By Communities of Upper Nile State.
Dear Mr. President;

August 22, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – We begin by saluting you for your phenomenal unwavering contribution to R-ARCCS. As we all aware that, the journey is fills with both ups and downs process but, your persistence ensuring that, people of South Sudan will enjoy the peace without reservations.
Your Excellency,
It is our pleasure to take this opportunity to submit to your kind end our open letter under your leadership and we have noted with great concern that, you have appointed the Country nine (09) States governors with the exception of Upper Nile State. Mr. President, your decision of rejection the SPLM/A (IO) gubernatorial nominee was not on merits of the appointment procedure of the revitalized agreement on the resolution of the conflict in the Republic of South Sudan(R-ARCCS). Thus, the entire Communities in Upper Nile State assume that, your refusal to appointing SPLM/A-IO, nominee is a political repression to please APadang Community in SPLM/IG within the State, which is contrary to the reconcilement to the people of Upper Nile State.
Your Excellency, General Johnson Olony Thubo has citizen right and privileges to serve or be serving, and right to hold any position in Upper Nile State as well as in national government too. For your information, the appointment of General Johnson Olony, is the Communities interest and we reaffirm to your respective leadership our stand for the nominee given to you by SPLM/A-IO leadership. His well committed member of SPLM/A-IO to revitalized peace agreement, and we feel that, his right person for governorship and his ready to implement the peace in state of Upper Nile as required under your leadership.
H.E. we urge you to dare to be different in this Nation compromise peace agreement because this conflict has inflicted enormous poverty in our Country and brought the people of South Sudan to starvation and distorted their social fabric. Mr. President, it is now time to stop political tribe coloration and dehumanization of other to help repairing fractured relationship among South Sudan Societies, and we persuade your esteemed leadership to proceed and promptly appoint General Johnson Olony Thambu as per SPLM/A-IO recommendation.
Mr. President, Children, Women and Elderly people in Upper Nile State are yearning for peace and we hope that, this appointment process is to be done on time so that, to pave the way for people of Upper Nile to create foundation for Community awareness to disseminate this revitalized peace agreement and help release bitterness caused by war. The only way forward, is to give up our grudges then work in peace to rid our beloved Country of all vices by giving it the test of peace.
Finally, in waiting for your prompting response, and willingness to appoint General Johnson OlonyThubo as governor of Upper Nile State, be assured of our most respectful sentiment.
Cc. IGAD Countries.
Cc. Troika Countries.
Cc. UN.
Cc. AU.
Cc. FVP.
Cc. South Sudan Peace Grantors.
Under signed by:
Hon. Stephen Lor Nyak
Hon. Mohammed Chum
Hon. Chuol Lualwang Wuol
Hon. Jack Kuon Ruei
Hon. Peter Yien Kuarduak
Hon. Nhial Puoch Jaak
Hon. William Dei Kang
Hon. Andrew Saga Dang Jal