

By Solomon Madut Ayai

Dec 15, 2021 — Last week, we published an article titled “How Illiterate Veronica Athian and Mading Aweil Gang Are Undermining President Salva Kiir Mayardit”. In the article, we highlighted serious threats to the personal well-being of the President and his family as well as his leadership and legacy as a first democratically elected President of the Republic of South Sudan. This Mading Aweil Gang is comprised of James Deng Wal who is the Executive Director in the Office of the President, Ateny Wek Ateny, Press Secretary to the President, Ajou Mareng Akuei, SSTV journalist seconded to the Office of the President, Veronica Athian Lawrence Lual, Secretary to the President and their co-opted member Akol Santo Areec (Special bodyguard to the President).

Today, we can authoritatively report how the so-called Mading Aweil Gang have been conspiring to undermine and mislead President Salva Kiir Mayardit and his leadership. The intention of these individuals is to bring down the leadership of President Salva Kiir Mayardit by undermining the confidence of the public in the Office of the President and the leadership of President Salva Kiir Mayardit. They have consistently and deliberately fail to help President Salva Kiir Mayardit to deliver on his promises to the people of South Sudan. These individuals have openly admit that they do not believe in the ability of President Salva Kiir Mayardit to lead the country. To them, the Office of the President is a means of enriching themselves; they are not there to help the President deliver on his mandate to the people of South Sudan.

Leaking of confidential directives of the President

The Mading Aweil Gang are responsible for leakage of confidential letter regarding the directives of the President of the Republic the cancellation of the Sovereign Guarantee for USD 650 million for Silwana Global Group and Amok General Trading which are both associated with businessman Kur Ajing Ater and Paulino Diing Madol. A reliable source within the Office of the President and another source who is currently travelling with Vice President Rebecca Nyandeng, confirmed that the document was scanned and emailed by James Deng Wal and Ajou Mareng Akuei to Ateny Wek Ateny who is currently in the US as part of the delegation that went to US for the United Nations General Assembly. It was Ateny who leaked the letter to the representatives of World Bank, IMF and the media. This was confirmed and verified by a highly placed source within the World Bank and IMF. The intention of leaking the letter according to another source was to embarrass the President of the Republic of South Sudan since the President’s family had been accused of receiving nearly USD 200 million from the deal through his brother-in-law Gen. Gregory Vasili Dmitri and daughter Adut Salva Kiir Mayardit. James Deng Wal, Ateny Wek Ateny and Ajou Mareng Akuei are now accusing the former Minister of Finance & Planning, Athian Diing Athian of leaking the letter when indeed it was them who leaked the letter to the media. 

We are seeing situation unfolding before our own eyes where President Salva Kiir Mayardit will be betrayed by James Deng Wal and Ateny Wek Ateny. Ateny Wek Ateny has been quoted as saying that “he will never be relieved from his position as Press Secretary of the President because he has dirt on the President and that he is writing a tell-all book about the President, his family and his time in the Office of the President”.

Ateny Wek Ateny has been bragging openly that he is the “deepthroat” within the Office of the President. Deepthroat refers to an FBI informant who was leaking information to the Washington Post about the role of President Richard Nixon in the famous Watergate Scandal. Just like the way President Richard Nixon was betrayed by his close aides who testified against him during the Watergate trial, President Salva Kiir Mayardit will ultimately be betrayed by individuals around such James Deng Wal, Ateny Wek Ateny, Veronica Athian Lawrence and Akol Santo Areech.

Influencing Appointment of Senior Government Officials

James Deng Wal, Veronica Athian and Ateny Wek Ateny have misled President Salva Kiir Mayardit on numerous occasions to appoint unqualified individuals to sensitive government positions. Before they push for the appointment of the person they wanted, the three individuals will sit with the person and agree on how their selfish interests would be secured as soon as the individual is appointed by the President. For example, it was Veronica Athian who pushed for the appointment of Garang Majak as First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance & Planning. As soon as the appointment was done, the three individuals designed a strategy to loot the Ministry of Finance & Planning. James Deng Wal in his capacity would request huge payments in the name of the President and Office of the President. These requests are submitted to Garang Majak who in turn process the payments without the knowledge of the Minister of Finance. These payments are then made to secret bank accounts of their companies owned by them but managed by their relatives. These individuals made Garang Majak believed that he will never be fired by the President to an extent he became so arrogant even to ignore directives of the Minister of Finance. By the time Garang Majak was fired, these members of Mading Aweil Gang had made over USD 15 million for themselves. We will publish details of financial requests, transfer details from the Ministry of Finance & Bank of South Sudan as well as details of the companies and directors of these companies as obtained from the Registrar of Companies at the Ministry of Justice.

Another example is the recent promotion of James Deng Wal and Veronica Athian’s husband Salva Kuach Barjok as Major General and Captain respectively in the South Sudan Sudan’s People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF). James Deng Wal and Salva Kuach have never attended any military training in their lives. Veronica’s husband went to the United States as a teenager. The dude is only 33 years old meaning he was born in 1988 in one of the refugee camps in Kenya. Salva Kuach was promoted to the rank of Captain through the influence of her wife, Veronica Athian. For James Deng Wal, he seems to have bribed the Chief of Defense Forces, Gen. Santino Deng Wol who recommended his promotion. A confidential source in the Office of the President told this author that Ateny Wek Ateny had also been recommended for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General in SSPDF but President Salva Kiir Mayardit declined to approve his promotion. President Salva Kiir Mayardit should put an end to such promotions. They erode confidence and morale of the active men and women in uniforms who have actually undergone grueling military training and who are at the forefront of defending this country from both internal and external aggression. Working in the Office of the President should not be ticket for one to gain favours such as promotion into military or other security organizations.

A reliable source in the Office of the President confirmed that President Salva Kiir Mayardit was shocked when he learnt that he had been misled by the Executive Director James Deng Wal and Veronica Athian to promote civilians who have never undergone any military training to senior ranks in the national army. 

As mentioned in the previous article, Ajou Mareng Akuei as a self-declared first gay from Mading Aweil has been in relationships with Lebanese businessmen and some members of diplomatic corps in South Sudan. He has been spotted numerous times in the company of these men in some of the high-end hotels in Juba and Dubai. In secretly recorded conversation obtained by this author, a prominent Lebanese businessman who could not be named for security reasons said that through his sexual relationship with Ajou Mareng, he has been able to secure lucrative business deals from the Office of the President. “We are properly covered and no one will ever touch us in this country. We are working with top officials in the Government of South Sudan especially in the Office of the President. On top of making so much money from these idiots, we are also gathering a lot of intelligence and dirt that we can use to blackmail them if they stop giving us business”, said the Lebanese businessman. The Lebanese also said he has a video recording of him and Ajou Mareng sleeping together. He even shared a photo of him and Ajou swimming together and having a good time in one of high-end hotel in Juba.

Another Lebanese businessman working for Skyline Construction Limited owned by an international fugitive and lethal mercenary Ali Myree, disclosed that they have been installing doors and furniture fitted with transmitters and microphones to sensitive government offices including the Office of the President. He said through these doors and seats, they have collected trove of intelligence that they can use to blackmail senior government officials including the President of the Republic. “Look, we have everything under control. We supplied seats being used by President Salva Kiir Mayardit. These seats have been fitted with transmitters and microphones giving us real time news about meetings that President Salva Kiir is conducting. We have done this with support of senior officials in the Office of the President especially the current Executive Director, James Deng Wal”. The Lebanese seems to have brought intelligence gathering tricks from Israeli intelligence organization, MOSSAD. It is to remember that Mossad supplied what is famously called as “singing chair” to a senior member of Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Mohamud Abbas. The “singing chair” was first exposed in a book called “Rise and Kill First; The Secret History of Israel Targeted Killings” by Ronen Bergman.

Ali Myree also known as Ali Khalil Merhi is an internationally known fugitive, pirate, mercenary, terrorist and a strong financier for terrorist groups including Hezbollah. He owns Crown Hotel in Juba. Another Lebanese working for Crown Hotel confirmed that Ali ordered for secret cameras to be installed in all hotel rooms so as to gather information on senior government officials accommodated at the hotel. “We have installed cameras in all the hotel rooms as per orders of Mr. Ali. We have tons of videos and photos on senior government officials in compromising situations with their girlfriends and concubines”, said the Lebanese who did not want his name disclosed for security reasons. He said Ali uses these videos and cameras to blackmail senior officials including those working in the Office of the President to give them lucrative contracts. It is rumored that Ali is having an affair with one of the ladies working in the Protocol Department in the Office of the President. We will disclose her name and identity in the next article.

According to the Washington Post and a US Congressional report, Ali Myree is wanted by FBI and CIA for various criminal offences including terrorism financing and piracy. Ali Myree was nominated as Consul for South Sudan in Lebanon. He was also granted a South Sudan diplomatic passport. It is so shameless that South Sudan has become a safe haven for international criminals such as Ali Myree; thanks to actions of few greedy, selfish, unpatriotic and myopic officials in the Office of the President like James Deng Wal, Veronica Athian Lawrence, Ateny Wek Ateny, Ajou Mareng Akuei and Akol Santo Areec.

Akol Santo Areec

He is an illiterate young man who needs to spend time going to school and develop himself. He is desperate trying to please some young girls telling them that he is a close confidant of President Salva Kiir Mayardit. It is sad that he is wasting his time hiring people to write articles praising him and calling him “Engineer”. What a fool? Akol Santo Areec has not gone beyond class four (4) at primary school level leave alone studying engineering courses at the University level. I am daring Akol Santo Areec to publish a copy of his academic certificates and prove to us that indeed he went to school. I am also daring him to name some of his classmates starting from primary school to university level. I would not be surprised if he ends publishing forged academic certificates from useless universities such as Cavendish University, Starford University or Kampala Christian University, which the Minister of High Education recommended for closure.

Akol Santo Areech is a womanizer who has been sleeping with young girls in Juba especially after his sudden ill-gotten wealth from Benjamin Bol Mel. He bought a lot of high-end properties in Juba, Nairobi, Kampala, Khartoum and Dubai. As much as he wants to deny that he is getting money from Benjamin Bol Mel, we have evidence and proof of transactions that we will publish for the people of South Sudan to see how these people are shamelessly looting resources for millions of suffering South Sudanese citizens. We have obtained bank records and details of transactions from some of the bank officials and lawyers that Akol Santo used to acquire these properties in Juba, Nairobi, Kampala and Dubai using his ill-gotten wealth as a mere bodyguard of the President. Bol Mel has been transferring millions of US dollars to Akol Santo Areech’s bank accounts from the National Investment and Development bank account at Ecobank Juba Branch. We will publish them in the next article coming up before the end of next week. We hope the Treasury Department of the US Government will sanction Akol Santo Areech and the National Investment & Development Bank where he has been receiving millions of US Dollars from Benjamin Bol Mel. Akol Santo Areech has also been bragging to his friends and the young girls that he has been sleeping with that he is the one who collects bribes from Bol Mel on behalf of President Salva Kiir Mayardit and his family. In one of the leaked recordings, Akol Santo Areec could be heard saying, “some people think they can campaign for me to be fired. They are wrong. How can I be fired when I am the one who collects millions of bribes for President Salva Kiir Mayardit, First Lady Mary Ayen and her daughter Adut Salva Kiir Mayardit? I am untouchable”.

Akol Santo Areec has links with foreign intelligence organizations keen in getting intelligence from the Office of the President and specifically about the health situation of the President. Reliable sources within intelligence community in neighboring countries especially in Sudan and Uganda have identified this young man as their asset preying on his greed for wealth, show-off and insatiable appetite for underage girls and prostitutes. Akol Santo Areech has also been bragging to his friends and some the young girls that he is sleeping with that he is the President’s pimp; which means he is the one to get young women and prostitutes for the President of the Republic. In a secret recording provided to this author, Akol Santo is heard telling a young girl that “he must taste how good she is in bed before he can take her to the President”. What a shameless young man to tarnish the image of the President in this manner!


Our mission in highlighting the rot in the Office of the President is because we want President Salva Kiir Mayardit to succeed. He is a distinguished and decorated liberator of his people. It is for this reason that he was nicknamed “Joshua of South Sudan”. We want President Salva Kiir Mayardit to leave behind a clean reputation and legacy. We know that President Salva Kiir Mayardit has the interest of South Sudan at heart. He sacrificed his youthful life to liberate the people of South Sudan. He has been failed by people he has around him and who should help him serve the people of South Sudan. Unfortunately, the President admitted that “he does not have people who know how to work but only people who know how to eat”. This is a serious admission from the President of the Republic.

The Office of the President is a number one national institution that all the tribes and peoples of South Sudan should be represented. The so-called Mading Aweil Gang have selfishly decided to recruit and fill up key positions in the Office of the President with people from one region at the expense of qualified and educated individuals from other regions. We are aware that President Salva Kiir Mayardit has repeatedly said that people working in his office should be recruited on meritocracy with consideration for regional balance. Despite these directives from the President of the Republic, the Mading Aweil Gang have conspired to kick out a few individuals who were successfully recruited to work in the Office of the President simply because they come from Equatoria or Upper Nile Regions. They have defied directives of the President which amounts to serious insubordination punishable by automatic dismissal from the Office of the President.  

President Salva Kiir Mayardit deserves to work with people who will help him achieve his vision of the people of South Sudan who elected him. He doesn’t need individuals who are using his name and the institution of the Presidency to enrich themselves through looting and outright theft of public resources.

We are calling on these individuals in the Office of the President to enjoy their stolen wealth in peace instead of trying to rub it on our faces. We are cautioning these individuals to stop tarnishing the name of the President and his family as well as the Office of the President in their selfish and corrupt deals.

It is high time for President Salva Kiir Mayardit to clean up his Office and get people who will serve him with respect, loyalty, utmost dedication and determination but who are equally qualified and experienced enough for the task ahead of them; not individuals who are tarnishing his image, that of his family and the entire institution of the Presidency as well as using the Office of the President to enrich themselves. The so-called Mading Aweil Gang and their little stooge called Akol Santo Areec will not add any value to the President of the Republic because they are illiterate, inexperienced, uncivilized, uncultured and above all they are clueless about how the State and government bureaucracy works.

Solomon Madut Ayai is an Investigative Journalist and Commentator on Current Social, Economic and Political issues in South Sudan. He can be reached at madut.solomon@gmail.com.

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