Contributor's Opinion


By MonyDit Waa.

Malong Awan, meeting Jieng elders sent to him in Yirol, Lakes State, to convince him to return to Juba (Photo/supplied)
Malong Awan, meeting Jieng elders sent to him in Yirol, Lakes State, to convince him to return to Juba (Photo/supplied)

July 4, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —— Today, I wrote to you regarding the imposed national crisis by Salva Kiir Mayar against Aweil community. Its saddening an individual problem (Malong’s problem) could be made a problem for the community. Salva Kiir has made his differences with Gen. Malong Awan to be the problem of Aweil community. Akol Koor, through the directives of Salva Kiir, has killed young, promising men from Aweil because he did not like Malong Awan. He has jailed countless others now in Juba and around the country. He has retired hundred other officers because he does not like Malong Awan as if Malong is the employer. He has fired some civil servants because he does not like Malong Awan. Now, tell me, how do you think you will be spared in the coming fight if you are from Aweil? How do you think few dollars Salva Kiir gives you will safe you when Akol Koor and some of his Warrap gangs come for you next week?

We, the Aweil community in Juba, does not care of Malong Awan’s sacking. He does not represent us. But since this war is against everyone from Aweil, not against Malong no more, but against our sons and daughters, against our serving men and women, make no mistake, all of us, as long as you are that shinning Malual-Gier-Nyang, will be targeted next week just has it has been for the past month and half. All of us are in this together to protect what we stand for. We are honest people. We should not fall for cheap bribe as a lot of people in our community are being bribed today. So what, then, will be the problem? You, the Aweil community who can easily fall for money have given us bad name in South Sudan. This is not who we are. We are an upright community. If we could easily fall for bribe like it is today, South Sudan would not have been liberated from North Sudan’s governments. Where did these greedy old men and young men come from? Probably those NCP bred fools.

Without you, without the likes of Aldo Ajou, Kuol Athian, Garang Deng Aguer, Akuein Chol, Madut Biar, Bol Dhieu, Aguer Alic and many other Aaron based thieves, Aweil people will still stand together against this humiliation, against the killing of our men and women just because Kiir does not like Malong Awan as though Malong is the father of Aweil. We, the Aweil proper, Aweil without the NCP remnants, without thieves, without the cowards, probably children mothered by relatives of Salva Kiir’s gangs, we will win this and finally liberate South Sudan, a second but genuine liberation!


To Aweil community, as we matched out in response to Kiir Mayar pending attack on us, let’s be reminded that we hold every Warrap innocent man and woman at high regard as we often do. Warrap community has a long and unbreakable relationship with Aweil. They are our brothers and sisters. They are also affected by Kiir’s poor and stupid leadership like us. Some of them, those who opposed the targeted killing of Aweil people going on right now across the country have been arrested. We need to be careful when we voice our anger against Kiir Mayar and his Warrap gangs’ leadership. There are group of people in Warrap if my gun misses them when they attack us, use your panga to slice them into pieces. They are: 1. Kiir Mayardit. 2. Akol Koor. 3. Bol Akot. 4. Tor Deng Mawien. 5. Strip Nhial Deng Nhial naked and let him run like a mad man, don’t kill him. And all their associates. They are many out there.

To the people on standby going to Akon, the home village of Salva Kir, please do not kill anybody. Just take Kiir’s cows and distribute them to poor, robbed Warrap community. Leave only chicken for they are the only ones Kiir had when he became president. Let us use this revolution to clean South Sudan out of corruption. Out of jealousy, out of greed, out of sectionalism, of Warrapism. We must do it, together.


Kiir Mayar has dug himself a grave. He first went after Nuer community in Juba and elsewhere. All of us kept quiet. He went after Duor world in Wau, we all kept quiet. He is now going after Aweil. We have been patient thinking that he will change his mind and treat us, the Aweil community who has lost 90,000 young men in his war against Riek Machar in 2013-2015 like his own community. We thought he will solve his problem with Malong as individual problem. Now Kiir has killed more than 10 strong officers from Aweil. For no apparent reason. Innocent men. Kiir is taking us for fool. He is expecting us to cow in. To worship him and make us his salves as he has done without our knowledge. We thought he was our president. We did not know he was our problem. We MUST promise you that we will not let you down. We will not allow Kiir to go after the other communities. This is the end of Kiir’s leadership and the end of his damn life. You are finally liberated!

Rest assured that we, the Aweil community (Malual Gier-Nyang) do not like bullying. We do not like being poked at the nose. Bashir knows this. Unfortunately, Kiir does not, it seems. Kiir Mayar and his Warrap gangs will now cease to exist. We need you, the other Dinka communities, The Mundari community, the Bari speaking community and off course, our cousin, the Nuer to walk with us. We do not need you to fight along to defend us. We just want you to celebrate a well-deserved liberation for your country, for South Sudan will soon realize a true liberation. Now, sit back, and let us wait for Kiir Mayar, Akol Koor and his Warrap’s mafia to attack us next week. It will surely rain blood!

Aci Paan Kiir Mayar be ben muor-nhiim!

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GatNor July 4, 2017 at 10:36 pm

“Aweil community who has lost 90,000 young men in his war against Riek Machar”

They all die defending Kiir’s tribal regime? A regime you thought was yours as a tribe? Now what?

Some times in 2013 I had this quote to everyone that was silent in the face of evil perpetrated against Nuer to date…I will leave it again for the timing nicely is at since to perfection.

“When the Nazis came for the communists,
I did not speak out;
As I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I did not speak out;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
As I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
As I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out”

~ Martin Niemoler ~

Alfred Alphonse July 5, 2017 at 12:02 pm

It’s this kind of thing,some of us, had always worried about .Our government’s inclination to keep pushing the wrong bottons that has continued to slice our social fabrics,and teared the country apart ,Is Very troubling.

Alfred Alphonse July 5, 2017 at 12:15 pm

We thought our president had reconciled with the former army chief (Malong). Why go after people you had given an amnesty?


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