Dear Ato President Gatluak,

Nov 14, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— First of all, I am very happy and thank my Almighty Yahweh (Hebrews for God), and actually deliver my best greetings to you your Excellency Ato Gatluak Tut Khot.
My message to you today comes through inspiration and not expected to write you this message, but I know will be a surprise or a change to the readers of this article and you as well. It is about appreciation, not other way around. I want to thank you Mr. President for the change and hard working you have been through in Gambella region since 2013, which didn’t happen in our history or in our leaders in the past. Everyone needs to thank you for the change you have made in our State. Here are some of thy developments and changes in Gambella:
- You become the first president that fixes the wounds of division and conflict between Nuer and Anyuak tribes in Gambella
- You become the first president that raises up Gambella state development from the dust to the tall tower of Grand Resort, beautiful stationary, the tower buildings of education and civil service, and many other buildings I have been seen in Gambella regional state
- In April of 2014, you and our Ethiopia PM Hailemariam Desalegn have opened the Gambella University which is the first of its kind in Gambella
- The nations, nationalities and people of Ethiopia of diversity of cultures’ Day have been celebrated in Gambella region in new stadium for the first time where Omer Hussen El-Bashir was a guest speaker
- You have re-asphalted Gambella roads/streets
- You have jailed and buried corruption
- You have no ethnicity behavior
- You seek the common ground of peace, justice and prosperity of the nations, not hostile
- Lane cobblestoned
- Expansion of the city
- Stability of state security
- Electricity construction
- Accessibility of tape water etc.
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Thank you so much Mr. President Gatluak for the change and hard working you have been done in Gambella state, Ethiopia. You have chosen the change and development, peace and stability, justice and anti-corruption and pursue them to fullness without a shadow of doubt. So, I can’t keep silent to thank you my leader for the changes you have been skyrocketing before our eyes miraculously. I encourage you today to move forward and not backward with the same mind of changes and developments in our state for peace to unite us once and for all. You become a great leader for us today and for poster generation to come. Go ahead! I never seen and heard in my life, the life of 24 years that president of Gambella like you today did unite his cabinets, people and have change and development like I have seen today in Gambella state, never!
In the past, Gambella people have been experienced ethnicities conflict, cabinets’ segregation and most terribly change and development, justice and prosperity, peace and stability denial. But, in your leadership Mr. President, Gambella people become honest amongst themselves where cabinets are united and people respect their diversity and your leadership as well. It is your leadership that turns a new page of change and development in Gambella, and it is your leadership that Federal government appreciates as well. It is your leadership that stabilizes the state security, and it is your leadership that Gambella tribes particularly Nuer and Anyuak are rarely fighting against one another. It is your leadership that accomplishes its tasks, and it is your leadership that inspires and transforms the followers into leaders. It is an awesome move in leadership! Be brave and take courage! Gambella will never have a change if we wait for other person. And that is a change we expect from any leader started with you in Gambella, Ethiopia. Then, Gambella state will never be the same again in her history, never! And to all other people who may read my article; my colleagues and classmates, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, now it is time of Gambella for change! Let’s unite and share our minds and join our president for further development and change that wait you and me as well. Gambella state needs everybody’s contribution. Let us be submissive minded like never before and have total minds of 100% support to our president for our good. All I can say is being submissive minded and pay a never ending loyalty to president Gatluak that he may take courage to further the change he has started.
Romans 13:1-7 Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from Yahweh, but the existing authorities have been ordained by Yahweh. So that the one resisting the civil authority has opposed the ordinance of Yahweh, and the ones opposing will receive judgment to themselves. For the rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the bad. And do you desire not to fear the authority? Do the good and you will have praise from it; for the ruler is a servant of Yahweh to you for the good. But if you practice evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is a servant of Yahweh, an avenger for wrath to the one practicing bad things. Because of this, it is necessary to be subject, not only on account of wrath, but also on account of conscience.
It is very clear in your bible that there must be submission to the higher authorities, and that is 100% submission. If there is 100% submission to a leader, there is an appreciation to a leader also. Things will be going okay if only there is appreciation to a leader. Please, do it and breathe fresh air.
1 Peter 2:13-14 Then submit yourselves to all human authority for the sake of the Almighty; whether to a king, because of their supreme power; and to judges, because by them officers are sent for the punishment of offenders, and for the praise of them that do well. For on this account you also pay taxes, for they are servants of Yahweh, always giving attention to this very thing. Then give to all their dues: to the one due tax, the tax; to the one due tribute, the tribute; to the one due fear, the fear; to the one due honor, the honor.
It is also very clear in the scripture that we can petition our heavenly Father on behalf of the servants of Yahweh; the leaders. Let’s do it. Change must come if we appreciate one another, work hard and have peace on the table. Peace does not simply come, but it is made.
I suggest that you my president can organize elderly men and women from our tribes in Gambella city for peace council through reconciliation between tribes and restoration of conflict stability that may help you and our people’s stability now and for the time ahead of us. That may be helpful in any circumstance.
Thank you very much Mr. President for your open mind, humility, courage, honesty and mostly for the change you have made before 21st century is over. Therefore, 21stcentury becomes the Gambella century for change, peace and justice, development and prosperity. I haven’t enough words to thank you a lot or that may make you feel happy Mr. President, but all I have to say is HalleluYah and let Yahweh prospers you in your leadership. There is important saying that goes, “Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile.” Mr. President, my president, my appreciation for you in this article is the most real and not a mean to lie or blindfold you for good. It is about cooperation and unity for peace and justice, development and prosperity. Your people need you and you need your people. Then, we need one another to willfully unite our hearts, minds, souls, purposes and strength to toil and work hard through synergy and collectively for the greater of everyone. It is time to need one another to change Gambella. Then, I call it, Gambella for Change, and you call it Gambella for Change, and we call it Gambella for Change. It is a change that we need not a tribal conflict. It is time of Gambella for Change today, and tomorrow we will pick out the grains of that change in Gambella garden. What I mean for Gambella garden is the Gambella Community. Because when community is at peace, leaders are united also. That’s why I write this article to thank you Mr. President at the bottom of my heart for the change and development you have been doing since 2013, and every one of you whether my classmates or friends can do the same appreciation as well that we may be moving forward with our president vigorously and interestingly. Even if you may only say thank you president Gatluak for all you have been doing, it is all we want of appreciation. Nothing is more helpful than to say thank you!
At last but not least, thank you president Gatluak, your advisors and all your cabinets once again for breaking the record of backwardness into THIS change and development in Gambella, Ethiopia. And may Yahweh the omnipotent and the Father of all creatures blesses, nourishes and cherishes you and your family and let Him give you wisdom to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, justice and injustice and importantly to lead us peacefully in this duress of time.
Gambella for change! G.f.C
Dean Keak Teny,
The writer is a Gambella student (B.SC in Biotechnology) from University of Gondar, an orator, businessman and advocator of Gambella for change, he can be reached at: or +251927545310.
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1 comment
Kuäran ni̱ Gatluak, ɛ kuär mi̱ gɔa mi̱ ci̱ wecdan ni̱ Gämbɛlɛ la̱t ni̱ kɛ lɔcdan kɛliw. Kuanɛ jɛ puaany kä wanɛ wä nhiam kɛ puɔɔnyni̱dɛ.