Contributor's Opinion


By TT Shaka,

Eric Revees, a controversial historian, speaking during an interview on Sudan and Darfur(Photo: file)
Eric Revees, a controversial historian, speaking during an interview on Sudan and Darfur(Photo: file)

April 12, 2017(Nyamilepedia) —— Eric Reeves has always touched on somethings that pinched the skin of concerned Southerners but not this one of the famine. I have read Eric’s articles since from the time of struggle until today. In some of his first writings, he pretended to be the supporter of the entire South but after sometimes, he became a Jieng. Now he appears to be tired of Jieng master that is why he is expressing his anger through the famine issue.

Mr. Biel Boutros, I understand  you too can’t bare expressing your emotional concerns but don’t  please forget that when you set your house on fire, and later  cry for help,  you don’t at the same time blame people for not responding to your call. The famine in South Sudan is their problem and the solution lies in their hands. I don’t expect for once the people of south Sudan to look like baggers for food when they have very fertile land everywhere? Without the oil and minerals in South Sudan, they should have enough for those born and the unborn.

A number of articles have been written to support the above reasoning where one wrote, “If you sleep outside in South Sudan, leaves will be found growing on you” This was echoed by a White South African reporter who visited Western Equatoria during the war and said, “If you burry a bicycle in the soil in South Sudan, you will find two or more of them the next morning.

Eric Reeves hasn’t been consistent when he wrote about South Sudan. He wrote his papers just to gain popularity among the nations of the world. To say the least, most of his articles have been misleading and some let to what the Jieng have done and are doing to other tribes at present. He claimed to know the south with their problems unfortunately was so green. Reeves shouldn’t forget that there are a number of Southerners who have the same academic qualifications and very intelligent too. Being white in skin doesn’t means he is better.

Mr. Biel, I am writing this article so that we are on the same page with our problems. We don’t have to turn away from the mistakes made in our house to someone. I know any angry person will easily be triggered to take a decision which he/she may regret. Think of the origin of the famine. Has it started from the United States where Eric comes from? For nearly 50 years [1955-2005] we have been baggers being fed by the international bodies and I thought after we became free, we should have freed ourselves from dependency. Where on earth someone could transfers the wounds of his body to somebody? The pains are yours and ever will be until the wounds get healed.

We all watched the coming of this famine; did we do anything about it? Is this not owing to selfishness and the corruption that has been eating the flesh from inside? Don’t you think it is more shaming to hear the very government that caused the famine to appeal to the international bodies or shamelessly to ask the people they have been starving by not paying their salaries to raise funds?  Does it make any sense when the government despite of the situation continuous to pump out a lot of money of the country every day? How sure can people be that the money they will donate once again goes into their pocket?

To be realist, it is better to put your house in order because it is where you get your comfort. Someone else’s properties don’t belong to you. Anybody who thinks he/she is right; will not worry about what people say about him.  So, whatever Reeves said shouldn’t burn you if you think you are right and he is wrong. I hope Mr. Biel you can now see that the famine issue in South Sudan is yours but not of Eric Reeves.

Museveni like Reeves have contributed immensely to our current misery and by hearing the truth we have been singing all along from Museveni to his brother and supporter, I have hopes that we shall wakeup to realize a free South Sudan. Unless Museveni translates what he said into a positive action for the whole Southerners, I will still have my doubt. I wish he [Museveni] understands that South Sudan and Uganda have an endless trade and human relation not just what he has been thinking of that drove him to support Kiir. They both will go but Uganda and South Sudan will remain.

The author of this article can be reached for more information at hicksambira@yahoo.com

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