By Kuong Ruach-Lam Jany,

Dec 27, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— It came to our understanding of Dr Lam Akol military activities in South Sudan that Dr Lam is trying to pull the carpet underneath SPLM/A-IO in our controlled areas as we are moving forward to liberate our country from the tribal Dinka regime of Kiir Mayardit and his Jieng Council of Eders JCE. Historically, Dr. Lam was part of struggle bearing in 1991, in which he was very instrumental in regards to the objectives for liberation of South Sudan instead of the so-called protracted war of New Sudan.
He was part of the split of SPLM/A Nasir faction that differed with Dr John Garang D’Mabior of Torit faction. However, it never took very long before Dr. Lam unearthed his ambition to take control of the movement, which became the base of division and fragmentation of the SPLM/A-United formerly known as Nasir faction. Before then Dr Riek Machar had ignored Lam’s activities against the Movement and what became Dr Riek faction. Dr. Lam was aggressive and became responsible for the death of Cdr. Peter Panom Thanypieny in the central Nuer area. Long story, Dr. Lam was a seed of division within a division and he is now on the same course to repeat that history. As a man who has been standing for failure, Lam has nothing to lose but everything to gain from fragmentation and failure of SPLM/A and South Sudan.
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Dr Lam without any effort got a position in the last government of National Unity TGoNU in Juba as minister of agriculture when in reality Lam had no single right to be part of the power sharing of the Transitional Government of National Unity because Lam was part of the government of Salva Kiir Mayardit and he was not part of the signatories that opposed the government. The SPLM/A-IO policy in the peace talk was to include all the stakeholders, so that South Sudan have relative peace once and for all. But on the occurrence of Juba where Dr Riek was plotted to be assassinated, Lam’s expectation was that Dr Riek would be killed and be gone which would make Lam’s party the major opposition to the government. He hoped that desperate NuerWew like those of James Mawich Bichiok who served him in the past would then line up to follow him after the death of Dr Riek Machar. Unfortunately, he did not see that Taban Deng Gai, another brainwashed psychopath could have been his main opponent.
This did not happened of course as he expected, Dr Riek survived and did not die, so that he could move ahead with the plans and trying to manipulate some Nuer as to follow him appropriate. but one thing Dr Lam have forgotten that he missed the pointed when the Nuer supported him as a national leader even though Lam was not a Nuer himself, but believed that he is culturally Nuer, Shilluk by blood. When Dr Lam created the SPLM/A-United his chief of General Staff was Lt. Gen. James Gatduel Gatluak known as Gatduel Nyakuai, he could not sustained his support as James Gatduel concern. There was nothing wrong to follow a national leader if there is one. But Lam could not fulfilled those wishes an experienced military officer like James could follow.
It became very clear that Lam had no support even in his own areas like Tuoja district Upper Nile, Dr Lam wants to do the same as he always wish to mobilisation/manipulate the Nuer officers even if Dr Riek is not dead. Dr Lam strategy is wrong trying to use foreign powers to pressure those Nuer officers under SPLM/A-IO of the leadership of Dr Riek to join him and or in the Nuerland. But forgotten that Dr Riek is a National leader and a former vice president, and the leader of SPLM/A-IO.
Dr Riek the very man whom Dr Lam wish to stabbed from the back had done a lot to promote Dr. Lam leadership started from Nasir declaration in 1991, and also when Dr Riek mobilised for the comprehensive Peace Agreement with the government of Sudan. It was initiated by Dr Riek Machar to incorporated Dr Lam by signing the Fashoda peace agreement where he became the minister with Sudan government.
Dr Lam, it is very sad that what we see as a conspiracy against Dr Riek must ceased. We have learnt that Dr Lam was behind the recent attempt to kill Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony SPLM/IO-IO Commander of Fashoda Region. Simply because gen Olony is under the command of Dr Riek Machar. There is nothing wrong of a Shilluk following a Nuer leader, if Dr Lam himself wish to be followed by Nuer generals!, I’ for one, voted for Dr. Lam in the election of 2010, when I was leading the (7) South Sudan political Parties in the Unity State when I contested the governorship seat. It makes a lot of sense for me to think that the leader we should vote for was Dr Lam as opposed to SPLM Leader contesting for presidential candidacy.
A leader must come from someone tribes in South, even though some leaders like President Kiir Mayardit run away with South Sudanese votes and only privilege his clan and his tribesmen. This is what we should discourage of any leader not to steal voices of all nationals and favoured only his own tribesmen. After all we found out the Dr Lam have no support from his constituency, to our understanding, Dr. Lam is not health as he believe his policies is state party control and not national parties as we the rest of us do. He wish to have only state MPs and in the state executive that is what Dr Lam wish to have, that is why nobody be surprise of his party SPLM-DC have members of National Parliament only from his area, he cannot turn around tell us.
Dr. Lam must stop trying to use Nuer against Nuer or against Shilluk, we had enough of that by Salva Kiir trying that kind of negative and unpopular policies of divide and rule the population of South Sudan, we know in the history of struggle of South Sudan, Nuer are known of fighting the national cause all the time started form Anyanya 1, the Nuer fought but got nothing in the Addis Ababa Agreement. The Nuer visionary leaders saw that the Addis Ababa Agreement was abrogated and would in some years to come be destroyed predicting the collapsed of the government of southern Sudan Executive Council in 1983 and pulled out in 1975. As for others who are trying to claim the history of struggle of south Sudan today were busy help the then government of Jaffer Numeri. The Nuer went and created Anyanya 2 which I personally participated. Now some people trying to deny people history they made themselves. But as long as we are here, Dr Riek is not dead and is not exiled, he is operational whoever making a mistake to undercut his leadership, is wrong!!!
In the policies of SPLM/A-IO, we encourage multiparty systems, led all the south Sudanese form their political parties, political movements, civil societies, in all level. But my advice is that it is not a good ideas that some would want to create military militia to confuse the struggle for the people of south Sudan freedom. Led us form one National movement and alliances is good idea. Led us form National Army from now when we are on struggle and move in as a better structure systems with one political movement consist of multiparty system. One military consist of all nationals of South Sudan from all tribes so that nobody feel missed out, the good example shown already is the participation of Murle, Mundari, Pertit the chollo, people from Eastern Equatoria and western Equatoria. It does not make sense to think that national army is created when inside by forming the government, this is not going to work, if you are waiting for that don’t complain if you are waiting for that time and feel excluded.
It will be a big mistake that Dr Lam and other sees SPLM/A-IO as Dr Riek Movement, it is a collective leadership, and a national movement from Renk to Nimule and from Raja to Boma, people must be very careful targeting a leader of IO Dr Riek Machar Tenydhogon, he has a vision of the future of South Sudan from the time when the movement SPLM/A split in Nasir 1991, that is why we have the independent and a government of today if you don’t know but know now, those who eat now were betraying the cause of our people, the war for objective to liberate south Sudan could have taken short period of time. I called up on all the South Sudanese Nationals to join hand with SPLM/A-IO under the leadership of visionary Dr Riek Machar Tenydhorgon.
Viva People of South Sudanese people,
Viva Dr Riek Machar Tenydhorgon
God bless people of South Sudan,
God bless South Sudan,
Kuong Ruach-Lam Jany
Adviser on Political Parties Affairs
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