advertised jobs? How will you expect me to participate in Joa Joa community Association when I know that we have Yoal Community Association where we will discuss how to dominate Chie-Nyak and where we will also get chances to talk to our Yoal employed members on how to restrictedly recruit only Yoal sons/daughters in any advertised position?
Again if I’m from Nyang Dinai, how will you expect me to participate in Jimaai or Mor community Association when I know that we are busy there, calculating how to get ourselves out of unlimited dominant, where we haven’t been recognized by Gaatdinai as Dinai’s son, and being called independently as Gatdinai?
How will you also expect me to participate from Joa Joa community Association when we have Nyak community Association where we will discuss the same issue of we have been dominated for years, let as liberate ourselves! The same to Paduay and Mach
In this regard,, people reached to the extend of renamed some places in order to incite and entertain their jest, promoting the criminality, and also to host the criminals who have no vision rather than to kill people and thought as if it’s the best way of getting fame.
Named Deng Jock [Päm Chai], and Meer [Metu], are the only last signs, showing that our community is badly divided as failed community. If I’m criminal and wish to kill someone but rather fear of where to go after all, then I would have not done it, but if I know that there is safe place for me, then I can do it once and run to that place. Like now, to Have Meer named [Metu] or DengJock named [Päm Chai] are the last best option to the criminals, both from Chie-Yol and Chie-Nyak, because, once someone from Chie-Nyak killed person from Chie-Yol, then without delay, he will automatically have run to Deng Jock and feel as if he has reached the heaven, for he will believes that, once people come to DengJock, it would be a massive clashes between Chie- Yol and Chie-Nyäk. The same to Chie-Yol with Meer and also to Galieh with Gakdong. The same situation also to Chie-Paduay and Ji-Goal Mach in Akobo West, plus Nyang and Joa Joa there.
Your Excellency, Honorable commissioner!
For tranquility and peaceful coexistence among our communities [Akobo communities], therefore, I appeal or entreated this vindicated ‘OPEN LETTER’ to your higher authority, to take action by disbanding the established segregated named hubs [Renamed places] and also to totally demolish/ruin the validity of those sectional named Associations, auspiciously for the ultimate restoration of peace and harmony in our community.
I believe in you, though the task is hug; I believe and I’m sure, with the help from Akobo well-informed intellectuals, elders who never benefit from this senseless killing, mothers who appallingly see their sons slaying themselves like birds, the churches/spiritual leaders and others well-wishers who truly feel sympathy for our endless death, therefore, I believe and very certain that you will desist this meaningless revenge killing, once and for all.
As said goes, ‘you can’t judge the book with its cover.’ I compared this to you!!
Why do I said this! Many people have different perception on how you will handle this continual incessant killing in our home; most of them dubious the techniques you might be using to cease this unremitted sanguinary or blood-thirsty feud which has been lasting for years, among the Akobo communities. Others said, ‘if the previous commissioners failed to stop it, how will this commissioner manage to stop it?’ some are also contrasting your personality with Akobo’s hostile situation, in which, they merely concluded that you won’t be able to alter, even a little change from this inflicted conflict, for they said, ‘Akobo need someone who is very radical and sometimes use force to terrorize them, which I believe, if that is only the solution to this blood feud, it should’ve been stopped since the time when the Late Gen. Koang Rambang was a commissioner.’
All these unreliable flakes thought floating in the mind of Many people, unpredictably not knowing which is which would be the correct one day.
As I aforementioned in the above paragraph that, ‘A book can’t be judged with it cover’, it’s true. A good leader is never identified on his/her walk nor judged by his/her character; how radical or humble he is while living with people. I convinced with your quality of leadership during the time when you addressed people at Hon. John Wiyual Gatkuoth’s thanksgiving ceremony, and I believe, you will prove those who have no trust on you wrong by making a great change in Akobo.
Well! In the first place, I would like to reveal that, I have never been a victim of [RROSS] COORDINATORS’ unseeingly acts, or physically witnessed their uncertainty leadership. By the time I was in Akobo, I was a teacher, and I’m not sure whether the RROSS COORDINATOR has issues to do with education, for I never heard of him interfered to our affairs one day. I had never been connected with the RROSS COORDINATOR, nor having any grudges with any of the previous COORDINATORS or the present one, leading the office at the moment. I believe some RROSS coordinators never know me, likewise, I never know some, But because of the frequent victimization that our youth has always gone through, especially during the recruitment process, whereby the impartiality is not apply, mostly in the NGOs advertised jobs, therefore, I drastically got impatient, and utterly prefer to call for the appointment of [RROSS] Co-ordinator in the state level, just for the eventual hesitation of all these reasonable complaints, made by Akobo humiliated youth under the RROSS coordinator.
Initially, I would highlight you with some roles and responsibilities of Human Resources Department [HR] in the Organization/institution, though most of you knew them, for I want you to analyze whether it’s possible for [RROSS] coordinator to interfere in the NGOs recruitment process or not.
In any organization/ institution, there is Human Resources Department, responsible for the management, Recruitment of the workforce, training of the staff, checking for the staff performance appraisal, assessing the gap that need to be covered, staff promotion, rewarding of the well performed staff, termination of the contract, dismissal of the indiscipline staff through procedures, arrangements of the contract, processing the retired staff’s social insurance through finance department, supervising the staff under the provisional period and also updating the staff on the new policy of the organization.
Moreover, in relation to our concern, I would particularly talk about the recruitment process. Before any recruitment, organization always set some goals to be achieved, and to achieve them, therefore, it need some skilled workforce to be recruited, and get trained throughout the lifetime of the project. Meanwhile, the Human Resources Department [HRD] use the M&E report to know the gap needed to be covered; it will also assess the type of skills needed to cover the gap. For example, a person of how many years experience? How will he/she cost the organization to train him/her? What other relevant skill/knowledge that he/she needs to have? Will that person cope with the environment? Is he/she a quick learner? Will he/she be committed person to do the work? Will he/she be a cooperative and will cooperate with the team? Will he/she not sellout the goals and objectives of the organization? Will he/she not exploit the beneficiaries? Is he/she not connected with any terrorist organization? Is he/she not convicted for any crime? Will he/she be loyal to organization? And on top, is he qualify for the job and will bear with the organization policy?
To mentioned few, all those requirements might be acquired from the candidates in order to qualify for the jobs, and for [HR] to successfully identify the candidates with all those requirements, therefore, it need him [HR] to have sufficient knowledge on the recruitment process and for him to have better knowledge on that, he will be the one, managed to select the right Candidates, base on the interview set for them to be recruited.
The question is, are those criteria followed by the RROSS coordinator when he recommending someone to be recruited? Is that gap needed by organization to be covering really get covered? Will that person work competitively that he has been struggling to get the position and therefore, need to apply his skills on the Job? Is Human Resources Department still work freely and get functioning? Will those candidates who might have taken the jobs if the impartiality is used be happy?? Is the conflict of interest still eschewed? Will the organization still have an interest to work in that intimidated environment? Will people still compete to have an education when it got no use from RROSS? Will those candidates still love themselves the way they should do when the recruitment is done fairly? Are we still on the right track? Will people not clashes during the appointment of that RROSS coordinator, that can work only for the interest of his relatives? Above all, are we promoting peace and Unity?
To be clear, the Relief and Rehabilitation For South Sudan [RROSS] base in Akobo has deflected from its mission and duties set to apply; and therefore, extremely contributed on the myriad hatred among the people of Akobo. In reality, RROSS is the department similar to the Ministry of Labour.
All its mandate is to monitor or supervise the organizations operation, regulating their duties, prevent the exploitation of the host community, approve the advertised positions before they are advertised, prevent the right of the workers who might be exploited by NGOs, call for the new organization to cover the gap that might have not been covered, expell the organization that never comply with the set policy, give space to the new organization, coordinate the NGOs and the Government, protect the organizations from harassment, solve the major issues between the NGOs and the workers, and last but not least, respect the right of the organization but, never ever have right to interfere in the NGOs recruitment process.
To this extend, those who got appointed to RROSS took it as chance to recruit their relatives and humiliate others. I recommend the appointment of this position’s coordinator in state, for I believe the person that maybe sent might have in mind the reason why is he appointed to that position; he may be someone free from corruption. A person who never knew lineages discrimination. He might also be someone with legal background or have Human Resources skill in mind. A one who will seriously get supervised from state and county level. A one that can never interfere in the NGOs affairs. And on top, a one that see the Akobo community as one family.
He may know that, to appoint him there is not an opportunity to recruit his family but a task given to him to regulate the organizations activities, in which, for him to mess should lead to his dismissal.
Therefore, your Excellency! Honorable commissioner, I recommend these two to your higher authority in order to take action for the betterment of our community. I would’ve mentioned many reasons, qualifying the dissolving of the abovementioned Associations, and also more reasons for the recommending of RROSS co-ordinator’s appoinment in state level, but to the readers’ seek, I would have curtail it short I do.
Anyway, thanks you for your understanding!! I wish you all the best in your leadership.
Best regards,
Khan Banguot Gok, Akobo concerned citizen.
For any concerns, you can reach the author @ Khan Banguot Gok, Tweeter: Khan Banguot Gok: WhatsApp: +211917065509.
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