By. Mak Banguot Gok (Makjohnson),

July 8, 2021 — Gen. Simon Gatwech Dual is more than anyone sentient of those who caused all these prevailing predicaments to the people of South Sudan, and, particularly to the Nuer people. The General is more conscious of those who are claiming to be in the hunt for his consent to fasten together with them. Thinking to easily attract him with phony proclamations is a daydream. It cannot come about this old hand general to rejoin with his enemies even if it turns out unerringly that the veteran revolutionary icon found his last raison d’être to relinquish the SPLM-IO movement or Machar’s in particular.
General Gatdual still has a pigheaded rope of the entire SPLM-IO movement’s Military-political Council. Almost all the SPLM-IO political apparatuses backed him in his argument against any of the coordinated occurrences that doesn’t recognize his credibility; and, not to point out the support he has from the SPLM-IO ‘commonplace enthusiasts.
Moreover, his mission to help started and continued struggling with the SPLM-IO movement during all these difficult times precedes these tiny conflicts of interests which are ensuing within the SPLM-IO movement. As usual, Gen. Gatdual took the courage devoid of the regard to his age restraint, not for an instantaneous repayment, but, with a firm objective to accomplish what he wanted to see as a way out to his people ‘affliction. His commitment to serving the movement with all his might is not somewhat associated with the search for power within the SPLM/A-IO leadership structure.
Therefore, if it happened that, the SPLM-IO movement has glimpsed an evenhanded projection which may result in relieve of an army Chief, and that could be perceived as routine in the process of any systemic restructuring, I believe everyone, included the Chief himself would have been agreed with the elimination. I means, if the taking away of the army Chief came as a result of a careful consultation carried out prior to the action by the SPLM-IO Chairman, “for example, if the SPLM-IO Military Council were previewed of grounds before proclamation of the removal; nevertheless, the motive that prompted the SPLM-IO Chairman to do was made clear; a proper explanations of the post – relieve status arrangements, including where the relived Chief would spend the rest of struggles apart from unjust repositioning in Juba”, I believed this pressure mounted on the SPLM-IO Chairman would have been eased. However, we are still holding hope that the friction which fetches uncertainties within the SPLM-IO is possibly finding an amicable solution.
First we don’t see any reason today or anytime that, whatsoever its cause may be, the smallest amount of incongruity over the SPLM-IO movement’s internal systemic concern between Chairman and army Chief would bursts into an unobtainable stage and force the Chief to vacate SPLM-IO movement. And, in addition there are many genuine grounds that make it unnecessary for Gatdual to choose as scrawny as the other confounders of the SPLM-IO movement who have given up in a similar manner only to rejoin the same enemy by accepting such a belittling. General Gatdual has the support of the SPLM-IO movement which makes him the only formidable subject of active reforms if needed may be within the SPLM-IO movement. He has a celebrated legacies notice even before the aged general took up the additional task of commanding the SPLM-IO movement ‘through its bitter struggle for eight years. Simon Gatwech Dual is known for his consistency in the face of adversities. He is of high moral character and, don’t expect as others Chicken-hawks who want victory that they don’t take part in its struggles. He is an icon of the struggle for freedom that makes the aged general retired holy and continues staying peacefully with his family.
Above all, Gatdual know that, those of Malong, Buoy, Pagan and the likes are the worst enemies who he fought with for the period of eight years. Yet, we are now easy to hear those of Malong, Buoy, Pagan and many others articulating their interests to win the embattled general’s trust. What the group wants is, if they succeeded in deteriorating further the connection of the Chief with his own movement, he may join up with them in the group’s opportunistic political antagonisms.
These unfortunate attempts by the holdouts ‘political opportunists are only a shame! No matter what happens, it would never happen that General Simon Gatwech can dilapidate the SPLM-IO movement only to retort to other enemies.
The author, Mak Johnson, can be reached through email at,
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