Opinion Press Release

North America Centenary Committee (NACC) Message of Goodwill to the Centenary Celebrations in Lui, South Sudan

All Protocols Observed, 

Fellow compatriots, sons and daughters of Greater Mundri, 

Jan 1, 2021 — As you today, in Lui, joyously mark the Commemoration of the last 100 Years that brought Christianity, Enlightenment, Health and Education Services to Greater Mundri through the arrival of the pioneering Scottish CMS Missionary Dr Kenneth Grant Fraser and his wife Eileen Galbraith Fraser in Lui on December 22nd, 1920, we thank God Almighty with all our hearts for favoring Greater Mundri and its people in such a very special way. To bring their pioneering work to fruition, the Frasers were ably supported by our great ancestor pioneers led by Chief Yilu Beriye,’Desi Dawidi Manyango, Canon Anderea Apaya,’Desi Daniel Parongwa, Archbishop Elinana Ja’bi Ngalamu,’Desi Samuel Kajivora and Mama Susana Gyinidringwa and many many others. We salute and honor the Frasers and all our pioneers warmly at this auspicious occasion for their historic sacrifices and outstanding contributions to the Socio-Economic Development of Greater Mundri. Because of them we are what we are today. Although long distances separate us, we are with you at this time in spirit and in celebrations. 

Looking back in hindsight at the history of the Centenary and what it has imparted on Greater Mundri, its people and its land, it is nothing short of a transformational change and a miracle! From a humble little-known and widely scattered hamlets of African homesteads of hard-working, intelligent, self-reliant, proud, ethical and God-fearing people, a traditional agrarian community was transformed into an enlightened society of a diligent, progressive, intelligent, dynamic and creative people who embraced Christianity, owned Education, and adopted and perfected Health Services as their specialist service not only to their own people but to the rest of South Sudan. It is hence no surprise that the first three South Sudanese Medical Doctors came from this blessed Region! 

However, throughout the Century and mostly in the later part of the period, Greater Mundri has been subjected to a continuous series of devastating wars of liberation and civil wars that destroyed all the assets, systems, and facilities they have painfully built and resulted in their massive displacements and being subjected to abject poverty. Nevertheless, every time this happened the indefatigable people of Greater Mundri always picked up the pieces and rebuilt their lives even better! This is the cyclical and repeated remarkable survival story of the Greater Mundri people. Today, as we find ourselves celebrating the Centenary, the greatest day in our history, we are at the same time worrying,yearning and praying for true peace and a secure future. 

Since Centenary Celebrations was launched on October 7th.2019, significant achievements have been scored by the Patron, The Rt Reverend Bismark Avokaya,Dean of ECSS Internal Province of Amadi (IPA) and the High-Level Committee on Organizing and Implementing (HLCOI) and the Diaspora world-wide. In the North America Centenary Committee (NACC) which joined the process in May 2020, we moved successfully from championing the Centenary Celebrations to: 

  • Mobilization of Resources through the soliciting and collection of Contributions from the People of Greater Mundri in North America and their Friends as NACC’s special service to the Central Centenary Budget.
  • Dissemination of Centenary Information and Advocacy among the People of Greater Mundri in North America and their compatriots and friends world-wide.
  • Building of strong networking, unity, and cooperation among the People of Greater Mundri in North America and globally. 
  • Supporting the Patron of the Internal Province of Amadi Centenary Celebration to establish Centenary Country Offices internationally covering 14 countries Enlightenment, Encouragement and Mobilization of the People of Greater Mundri in North America and globally to inculcate the spirit of civic and self-help responsibilities and contribute towards the development and well-being of their motherland and South Sudan in general. 
  • Launching of the Initiative for Agenda of the Socio-Economic Development of Greater Mundri over the next Century. 

Now looking at the future NACC sees Greater Mundri embracing the experiences and Lessons Learned in the implementation of development of programmes in the Region in the First 100 Years and applying them in developing a Comprehensive Socio-Economic Development of Greater Mundri over the Second 100 Years. NACC has already embarked on this laudable mission by creating the NACC Development Committee (NACC-DC);developing the Framework for the Socio-Economic Development of Greater Mundri comprising of a core Secretariat ,a Sub-Committee for Humanitarian Affairs and Action and a Sub-Committee on Quick Win Projects. On the practical side NACC is already implementing 6 Quick Win Projects that are equitably located to serve the 3 Counties and 4 Dioceses of Greater Mundri in an accountable and transparent manner. These Quick Win Projects are planned to be nurtured to grow to scale into full large scale development projects. 

NACC wishes to leave the august Centenary Celebration Audience gathered in Lui, with one bold challenge. Since we have appreciated and honored the Frasers and our Pioneering Ancestors by this Celebration, how are we going to immortalize the Centenary to eternity? Over the years we have all lost and mourned hundreds of our sons and daughters due to motor accidents on the Juba-Mundri Road and beyond. Can we not stand together as one united people and collectively with all our friends and the Government bring this carnage to an end by developing this road into a first-class all-weather road to be named: Centenary Road? 

Finally, NACC wishes to reassure all our people of Greater Mundri that it was born out of the Centenary, and it shall remain the North America Centenary Committee (NACC) with its roots originating from the deep traditions, customs, and culture of Greater Mundri and its people but utilizing its full capacity, knowledge and experiences to support them to reach the sky in fulfilling their vision for the inclusive engagement in the implementation of transformational, and sustainable socio-economic development of the Region and its people in consonance with their values and aspirations. 

May God Almighty bless and protect you all to return safely to your loved ones. We wish you and all your families a successful and historic conclusion of the Centenary Celebrations, a memorable Christmas and a kinder and more rewarding 2022! 


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