By Capt. Mary Nyanuer,

Oct 16, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– -Despite Michael Makuei Lueth talks as if the son rises on his anus, thinking that he can deter South Sudan’s most charismatic democratic leader -the most beloved son of Ram mi Raan, the most educated and intelligence South Sudanese, the rightful father of South Sudan, Lion of Juda, Champion of Self Determination, founder and charismatic Chairman and Commander in Chief of the most bravest army in the whole world, Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon – from entering South Sudan or from establishing reforms and the right foundation of South Sudan, his tiny home town of Bor can be erased on the map of South Sudan within 24 hours if the Nuer sons and daughters decide to do so tonight.
Mading Bor, as it used to be known before 1991 was wrecked into pieces and destroyed beyond repairs in days by less than a quarter of Nuer tribe. In about three weeks, less than half of Lou-Nuer and Gawaar-Nuer white army that were provoked by the killing of their beloved sons and daughters in Torit in 1991 took control of the entire Dinka Bor from Duk to Mading Bor. All that territory was colonized and made inhabitable by Ram mi raan. This is how the Dinka Bor began to encroach Equatoria and up to today, they refused to return home in Jonglei State for the fear of Ram mi raan. Today they are being killed as MTN for prostitution and land grabbing on Equatorian land but they prefer dying that way. They would rather be killed on Equatorian soil than on their own soils.
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Before Makuei Lueth thinks he can prevent PhD holder, learned Dr. Riek Machar Teny, from practicing politics in South Sudan, he should think on how to return his relatives home and protect them from Murle raiders on their soils. His latest hate speech against Dr. Riek Machar Teny is an insult to all Opposition forces and minority groups in the country but because we in the White Army are capable to handle this, we will call on our supporters and sympathizers to bear with us. We will teach Dinka Bor a lesson they will never forget. Any Dinka Bor who will survive the next waves of attacks on Dinka Bor will not only live to retell the story, they will have nightmares just by thinking of it. The white army will not spare a child or elderly this time because the Dinka do not. This is what Makuei Lueth wants to witness in his lifetime.
Our next capture of Mading Bor will not end in Bor, it will pursue Dinka Bor to all their hiding places in Equatoria. Dinka Bor of Makuei Lueth are the problem of South Sudan and therefore they must be erased from the map to bear the pain they have inflicted on other tribes. This is not a threat but an early warning to all Non-Dinka Bor to detach themselves from the Luething tribes of Makuei. We call on all our neighbors in Duk, Poktap and Twic East to distance themselves from Makuei Lueth’s divisive politics. Our youths are taking this very serious and someone must pay for all the provoking insults coming from the mouth of Dinka Bor chairman, Mr. Makuei Lueth and Kuol Manyang Juuk.
A Message to Our Brothers in Cholloland, Equatoria, Wau and Pibor
First and foremost, thanks to most of you who have read the signals and understood the Dinka domination and Dinkanization perception. Most of your well educated and well trained soldiers have picked up their tools to denounce the Dinka government in Juba, we say kudos to all of you but to the few that have not learned the game, shame on you.
We have said time and again that whatever can be done to the Nuer tribes can be done to the rest of you. You are a minority and you can be easily marginalized even on your own land. Nuerland has never been colonized and the Dinka will never be an exception or even think of it. They will never step foot on our soil. In fact, they are thinking of a way to make the Nuer an independent state so that the Dinka can easily marginalized, manipulate and alienate your land. This is what is being attempted in Equatoria but as long as the Nuer stands with you, you are safe. We will resist this together and defeat the enemy.
We urge you to be strong, unite and fight to the last man. Dinka is a coward, especial a Dinka from Bor is the most coward in the whole world. We encourage you to be strong and do all it takes to flush all the snakes out of your land. Nuerland is free in abundant but we have decided to change the course of South Sudan politics for the benefits of all of us. If you can recall, Nuer sons have been in all lucrative positions from the Vice President seat, Chief of army, speaker of parliament and downward. The Nuer will always get the second biggest lion share after the Dinka and the rest of you will get the borns or nothing at all. This is not a secret but because we love fairness and equality, we refuse this Dinkanization disorder(DD). We must all be straight and equal, PERIOD.
Lastly, we acknowledge that even the Nuer have their own traitors and for any reason any community should have traitors. Those of Wani Igga, Elias, Nunu and other prostitutes who are washing dishes in Juba should not be a set back to revolution. You must isolate them like the Nuer did to their traitors and you must move on with the liberation of your people.
A Message to the White Army
To the brave and strong, sons and daughters of ram mi raan, enough is enough. No one can emphasize that enough. It is time to stop the bad Dinka from peeing on our heads, raping our children and elders. This message must be treated will all seriousness it deserves. Rise and rise now, not tomorrow. Defend your mothers, defend your dignity and defend the future of your grand children today, not tomorrow. This is urgent and definitive for the survival of ram mi raan in South Suan political arena or else the next generation of ram mi raan will be a slave in Dinka Kingdom. That imaginary kingdom must be destroyed today before it is built and decorated. If you remain asleep, you will wake up to build the devilish Kingdom and decorate it with your bloods.
The reasons that people like Makuei Lueth are still preaching hatred is because we have gone to sleep. We are preaching peace to our enemies, something the Nuer never did at the time of war; what has happened to our generation? Is this a curse? We must rise and rise today to tell the world in the strongest term possible that we have had enough. Our youth must die defending their ancestral dignity and indisputable history with smile on their faces and if our youth die, they must die standing, not with their hands folded.
Remember, your fathers defeated British, crushed and defeated the forces of Angolo-Egptians and all their enemies. Your elder brothers and sisters have done the same up to mid 1990s. Read your history, however, this war will decide the fates of all the next generations. Will we let them down? Will we let our grandsons be slaves of another human?
Last but not the least, you have fought all the hardest wars from 2013 when all the enemies from Uganda, Central Africa, Egypt, Blue Nile and Darfur combined to fight you. They knew your strength and although some powers like those of Uganda underestimated your brevity and indisputable victories, they saw it with their own eyes. You have taught them a lesson they will never forget. You have slain all Darfurians in Bentiu, slain Nubian mercenaries in Malakal and slain Ugandan mercenaries in Kwachdeng, Pajut and Gadiang. These are the toughest battles your forefathers never fought. Thanks for defending your ancestral lands. If it was not because of Nuerweews from Bul Nuer, our Thokjiok Bentiu and Gojaam should have captured Warrap and Gokrial. In any case, we thanks all the heroes and heroines who took the first bullets in defense of your mothers, sisters, land and property.
We thanks your 1000 brothers and sisters for defeating over 40 000 Mathiang Anyoor in Juba in July 2016 and we encourage all of you, the youth, who made us proud with brilliant and remarkable performances, to be the guiding stars of our second civil war of liberation in South Sudan. Good enough, the Chollo, Murle warriors, a few Dinka revolutionists and Equatorian giants have joined the revolution. With that, I can only say “Ayieth”.
To our dinka brothers and sisters, who are dying at the front line with SPLA-IO or being persecuted in the name of SPLM-IO, we thanks you for all your efforts and priceless contributions in whatever forms but somethings are done well under the table. That is what this message serves.
I conclude this articles with our revolutionary song, VIVA, please sing aloud with me;
To the White Army, the brave, Viva;
Viva Cobra, Viva;
Viva Agwelek, Viva;
Viva The Lions of Western Bhar el Ghazal, Viva;
Viva To All Revolutionists, Viva;
Viva freedom fighters, Viva;
Viva Greater Equatoria, Viva;
Viva Greater Upper Nile, Viva;
Viva Greater Bhar el Ghazal, Viva;
Viva South Sudan, Viva;
Viva Dr. Rike Machar Teny, Viva;
Viva Viva Viva, Viva
Thanks you for reading, and continue practicing this song, it is our slogan and motto until the revolution is achieved. Victory is around the corner.
The author of this articles is Captain Mary Nyanuer, you can reach me at the frontline or through my email at
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