By Santino Chiok Ding Hoth
Candidate for Chairmanship of the LNYAD-2021
Juba, Republic of South Sudan
My Dear Fellows Lou-Nuer Youth in Juba and beyond

Juba, Republic of South Sudan(Photo credit: supplied)
Dec 13, 2021 — First of all, I am so grateful to pass on my Christmas Greetings and New Year ‘Best Wishes in advance to all of you, the beloved Lou-Nuer families in Juba and overseas. It has been quite sometimes since the Spoiled Election that you never heard of me communicating to you publicly. I know how worryingly you have been waiting for my publicity. Here we are! Please, allow me first of all to express my own emotional thanks and appreciation for all which has happened in my favor throughout the election process. And, disregarding how miserably and unsuccessfully we ended up this month in Juba; I know the energy wasted in vain has never been so little. Therefore, it is my own desire to comment on your contribution as great.
With this my first publicity after we departed on the 4th of December, 2021 at Juba Star Hotel, I would like to recognize therefore the great efforts applied by those individuals’ young men and women. Am so much indebted particularly to the unyielding support bestowed upon me by ones of my best friends, brothers, and sisters who I can’t mention their names in this communication but remain special in my heart. The young and elderly youth who have given up their time and belongings for me and my team throughout the spoiled election campaign (those individuals ladies and gentlemen who have stood and still persisting on standing by my side morally and substantially in materials, they are the powers behind my insistence. My dear brother and sisters, your contribution cannot be paying no attention to whence after all,it makes me extremely felt proud of how I become in this choosy regard.
Ladies and Gentlemen! My utmost thanks and pleasure goes to all of you my potentials voters (Lou-Nuer youth) who have casted and/or were struggled to casted their vote for me and my team during the Spoil Polling Exercise.Those of you my dear brothers and sisters who have successfully voted for me, and the ones who couldn’t make it due to the election ‘inconveniences caused by unprofessional conduct and behaviour of the Electoral Committee, I do really appreciate and on familiar terms with your support.
Ladies and Gentlemen! With this public communication, am not specifically echoed all my heartfelt appreciations to only those of my brothers and sisters who have stood by me in one way or another during the campaign.Above all, am actually on familiar terms with the great efforts applied by my brother and contender-Mr. Wal Makuach Wiw and his team. The way that he (Mr. Wal+his team) have exploited and utilized all probable means, and successfully persuaded the Electoral Committee to openly behave out of the Constitution in his favour was very smart though corrupt.
And, finally but not less, I do recognize all the good jobs and enthusiasm shown by voters from both rival groups of the Aspirants throughout the Election process. My dear enthusiasts! I know the reasons you have pledged your support for me that, you were after what event most of you thought of to be a positive and practical outcome of the election. I knew you were objectively casted your votes without reservation. It was unfortunate to learn that your anticipation was hijacked and injured by the group of Electoral Committee (EC) and their cohorts. We were denied our right to freely choose our leaders by them who have no clear objective for the Lou-Nuer community.
And, together with you my dear brothers and sisters, I was awfully stunned with the magnitude of the election scandal that has been committed by Electoral Committee.And, as an Aspirant (candidate) for the Chairmanship and this great Association, and who have been enjoyed a tremendous support of his own people, it is what I felt that should be an obligation for me not to leave you uninformed and bewildered.
The following are the directives that you were expecting from me after we accidentally received that day’s confused announcement of the preliminary alleged election results by the Electoral Committee. And, in this particular communication after quite a time since the Spoil Election, I would like to make it clear to you my dear brothers and sisters that I and my team have been preparing for peaceful counter actions. We are surrendering your right to the Electoral Committee and condone the EC fraudulent! Therefore, I and the team are expecting you to back up these series of Petitions written under my headship to pursue both the legal and a moral processes against the LNYAD-2021-Electoral Committee.
Meanwhile, with this particular public relations statement, I am hereby partly giving you clues and directives which you might be eagerly waiting for.
Why I and my Team Rejected the Preliminary the LNYAD-2021 ‘Election Results.
Dear brothers and sisters! These following justifications are the main raison d’être of the Lou-Nuer Youth Association for Development (LNYAD ‘Election irregularities that couldn’t be condoned. The Election Frauds which occurred before, during, and after the conduct ofLNYAD‘Spoiled Election on the 4th of December, 2021 at Juba Star Hotel are contained in this communication. And, with this writing, I and my team were supplementing a series of Petitions which have been written by the same group of grieved Candidates against the LNYAD-2021-Election ‘Electoral Committee in Juba.
Meanwhile, there have been a several join Petitions Wrote and issued by the Candidates (I and my group), and with full a support from our Campaign Team (Managers, the Polling Station ‘Agents, and indeed, the potentials partakers (voters) of the LNYAD-2021 Election in Juba.) With these Petitions, the above cited cluster of Candidates announced its position against the LNYAD Electoral Committee-2021.
Both first and the recent Join Petition Written under my headship have reached out to all the appropriate government and nongovernmental agencies in Juba. With the first and second pleads, Lou-Nuer youth, and indeed, an entire Lou-Nuer community structures (such as, the women groups, elderly persons, and above all, both the Lou-Nuer conventional and traditional authorities in Juba) were informed of all that contained in the Petitions. We clearly explained the event details soon after we were astonished by the Electoral Committee whence announced fake results. My team and I early busted to individuals and group reaction against the election scandaland. Collectively, we have rejected and termed the Preliminary Results of the Date 4th, of December, 2021-LNYAD-Election as fake.
For some few of you who may not know what happened, I can repeatedly highlight to you the fact that the Election Results was rigged beyond reasonable doubt. And, we have found the Results could be invalid, and therefore Unacceptable to the point that, I and my team were promoted to propose the election results should be void and null.
These briefly articulated points that I and my team would like to mention hereafter, are well intended to seek for your attention (e.g. Those Of you my dear brothers and sisters who are concerned members of the Lou-Nuer youth Association in Juba.) And, with this following clarification, I hope there are amongst you a portion to whom this explanation shall serves as a good reasons to appreciates (e.g. what prompted me and those under stated core of the candidates to totally echoed our rejection of the Election outcome, and pronounced it as bogus, and therefore qualified to be null and void.) My dear brothers and sisters! Am hereby taking you through these two phrases of the persuasive points: (1) The LNYAD ‘constitution being contravened by the Electoral Committee, and (2) the grave election Irregularities that were deliberately condoned by the Electoral Committee during the polling.
- The LNYAD ‘Constitution Breach Regarding Regulations of the Elections
The Lou-Nuer Youth Association for Development (LNYAD) ‘Electoral legislation(Constitution) under articles and sub clauses of the election) clearly stated, “I quoted, all the Elections of LNYAD shall be performed in accordance with this Association ‘Constitution. Any acts of commission and/or omissionof the relevant constitutional portion by anyone involved, including Candidate and/or the Electoral Committee, are unacceptable and be treated as such due to its unconstitutional grounds.
Unfortunately, the groups of the Electoral Committee (EC) headed by Mr. Gatluak Khot Keat have violated the LNYAD ‘Constitution on multiple occasions. Meanwhile, in an obvious act of violating the Electoral Board’s articulated functions and authorities, the EC deployed its own illegal practices and, in contradiction with both the legal and moral justification of this and others Associations ‘Constitutions. TheEC was acting outside the spirit of an election and/or in violation of the principles of democracy that, even shown whence attempted to implement its ill-prepared project by rigging the process.
Voting Financial Scandal during the Voters Registration
In violation of the LNYAD Constitution article and under Sub clause of the election, the Electoral Committee started arrogantly putting financial barriers as stumbling blockage, and purposely barred some of the groups and social class within the Lou-Nuer youth community from participation in Voting.
On the other hand, thesame Lou-Nuer Youth Association for Development ‘Constitution has supported the payment of small amounts by each of the voters during Election process under articles of LNYAD ‘Constitution. However, the objective for doing so was purely to help facilitate the Election processes. That wasn’t getting into the minds of those occupying the Electoral Board.
For example, whence Lou-Nuer conducting LNYAD election, the Constitution actual permitted an amount of SSP required of a single voter to pay so that individual qualify for voting. But, the constitutionally granted amounts to be paid were affordable and the payment ranged from 100 to 500ssp respectively for each of the eligible voters. And, for the Aspirant (Candidate) at the Association’s Executive level, the same LNYAD ‘Constitution articulated some amount ranged from 5,000 to 10,000SSP for all the contested positions.Such an arrears payment has been a tradition whence LNYAD conducts its Election in Juba after every two years. You may recall even the last year of 2019 ‘Election fall under affordable amounts and, it has to be established that, these previous Electoral Committee unlike the current one have been implemented what is constitutionally mandated to by the Constitution.
Unlike the previous Electoral Committee, this year 2021 Electoral Board Chairman and his team have totally altered these reasonable dues to be paid for voting from the above affordable amount. After several disagreements the Electoral Committee and General Assembly over the sudden and unreasonable change of the voting fees, the EC refused to consent and, the Board ‘Chairman and his team members were irreversibly imposed 200,000SSP per a Candidate for the Chair and vice.The rest of aspirants (candidates for the Secretariats were forced by the same Electoral Committee to paid 150,000SSP per each.) Nearly 3,000 Eligible Voters were registered with 2,000SSP per a Voter.
That very huge amount to be demanded of the Candidates and voters alike, the EC was indeed unrealistic even before the laws. Meanwhile, the more many youth amongst the Lou-Nuer in Juba were deprived of their rights to vote due to the financial constraint, the more even the composition of voters was altered by disenfranchising some classes of the Lou-Nuer youth and rendered them unable to register and vote.
Duplication of Voters Figure Scandal
It has been accurately revealed that there was going on a false registration of the voters allowed by the LNYAD/Electoral Committee-2021. The initial registered figure announced by the EC and confirmed eligible for voting by the General Assembly was 2386. There has been going on such a favorite registrations of the voters who are using a phony names or fake identity until the figure swelled from what the Electoral Committee initially announced to 2,771 with an extra elicited names of about 385 eligible voters that were suspected of being forfeited by the Electoral Committee in favour of one Candidate (groups of Candidates).
Illegal and Overages Voters Scandal
Electoral Committee (EC) against the LNYAD Constitution’s article of legibility for whom to vote in the election, they decided to open the voting access to everyone (allowed illegal voters and names whose owners are from others Nuer or being married off by others Nuer community), and who may claims residence in the Lou-Nuer land whilst they are really not members of this Association.) Meanwhile, over 40% of the alleged votes for Mr. Wal Makuach Wiw who the Electoral Committee falsely announced as the winners were an IDPs women groups from Fangak, Bentiu, Nasir, and even far off the Nuer community. With enough evidence and references, the list of those illegal voters is available.
Illegal Removal of the Registered Voters ‘Names on Election Roll
After all the eligible voters were registered and compiled into Election Roll, the Electoral Committee resorted to illegally removing hundreds names of eligible voters from the Electoral Roll on alleged suspicion that the persons whose names were removed were not enthusiastic of the Candidates of the EC members ‘choice. Hence! This technique of removing and replacing eligible voters with illegible voters intended to make it difficult or even impossible for the person whose name was removed to vote whence not registered on the Election Roll.
Forged and Recycling of Voting Slips Scandal
During the Election conduct, we found out that, Electoral Committee-2021 was duplicating the voter slips. The EC continued to allow illegal registration of voters in multiple locations and/or by different agents working for the candidates of the Electoral Committee ‘choice. Whilst the voting was in progress, elements of the EC in collaboration with a group of Aspirants ‘agents continued issuing voting slips to those whose names and voting cards did not appear prior to the voting while expected to vote for the EC ‘candidate of choice.
Ghost Names Voter Slips Scandal
Thus! There has been going on a fraudulent registration of an absentee’s ballots (names) by the Electoral Committee. EC illegally allowed illegal and ghost names to access voting slips and voted for the candidate of their (EC) ‘choice. Even without the knowledge of the actual names ‘owners, there have been people whose names written on the Election Roll in absentia and their voter slips fall in hands of illegal voters. And, these illegal names (fake names) were used on the Ballots Boxes for voting in the same LNYAD/Election-2021in more than once.
Therefore, such a deliberate manipulation of election outcomes was widely considered a violation of the principles of the Lou-Nuer Youth Association for Development (LNYAD-Constitution) and principle of democracy. Nevertheless, my team and I have been rejected in totality.
- Santino Chiok Ding Hoth
Candidate for the Chairmanship of Lou-Nuer Youth Association for Development-2021
Juba, Republic of South Sudan
Tell: +211916165079