By: Bayak Chuol Puoch,

May 5, 2015 (Nyamilepedia)—We the South Sudanese people are blaming the Former Secretary for SPLM Comrade Pagan Amum Okiech and his colleagues because they were with Dr Riek Machar Teny in December 2013 and that was the beginning of South Sudan genocide that committed by President Salva Kiir in the Capital Juba. When they were freed by Dr Machar and then they changed their minds right away when they arrived in Nairobi, Kenya. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta was spending his money for accommodation of these selfishness politicians who looted billion of dollars while their people are suffering up to now in South Sudan.
I am happy to tell every one of South Sudanese that Pagan Amum is not a leader of this country. This is what happened to him because he wants to get into power very quickly.
Pagan’s statement that Killing 25000 of Nuer people should not be used as an excuse to fight and this disturbed every one of South Sudanese.
I am here telling you about what Pagan said in the year 2007, that he thank God for creating Shilluk tribe to be the smallest tribe in South Sudan because everyone of Shilluk person loves him/herself and Shilluk man can bring fish from the river and he can eat it alone without inviting his wife or family members. All what he said about Shilluk is not true because Shilluk are good people like other tribes in this country.
Comrade Prof Peter Adwok Nyaba, Former Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr Lam Akol Ajawin, Former Sudanese Foreign Minister and Tijwok Hadhir Aguet, Former Presidential Adviser on Religious Affairs and current Chairman for the rebel SPLM Committee for Agriculture and Governor of Fashoda State and all other Shilluk members are good people.
Pagan and his colleagues are thinking that they can steal the government of South Sudan so that he kept contacting and telling people of the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, European Union, IGAD and African Union that Dr Riek Machar and President Salva Kiir have no right to lead the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGNU) of South Sudan while they have no any single soldier on the ground and they were eating their money without sharing other people. I think that Pagan and his colleagues will not smell this coming government but they will only rule their wives.
The only person that took the good decision is Former South Sudanese Ambassador to United States of America, Comrade Amb. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth who said that I will not be with G10 while my fellow South Sudanese are dying daily facing hardship in the Republic of South Sudan.
Second to that, what Pagan Amum is preaching against Shilluk tribe is not true and we the South Sudanese respects all Shilluk as we know that they are good people and one of them can lead this country any time if we agreed because every tribe has a right to rule in the government of South Sudan in the future.
My special appreciation goes to Prof Peter Adwok Nyaba, Former Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology for his stands and strong approaches to the wider audiences nationally, regionally and internationally. Notably, he is the first politician of our time to break silence on the ongoing crisis while he is still under house arrest by the dictatorial regime in Juba. Also, he keeps telling the world what destroyed our country.
The South Sudanese around the world appreciate his enlightenment to the world. As such the world community understood the root-causes of the internal strive from his brilliant, articulated, unbiased articles which will be rewarded with lots of thanks.
God bless South Sudan!
Bayak Chuol Puoch
Former Chairman of Nuer Community in Egypt
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Who between Pagan and Riek want power so quickly, pumpkin head!?
Let focussing in finding the solution to the nanional problem. I believed that none of those guys is a right now. They are working harder to bring peace,but salva kirr’s refusal make it more difficult for both Machar & Pagun to reach anything.
Pagan and Dr crazy Riek are corrupt better kiir mayardit to continue RULE south sudan
John Garang pseudonym, a lot of money and nothing to do with,while our people were dying of diseases and Hunger. Alcoholism and his SPLM’s Secretary General work was too Heavty for him to do it. Pagan AMum lips and mouth was like a blood for long time. I thought Amum was rehab in prison with all 10 Detainees because most of them were too obese. Protect youth from politic,it is the same SPLM-IO is doing now.
Rehabilitation and reduce drinking.This picture is good because his lip was red like a blood before attempted coup. I think they have treated him in prison.
The position of the former detainee is so useless that the church leaders and those non-gov’ntl organizations are better in terms of neutrality comparison and yet they have a demand to make about some ten percent. In mathematical value the ten individual do not add to 10% force, group, population or constituencies. I really don’t know where the ten percent came from. They been thrown under the bus by the Kiir and the Jaang councils of elder and in turn abandon the call for splm reforms in which they made serious speech before the guard clashes..
Nuer Highest Ranks are always non exist because i had never read such commented from you. Stop stupids Nuer’s fake Highest Ranks.
I think 10% will be given to both G-10 & the rest of south sudan parties. So far,That what i know.
Pagan and his G10 are looking for Uniting Sudan and South Sudan to retain New Sudan vision back. Thowath Pal agree with them recently in Nairobi Kenya
I diagreed, Thokwath hasn’t connection to what you mentioned. He(thokwath) is an Ethiopian politician that absolutelly has not in hand, in term of financial capability,
Mr. Bayak Chuol you are right man and you tell the truth. the FMR.Secretary general of SPLM Pagan AMum and his colleagues had been fools by East Africa community and world Communities that they should lead South sudan that’s why they are just relaxing and eating and south sudanese are suffering in bad situation overthere as well as we know we freedom fighters white army. please if you didn’t suffered with s.sudanese people you will not get any position in the future of south sudan
North will not accept South Sudan back again because their Islamic Diabolical will not work in the South Sudan,but if they do and that will be the end of Arabization and Islamism in all Sudan. South has lost many lives and no for giveness about that.
What happened to your New Sudan Vision. You gave that up didn’t you. I was worried you would be the first to run up North pants down if the North said come lets unite.
You should understand why North had recognized South Independence because it is not good for them any more.
I thought you were smarter than that. Don’t you know that Nuers are already in the North, licking the Jalaba’s feet? They like to start a war with the Dinka and then run like a wild dog to Khartoum and Gambella for help. We will never allow them back this time unless they kill Riek Machar for us. No peace with Riek Machar again.
South Sudan and North Sudan will be neighbors cooperatively for the next who knows how long and therefore its in the best interest of both to continue good neighborly relations. What you know as Nuers in the North are actually a mixture many South Sudanese citizens seeking refuge by the thousand, shelter & employment opportunities that your ethnic regime failed to deliver. To give you an example last year a few Jaang gentlemen were heading North, they were intercepted by the North Sudan’s Security agents and pulled in for suspicious activities but later cleared upon claiming refugee status as I described above and the rest not even mentioned are hundredths if not thousands. There is No evidence to justify your claim of Nuers a tribe being North as part of an alliances agreement with the North Sudan. You try helping your buddy but he should know better not to entertain your lies. Since Uganda is in South Sudan on your ethnic regime’s behave, perhaps you are the one doing much of the licking.
G10 have the right to choose between their accesses and SPLM-IO because government have the right to freeze all SPLM-IO accesses but Riek wanted them to loos like them too for baseless conflict.Stolen should have been taken back if they had joined SPLM-IO.
They were told to be Neutral so that they will be given a seat of presidency during TGONU which now failed. I don’t know why they are in exile if they don’t have problem with South Sudanese Citizen? they should be in Juba and form their party like Dr.Lam then nothing can prevent them from talking but they were taken there because they were with Dr.Riak. Anyway God furnish them because they were among 75 corrupted names.
When ever you join Juba regime they welcome you with bottle of black level whisky. after heavy drinking by Lul Ruach Kong, it was found that his biological father was Chuol Rambang Lueth not Ruai Kong according to Doctors during blood donation due to alcoholic collapse through battle with bottles. More detail from Upper Nile Time
Mr. Bayak Chuol Pouch
I would like to tell you the reason why those of Groups10 political detainees have been refused to joins rebellion. I belief there were three reasons and the first reason is that, they do not wants to supports violence for example, the people which were killed during three clashed inside Juba are much more less numbers than the people who got kills from all these fighting until Today. The second reason is about their history records, they do not want to leave their families with bad records of being seen as a traitors, collaborators,Nyagat people and the world are supporting them for distant themselves from the former vice president Dr. Riek Machar Teny. The third reason is that, they have been afraid of joining the former Nasir movement because they knew Riek Machar had done some horrified in 1991. I am suggesting these three things have preventing them to be part of former vice president who turned rebel leader for the second time.
I hope you will see in your eyes and you will hear in your ears in the coming years specifically, about the conditions which the families of former vice president will be facing in South Sudan unless they decides to lived in the exile for the entire of their life. The fighting in Bor, the capital of Jonglei State, the fighting in Ayod county, the fighting in Nasir county, the continuation of fighting from three States, Upper Nile State, Unity State and Jonglei State have claims many lives than the clashed which was happened in Juba 2013. Usually, the politician will try to avoiding anything related to use of violence for his political future but for former Nasir faction leader, it is very unfortunate to see him taking guns against the government which he was part of the problems. I think the G10 political detainees were smarts leaders to distant themselves from the former Nasir faction leader, because you may not know some days, they will says look, we did not joins rebellion of former vice president because we do not wanted another civil war to happen in South Sudan and that answer will works for them.
Second to that, you did mention former South Sudanese Ambassador to United States of America Mr. Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth as the only good leader who join rebels leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny. Well, take this concept that, the majority of Nuers people from SPLA, Politicians, Youths and the whole Nuers communities have gone to supporting rebels leader because the former Nasir leader is a Son of Nuer that is all. Also you did state poorly about the former Secretary general Pagan Amum Okiech that, he is against Shilluk tribe which is not true. I thought maybe you don’t want to say it that, the former vice president is actually against is own Nuer tribe, if you observed careful the way he handle the situation and later run away calling Youths in the communities to involved political conflict probably, you will come to belief your uncle had betraying the whole Nuers societies. The former Secretary General Okiech did not caused anything on his own tribe, he had never take his foot out from the SPLA /SPLM since the beginning of the movement until he was accused together with Dr. Majak Agot and among 8 members of G10 as they were planning to make coup attempted in Juba. Pagan Amum is one of the Southern Sudanese star guy and he is absolutely the patriotic country man there is no question on that and I think he will be respected if he want to stand for election at any future. Eventually, you guys are trying to cover up the other side of Shilluk who are now supporting former Nasir leader and you try to discredit those Shilluk Politicians who have not joins rebels this is all nature of your culture that, you pertaining to dislike someone whom might disagree with you and it is very wrong Idea. The Prof Peter Adwok Nyaba is not going to find anything than being a desperate and a shameful man in Shilluk society. Why Dr. Lam Akol had left Nasir movement in 1991, and went to worked with Sudan’s government than stayed with former Nasir leader. Dr. Lam Akol was appointed to be deputy faction of Nasir leader but later the Nuers complains too much saying, there are no more Shilluk soldiers within Nasir movement and from there, the former Nasir leader rushing quickly and he decide to dismissed him and replace Dr. Lam Akol with major general Gabriel Tanginya and that was the time when the few Shilluk faction surrenders to Sudanese government and they abandoned Nasir movement because of discrimination. I think those Nuers who thinks, the former vice president is going to become a president of South Sudan are joking and it is laughable. We have very excellence patience people and educators Nuers politicians and if the case was a matter of needing politician from Nuer tribe particular, the Southern Sudanese people will have a choices to chose one from among Dr. Riak Gai Kok, Barnaba Marial Benjamin, Dr. Joseph Nguen Monytuel, James Hoth Moi, Simon Pouch Kun, David Buya Malek, John Kong Nyoun and you can name it.
Magol, wait for the names, 80% will face trail charge against money they hide out or stolen which cause these killings too. Read John Kerry comment on South Sudan well you will find out they are included
Look Guys, the way you talks, its Like you always turning to Tribalism that between Dinkas and Nuer. But let all of us be very sure that, this part of the country both of your Tribes have Destroyed and continuous Destroying is Truly not for you people alone. Remember of the other Remaining 60+ Tribes. God will one Day, One Time Weak up by all means and chose one of them among the 60+ Tribes to Destroy all of you and finally will Rule the Entire Country with the Remaining few of you for Ever and Ever whether you Like or Not. just Take Note of this Very Seriously that will Likely to happen and must happen. God bless the rest of 60+ Tribes.