Opinion Rights and Freedoms


By: Professor/Ambassador David de Chand,

Professor/Ambassador David de Chand, Chairman of South Sudan Democratic Front Party- in-Opposition (SSDFP-I-O) and the Interim Chairman of SSIM/A-in-Opposition (SSIM/A-I-O).
Professor/Ambassador David de Chand,
Chairman of South Sudan Democratic Front Party- in-Opposition (SSDFP-I-O) and the Interim Chairman of SSIM/A-in-Opposition (SSIM/A-I-O).

Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of God (Mathew 5: 8)”

“If you wanted peace be prepared for war and if you wanted war be prepared for peace.” Both war and peace is synonymous because we cannot have one without the other or they are inseparable.”

“Dr. Riek Machar and Taban Deng Gai have disenfranchised and betrayed the cause of the Nuer people demand for social justice against the perpetrators of the crime of genocide defined…, as the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity on the planet-Earth.” Professor David de Chand

“If you had been against the Nuer Community in the darkest zero-hour of the prevailing crisis in South Sudan, you’ve become a mortal enemy of the Nuer nation and you are a terrorist, but if you stood up with us and mourned with us; you could become a mortal ally and a friend that shares mutual interests with us.” Professor David de Chand


Prior to jotting down some of my comments, reservations and concerns on the failed peace mediation process in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa, Dr. Machar visit to Khartoum in the last few days has produced zero-sum results because he (Dr. Machar) had failed to meet and to Dialogue par cum pare (equals) with the generals, the politicians, intellectuals and students. He focused mainly on the local chiefs living under stressful conditions and neither had knowledge, the ability to read to comprehend what Dr. Machar’s and his brother-in- law Taban Deng Gai do or not to do because they are illiterates and have no ability to read and to write. Every discussion was based on verbatim and Dr. Machar’s was the leader and anything that he says goes through and suppresses others. This was a reminiscent of the controversial 1947 Juba Conference (JC) when the then Civil Secretary (CS) Sir James Robertson dictated the terms of the JC to the Southern Chiefs to accept its bitter-sweet resolutions. Furthermore, Dr. Machar and his associates have failed to meet with all the Nuer Community leaders because he wanted to avoid any confrontations. Whether Dr. Machar’s likes it or not, the time is now for him to be challenged by the Nuer intellectuals, academics, politicians and the Nuer Community leaders. It has been reported in several public and social media that Dr. Machar had said that he had met with the defected and disenchanted generals, politicians and intellectuals and that they have reconciled and got along fine; that the generals have not been dismissed, but transferred to new positions. This has been a big lie that a good leader should not have committed because he would have to reckon that one way or another that heaped of big lies could not produce or yield the truth. This is really the prima facie destructive culture of the SPLM/A based on “white lies” and “blacks lies alike. Lo and behold, Dr. Machar did meet with any significant figures in the community apart from his meeting with Yuri Museveni who has vowed to cut off Dr. Machar’s head like he did to the late SPLA Lt.-General George Athor Deng in Kampala and his corps was dragged to Morobo village on the border where Dr. Machar’s announced that General Athor was killed in action with the LRA against Kampala. Specifically, Dr. Machar was reluctant to meet the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème because he did not want to be pinned down on the $100m wheeling and dealings with China apart from the seventy (70) bungalows donated by PRC to Dr. Machar’s outfit that tantamount to a Grand Theft under the law and could be considered for litigation and prosecution as the source of the fallout between him and the generals who wanted war materiel and Dr. Machar wanted the money for himself and truly against procuring war materiel for the generals for that.

We would be obliged to state it at the outset that Dr. Riek Machar’s has compromised the genocide and atrocities committed against the Nuer folks as the real causes and the objective of the Nuer people in the current failed peace agreement for several specific reasons, viz., firstly, that the peace has failed to address  appropriately, sufficiently and adequately the root causes of genocide or democide that both Taban Deng Gai and Riek Machar did not even want to talk about such atrocities committed against the Nuer folks as one of the primary main root causes of the war; secondly, that the generals are desiring or daring to return to the status quo ante that he has unilaterally signed the Arusha plus Agreement, which would rest assured them a new line up or to perpetuity or self-predominance to assume their old and obsolete positions as the Vice President to Salva Kiir and Taban Deng Gai as the would-be reappointed Governor of Unity State could care less about the death of so many Nuer folks in the 2013 Juba Genocide; thirdly, that the SPLM has targeted the Nuer ethnicity or nationality for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part;  fourthly, that the SPLM as the ruling party should undergo total reunification as specified in the Arusha plus Agreement to continue ruling South Sudan like it was prior to the internal split within the ruling party in mid-December 2013; fifthly, that the split within the ruling party has produced this ongoing despicable and treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war, genocide or democide that could become again another disaster not only for the Nuer ethnicity or nationality around this time, but the entire people of South Sudan and the Equatorians in particular, under the auspices of the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir leadership as an illegitimate President, leading an illegitimate government and an illegitimate Parliament in Juba. Realistically, both men should get the hell out of South Sudan political scene. They have messed up South Sudan and it would not be the same as it was prior to the internal split within the ruling party in mid-December 2013 that fueled and ignited the ongoing tragic tribal warfare or as if a civil war.

Nevertheless, we have several serious reservations and consolations that Dr. Machar has compromised the Nuer objective, genocide or democide on his own whims on this externally superimposed warfare that targeted the Nuer nation and its resilient people for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. The peace that Dr. Machar signed on 17 August 2015 was faked, flawed, flouted and reflected the general feelings that it was a waste of time, money and energy because the brokered and signed peace agreement has failed drastically and disastrously and could not produce an iota results to end the ongoing treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan. The signed peace agreement has made no reference to the genocide or democide and the victims of the genocide as a consequence of the internal split within the ruling party in mid-December 2013 that started the war as a tribal warfare or as if a civil war in Africa’s youngest failed state in South Sudan, unfortunately. Who would be held responsible and accountable for the massive death and the dying of so many hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan? Unless, the IGAD mediators adhered to resolving this crucial and critical issue of extermination of unarmed and helpless people in the 2013 Juba Genocide as a “final solution” in whole or in part; the IGAD plus mediators, the TRIOKA (the USA, the UK and Norway) could start fresh negotiations with the non-SPLA entities that would under no circumstances would join the peace march, but to continuing fueling, igniting and escalating the conflict rather than de-escalating it in South Sudan. Because they have been not a party to this brokered agreement by the two-SPLA groups, they could not be held responsible for the escalation of the war to the maximum degree of creating more suffering and dying. The IGAD plus mediators should just give a goodbye kiss to the peace agreement signed separately at two different destinations apart, i.e., in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, on 17 August 2015 and on 27 August 2015 in Juba, South Sudan, respectively, by the two-SPLA warring factions at the expense of the non-SPLA-I-O factions allied to SPLA-I-O and the original Opposition for the past seven (7) years in exile in South Sudan bushes, Sudan-South Sudan border, Ethiopia and Uganda borders, which were not represented in the peace process retrospect to its inception. We have remain patience because we knew that from day one that peace could not go through without being comprehensive and inclusive, equal representation and participation, transparent and accountable, dynamic and unique process thereunto. Lo and behold, we would continue by intensifying the war to the maximum degrees of heat against Juba as usual, there would be no cessation of hostilities, ceasefire and we shall declare that a state of war exists Salva Kiir forces. Therefore, the IGAD plus mediators, the AU, the TRIOKA (USA, UK and Norway) and the UNSC should and ought to underscore that the roadmap to peace in South Sudan still remains a zigzag path, murky, slippery-slope and a bridge too far to cross. We shall and will not be relenting fighting Salva Kiir illiberal and illegitimate regime. We urge and appeal to all South Sudanese to unite their ranks and files regardless of ethnicity, political persuasions, ideologies, factions, parties and civil society organizations and human rights organizations to up rise against Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar to peacefully exit the political scene peacefully or we do it like it was with the Arab Spring or the Arab Streets in North African nation-states of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt and beyond. We must and ought to be in unionism to organize a South Sudan Spring, or South Sudan Streets that could become an African Spring, or an African Streets that could spread like wild fires in California, USA, Australia and African thick forests and bushes.


We believe and hypothetically assume that the specific scenarios that compelled Dr. Riek Machar’s sales out or traded off or gave away Jonglei State to the government was to appease Salva Kiir for his own personal interests; political detriment to saved his face and since there is a Nuer majority population as one of the largest and the most densely populated state in the said state, they have been bloody mad, disenchanted with Dr. Machar’s leadership and angry with Juba on any would-be appointed Governor by Salva Kiir whether a Nuer wew or Nuer yieuni (Nuer for the money), his/her position could become tougher and delicate like a chicken fee in the state because he/she could not unlikely implement any programs without the majority approval, consensus and consent. Most importantly, the second scenario has been that Dr. Machar’s gave Jonglei State away to the government because he knows that he personally signed a big wheeling and dealings with the Chinese oil companies with the support and due knowledge of the Chinese Government in Beijing that recently awarded to Dr. Machar the sum amount of $50-100m in exchange for favors and to protect the possible destruction of the last oil wells in Paloch (wiec loch) (peg) in northern Upper Nile State that is truly a Nuerland and Unity State, respectively. We believe from the legal view point that what Dr. Machar has committed has been a “Grand Theft” that could also put him in jail. Now, with China, Russia and their allies attempted to delays and/or to veto sanctions against the top military brazes in South Sudan; this could also push out the Chinese oil companies out of South Sudan faster than ever before. We, the people would like the Chinese oil companies to exit South Sudan and all Chinese oil workers could become vulnerable to attacks, kidnapping and could face possible death in the oilfields and gas fields in South Sudan. Therefore, we would have no mercy for the Chinese because they have taken side in the conflict by sales of large quantities of arms, tanks, trucks and bombs worth millions to Juba to kill the Nuer ethnicity in it oil rich land. The third scenario that Dr. Machar’s abandoned or swapped Jonglei State has been because of the secret agreement that Salva Kiir’s struck with the Egyptian government to complete the unfinished Jonglei Canal by the Compiegne Construction International (CCI). Lately, the Egyptians have secretly contacted Dr. Machar who had also agreed in principle to have Egypt to complete the construction of the unfinished Jonglei Canal and in returns for big cash paid off to Dr. Riek Machar’s to refrain from saying “No” to the proposed project. The revival of the Jonglei Canal could become another hot potato or a red line for Juba to control. We, citizens of Jonglei State shall and will fight any entity that makes any attempts to complete the excavation of the unfinished Jonglei Canal now or in any foreseeable future.  This is the bottom.

According to our intelligent reports, the construction of the project has been scheduled to commence in 2016 and the big Earth mover or excavator that in the past few weeks completed the widening of the Suez Canal has been scheduled to start the excavation of the Jonglei Canal in A.D. 2016. Could this be possible? It would become imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to attain it at this juncture given the current volatile circumstances throughout South Sudan. The rebels forces would give warning to the Egyptians and their foreign workers that they may not venture to go to Jonglei State because they could all become dead cadavers because the citizens of this most densely populated Jonglei State would not under no circumstances permit any excavation of the unfinished Jonglei Canal now and forever. Furthermore, the Egyptians roles in the war by providing Walid Tanks to Juba have also caused grave concerns.  Of course, during my long conversation with two of my Egyptian friends in the system, I had rest assured them my Egyptian colleagues and friends in the Egyptian Government neither to invest on it or bank on it nor to even think about it. This is the bottom. In fact, the people of Jonglei State would soon file a lawsuit against the CCI for having created an environmental disaster to the entire people of Jonglei State, wildlife, cattle that are their basic livelihood of many inhabitants for generations retrospect to the construction of the unfinished Jonglei Canal. Surely, the people of Jonglei State through the people’s will power, determination, motivation and the protection of the environment, have been and could not permit not even a square inch to be excavated on the unfinished Jonglei Canal. We have been ready and ever ready to fight the Egyptians over the issue of the Jonglei Canal reconstruction and its redevelopment in South Sudan. The Ethiopian should also become vigilante because Egypt has been really working like a bee-hype to creating a new scenario of state shifting of alliances in the region and preparing itself to launching military attacks against the Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia. Therefore, any attempts by Egypt to bomb the Dam could create major disasters not only for Ethiopia, but for both Egypt and Sudan because the high volume of waters already stored inside the Dam that could be released from the dam could sink the entire Sudan with Darfur and South Sudan could become the only inhabitable lands. Hitherto, the Egyptian and the Sudanese governments should have a second thought of any possibility of bombing the Dam in Ethiopia because it could create an international uproar against Egypt and Russia that would supply the highly deadly specialized explosive bombs to bomb and to destroy the Millennium Dam. The recent successive visits of President Sisi of Egypt to Moscow were part of this strategic plan by first shifting alliances in the region against Ethiopia. This is going to become a new strategic study on the said project in the near distant future.

As for the Dinka Bor, they would become a minority that would have to live in constant fear because of their direct involvement in the genocide against the unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in Juba on 15, 16, 17 and 18 December 2013. This was atypical political reality that the Dinka Bor generals, the cabinet ministers and others officials could not avoid feeling the heat one way or the other in such a callous behavior that could eventually confront them. It was the notorious killers and cowards of the cowards like General Mach Paul, General Majak d’Aggot and General Bior (Asswot) (Black Bior) Ajang Duot, the notorious killers General Kuol Manyang Juuk, Major Keribino Kuayin Boll (Bahr-el-Ghazel) and other Dinka Bor generals and the political leaders that became instrumental in the extermination of the unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity or nationality as a “final solution” in whole or in part. The Dinka Bor assumed that genocide or democide against the Nuer ethnicity was fait accompali for them to compensate the 1991 Bor incident or it was a tit-for-tat designed and executed against the Nuer nation and its resilient people. We shall and will overcome this maladroit behavior and the “darkest spot” indented or plotted on the contemporary Nuer nation political history retrospect to the Anglo-Nuer War (1900-1930) or the Nuer Revolution (al-Sura al-Nuer) in Sudan’s history by the Twic Dinka Militias under the command of the President of the Republic Salva Kiir Mayardit. They should and ought to know that they have already failed or plunged in pursuing this grand and gigantic project because the Nuer majority could force many of them to re-cross the White Nile River to return to their kin and kith in Warrap State. As for the above-mentioned, the military and the political leaders from the Dinka Bor, it’s now about time for them not to ever dream of returning to Jonglei State because they had been identified as the culprits, murderers and killers that deserved anything less, but to be wasted or killed as they did because the measures that they gave would be the same and/or equal measures that they get. Although I do not personally believe in the application of and the implementation of capital punishment or death penalty in the Nuer justice system, we believe that given the current circumstances, we would have to circumvent the law for the sake of adjudication of social justice-qua-social justice. In the case of the systematic gross killings of the unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in the 2013 Juba Genocide, we could concur with the full application of the old Hammurabi’s Code that “an eye for an and a tooth for tooth” in the transferred events in South Sudan generated by the internal split within the SPLM ruling political party in the state.

There would be no forgiveness for such killers and traitors in Jonglei State. Most importantly, they would also be haunted down no matter where they can run to hide, they would have to face justice and we would not relent until justice is done. The Nuer nationality or ethnicity has overcome this ‘darkest spot’ in its contemporary political history inflicted on it by the Dinka tribesmen and we could only say that we would respond and that they have not seen anything yet. There could be a ‘maximum collateral damage’ forthcoming to the Twic Dinka because any Dinka males of military age would be considered as Malwal Anyor and could face the consequences of their fates and actions. We shall neither have mercy nor they should know that the ferocious and gallant Nuer are coming to the Heartland of the Twic country in Warrap State and they should be prepared for the ‘maximum collateral damage’ for the things that they have done, which they ought not to have done in Greater Upper Nile where they have been sent to die en mass numbers in vain and instructed to go kill the Nuer and the Shilluk (Chollo) in order to inherit their oilfields and gas fields. This episode or epic would never again happen again and forever. It has been just a wishful thinking that could not materialize in a lifetime. It would be the Twic Dinka that would one way or other to pay heavy dues that they do not deserve at all, and history would not absolve them forever.


To begin with, the current peace agreement would not end the ongoing 20-months old tribal warfare or as if a civil war or vice versa. It has not been comprehensive and inclusive, fair, democratic, transparent and accountable in a political conducive atmosphere. It was negotiated, concluded and signed by the same political ruling party that has been, in fact, the prima facie rather than epso facto causes of the ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war after an internal political split in mid-December 2013. It was funny that Salva Kiir’s demands a fortnight or more time to consultant with his politico-military top brazes in Juba, whereas Dr. Machar of the SPLA-I-O and Pagan Amuom of G-10 signed the so-called final agreement. Without a shadow of a doubt, there a hell of a big problem on Salva Kiir’s probably an eminent military coup d’état against by the General Paul Malong Awan an ultraconservative general vying for the office of the Presidency by means of an armed force. Given the current volatile situation in Juba, a coup d’état it’s eminent raison d’être refusal to go to attend the 70th Session of the UNGA in New York City under the pretext that he (Salva Kiir) has been treated like a “school boy” by the international community. It has to be made explicitly clear that Dr. Machar did not sign for all the opposition, but himself and his group that has been inflicted with so many sours in the aftermath of the departure of the general because of the administrative or the internal raw that they had with Dr. Riek Machar instigated by his brother-in-law Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina Machar in this young and delicate outfit. Basically, Dr. Machar per influence of his closest circles wanted to retired the generals in crucial and critical time. If I was Dr. Machar’s though I could have waited until we know the outcome of the flawed and flouted peace implementation. Thus, the statement released by Dr. Machar’s Spokesman that the Opposition has signed was unrealistic to materialize. Actually, the split with the generals who are “leaders” and not per se, “soldiers” has been a real bottleneck and has put the leadership of Riek Machar in a real litmus test, political quandary and divided the SPLA-I-O and the original opposition rebel forces, SSIM/A, SSDF, SSNRA SSDA and the raiment of the SSLA…, etc., in political jeopardy or in political limbo. Realistically, what happened with the SPLA-I-O has been a political division to force Dr. Machar and Taban out and there would be no commander to shoot anyone for no good apparent reasons. We have known now that Dr. Machar has detained more than twelve (12) Officers mostly from the Bull Nuer and other sections and they are being tortured, their human rights being abused in violations of the UN Human Commission on Human Rights (UNHCR) and the 30 articles of the Universal Hunan Rights. Of course, both Dr. Riek Machar and Taban Deng Gai have been vying for a shooting to occur amongst the Nuer alone like in the past to gain a foothold, but this time around, we have rest assured them that there would be no more shooting against anyone at this time in point. All the rebel forces have been united on the ground, determined and motivated to fight the one and the only identified and declared enemy-that’s to say Salva Kiir in Juba. The IGAD mediators, the TRIOKA (USA, UK and Norway) should know and underscore that all armed opposition would venture to go with Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai to Juba. There are major concerns that have left unaddressed by the IGAD mediators. Hence, it would not be Salva Kiir alone that has such concerns, but the rebels do have them as well. For instance, the agreement has failed to spell out loud and clear the guaranteed commitment to durable and lasting peace to end pain, suffering and mental anguish and blames Salva Kiir on lack of commitment to end pain, suffering and mental anguish on the people of South Sudan. The issue of a permanent peace is a measure concerns and would certainly predetermined the durability or the non-durability of the signed final peace agreement by the splinted SPLM as the ruling party.  Cognizant that the security arrangement has failed, the future implementation of the peace remains a flawed, jeopardy and bleak. The other major concern has been that Salva Kiir to remain as an illegitimate or de facto President of the state in South Sudan. We have to be clear that he (Salva) must and ought to step down as a pre-requisite to peace and the unconditional withdrawal of the UPDF and Sudan rebels and an explicit explication of the reasons for targeted the unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Failure on the IGAD mediators on the above-mentioned, there would be no peace but the intensification of the war by any means necessary.


In the power sharing dealing, it remains almost completely in favor of the ruling party. This would be categorically rejected by the rebel forces because it would become feasible to intensify the war rather than surrendering to the forces of evils in Juba. Although the SPLA Juba would not control 100% of the seven (7) states as armed SPLA-I-O takes away 15% in each states of Warrap, Lakes, Western Bahr-el-Ghazel, Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel, Eastern Equatoria and Central Equaotria, the bulk of the power remains with the SPLA Juba. Henceforth, there would be significant change at all. In Greater Upper that has been the stronghold of the SPLA-I-O and its allies where Dr. Riek Machar could have a majority control would no longer control 53% of the government. Juba will get 46% and the SPLA-I-O 40% and the G-10 7% each, SPLA-I-O would appoint two (2) Governors instead of three (3) has previously agreed upon because Juba would appoint the Governor of Jonglei State compromised unilaterally by Dr. Riek Machar and Taban Deng Gai. Therefore, in this preceded arrangements, the SPLA-I-O has lost all the gains that it received in the past previous agreement. Realistically, Dr. Machar did everything humanly possible to return to become the VP and could not care less about the future of the Nuer people that he (Dr. Machar) does not any longer represent in any future political arrangements with Juba. At the national level it remains unbalanced because 53% for SPLA Juba vs. 33% for SPLA-I-O and 14% split between G-10 and the political parties. Most importantly, the Parliament would remain at 325 MPs would be maintained with the SPLA-I-O will appoint 50 additional MPs to the Parliament, G10 appoints 1 and 17 additional MPs to be appointed by the political parties. Precisely, in all arrangements the SPLA-I-O, the G-10 and the political parties continued to remain to be the underdogs because the bulwark and of the epicenter of power remains under the control of the SPLA as the ruling as it was prior to the internal split in mid-December 2013 that produced the ongoing debacle in the state of South Sudan. The rebel forces would categorically reject this power arrangement and they would prefer to continue with the war until the SPLA political predominance has been reduced to the maximum. The rebel forces would not relent in pursuing the war against Juba until it would be defeated and it does not matter how long it takes, Juba would be defeated because more rebellion would occur from within as long as the war would be intensify than ever before the signing of the final peace agreement.


On the security arrangements, it has been suggested or recommended that Juba the temporary Capital of South Sudan would become a demilitarized Zone (DMZ), with a radius of 25Kms (50miles) radius, that foreign troops from the IGAD countries and the UNMISS will take charge for 30-months of the period of transition until elections would be held for the New President. We, the people of the Greater Upper Nile, we do not need Juba because there is nothing great in Juba except continuous death. It would really be Juba that would need us most because of oil revenue that would no further flows southward towards Juba. This revenue would no longer flows to Juba, but would surely circulate in Greater Upper Nile region for Reconstruction and development caused by Juba for that. Because the SSIM/A rebel forces have not been part of the peace process, including the generals in Dr. Machar’s camp, we shall and will constantly launch attacks against Juba with specific vulnerable targets against Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) and its mercenaries and Soldiers of Fortune affiliated to it in South Sudan. We would also launch attacks the Salva Kiir’s forces and its Malwal Anyour Militias to inflict heavy causalities and to weakening them. Therefore, for Salva Kiir and Paul Malong Awan in as far as we are concerned Juba is no saved heaven or sanctuary because we do all know about the City and how to create hefty maximum collateral damages. Our warning to all civilians’ population residing inside the Metropolitan Juba and its environs should realize that they have no security and the absolute and resolute recommendation would be for them to get the hell out and leave this City with us and the perpetrators that started this debacle in mid-December 2013 and there is no light in the tunnel yet. We still have big and hefty accounts to be settled by any means necessary. The failure of the security arrangement in Addis-Ababa was an indicative that the peace has so many problems. Therefore, we should give it a wait-and-see situation.

As long as we would have a flexible ethnic federal system similar to Ethiopia and the existence of two separate armies, we would consider ourselves as freed at last, God Almighty we are freed at last. We would not ever dream of returning to Juba and our destiny shall and will not be determined in Juba and our military forces that we have now and will recruit more and train for the duration of the 18-36 months Interim Period would neither be reunited nor reintegrated with the SPLA forces under Salva Kiir’s commands. It would remain a separate formidable separate army forever. It has be known by the international community and whole world that if Juba could not play the cards right, the people of Greater Upper Nile could opt to declaring the exercise of the right to self-determination as a political, legal, human rights and God’s given right to “all peoples” as clearly stipulated in both international law and the UN Charter. Presently, Dr. Machar would no longer become the Commander-in-Chief  of our army in Greater Upper Nile because has been  booted out, dismissed, or fired or sucked by the generals who have also united with original opposition that Dr. Machar marginalized and ignored and have vowed not to become part of the peace process, but to continue with the war as it has been going for the 23 months or so and without the light in the tunnel. Without the shadow of a doubt, the generals and politicians would soon elect or appoint a new Commander-in-Chief to lead the people to victory, but not defeat. We urge and appeal to the IGAD plus officials not to count their eggs before they hatch because the peace signed by Dr. Machar in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa on 17 August 2015 and signed by Salva Kiir in Juba the capital of South Sudan on 23 August 2015 was not the final epic because the said agreement is neither the Holy Quran nor the Holy Bible. Rather, it is only a political peace agreement subject to changes, alterations or re-modality pre-determined by time, political spectrum, space and the existing circumstances that surrounding it.

We would like to rest assured the IGAD plus mediators that they should be mindful that as long as UPDF remains on South Sudan soil, let them just forget about the final peace agreement as darn final deal, but a dead end deal. We demand the followings to be adhered to and to be implemented as pre-requisites as follows that: – (1) the unconditional withdrawal of the UPDF from South Sudan soil without and preconditions or quid-pro-quos as sine-qua-non to peace and (2) Salva Kiir should resign or to step down from power and authority because his term has already expired 9 July 2015, as of this present time, he remains an illegitimate President leading an illegitimate government and an illegitimate Parliament and (3) Salva Kiir would have to provide a vivid appropriate, sufficient and adequate explication tat targeted the unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. These basic three pointers would serve as the pre-requisites for peace to return to South Sudan hypothetically assuming that the IGAD plus mediators would adhere to the implementation of the above-mentioned. Who would be foolish and stupid to sign a peace agreement with an illegitimate President? Let the IGAD plus solemnly tells the whole world the formula to keep and to maintain and illegitimate head of state and government in power? It’s unconstitutional and illegal, but because African leaders are non-benevolence dictators, it has been always criminal to challenge their legitimacy to keep and to maintain power through the barrel of the gun and the gunboat diplomacy.

The sudden walked out of Uganda Dictator-for-life Yuri Museveni of the venue of signing the final peace agreement by Dr. Riek Machar was cruel, usual, un-statesmanship and unfortunate because it was Yuri Museveni and the US lobbyists such as Roger P. Winter, John Prendergast, Eric Reeves and Dr. Suzan Rice, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations and now the National Security in the White House those should be labeled as the real culprits of the ongoing dangerous crisis that is crating rapidly creeping international geopolitical and geostrategic national, regional and international state shifting paradigms, including the so-called African experts and biased and prejudiced and educated derelict scholars like Dr. Francis Deng and others who have had dirty records on African affairs and Sudan and South Sudan in particular. Therefore, they should all be held responsible and accountable for en mass death, the IDPs, the national disunity and the national disintegration in the failed state in South Sudan. Conclusively, the monster that has been created by the lobbyists, including Yuri Museveni’s neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism in South has divided South Sudan on ethnocentric (tribal) lines and it could not become same no matter what we do to mend fences, South Sudan would not become same at the end of this tribal warfare or as if a civil war. It could only be compared to volatile situation in the Island nation of Cyprus prior to its division into the Greco-Cypriots on the Westside of the Island nation and the Turko-Cypriots on the Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus and there’s no centrist path because any residents of the Island nation of Cyprus would either be registered a Greco-Cypriots or Turko-Cypriots. Any future relations amongst South Sudanese would become like a bridge too far to cross over. There were no reasons for President Yuri Museveni of Uganda to become disappointed when he fueled and ignited the war when his proposed version of the IGAD project in Kampala was not endorsed by the IGAD plus mediators. Actually, he should not have absconded himself from the venue where Dr. Riek Machar was signing the final peace agreement because it would be recalled that President Yuri Museveni have had anti-Dr. Riek Machar’s sentiments because of the LRA prior to and from day one of the tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan. The whole world and Africa in particular, should know that that President Museveni and Salva Kiir have already plotted strategic ways and means more than ever determined to assassinate Dr. Machar by shooting him with a high powered telescopic sniper rifle or to planet an electronic device under the vehicle that Dr. Machar’s would be riding on in Juba and to be exploded with a remote control device similar to the one that the Syrian agents murdered that the late Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut, Lebanon, or to poison him (Dr. Machar) with small quantity of doses of the silent killer “Helium” similar to the one used by the Israeli Mosad to murder Yassir Arafat and the former Russian defector that was tracked down and killed in London, the UK, by Russian agents a few years ago. Accordingly, our intelligence agents’ information have confirmed that the deal on “Helium” that worth more than $15m has been completed in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and General Thomas Duoth Guet, Chief of External Security and the specialized Ugandan agents and experts have already purchased the Helium poison gas from the Israeli Mosad through the Israeli Embassy in both Juba and Kampala, respectively. Therefore, it would unfair, illogical and stupid if Dr. Riek Machar’s would not adhere to advice rather than to defying the odds by prematurely returning to Juba without any prior security arrangements and the generals by his side. Therefore, it would become preferable, extremely and crucially necessary that he (Dr. Machar) must under no any circumstances that he (Dr. Machar) must and ought first to reconcile with the defected generals who are “leaders” and not per se, “soldiers” to reunited and to be put in place before the execution of this dirty and ungodly work with the Israeli Mosad in Juba and Kampala respectively. Last, but not least both Juba and the IGAD plus mediators have placed the stat of South Sudan in a real political limbo the recently signed peace agreement has been vague and unclear whether it could end the ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war, but it would escalate the conflict with more bloodletting, pain, suffering and mental anguish. The warring factions would be ready for more fighting and en mass dying would be continuing to occur daily throughout South Sudan. Thus, signing a bad peace agreement is much better than fighting the war.

There could be no equitable power sharing and equitable security arrangement in South Sudan as long as both Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar remained as the leaders of South Sudan. Both men have misled the people by leaning on tribal power and leadership rather on the vital national interest of South Sudan based on non-tribal or de-tribalized concepts, the universal democratic principles, the ideals of good governance, democratization; the rule of law, human rights protection, transparency and accountability. As a political realist and a liberal democrat and democracy based on the true ideals and values of American democratic concepts, both Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar should vacate the public political scene and to face the court system for the unnecessary death of so many lives so soon and they feel remorseful less about their actions in the land. Assuredly, we urge and appeal to both men to quit the political limelight that they have already polluted, poison and would take generations to repair and to heal the deeply inflicted wounds within the Nuer and the Dinka Communities alike. This is the bottom line. Salva Kiir’s demands more time for consultation with his politico-military top brazes as Dr. Riek Machar was unilaterally signing the peace deal without any prior consultations with all his generals and political allies within the SPLA-I-O on 17 August 2015 in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa. The specific reasons that Kiir’s gave and requested for a fortnight delays to sign the peace was that he had so many difficulties and reservations that also the rebel forces had the same, but did not ask for the delays in signing the final peace agreement for the sake of peace to bring to an end suffering, pain and the mental anguish. In the power sharing dealing


The reunification of the SPLM as the ruling party is a day dreaming and a joke that could not materialize again given the current acute political circumstances in the country. The people of South Sudan should become mindful that the reunification of the SPLM/A that Dr. Machar, Pagan Amoum and the Socialite Madam Nyandeng Garang have been advocating for could become a drag-neck, bottleneck, imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to attain at this crucially real political suicide of the failed state in South Sudan that faces deteriorating insecurity, political instability and moving to stateless to statelessness compared to Somalia in the aftermath of the overthrown of Somali’s strongman General Sayiad Barre in Mogadishu in 1992. The people of South Sudan should become mindful of the SPLM arbitrary killings and ethnic cleansing in 1984-5, 1986-1989, 1990-1991-1995 and repeated again in 2013 up to present. There could be no good reason whatsoever to rebuild a sick movement led by sick people. Dr. Riek Machar’s signing of the peace has been a reminiscent of his re-defection to the SPLM/A under the so-called defunct Nairobi Declaration on 7 January 2002 and left his outfit without a replacement and its followers became “headless.” As of this moment and in despite of the lies that he (Dr. Machar) had already dispatched and disseminated and/or told the world that the generals have “no followers” have been contradictory and the biggest lie of the century. How come the generals could not have followers and who have been really commanding the troops on the ground? Who really know the conditions of the troop’s daily needs and the problems on the ground? It’s natural that the daily relations and interactions between the troops and the generals in the field could be compared to that of the teacher and students in schools, colleges or universities or a symbiotic relationship. The entire rebel forces have been standing up tall with the generals and the world that has been told a lie by both Dr. Riek Machar and Taban Deng Gai (alas Mohamed Hassan Al-Hajj) has been a deception, manipulation and maneuvering. Just in case that Dr. Machar has forgotten the historical blunder that he had committed in 1987, it’s now about time to remind him of this saddest event ever conducted and committed by a civilized human being against his fellow human being. Dr. Machar should be mindful of the arbitrary killing of the Bull Nuer Commander Malieny Kaway Gok, a deputy to the late Lt.-General Paulino Matip Nhial and hung his head on the intersections of the paths for everyone to witness and too often bragged about it as a threat or a deterrent to all his foes. In addition, the mysterious death of another Bull Nuer Commander Char Makuei Raui Deng also a deputy to the late Lt.-General Matip Nhial and the most serious of all was the burning down of the entire Bull Nuer villages or the scorched of the Earth Policy in the same year, which henceforth forced so many Bull Nuer families to cross River Na’am (Bahr-el-Arab) and many other forgiven, but unforgotten atrocities committed against the Bull Nuer Community by Dr. Riek Machar during tenure as the SPLA Sector Commander in Unity State. To many Bull Nuer Community leaders though the sudden murdered of the son of General Peter Gatdet’s the late Alfred Yak Peter Gatdet Yak in Bor Town on 11 July 2015 was purposefully perceived as a strategically plan conspiratorial plan from within the SPLA-I-O leadership against the father of the late Alfred Yak Peter Gatdet Yak. On 14 July 2015 General Peter Gatdet was arrested by the Ethiopian authorities per orders of Dr. Riek Machar who accused him of staging a coup d’état against him in Pagak where the generals had a large force that came down with him from his military Headquarter in Jonglei State to secure the entire area for the conference to be convened smoothly. It has been these two sequential events that made us to believe that there was a big conspiracy against General Peter Gatdet. Who could have done this stupid act? We must all do the fingers pointing to the SPLA-I-O upper echelon hierarchy or the pinnacle of power of the institution above-mentioned. We could not be more than pleased that the individuals caught in this incident would tell us the truth, the whole truth, nothing, but the truth and help us God in the course of the Police interrogations, the litigation and the Court Criminal Procedure. There was no doubt that the whole conspiracy was to kill or murder General Peter Gatdet Yak and Taban Deng Gai should be held wholly and solely responsible and accountable for this epic in Pagak and in Gambela Nuer-Ethiopia.


On the contrary, the generals have “dismissed” or “fired” or “sacked” Dr. Machar as the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief and have assumed command so too other opposition groups that have already pledged them the support and joined the generals for a grand and courageous action that they undertook against the new “Nuer Dictator” Dr. Machar that has pretended for so long under the shadow or at the disguise or the pretext of being a ‘liberal democrat,’ but an ‘illiberal democrat’ or a ‘Democratic militarism’ Sino-North Korean styles for that. The man called Dr. Riek Machar has been a non-benevolence ‘Nuer Dictator of the third kind and who has misled the Nuer people that he has been “the Chosen One” by the Great Prophet Nyundeng of the Lou Nuer such that he (Dr. Riek Machar) betrayed unilaterally conceding the entire Jonglei State to Salva Kiir without the consent of the Lou-Nuer and the Garwaar Nuer majority in the largest, potentially the rich in natural resources, oil and gas, fisheries resources, fertile agricultural lands and the most populous state in South Sudan. In both traditional and oral history of the Nuer religion, Dr. Machar has no relations to the Great Prophet Nyundeng Bong because the roots of Nyundeng goes to “Gaatgangkah” that was truly a Bull Nuer and the royal original blood of the all the Nuer folks.

Historically, the Nuer Prophets have no relations to Dr. Riek Machar whom I have lately discovered through social sciences research does not possess the true gene of the man called “Machar Puot Buony Nyuon” from the Garwaar Nuer in a small village called Wiec Duk in Gorwai in the Heartland of the Garwaar Nuer and re-migrated to Adok Al-Bahr (Thok yier Dok) for his own personal reasons to rejoin the old clan across the White Nile (Kier en Boor). Reference to “Teny Dhurgon” being the traditional goddess of the man called Machar. With all due respect, Prophet Nyundeng that did not die, but ascended to heaven according the Nuer traditional and oral history. In my capacity as the decedent of the Garwaar Nuer Prophet of Dwal Dieu otherwise known as “Dieu” based on the oral and traditional history of Dieu taught us by the grouts, we had neither learned any mentioned of the man called “Dr. Riek Machar” with a gap in is teeth to have been blessed by Nyundeng to lead the Nuer folks to the promise land.

Perhaps, that person has not been born yet because the current Dr. Riek Machar has been conspicuous led the Nuer folks to disasters, not to victory, but possibly to defeats. Dr. Riek Machar remains a mysterious figure whether he is a true Nuer or a fake one or half-cast remains to be dugout through social sciences research by this generation and the next. We have already discovered some informational clues to who the man called Riek Machar is in Sudan and Khartoum in particular, but we shall remain discrete with our resources until what we really packaged and got what we wanted to know about the man called Riek Machar has been studied, completed and documented and the true revelation shall be made to the entire Nuer Community by God’s grace and will. I am an Aristocrat (Diel) of a true Nuer royal blood (O positive). Who’s really Dr. Riek Machar? Is he really an authentic Nuer or one-half cast? Where was he born more than 60 years in Khartoum or in Adok? Who were his real biological father and mother? We would like to know our leader Machar background and Salva Kiir background as well. We would appeal to South Sudanese socio-cultural anthropologists and sociologists, political scientists or social scientists, historians, folklorists and humanists to undertake critical studies on our past, present and the future leaders such that this generation and the next should know something about them. This plan could have been strategized by conspiracies theorists to waste General Peter Gatdet to compromise Jongeli State for Dr. Machar’s to become the VP to Salva Kiir at the expense of the people of Jonglei State who do hereby declare that Dr. Machar lie to the IGAD mediators because Jonglei State would not ever return to Juba and this is a promise that both Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar should know and become mindful of it. Both Riek Machar and Salva Kiir both men should be out of the political scene in South Sudan and should be charged with genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

We would not under no any circumstances accept any appointed Governor from Juba to entering the Great State of Jonglei because he/she would be at his own risk. The illegitimate government in Juba killed our people, bombed us with the internationally banned chemical weapons, i.e., Cluster bombs, Napalm bombs, Phosphorus bombs and shot our sons, women and the elderly with the depleted Uranium bullets and gassed them, how could we sit down, to eat and to drink water with these savages and cannibals-like humans? Therefore, the Garang family, Major-General Daniel Gatwiec Dwal, General Kuol Manyang, the useless Makuec Lueth and John Luke Joak and other bloodsuckers should not celebrate yet because Jonglei State would remain part and parcel of the Great Upper Nile region. We shall and will fight with the tooth and nail and with vigorous determination to prevent anyone to entering from Juba to Jonglei State because they would return to Juba in plastic bags or ran away naked for their lives. This is the bottom line. Dr. Riek Machar could not insist arbitrarily compromising Jonglei State through his whims the Great State of Jonglei to Juba control, dictatorship, authoritarianism, corruption masladministrstion and mismanagement. We urge and appeal to all the people of Jonglei State to denounce Dr. Riek Machar’s leadership and to pledge loyalty to the generals who have got the vision and envisage restoring the respect, dignity and the leadership of the Nuer people that have been disenfranchised, totally destroyed by Dr. Machar’s mediocrity, disenfranchisement, poor quality and misguided leadership that he (Dr. Machar) exercised for the past 25 years. The legacy of his leadership would be remembered as bloody marry and doomed and glommed leadership for that. With determination, motivation and a vision, we shall and will overcome the clumsy days of Dr. Machar’s legacy. We would have to move on with strides, smiles and let there be no blames and counter-blames because that would become defeatist ideals, lack of red badge of courage and weaknesses to endure and to preserver when things become tougher in life. We must and ought to have the courage to overcome and Kuoth Nhial willing, we shall and will overcome the ominous dented spot on our contemporary history like men and women of courageous species. We must keep hope and faith alive! Forward, backward never!

Personally, I regretted it that the people of Jonglei have to die in large numbers to give protection and security to an idiot and useless leaders, betrayers, traitors and the most wickets. Instead of wanting to compromise Jonglei State to Juba, why he could not compromise his home state of Unity State or Upper State?  For those who do not know, they should be enlightened when they read these few lines and to analyze between the lines. This is all much ado about oil revenue and personal interests. The answer to the postulated question or issue has been that he (Dr. Machar and Taban) have conned and recently received big bribes of big cash from the Chinese oil companies to refrain from launching any military operations that would disrupt the flows of oil PETRONAS and SUDAPET against neither Paloch (wiec loch) nor Unity States oilfields and gas fields. They have already been awarded big Cash of money plus homes in Nairobi, Kenya. Dr. Machar’s big grand thief the so-called Dr. Castillo Garang from Germany is now in China to wrap up some of the bribed monies to be deposited in Dr. Machar’s accounts in a different name of either his son or his wife to claim that he’s cleaned and cleared of having received any bribes from the Sino-Malaysian oil companies. Most importantly, if the Chinese-Malaysian oil companies, could not workout any deals with the generals who have sucked or fired or dismissed Dr. Machar, they could not step their footprints or footsteps neither on Paloch nor Unity state oilfields nor gas fields or both Paloch nor Unity State oilfields nor gas fields. The Sino-Malaysian oil consortia have no agreements with the Nuer people yet and they could not be permitted under any circumstances to siphon the oil and gas without the proper documentations and contracts thereunto. No oil wells would operate until the grievances, the genocide and the Chinese arms deal with Juba have been logically addressed adequately. The siphoning of any oil now could become a red line. We would also issue warning to the oil workers to get the hell out because these are could become sooner war zones with grave insecurity at stakes. They should reckon that old contracts signed prior to the split of South Sudan have been invalided and be declared as null and void. The only alternative or remedy that is now left for the Sino-Malaysians oil companies would be to withdraw from South Sudan before it’s too late. Most importantly, they should realize that Dr. Riek Machar has been fired or sucked by the generals and the people as the Commander-in-Chief of the SPLA-I-O. No future government would be willing to pay back such bad debts and the bribed monies because they were conducted illegally, corrupt practices and the Grand Theft. They could be considered as anti-Money Laundering and Narcotics under international law. In short, the Sino-Malaysian oil companies and the recipients of the funds could be charged under the above mentioned.

Last, but not least, the Nuer nation and its resilient people should know and underscore that they have been betrayed, disenfranchised, sold out or compromised by both Taban and Dr. Machar for their his own personal interests or the love of money as the roots of all evils. They have not been the good guys, but the bad guys or individuals that should be unfairly caricatured negatively in the both the Nuer Community and in the rebel Movement. This is now the time to search and to be creative for strategic concrete better new innovative, dynamics and unique new strategic rapprochements, methodological, epistemological, political, sociological and philosophical approaches and the combined traditional and modern mechanisms for conflict resolution on the ongoing treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war or vice versa. Any solicitation of the resolution of the ongoing conflict must and ought to be based on the establishment of a flexible federal system similar to the terms of the flexible Ethiopian ethnic federal system, the establishment or the deployment of two-armies and the vivid explication of the reasons that targeted the Nuer nationality for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or part. At the end of the Interim Period, there would be a referendum to ask the people for reunification in a federal, confederal or Asymmetrical federalism or to exercise the right to self-determination to become independent entities or polities in their own respective regions. Without adhering to the above-mentioned the roadmap to peace in South Sudan remains in the dark, twine light zone, amorphous, real political dilemma and in the zigzag path.


In the case of the raw or misunderstanding between Dr. Riek Machar and the generals, based on interviews, interpolations, analysis based on social sciences research method, ontological, epistemological, sociological and political analysis, it could become resolvable through Dialogue par cum pare (equals). Given, the insensitivities, mistrust and the lack of confidence building measures and personality’s clashes involved, even if we were to reach to an amicable solution, which would as such, involved calculated negative images would not end what really occurred or transferred. It was an administrative matter that could have been handled appropriately and resolved as an inter-departmental matter. The Chairman and the Commander-in-Chief failed to handle the raw appropriately because has cited with and has been influenced by Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina Machar to make a choice between these two polarities- that’s to say, either them or the generals. The Chairman has also his own biases or prejudices towards the generals who have become too popular more than Dr. Riek Machar. This is a position that Dr. Machar’s does not like to see anyone to become more popular above him in the organizational structure and the organizational behavior. If I could recall in my past experiences with Dr. Machar, he often wanted to become the only one on the political limelight to have it all that tantamount to a blind political ambition, pyschpathic and psychological problem that he does or does not realize or know could hurt or harm him as well. Conclusively, Dr. Machar has been wearing two hats- being the first “Nuer Dictator” ever and a “Democratic militarist” dictator Chinese-PNKR leadership styles compared to his compatriots the late Dinka dictator John Garang and the current Dinka Dictator-for-life Salva Kiir Mayardit in Juba. I could consider myself as the first unfortunate “guinea pig” victim in this process and am paying the price of my being devoted and committed to a mediocre and a weakling leader like Dr. Machar in the past. However, I have liberated or freed myself from having any association with Dr. Machar’s since I experienced his pretty poor quality leadership style in the post-1997 KPA. Nonetheless, I studied and psychoanalyzed in depth the man called Dr. Machar’s leadership style and his negative introverted inwards feelings towards anyone that he perceived to be the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème around him for that. He often preferred to surround himself with the less qualified and inexperienced guys that he could dictate whilst the remains the only shining person within the group. Most importantly, Dr. Riek Machar would not take any word of advice from anyone because he perceives that as a threat to what he has already conceptualized without any contingencies because there absolute decision-making, but all decision-making are relative and risks taking. This has been my micro-macroscopic observation of the man called Riek Machar during my political work with the guy in the recently revived SSIM/A that he had unilaterally abolished after he re-defected to the SPLA under the Nairobi Declaration on 7Jnauary 2002 with the late Dr. John Garang.

Specifically, he was jealous of my popularity and my intellectual pursuit, innovative and creative “Talent Tree,” educational background and work experience in the USA as an academic, Europe and Africa. He often perceived me as the challenger and had attempted everything humanly possible to do me harm and went as far as labeling or painting me negatively as being “crazy,” stubborn Yankee, and labeled me and my capabilities and abilities as being radical and a “crazy Professor.” There is no medical record anywhere to justify that I have been crazy at any time in my life. I do know that I was born normal and healthy child who has neither been involved in any kind of drugs or narcotic usage, any kind of rehabilitation from alcoholism or narcotics usage of any kind and never smoked any weeds(tap Nyam-Nyamni) (cannibal-like humans) or cigarettes or snubbed tobacco (Sawuod) in my entire life. I shall one day ask him of caricatured characterization and unfairly painting me negatively and of being crazy when I do not really possess any traits of such characterization, descriptions or labeling me so before by any audience for Dr. Machar to provide documentations of proof that I am really crazy and he would also provide his certificate or license in psychiatric and psycho-therapeutic medicine. Actually, one of the most interesting observation that I have noticed from Dr. Machar’s has been that he has been “heartless” to the guts and gusto not have the word for “Thank you” to anyone that has done him good. He’s too cold to say “Thank you” on the job well done or in Nuer Language-means- “E tieth loc migoa ke laat me ci laat.” Most importantly, he had worked so hard with Salva Kiir to bloc me out of the government or in the cabinet in Juba because of his fears and apprehensions against any superior quality intellectual pursuit that has the “talent tree” or knowledge in government, governance, development, strategic socioeconomic planning and work experience. I noticed this situation retrospect to the signing of the defunct 1997 KPA that the guy was envious after having produced or achieved that superior quality agreement that could have made him to become rich and famous for his entire life if he handled it and managed it well at that time. Therefore, directly or indirectly, Dr. Machar has less self-confidence and self-assurance that he had been the obstacles against the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème intellectuals and men and women of like-minds.

In my capacity as the Chairman of South Sudan Democratic Front Party In-Opposition (SSDFP-I-O) for the past seven (7) years and the Interim Chairman of the revived South Sudan independence Movement/Army-in-Opposition (SSIM/A-I-O) by powers and authority invested in me, I do hereby declare our un-flinching support to the generals on the steps that they have undertaken to induce democratic change within the SPLA-I-O that has been comprised of various alliances of various interests that Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai should have been mindful of and should not have turned over the establishment to become their own personal plantation or their own animal farm or a range. We congratulated the ferocious, the courageous, the gallant, the most fearless and the bravest the generals on the rapidly straightforward move that they have undertaken in despite of difficulties and hard-bitten circumstances that they passed through in the Regional Government in Gambela region in southwestern Ethiopia when Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai gave orders to the Ethiopian authorities in the region for the arrests and detentions of the generals without any proper Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). In addition, the generals are not Ethiopians nor have they committed any crimes against the Ethiopian Federal Government and the Regional Government in Gambela region that would warrant their arrest for that. The arbitrary arrests and detentions of the generals by the Ethiopian Regional Government Authorities were in contravention of international law and inter-African international relations. If the Ethiopian authorities did not want the generals on its soil it deems the right as it sees fit for its own strategic vital national security interests to expel the generals to their homeland in Pagak, South Sudan, and to declared them as persona non-Grata from re-entering Ethiopian soil.

Furthermore, the SPLA-I-O Manifesto (if there is a Manifesto) that we would presume does not contain any articles, phrases or clauses that specifically stated or specified that SPLA-I-O personnel could be arrested or detained per orders of the Chairman by any authorities and let alone Ethiopia. Specifically, Dr. Machar and Taban because of personal jealousies and vendetta they have against the generals broke the Manifesto or the Charter as follows that: – Firstly, this is where Dr. Machar’s grossly strayed and abused power and authority or breached the SPLA-I-O Manifesto or Charter. Secondly, Dr. Machar’s failed to undertake consultations, analysis of the facts-findings of the reports of a coup d’état attempt against him in Pagak and failed to conduct Dialogue par cum pare (equal) with the generals rather than overreacting to the allegations that they were planning his removal or sucking or firing him from power and authority. We have discovered and believe that the information that was given to Dr. Machar by the security forces was all incorrect, fabricated, belittled the generals who are “leaders” and not “soldiers,” bias or prejudice against the generals. It contained insufficient evident to justify, to corroborate and to substantiate that there was a coup d’état being staged against Dr. Machar. Realistically, it reminds us of the same rigimoral that occurred in Juba in 2013 that produce this tribal warfare or as if a civil war. It was a deliberate and willful conspiracy and designed strategy unfairly caricatured and smeared the generals. Thirdly, if Dr. Machar’s failed to Dialogue with the generals over the alleged incident of removing or staging a coup d’état against him from power and authority, there must and ought to be a hardcore evident beyond a reasonable doubt to substantiate and to corroborate that there was a coup d’état attempt to be staged against Dr. Riek Machar by some of or all of the generals. Thus, far we have no evident to corroborate that allegation.

Based on what I have known personally and based on the firsthand evidence, the generals signed the paper that was circulated or distributed to the IGAD heads of state and governments and the IGAD plus mediators and the TRIOKA (USA,UK and Norway) on South Sudan conflict. Why the focus was on some of the generals and excluding all those that have signed the memorandum or the letter? For instance, the Chief of the General Staff Command, Major-General Daniel Gatwiec Dwal who signed first was not fired and all his deputies were all fired. What did that mean? Basically, there was a big conspiracy against some generals- mainly Peter Gatdet, Gathoth Gatkouth and Gabriel Tang- who have been outspoken against Taban Deng Gai absolutist interference in the military domain and his constant attempts to make the generals to become workless, stooges and good for nothing because he (Taban) had a blind politico-military  ambition to become everything. This really would tantamount to an absolute non-benevolence dictatorship, oligarchy, autocracy, patronage and Machiavellian-Praetorian-Draconian leadership styles or the Napoleonic rule and King Louise XVI of France who proclaimed himself as the Philosopher King or the Divine Right and said  he that “d’état si moi”  (I am the state).

In as far as a good leader and the leadership are concerned, he (Dr. Machar) could have soberly and patiently notified and summoned the Nuer Community Elders, professionals and the intellectuals to Dialogue over the incident or the rift or the raw, which has occurred between Dr. Machar’s and the generals because of his failure to control and to contain his brother-in-law Taban Deng Gai for peace sake, a common United front and political conflict resolution to ascertain really whether the generals were really ready to return to Juba as alleged in the security report and the alleged speech by one of them in the Church in Gambela. Most of these reports were structured and strategized by whoever behind such unfairly caricatured and smeared the characters of the generals who are “leaders” and not “soldiers.” I should say candidly, resolutely and absolutely, that Dr. Machar’s has the leader of the organization failed to do the above-mentioned and did not go beyond the call of duty to extract fair, democratic, comprehensive and inclusive, transparent and accountable logical evident before undertaking what he did prematurely and hastily without any prior consultations with the organization’s leadership and the Nuer Community, the politicians and the intellectuals.


As I see it, the rift or the raw between Dr. Machar’s and the generals has been resolved, the ‘Trust’ has been shattered and they could not return for possible reunification even if Dr. Machar’s would to have peacefully resign and be reassigned as the head of negotiating Action-Team (A-Team) and as an Advisor to the peace mediation process up to the end. In summation, Dr. Machar unilateral actions of removing the Generals in as far as am concerned was pretty unjustifiable, hasty and premature for a leader who professes to be a democrat to undertake such rapid and un-astoundingly decision-making. We would like to urge an appeal to both sides of the aisles to Dialogue par cum pare (equal) for as fair, just, democratic, transparent and accountable resolution in order to create a conducive political atmosphere within the organization to fight Salva Kiir in Unionism until we win the war sooner rather than later. He would have to listen to the voices of his people and reasons and reasonableness because without them he could not become a leader at all. At the same time, the people should listen to their leader because without his leadership capability and ability they would be moving in a vicious cycle and go nowhere at all. Therefore, there is a mutual reciprocity and mutual understanding between the leader and the people and vice versa.  Concerning the decision made by the generals that they have sucked, fired or relieved Dr. Machar’s that could become their free prerogative to do so. Nevertheless, we could only appeal to the Nuer nation, its resilient people and soldiers not to fight each other either because of Dr. Machar’s leadership that has been already become a failed system or the emerging new leadership at the horizon with the generals and politicians attached to them. Thus, claims by Dr. Machar that the generals have “No supporters” have been flagrantly stupid, rubbished, absolute nonsense and lack credence because everybody has got somebody to lean on in this world, including our beloved siblings, kin and kith. We all have people to lean on and so too the generals do have people to lean on them as well. We should be realistic about what we say, how we say it and why we say it to the outside world. Therefore, we request that Dr. Machar’s or his spokesman should apologize for having lied to the world and the Nuer nation as a whole.


The decisive rapidly action to strip power and authority from Dr. Machar’s dictatorship and authoritarianism or what may be termed as the democratic militarism has been the right thing to do. Lo and behold, Dr. Machar’s and his protégés, henchmen and sycophants have misled the Nuer nation and its resilient people for so long and have taken the Nuer people for a free ride for decades. Many of them died in vain defending Dr. Machar’s leadership that has failed to produce fruits or to bear fruits or like fruitless “Fig Tree” in the orchard ever since he splinted from the late Dinka dictator John Garang de Mabior. Perhaps, Dr. Machar’s assumed that there are no Nuer leaders and intellectuals to challenge him and assumed that he pocketed them in his pockets and/or have castrated them and the intelligentsia in particular. This was not so, but we wanted Dr. Machar to complete his crusade that he started so well on 28 August 1991 against the Dinka dictator Dr. John Garang de Mabior in the once invincible Marxist-Leninist SPLM/A. The Nuer Community further extended him the respect and honor to complete his raw with another Dinka dictator Salva Kiir or the “minister and the President of death” that the blood of so many folks flowing deep into his palms throughout South Sudan. Certainly, the above-mentioned were the specific reasons for the Nuer Community to stand up behind Dr. Machar up to this time that he has been influenced and misled by Taban Deng Gai whose interest is how to accumulate money rather than having any loyalty to the causes of the Nuer nation and its people. Rather, the Nuer Community as a whole has bestowed its trust and confidence building measures on the man called Dr. Riek Machar to lead them to victory, but not to defeat. Assuredly, has failed to lead the Nuer people to victory, but often to defeats and history shall and will not absolve him for this grand mistakes and historical blunders. Now, is the time for Dr. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina-Machar to exit the Nuer nation political scene or theater because the Nuer people have lost hope, trust, confidence building measures have been calculated and concluded beyond a reasonable doubt, that Dr. Machar’s has failed and would not lead the Nuer nation to victory, but to defeat.


There have been serious ongoing smearing campaigns and unfair caricatured both in the public media, streets, telephones and here say against the generals. We should stop these negative characterizations. No generals that have abandoned the cause and wanted to surrender to Salva Kiir in Juba. No generals that have been paid big cash as alleged in social media by anyone from Salva Kiir’s side. There have been molds, informants and spies dispatched and implanted as molds within the SPLA-IO- and with the mission of dividing the Nuer Community. Of course, we do know our molds and betrayers of the Nuer because of the money. All of the above-mentioned have been based on here says and lack credence or any shredded evidence to corroborate or to substantiate such social media allegations. The generals, per se, have been part and parcel of us and they have defended and continuing to defend our community and its people. Therefore, they are not necessary evils, but men and women of integrity to serve and to defend their motherland or the Nuer Community. We should salute them and kowtowing them as the dedicated men and women protecting our community and its livelihood and its welfare. We urge and appeal that such ongoing smearing campaigns against the generals for what happened between them and Dr. Machar’s needed to be stopped, to be investigated thoroughly and to find a peaceful and political conflict resolution based on the Nuer Community tradition and the modern mechanisms of conflict resolution. We must resolve this raw or rift between Dr. Machar and the generals. We do not need any external parties to come do it for us because we have not been helpless, but capable, determined and motivated human beings to deal solo with our internal matters. If in the course of our investigation and Dialogue we found or discovered and concluded that Dr. Machar’s was wrong on what he has done, which he ought not to have done against the generals, he must respectfully and honorably resign for the cause of the war and the Nuer unity and the national interests on the one hand and if we found or discovered and concluded that the generals have been wrung on the other hand, we as a community should respectfully make a decision would either supports the generals action or either should support Dr. Machar’s decision to have done what he did unilaterally and hastily. However, under the presumption of innocence, the generals could not all be wrong on what they have claimed to be an administrative oversight on the part of Dr. Riek Machar’s to control and to contain his brother-in-law in meddling in his extraterritorial domain of the generals. Because of the current situation that we have been all locked in, we should also reserve our judgment because we have a job to be done and the only people who could do this task for us and the Nuer nation survival would be none other than our bravest and courageous generals and men and women under their control. Last, but not least, as a people inspiring and aspiring for democracy and democratic change, we should be ready for change because change often brings the better and not for the worst and anyone that resists change or against change has a lost cause. Together and in unionism we could all form a united front on our resources and energies to resolve this simple raw through Dialogue and we could urge and appeal to both sides to forgive, but not to forget. We could not allow or give our archenemies a chance and an opportunity to infiltrate our community and its forces because they wanted us to be defeated. We shall not be defeated and this is a promise because I do know and believe that the politicians and the generals would be united like the bundle of ten sticks to delivery to you folks victory in a silver platter, but not defeat. Let us all stop smearing campaigns and unsubstantiated or un-corroborate lies against the Generals or against anyone of anyone dislikes for the sake of our united front. Remember that “United we stand, Divided we fall” or in authentic Nuer Language translation “Coungne kiel ke hoo bikon buom, ka ma ci kon roo dak bikondial tieth”. (This is Wanglel, Fangak,  Magalla language conference,1928) or Yoang Nyang Nuer language that I learned in school years ago and the Eastern Jikany Nuer and Nuer-Ethiopia would have slightly different translation, but almost similar translation).

Most importantly, the Nuer people have embraced a new rapprochement from within politically, sociologically, anthropologically have began to question and ask whether Dr. Machar’s has a hidden agenda to erase or to eradicate the Nuer nationality as a race from South Sudan because of his ill-fated and ill-prepared failed revolutions first against John Garang on 28 August 1991 with the slogan that “Garang must go.” He successfully negotiated the 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA) that addressed almost all Southern Sudan grievances and became the grandmother of all peace agreements in Sudan’s conflicts. He was appointed as the Assistant President of the Republic of Sudan and the President of Southern Sudan Coordinating Council (SSCC). He re-defected to the same SPLAM/A that defected from in 1991 under the so-called Nairobi Declaration on 7 January 2002. The most poignant, tragic and hard-bitten experiences was that Dr. Machar left his outfit in total political disarrayed, confused and “headless” because he had not chosen a caretaker or anyone to takeover in his absence. He left again in 2013 running for his life from being assassinated by both Yuri Museveni and Salva Kiir and with repugnant results against the unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Without the shadow of a doubt, the crime of genocide…, defined as the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity has been committed against the Nuer nationality under the pretext of a coup d’état masterminded or staged by the former VP against his boss. This is one of the root causes of this ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan.


Another raw or rift between Dr. Machar’s with the generals has already signed or inked was the Arusha Plus Agreement that clearly and resoundingly stating it that everyone in the SPLA prior to the internal split both political and the military personnel must and ought to return to line up in their previous positions. By virtue of having signed Arusha Agreement, Dr. Machar’s is now technically the Vice President to Salva Kiir’s illegitimate government, an illegitimate President and an illegitimate Parliament in Juba and Deputy Chairman of the SPLM. Furthermore, the Arusha Agreement states that within a six-month period, all the generals would be retired and stripped off their amenities in order for them to be court martial and possibly most of them could be sentenced to death through a firing squad. Specifically, Dr. Machar signing of the Arusha Agreement, caused many people, of course, to hypothetically assume and without any shadow of a doubt, that the process has been clearly a flawed and the dirty works or performances of Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina-Machar and some of the wickets idiots that have surrounded him in Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, have miscalculated it that by returning to reunify SPLM would make Dr. Machar’s exonerated to become a free man from being indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) or any other appointed international tribunal to deal with the crimes of genocide, war crimes and crimes committed against humanity in South Sudan, including other heinous crimes committed against humanity. None of these ideas would neither protect nor make him to avoid justice or to go as a free man. Both Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir and their cronies would have to face justices by any means necessary and that they shall be held accountable for the un-necessary death of so many people within a short period of time. Realistically, the numbers of peoples that have died in the tribal warfare or as if a civil war has been far greater compared to the numbers of the dead during the North-South conflict. The government was not killing civilians’ population compared to what the SPLA ill-trained and un-disciplined troopers or soldiers have done, which they ought not to have done against the civilians’ population.


The alleged coup d’état attempt staged by the generals masterminded by General Peter Gatdet and General Gathoth Gatkouth against Dr. Machar’s was a hoax and lack sufficient evident because there was neither evident nor the Generals and soldiers involved in the alleged coup d’état attempt. It follows the same similar pattern of coup d’état attempt the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir Mayardit staged by the former VP and turned rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar in mid-December 2013, which produced the ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war followed by genocide or democide, war crimes and crimes against humanity throughout the country and specifically against the Nuer ethnicity targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Furthermore, it has created hatred, disunity in diversity, national disintegration and deeper ‘mistrust’ and the lack or the lack thereof of confidence building measures amongst different cultural mosaic or cultural diversity or multiculturalism South Sudan. Because of this lack of a shredded sufficient evident, he was also exonerated and the Nuer protected him as their elder statesman and General Peter Gatdet in particular, otherwise compared to the US Army Dwight Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces during WWII on 6 June 1944 in the great Armada ever assembled in the history of invasion of Normandy and Calais, France, to flash out the Nazis Forces of occupation in France, the US Army General Douglas MacArthur in the Philippines known for his infamous statement to the Philippines people that “I shall return” on his departure to Australia, the UK Army General Monty Montgomery nicknamed “Monty” or the German Field Marshal Rommel (the Desert Fox) of the German Afrika Corps in North Africa Desert and General Charles de Gaulle of France.

Based on my in depth analysis as an American trained soldier and a veteran, General Peter Gatdet could become anyone of the above-mentioned great Generals because of his superior military skills, strategic planning and tactics of anyone of the greatest Generals that Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) has produced for Sudan and South Sudan and Sub-Saharan Africa in particular. Realistically, the real nitty-gritty differences between Dr. Machar’s and the generals have been the illicit and arbitrary signing of the Arusha plus Agreement that has been extraterritorial jurisdiction and the framework of the IGAD mediators’ peace process in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa. The gross interference of Taban Deng Gai’s in the military affairs extraordinaire jurisdiction without control and containment from Dr. Machar made the generals bloody angry and hypothetically assume that Taban Deng Gai was encroaching within the exclusive domain and attempting to take over their jobs, duties and responsibilities thereunto that could make them become useless commanders. Certainly, this was the real intention because Taban Deng Gai wanted to exercise influence over Dr. Riek Machar’s and wanted to exert arbitrary control over everything in the Movement. The main gist of the Arusha Agreement has been the reunification of the SPLM as the ruling party to continue ruling the country as it was prior to the internal split within the ruling party in mid-December 2013 that mitigated that the African Union (AU) Chief, H.E. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma’s bluntly warns of “Disaster” if South Sudan peace deal fails. Conclusively, she’s on the dot and on track whether it succeeds or not, South Sudan remains pretty vulnerable in the vicious cycle of an unpredictable bleak political future. South Sudan has become a failed state, with continuous deteriorating insecurity, permanent political instability and rapidly moving to stateless to statelessness a sure reminder of the status quo ante in Somalia in the aftermath of the overthrown of Somalia’s strongman Farik al-Awal (1Lt.General) Mohamed Sayaid Barre in Mogadishu in 1992.

As I see it, no matter what happens, we can put it broadly, scientifically and methodologically that South Sudan is not out of the woods yet. The failed peace unilaterally signed by bits and pieces in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa on 17 August 2015 by the rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar without his generals on his side and then followed by the illegitimate Dinka dictator Salva Kiir signed on 26 August 2015 in Juba, remains a yo-yo peace, likes a child born with so many childhood diseases and that we could not tell its future implementation, but only God the creator of all things above and below knows what the future holds for it. In this case the international community should undertaking superimposing sanctions against South Sudan, removal of Salva Kiir from power as an illegitimate President, leading an illegitimate de facto government and an illegitimate Parliament in Juba. As regard to Dr. Riek Machar, the scores have been already settled by the generals who have dismissed, or suck or fired him. This case has been closed for good. The generals would be now searching for a new Commander-in-Chief to steer ahead the arm struggle against Salva Kiir. I shall and will be pretty straightforward as an academic expert, a diplomat, statesman, political historian and a US trained and a veteran of US Army about what the future holds for South Sudan and I hope and trust that my fellow South Sudanese should not hesitate to accept in principle that they have created a monstrous state with a compound complex political equation and a system less state that they have created to build a young state, culturally diverse and the most backward state and region in Sub-Saharan Africa and the world at large; that the future does not look rosy, that South Sudan could not be the same as it was before the tribal warfare or as if a civil or vice versa; wherefore a brother killed a brother, a sister, a mother, a father, a wife, rapped young ladies and burnt them up after their arduous ordeals of forced sexual harassments by their victimizers, pregnant women killed and their fetuses silted out surgically from their worms with bayonets by their victimizers, roasted a dead cadavers or corps and forced people at gun-point by their brothers, cousins, uncles and sister-sons or husbands to eat that roasted human cadavers’ flash a thing that never happened in the history of the ancient, medieval and contemporary war fares, the civil wars and the social renaissances or social revolutions globally. Even in the savage and the cannibal-like the 1994 Rwanda Genocide, there has been no mentioned of any evident on the records yet or any testimonies from the survivors yet compared to the horrors and horrendous events that the Twic Dinka Militias have done, which they ought not to have done to the Nuer ethnicity or nationality in particular, the Nuer-Agar Dinka, the Nyawareng Nuer-Dinka, and the other Nuer-Dinka speakers sharing the same cultural characteristics and traits and language and tribal markings in South Sudan, including Nuer-Ethiopia in Southwestern Ethiopia’s region of Gambela (Region#12) of the ethnically based Ethiopian federal system of government under the direct command of President Salva Kiir. In summation, all the dirty and inhumane acts that have occurred have really divided South Sudan on ethnocentric lines to the point of no return and there would be no healing, trust and confidence building measures for generations in the future and the present. This may sound sickening indeed, but it’s the political reality of the events that for the political leaders and the people of South Sudan would be that unity in diversity or multiculturalism would become imperatively impractical, if not impossible to attain at this point in time. Therefore, in order to save face and to halt further more bloodshed the most envisage, viable and vibrant political solution would be for South Sudan to be divided like in the Island nation of Cyprus that was divided into the Greco-Cypriots on the Westside of the Island nation of Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriots on the Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus and the example of the Somaliland (Punt land) that has been existing as de facto state and has progressed both economically and politically and the international community doing business with as usual and government-to-government relations have successful compared to the Federal Republic of Somalia (FRS) in Mogadishu. Apart from this recommended or suggested aforesaid formula, the political future of South Sudan remains pretty bleaks and continuous and furthering bloodshed would remain to become the answer. This is my opinion as a native son of South Sudan and it was not it was not the freedom that toiled so for generations to become a failed thing as I do experience in South Sudan. Southerners had a golden opportunity to proof the Arabized North wrong, but with the current situation in South Sudan, they are laughing at us and they would say “have we not told you so that Southerners are incapable of governing themselves and divided on tribal lines.” This is the political reality that we could not escape ever and we must and ought to take it all as a challenge and as one of the challenges facing Sub-Saharan Africa. Although tribalism exists in the North, they are united by Islam as a religion and political culture to become tolerant of each other and have resorted to resolve their problems through traditional and modern mechanisms of conflict resolution. What unites South Sudanese apart from the entrenched epidemic ethnocentrism (tribalism)? In short, Christianity has also weakened South Sudan because of inherent disagreements within Christianity itself as a faith-based religion. My word of wisdom to all South Sudanese would be to wake up and to stop sleeping in beds, but to spearhead a social renaissance or a social revolution to rebuild a free, democratic, flexible ethnic federal system, “de-trbalized” state or just call it quit and let each region fans out for itself and for its people and God for all.

Briefly, all the so-called Nuer-Dinka speakers (Cieng riel kene Atuot) have been originally, historically and culturally of the Nuer origin. It was the permanent “collective punishment” superimposed by the British colonial administration at the end of the 30-year of the Nuer Revolution (Khor naadth ke (or) Nath ke Longolithni ke Kwajani (al-Sura al-Nuer) or Niey tin boor ke nieuy tin thiel biel (men/women without colors) superimposed against the Nuer nationality one of the largest and the only ethnicity or nationality that the British colonialists failed to colonize and to submit to the British suzerainty in Black Africa and was ruled through the “indirect rule” established by Lord Henry Lugar in the Northern Emirates of Nigeria in the 1900s that became the standardized British colonial policy in the Anglo-Phone Africa and in combination with the Nuer Customary law and customs and the imported Native Administration from Darfur in the 1930s throughout the “Closed District period in Southern Sudan” up to this day.

Specifically, the Nuer believes that Kuoth Nhial kene piny (God in havens and earth) has created men/women as equal and that no man has the right to determine the destiny of another man. The British dislike this egalitarian advanced social equality amongst the Nuer because was not the only nationality that did carry white administrators on hammocks compared to other tribesmen that used to do so for the colonial administrators. They [Europeans] amongst the Nuer were treated as “equals,” but never as “superiors” with divine given rights or as Goddesses in the Nuerland, but were as goddesses in others. The Nuer differed with the British radically on the issue of capital punishment (Nyap) introduced through the adapted imported Anglo-Indian laws of a human being after having committed murdered of another person because the Nuer nation as a faith-based society from the times of immemorial up to the present does not adhere to the idea of capital punishment, but has been a freed capital punishment society or culture as found in the modern Western civilized societies, but collective compensation of the deceased. The European countries have just abolished the capital Punishment in recent years because of the human rights protection with the USA as the only civilized and modernized Western country that still administers capital punishment by hanging, electro-execution and Lethal Injection. However, Eighteen (18) of the fifty (50) states in the USA have abolished capital punishment. The Nuer nation was amongst the first and equals to be freed in the capital punishment because the Nuer Customary laws, Civil and Criminal Procedures administered only the old traditional “collective compensation” of the deceased and the specific set terms of imprisonment for rehabilitation and the person to be set freed at the end of this tenure and could not be attacked by the other side of the deceased because the High Priests’ (Kuar Muonni) would perform the ancient rituals in the Old Nuer and modern traditions traced to the God’s of Abraham and his children (Gaatjiekobni/Fallashani) (Ancient Jews or Israelites) that the modern Nilotics (the Nuer, the Shilluk (Chollo) and the Dinka) considered themselves up to this day as amongst the lost twelve (12) tribes of Ancient Jews or Israelites (Fallasha) in Ethiopia and could be traced as part and parcel of that race on the planet. This could be true because the Jews and the Nuer nation have certain traits to share in common. The Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament could give us more details. I shall leave this point to the socio-cultural anthropologists who have in depth studies on this claim or on this subject. Nevertheless, the Nuer people and the generals have concluded beyond a reasonable doubt, that Dr. Machar’s leadership would only move them redundantly in a “vicious cycle,” but would not deliver them the anticipated victory, the respect, the dignity and the honor that they do duly deserve in South Sudan. Since Dr. Machar’s assumed the helm of the Nuer leadership, the Nuer nation and its resilient people that has been always the most feared and the respected by it archenemies, has lost such values, respect, dignity and honor- that it deserves to be equal and/or above the cannibals-like Dinka tribesmen (Jieng) (slaves) that have not seen anything yet. Retrospect to 28 August 1991, when Dr. Machar engineered or manufactured the split from the once invincible Marxist-Leninist SPLAM/A led by the Dinka dictator the late John Garang de Mabior, he (Dr. Machar) led the Nuer nation and people to disaster and grossly abused power, which resulted in the death of many people defending him (Dr. Machar) from being assassinated, killed or wasted compared to some of his qualified colleagues and well-educated comrades-in-arms by the late John Garang and Salva Kiir the then deputy and security chief that could be termed as the “minister of death” and/or the “President of death” in South Sudan that would serve as a reminder of Lt. General Herman Goring of the Nazi Germany Luftwaffe (German Air Force) during the Second World War (1939-1945).


We have become tied with lies, deceptions, manipulations and maneuverings of Dr. Machar, his crocket and corrupt brother-in-law Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina Machar that he already spent unwisely millions of dollars that he squandered from Unity State to bribe different kinds of security personnel, including other killers for the money to murder anyone that he has perceived to be against Dr. Machar. The Machar’s family primary interest  has been how to collect money by any means necessary and crooks that they could put on their hands for themselves and have failed to provide the logistics, materiel, hardware and equipment to fight the tribal warfare or as if a civil war. They could not careless about the wounded combatants who have been desperately in greater need of medicine, surgery of bullet wounds and many have already died because of gangrene, the massive IDPs  and cumulatively hired his family to lucrative important positions in the Movement without the necessary educational qualifications, administrative skills, management concepts and work experience, unfortunately.

In the military ranks and files, he (Dr. Machar) has also promoted some of his relatives who have had no military training and command experiences that could not give commands to the higher ranks, including Madam Angelina Machar. In this regard, we could hypothetically assume that he (Dr. Machar) is preparing Madam Angelina-Machar’s to become the next future heirs of the Nuer leadership. The Nuer would have no objection at all, if she were to become a pretty strong, straightforward “Iron lady,” decisive, visionary, determined and motivated to lead the Nuer nation compared to the Israeli PM Gold Meir, Andria Gandhi of India, the UK PM Margaret Thatcher and the former US Ambassador to the UN Dr. Suzan Rice and now the National Security Council (NSC) Chief in the White House. Some of the people in Dr. Machar’s inner circle or cronies and sycophants have been young, naiveté; the most inexperienced, stooges, hooligans and thieves ever lived on the planet-Earth. He has failed to discipline and to control Taban Deng Gai who has become virtually a fest; self-adorned, self-anointed head of the SPLA-I-O and nothing goes without his approvable and the signature of Taban Deng Gai. As a result, he has bullied the generals, the intellectuals, politicians and the Nuer Community Elders (NCE) for so long and because of such bullying and the bull shits have been tolerated for so long and had been reported to Dr. Machar’s who has failed to discipline and to control Taban Deng Gai’s in interfering and creeping into everything like a grasshopper into all the affairs of the Movement. In summation, the above-mentioned actions have been the total failure of the leadership, its administrative, and its management organs. This is corruption, authoritarianism, autocracy, oligarchy, patronage and the Stalinist’s state of the third kind. What is the different between Dr. Machar, Salva Kiir and the late John Garang management styles? We would guess or assume that they have been same birds with same color and same feathers flying together in South Sudan. Dr. Machar as the leader of the organization should have undertaken legal, political, management and administrate means available at his disposal to contain, to control and to discipline his brother-in-law Taban Deng Gai from interfering virtually in everything like a grasshopper in the fields devouring and destroying crops on its path in the fields, in the ranks and files of the SPLA-I-O military and exerted tremendous influenced on Dr. Machar’s to removed the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème generals and to replace them with the mediocre, weakling, inexperience and unqualified Military Officers to be promoted to higher ranks of his own choosing to assume the military leadership ranks and files positions that they have not been qualified to undertake, to execute, to manage and to command in the SPLA-I-O. We urge and appeal to the people’s will power to influence Dr. Machar’s to remove Taban Deng Gai whose interests has been how to make money at the expense of the lives of the Nuer people. In addition, I urge and appeal that no one should leave the organization to create disunity amongst the Nuer nation and its resilient people because of one rotten individual called Taban Deng Gai. We should all exert in unionism pressure points against Dr.Riek Machar to discipline this individual for the good of the majority. Based on my political skills and know-how as a political scientist /political economist or a social scientist, Taban Deng Gai does not have loyalty to Dr. Riek Machar and the Nuer nation and its resilient people. He belongs to the G10 led by Pagan. There are also the two monsters that are also around the corner with Taban that belong to the aforesaid outfit. They were once archenemies of Dr. Riek Machar and today they are his best advisors without the necessary qualification and work experience. I have lived with them in the US and had followed their educational and employment tracks, but they have not held significant white collier positions. The Nuer leaders should not quit the organization, but we should be united like a bundle of ten sticks and to petition Dr. Riek Machar to make the real political choice that he ever made in his lifetime-that’s to say, either the people first or Taban Deng Gai. We should undertake this social renaissance through a ‘quiet diplomacy’ for the sake of our unity and it would bear fruits. We have a responsibility to keep the Nuer Unity intact to fight Salva Kiir until he would be defeated by any means necessary. As regard to Taban Deng Gai the political future within the Nuer Community and the people of Unity State as a whole would have to determine the political fate of the guy called Taban Deng Gai. He would either change or to be booted out through the people will power. We urge and appeal in advance that Dr. Riek Machar should not dare to give Taban Deng Gai’s any positions without the consent and approval of the Nuer Community and its leaders because historically he has been selfish, useless and created so many divisions within the Unity State during his tenure as the appointed State Governor. Today Taban Deng Gai’s legacy has been division of the people of the state, rampant corruption and embezzlement of the public purse for his personal interests. The Nuer nation and its people should stand up tall, united, to struggle for their politico-cultural rights, social justice and to fight Salva Kiir and his cronies and allies until the end. We shall and will not relent on this principles until progress has been achieve and Maximum collateral damage has been delivered to the perpetrators of the callous and senseless conflict in Africa’s failed state in South Sudan. This was the episode or the gist of the impasse or raw or the rift between the generals and Dr. Riek Machar and his brother-in-law Taban Deng Gai.

Perhaps, another trouble emerged  domestic crisis has been cash bribes from Sino-Malaysian oil companies to buy favors from Dr. Machar to continue siphoning the oil at the lowest costs ever in the international marketplace. Presently, the barrel of oil is worth only $20-25 per barrel in the international marketplace. The oilfields should be shut down until the prices improve in the international marketplace in the future and until China puts its crumbling Stock Exchange market in order that could create a big hello for the international marketplaces and the international trade between China and the international community. There has been no doubt that Dr. Machar’s has been an experienced, foxy and savvy politicians and should have separated the military from politics because it has been universally an organized dictatorship with its own chain of commands, orders, discipline, laws, regulations and its own code of ethics and its own military culture. Actually, to show that Taban has gone too far, he has been able to isolate the best and the brightest in the failed peace process because he knows that he’s a mediocre, weakling, lest bright and everything that he says and does in IGAD had been written by a ghost writer, and could be bulldozed or booted out from exercising any influence on issues at hand that he could not express himself eloquently and articulately. From the beginning, I forewarned pretty quietly and whispered it into Dr. Mchar’s ears that unless he successfully manages to control and to discipline Taban Deng Gai based on my past work experience with this guy in the revived SSIM/A, he could break up the SPLA-I-O. I had also whispered into his (Dr. Machar) ears that his homeboys or homegrown Adok-Nuer and the Western Nuer guys as a whole to talk to Dr. Machar to manage, to control and to discipline Taban and to keep him and Madam-Angelina Machar away from exercising greater influence in the affairs of the military commanders because they are “leaders” and not per se, “soldiers”, but a league of its own. I was fully convinced that it was only a matter of time based on my past experiences with the guy called Taban Gai that it was only a matter of time that he could cause an explosion or a big bang within the SPLA-I-O once he perceived himself falling down the drains and does not wheel or exercise any interests flowing on to his way-mainly money and power to control and nothing else because he does not care less about the Nuer people except himself. Realistically, it was one of the raison d’être that made me to become reserved and reluctant to become fully activist involved in the activities of the SPLA-I-O because I had envisaged and envisioned in advance internal problems, corruption, patronage, authoritarianism, oligarchy and autocracy from within before the war ends. Nevertheless, there should no cause of alarm, the Nuer would win the war against Salva Kiir and no matter how much the Dinka half-men have become political polyandrous or political prostitutes to Yuri Museveni of Uganda and other East African leaders with vested interests in South Sudan and they shall and will be defeated.

Last, but not least, having attended several community meetings organized by Bentiu, Akobo, Fangak and Nasir (BNFA) Community, the Nuer Church leaders and Nuer Muslim Community leaders or the clergy of all multifaceted faith-based religions held in Khartoum, I had also reiterated to all my brothers and sisters from the Western Nuer that they could become the ones that could eventually destroy Dr. Machar’s leadership rather the east bank Nuer (Lou-Nuer (Gaatbourchar), Garwaar-Nuer (Gaatdewaar), Jikang-Nuer and Gajack-Nuer (Gaatkier) and Nuer-Ethiopia) (Gaatkier and Gaatgakah) because many of them have become back biters, money lovers, sales outs, betrayers, gossipers, rascals, undisciplined and could easily be bribed with money to kill and in reality their lifestyle and outlook have been no different from that of those savages and cannibal-likes Twic Dinka of Bahr-el-Ghazel. Personally, these are not insults, but I truly based my criticism and analysis on my personal encounters, social interactions, and viewpoints, socio-cultural anthropological, political ideology, politico-sociological and philosophical experiences. I have got nothing personal against brothers and sisters from Western Nuer on the west bank of the White Nile River. I wanted only to impart or to tell them the truth, the whole truth, nothing, but the truth and so help me God. Even my observation about Dr. Riek Machar also indicated to me that he (Dr. Machar) feels proud in spirit, feels superior and intelligent more than others a fact he failed to realize that the educated Nuer folks were only giving him a chance to leader the revolution because of the courageous bald steps that Dr. Machar and Dr. Lam Akol undertook against the Dinka dictator the late John Garang in the once invincible Marxist-Leninist SPLM/A on 28 August 1991.

Realistically, I could not be more than pleased and delighted that my predictions and expectations have become political realities because the Adok-Nuer and some other Western Nuer guys have been able to isolate the east bankers Nuer guys’, including the Bull-Nuer leaders and intelligentsia in and around Dr. Mchar’s in the peace process through gossiping and here says about certain highly qualified and more experienced individuals. They have adored Dr. Machar’s to become the Jesus Christ-like icon or figure compared to how the Dinka Bor adored a bloodsucker and merciless killer the man called John Garang to become their icon and idol. We hope and trust that Dr. Machar’s would realize, to know and to underscore that the isolated Nuer leaders, intellectuals of the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème and their communities would stand up tall to give their full pledge support to the generals this time around. This is the bottom line. We have urge and appeal to the IGAD plus mediators and the TRIOKA that they should not have allowed Dr. Machar’s to sign any peace agreement without the presence of the generals that have challenged his position in the SPLA-I-O that has been shaky, fluked and a flawed since the generals fighting the war have absconded and undertaken peaceful procedural matters to remove or to suck or to fire Dr. Machar’s from the helm of the SPLA-I-O. Assuredly, he has been already labeled as the VP of an illegitimate government, an illegitimate President and an illegitimate Parliament in Juba and completely and absolutely has been out of control of the SPLA-I-O or semi-dead SPLA-I-O leadership ever since Dr. Machar’s signed or inked the Arusha plus Agreement and the failed peace agreement on 17 August 2015 in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa.

The generals have assumed full power and control until further notice. They are in the process of forming a new Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) under the auspices of the new Chief of Staff Command because the old Chief of Staff Command Major-General Simon Gatwiec Dwal has been also fired and the generals he betrayed as his colleagues and who have lost ‘trust’ and confidence building measures even though he was the first person to have the latter that was  dispatched and distributed or disseminated to the IGAD mediators, the IGAD states, the African Union (AU), the UNSC, the TRIOKA (the US, UK and Norway) and other heads of state and governments. In fact, based on what I was told that Major-General Gatwiec was ordered to Pagak by Dr. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and the security apparatus with the intention of capturing the so-called rebellious generals and was swiftly sent ready to murder them in cold blood in Pagak similar to the late Lou-Nuer generals that he (General Gatwiec) per Dr. Machar’s orders that he executed them in 1994-1996. No Nuer person would allow the repeat of this senseless act and wanton killings and it would be much better off for both Dr. Machar and Major-General Daniel Gatwiec Dwal to be sacked or fired or dismissed from the ranks and files of the military in the rebels’ establishment or the Movement.

Most importantly, the generals and their supporters would not under no any circumstances accept any externally superimposed peace with the knife places on their throats and their Adam’s Apples that could only signify an event that has not occurred anywhere else in the world except in South Sudan. The IGAD mediators and the TRIOKA (the USA, the UK and Norway) should be mindful to realize that they have no legal rights and authority under international law, treaties and protocols to superimpose peace through the barrel of the gun or through the gunboat diplomacy. In other words, the peace was externally superimposed by the superpowers to preserve their geopolitical and geostrategic, national security interests, foreign policy agenda and the vital strategic national interests whether the warring factions like it or not they would have to comply under great duress and pressure points. We think that they are bluffing and on the contrary, we could react negatively. We shall and will not sign and peace under duress because we would do that over dead bodies. We urge and appeal for a new comprehensive and inclusive peace process to be reconvened such that everyone affected by this critical and dangerous tribal warfare or as if a civil war would have their say. This would become the most preferable astounding and liberal democratic process. Furthermore, it has been reckoned that the government in Juba has been internationally recognized as an illegitimate regime, that Salva Kiir has become an illegitimate President because his term of Office expired on 9 July 2015 and that the Parliament also has become an illegitimate institution that could not make any laws for the country could become likewise in a failed state, facing with deteriorating insecurity, political instability and moving from stateless to statelessness. Who would dare to sign peace with a failed state and what are the guarantees? The major pre-occupations and concerns now would be what is to be done with an illegitimate system, i.e., an illegitimate government, an illegitimate President and an illegitimate Parliament? The peace process should be put on hold whilst the parties to the conflict should be put to the task under pressure points to devise new strategies and tenable reasonable alternatives (TRA) solution or conflict resolution to achieve peace and tranquility in South Sudan until tenable reasonable alternative solution has been archived or attained on the above-mentioned the peace would fail and the future of South Sudan remains murky, bleak and hopeless. We believe that there are alternatives peaceful and political conflict resolutions that have not yet been explored in the peace-making and the peace-building in South Sudan. We would be ready to explore these unexplored alternatives to achieve peace in this war-ravaged or war-torn South Sudan. It is not too late to turn things around in the search for an appropriate new roadmap to peace in South Sudan.

We should neither be surprised nor shocked to reckon that Dr. Machar’s has appointed Madam Angelina-Machar as the chief security of the rebel forces and she had the audacity to attend every security meeting when she does not have the simplest experience, command and the strategic critical analysis of issues to give report to anyone or to undertake any strategic analysis of the command in the battlefront or to gather information on the enemy activities in order to affect decisions-making and war plans. We would like to make it loud and clear that I am no male chauvinist pig, but am a great supporter of women causes everywhere on the planet to rise to the top hierarchy or to the pinnacle of power. Let us hypothetically assume that Madam Angelina Machar was highly qualified and experienced, per se, to handle this strenuous, the most stressful and the most difficult job of security and intelligence network gatherings. I would have applauded Madam Angelina-Machar’s and to give her my fullest support to become the security chief of the rebel forces, the governor or even the President of the Republic if she had the necessary qualifications and work experience in the fields. As a result, because of lack of qualifications and experience, I have reservations that she’s neither qualified nor deserved to become the security chief of the rebel forces. I think that she could fit elsewhere to learn until she gains greater experience in the field of intelligence and the delicate, compound complex security duties and responsibilities. It would be great to have another Julia Child- the French Chef– that developed anti-shark bites repellents against the US Naval Personnel for up to six-hour in the waters of the sharks infested areas or regions in the world. It would be great to have the first Nuer lady to become the security chief of the rebel forces and probably the First President of the Republic of South Sudan. I would be delighted to become one of her advisors in the Presidency given my past experience as one of the Senior National Experts in the Presidency of the Republic of Sudan and an Ambassador and Director of Peace and Human Rights, Peace and Human Rights Department, Ministry of External Affairs, Khartoum, Sudan, prior to the split in 2011.

The gross interference of Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina-Machar in everything by putting many hands in the broth or the soup could spoil it or mess it up. The continuous gross systematic interference of Madam Angelina-Machar’s in the affairs of the generals and the Movement alike has poisoned the well for all. The lack or the absence of administrative, management and disciplinary measures in the Movement kept the Old Non-SPLM Opposition to become reluctant to have fully joined and integrated with Dr. Machar’s outfit except in the execution of the war against Salva Kiir. We have remained administratively and management wise as a separate entity.

Cognizant that the generals have taken over power and authority from Dr. Machar, what would Taban, Madam Angelina-Machar, their cronies, henchmen and sycophants do now? We would presume that they would have to enjoy the billions or zillions of cash as bribes or kum thokni offered them by the Chinese oil companies in recent weeks in exchanged for not attacking and capturing of the last ditch partially operating oil well in Paloch (wiec loch) (peg) whose residents have been Gajaak-Nuer folks for centuries in northern Upper Nile State. According to seismographic studies on the location of the oilfields and the gas fields in South Sudan, they are all located throughout the Nuerland. In my state of Jonglei, all the oilfields in Kier, Jung (my native land) in the Garwaar-Nuer Marshes (Sudd) Toich, all the oilfields and gas fields have been located on the Nuerland. Therefore, any claims uttered by any Dinka that the oilfields have not been located in the Nuerland, would tantamount to a very serious provocation with serious consequences that could force all the Dinka to be driven out of the Greater Upper Nile similar to the Rhoningyka a Muslim ethnic minority in Myanmar (Burma) torched, prosecuted, terrorized, having their human rights violated; targeted for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. They could become in tolerated vs. tolerant, tormented and forced to self-exile; to deny the rights to citizenship in the land of their birthrights by the fundamentalist, radical and extremist Buddhists Priests in Myanmar (Burma). Could this epic happen to the Dinka minority in Greater Upper Nile region? Of course, not because in despite of the war, the culturally diverse people of the Greater Upper Nile region or the would-be state would live together in peace, tolerance, mutual respect, mutual tolerance and mutual understanding when this senseless tribal warfare or as if a civil war would be concluded. There would no further human rights abuse and any other sort of abuses or to be committed against anyone at all in the states of Greater Upper Nile region under the law and the constitutions and human rights protection as stipulated in the national Constitution, the Basic Laws, Habeas Corpus, the inviolability of life, the right to a family, the rights, duties, and responsibilities as citizens of the state and as stipulated in the UN Charter and the UN Commission on Human Rights (UNHCR).

Without the shadow of a doubt, the Sino-Malaysian oil companies could be in trouble and could lose their oil exploration and drilling licensees and operating rights because they have not negotiated and signed any new agreements with the government and the people of South Sudan. They have unilaterally extended the inherited agreements with Khartoum prior to the split to become operational schemes whereas they have become invalided and to be declared as null and void. The Nuer people who are the true owners of the black gold (Dhab in char) have neither benefited from the oil revenues nor did the Chinese-Malaysian oil companies paid them royalties for all te years of siphoning the oil as required by law to the locals for “socio-impact” and development of schools, hospitals, clinics, infirmaries, roads and bridges…etc. Furthermore, they have polluted the environment and they would be held accountable for the lack of corporate responsibility. These and many other issues the Asian oil companies failed to do could warrant their explosion from South Sudan without any preconditions or quid-pro-quos or delays. We have no hanky-panicky on these statements because we wanted the Sino-Malaysian oil companies to know and underscore that we do mean business and do mean well and they shall and will be implemented. The Chinese and the Malaysian oil companies should henceforth know and underscore that they would exit South Sudan for that. We would have no compromise and forgiveness or to forget what the Chinese companies have done because they taken side in the war and have become the prima facie enemies of the people as a whole. We could look for better companies that would cater to the needs, rights, exercise corporate responsibility and the environmental protection of the locals in the oil rich Greater Upper Nile region. We would file lawsuits for deliberate and willful pollution of the environment or ecosystem. These Seno-Malaysian-Indian oil consortia may depart South Sudan and the Nuerland in particular, but the lawsuits would haunt them down wherever they go because they have failed to exercise corporate responsibility on the environment for that.

Perhaps, the most serious incident that could force the Chinese to exit South Sudan was the sales of arms to Salva Kiir’s regime the archenemy of the Nuer people that targeted unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in Juba for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Thus, the sale of arms to Juba has been indicative that China has taken side and this could have a precedent that could be both in short and long terms force or compel the Chinese to exit South Sudan. We would not allow the Chinese to have the cake and to eat it all. We, the Nuer people shall and will have no mercy for anyone that has been against us in this war. Those who have been with us would become our best allies and those that have been against us in this war are terrorists and mortal enemies for that. Therefore, the Chinese and the Ugandans and the cannibal-like Dinka savages combined have been terrorists and the archenemies of our people in their own turf in the Greater Upper Nile region in South Sudan. As for the Dinka tribesmen who have started this war per advice from the lobbyists in Washington, DC, led by John Prendergast, Roger P. Winter, Professor Eric Reeves and Dr. Suzan Rice, including others, we shall and will not be defeated by the Twic Dinka Militias who have already paid a hefty collateral damage in their doomed and gloomed ventured into the Nuerland and the Shilluk (Chollo) lands in Greater Upper Nile region. They have not been told the truth by Paul Malong Awan and Salva Kiir that their loved ones and many of their kids and husbands have been dead and they would not see them again except in the world hereinafter. The Twic Dinka has not seen anything yet. We shall teach them a lesson that at the end of this war, they would put aside their arrogant and whenever anyone of them meets or sees the Nuer and the Shilluk fighters they can run, but they cannot hide. We are ready to deliver them this package that they have been looking for it and they got it in full swing. Therefore, the Nuer and the Shilluk nationalities or ethnicities should not be blamed for the prolongation of the war and its outcome in this war at the end of the day. If our forefathers could have delivered heavy blows to the British imperialists and colonialists in the Anglo-Nuer War (1900-1930) or the Résistance against the British colonial rule during the scramble for Africa in Southern Sudan, we are optimistic that we shall deliver the same twice as much to the Dinka with modern weapons. They know that this war could take another 50-100-year and so they should be prepared for the worst to come to them yet. The Dinka tribesmen have launched and committed callous, recalcitrant and repugnant acts of aggression against the Nuer and the Shilluk nations, therefore, we shall fight aggressively for our survival and to let the Dinka tribesmen know that they should not started a war that they could not fight. If they were men with balls, what the hell in the world that they have to hire with money the UPDF and the mercenaries to fight for them? Frankly speaking, there would not be anyone to give respect to any Dinka men in South Sudan because they lack the red badge of courage, determination and motivation to take the heat. The tactics that they deployed were a mere show of force or meant to scarecrow the Nuer fighters who were caught unprepared in the first pre-emptive days of the war. We have already overcome that and the Dinka and the Ugandans have been dying like birds and fishes. We have been also more than ever ready to deliver them more blows and bloody noses in Greater Upper Nile region, including the Twic Dinka Heartland in Warrap State and Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel State (Wiec Yier Boka).

Presently, the generals and Dr. Machar’s have had an administrative raw with all the components of the SPLA-I-O caused by Taban Deng Gai interference in the generals’ domain and that was a “mockery of justice” against the generals who are “leaders” and not, per se, “soldiers.” This has not been not a split at all, but it inappropriately handled by Dr. Machar and his brother-in-law Taban Deng Gai. We have already mobilized our resources and energies to resolving this raw through Dialogue par cum pare (equals). Thus, we do forewarn that the archenemies of the Nuer and the Shilluk nations should do dramatize this inter-departmental matter exuberantly as a split because there is no split to the best of my ability, there has been “complete disregards of the rule of law” by Dr. Riek Machar and his cronies, henchmen, protégés, and job seekers or “jobists” around him who could neither produce nor miraculously altered the situation. We would give a tough warning that this a mere and empty nest split and a cheap shot propaganda of the Nuer archenemies and the useless Nuers wews or the Nuer Yieuni  who have been already heartless, outcasts, excommunicated and ostracized from the Nuer nation. The Nuer unity is greater, stronger, and intact and would remain so and nothing would sway it off course or off tangent on the planet-Earth. These useless Nuers have been the forbidden fruits and/or the “fig tree” like the one destroyed by Jesus Christ because it did not produce fruits and have no use, but it had to be hewed off in the garden or in the orchard in order to give rooms or spaces to plant new trees that would produce or bear better fig fruits. They have become political polyandrous like the Dinka who have become political polynandrists with Yuri Museveni of Uganda that has become their Godfather, but not forever. I would be obliged to probe a question: where would the “heartless” and the sycophants Nuer Yieuni go to after Salva Kiir and Museveni? My word of advice and consolation to all the useless Nuer guys on Salva Kiir’s side has been that they should acknowledge that at zero-hour Salva Kiir would not hesitate to give orders to kill the Nuer people on his side fighting for him in the cause of the state crisis. Because the Dinka have been the weakling, wickedest devils, remorseful less, satanic, cannibal-like humans, unfriendly and savages of the third kind, they would not hesitate to turn the muzzle of the guns against all the non-Dinka folks on their side in this treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war.

Those folks who have stood up or were with us would become our best allies and friends and those who have been against us are terrorists and mortal enemies of the oil and gas rich Nuer nation and its resilient people for that. We shall overcome in no time with courage, determination and motivation this tragedy that has been inflicted on our people and the nation and we shall win this externally superimposed war upon us by the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir and Yuri Museveni of Uganda and it does not matter how long it takes, we shall and will win this war. We shall and will call for healing, reconciliation and forgiveness amongst all the people, but not to forget the past. As professor George Lucas writes that “Those who forget the past are bound to repeat it”. The Reverence John Hagee writes that “Those who fail to remember the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat in the future. History reveals humanity’s triumphs and failure, giving us a compass for the future.” The Nuer nation never again shall not and will not forget the 2013 Juba Genocide because it has been our Auschwitz, Treblinka and other Concentrations Camps and Crematoria in the then Nazi Germany during the Second World War (WWII) (1939-1945) against 5-6 million Jews, Gypsies and non-Aryan racial groups, including the Afro-Germans in Europe. We shall never again fail to remember the 2013 Juba Genocide that targeted hundreds of thousands of unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity or nationality for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. The international community should know and underscore that the Nuer nation with its might shall we shall and will respond vigorously and aggressively against this act of terrorism and this well calculated cycle of extermination as a “final solution” against the Nuer nationality or ethnicity to inflict the Maximum collateral damage Sub-Saharan Africa has not yet experienced in all its conflicts from the Anglo-Nuer War or Résistance (Khor Naadth ke (or) Nath ke Linglithni Wiec Naadth ka Junub al-Sudan or in Arabic language al-Sura’a al-Nuer (1900-1930) equivalent to the Anglo-Madhya Revolution in Northern Sudan (1885-1898) against the British imperialism and colonialism during the scramble for Black Africa  the Congo Crisis in the 1960s, the armed struggle waged by African nationalist Movements against Euro-imperialism and colonialism from Algeria to South Africa and Somaliland to the Island nation of Sao Tome on the Atlantic Ocean in West Africa and beyond. Most importantly, we shall and will hunt down the perpetrators wherever they would go to seek a new lifestyle like the Israeli Mosad and Shin pin (Police) hunted down all those that killed or murdered the Jews in Europe and the terrorists worldwide. We can and will do this to the perpetrators who have committed Genocide… as the gravest and the greatest crimes against on the planet-Earth to bring them to faith social justice against the Nuer people and mankind. We shall not relent until justice would be done. We shall forgive, but we shall not forget. For the perpetrators of this tribal warfare life would always become miserable for them. The Nuer Youths and the ferocious Nuer White Army (NWA) shall and will pursue them wherever these criminals and terrorists emigrate to make a new lifestyle for themselves and their families with public money or public purse or coffer stolen from the people of South generated by the Nuer oil and gas revenues in particular.

We would forewarn Africa and the world that South Sudan shall not be the same as it used to before the internal split of the ruling party in mid-December 2013. It would have to undergo through many structural changes and paradigm shifts, including the possibility of dividing South Sudan into three (3) new states compared to what occurred in the Island nation of Cyprus that divided itself into the Greco-Cypriots on the West of the Island nation of Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriots on Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus and the case of the Somaliland (Punt Land) in Haregisa retrospect to the fall of Somali strongman’s General Sayaid Barre in Mogadishu in 1992. This would be the new state paradigm shift since the split of South Sudan from the mother country-Sudan- in 2011. The security and the stability of the Greater Upper Nile region could not be complete unless the Equatorians have been also given their fair shake in this new political change in South Sudan. Reckoning that Dr. Machar’s would be out of the helm of power and the new leadership takes over and sits on the saddle or in the driver seat of the rein of power, the rule of the war games would also drastically change in our favor, but not for the enemy. We have already known the enemy and the UPDF fighting capabilities and tactics and we should give them new surprises that they have neither had nor encountered in the war like in the past. We shall also be ready to negotiate peace through strength, but not in weakness. We are confident and trustful that our great (Alexander the Great) General Peter Gatdet Yaka and his colleagues in the battlefronts would deliver the victory to the Nuer, the Shilluk (Chollo) and the Murle people and the nation. We should state it at the outset that “our forces are neither afraid of an army led by a sheep nor are they afraid of an army led by a lion.” In other words, any forces led by the Dinka commanders are worthless and weak to fight and they could be disseminated, defeated, captured or annihilated. We should now be ready more than ever to declare the state of war against Salva Kiir and the UPDF fighting for Juba since the inception of this treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan. For those who have started this war, the burden of proof would be upon them. We shall and will deliver a hefty maximum collateral damage to the Twic Dinka in Warrap and Aweil in Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel States that have been already the identified as the main sources and cockpits of this brutal quagmire. Our gallant and ferocious rebel forces shall and will make both Salva Kiir and Paul Malong Awan to cry with tears like a wolf pack in the wild jungles. For the US lobbyists misguided by some Dinka educated derelicts, they should know that they have been part and parcel of this war. We do know who they are and there should be no need to make names calls, but they could read between the lines.

We shall make sure that the Chinese get the hell out of the oilfields by any means necessary because they have taken side and have become thieves that came to steal African minerals at the expense of the Africans and their natural resources, including oil and gas and uranium in South Sudan. They have the Nuer nation and its resilient people mortal enemies. We would want them all out of the Nuerland. We the USA would adhere to this indirect call for help as an American veteran (Era) and the Cold War in Europe. Africans do not need China because neither the Africans know anything about China nor the Chinese do know anything about the Africans. Hence, the Sino-African relations between these diametrically opposed political cultures and political socializations have become like two odd couples and strangers indeed. Most importantly, no African folks would ever forget the mistreatments and human rights abuses of African students in China during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s through 1970s and beyond. Of course, such atrocities have become unhealed wounds in the Sino-African relationships. The Chinese mistreatments, social discrimination and the systematic abuses of human rights against the African students have become a wound that could not be healed soon, it could take generations to be healed and to forgive, but not forget the past. Therefore, there is a big cultural gap between Africa and China or in the Sino-African relations that could take generations to bridging the gap or to narrowing the gap compared to the Western countries that have co-existed with the Africans from the imperial and colonial era to the post-imperial and post-colonial era. Finally, any socioeconomic and political wheeling and dealings that existed between Dr. Machar, Taban Deng and Madam Angelina-Machar, including their cronies, protégés, henchmen and the Chinese oil companies could be considered corruption of the third kind and we would not hesitate to bring the above-mentioned individuals to the book on the charges of corruption, embezzlements, self-aggrandizements, the Grand Theft and conspiracy to steal public purse or coffer. We shall and will particularly pursue charges against Dr. Machar on the massive death, the shame, disrespect and dishonor that he dotted on the Nuer nation and its resilient people. Although Dr. Machar hypothetically assumes that he’s a leader of the rebel forces, he had already been fired, sacked or dismissed by the generals. Currently, the international community should recognize General Peter Gatdet as the new leader of the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) and that means that Dr. Machar has been completely out of the leadership.


Dr. Machar’s leadership style has become unusual and the worst leadership style based on “individual groupings” as opposed to the normal “collective leadership” style and I do know and experience it firsthand when he was appointed in the aftermath of the signing of the defunct 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA) or the Sudan Peace Agreement (SPA) that became the model or the mother of all peace agreements in Sudan’s conflicts resolution from Naivasha bilateral Peace Agreement of 2005 otherwise known technically as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005 to Darfur Peace Agreement in 2006 to the ongoing, but failed peace negotiations in Addis-Ababa the Capital of Ethiopia on treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan. I was really instrumental in the framing, the inception and the drafting of the Political Charter in 1996 up to the negotiations of the defunct 1997 Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA) that failed because Dr. Machar’s could not manage and administer it well because he failed to hire the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème to the lucrative administrative and management positions. This was when I discovered firsthand that Dr. Machar’s was not a skillful tactician and savvy or aggressive politician, the least highly determined and motivated with high spirit vs. mediocre spirit, a highly educated derelict, but an impressionist leader. Specifically, if Dr. Machar really administered and managed well the 1997 KPA, there could have been no Naivasha bilateral Peace Agreement of 2005 or technically known as the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005. Actually, the CPA of 2005 was in its entirety the defunct 1997 KPA thrown into the drains by Dr. Machar’s even though it had critically and seriously addressed almost all Southern Sudan grievances. Nevertheless, because of Dr. Machar’s lack of strategic management and administrative skills, loves of power for the sake of power and control and the lack of capacity to managing it and often behalves like a “dictator and authoritarian,” stubborn, and his dearth failure to listen to or to take advice from anyone and pretends to be a “democrat” of sort in the eyes of the beholders and as a consequence, the 1997 KPA went down the drains. It was a big golden chance for the late John Garang that grasped what he did not deserve and never even attempted to care at all, making any re-modifications to re-circumvent or to re-microwave it. Most importantly, he did not care about any comprehensive and inclusive, transparent and accountable with the CPA of 2005. Because of Dr. Machar’s failure, it was a bon chance or an opportunity of Dr. John Garang who came from out of the blue and seized the opportunity, undertook and reshaped the 1997 KPA and made it to become his political successful debut, déjà vu and political infamy against Dr. Riek Machar’s political detriment and disadvantage.

Perhaps, the worst mortal sin that Dr. Machar committed and that no person amongst the Nuer people, leaders and intellectuals would not absolve and forgive him for has been because of his premature unilateral re-defected to the SPLM/A led by the late John Garang without any prior consultations, Dialogue par cum pare (equal) and left his people and the establishment that he created “headless”, confused, disillusioned and in a state of political disarrayed under the so-called Nairobi Declaration on 7 January 2002. Without the shadow of a doubt, he (Dr. Machar) has been hypocritical and played double standards; he had been a political opportunist; a vulture and a hyena, political polyandrous to the late Dr. John Garang de Mabior or politically savvy or foxy guy to say the least. Realistically, Dr. Machar exercised a high power political deception; manipulation and maneuvering because he had only one and only blind political ambition to become the President at the expense of the Nuer nation and its resilient people in South Sudan. If there has been anyone in South Sudan that has truly known, studied and understood Dr. Machar’s pretty witty and lousy work well, it would be me (Professor David de Chand) because I labored and contributed greatly to Dr. Machar’s success and recognition in international arena and in the former SSIM/A, but now the revived South Sudan Independence Movement/Army (SSIM/A). Although I did not really like serving with him in the same outfit, I had to tolerate him because I have been bound by my Nuer traditions, morals, ethics, ideological egalitarianism and the kinship as well as cultural heritage as an Aristocrat (Diel Nuera) amongst and a descendant of the Great Garwaar Nuer Prophet Dwal Dieu that confront the one-eyed British District Commissioner Colonel Couriet in Ayod District in 1928-1932, whose had lost an eye to a shrapnel during WWI (1914-1919) in Libya, North Africa. I have vowed neither ever to turn off my back on the Nuer folks if I had any interest ever to venture of joining to the late John Garang that I knew well was so brutal, bloodsucker and a killer of the third kind nor Salva Kiir of the same negative caricatured characterization for the sake of positions like other useless Nuer leaders that I have come to encounter and to know around, merciless and blood thirst compared to the Dinka dictator Salva Kiir that I may termed as the “minister of death” or the “President of death.” I thought that it was a real prudent opportunity to study, to psychoanalyze, to tolerate and to understand the man called Dr. Riek Machar, his political ideology, political-sociology, political theories, strategies, and his philosophical thinking and neo-thinking as well as his political ambition and the leadership concepts, administration and management styles of this Nuer icon and idol of the 21st century. My main purpose was to tolerate Dr. Machar’s for the cause of the national struggle for social justice, democracy, unity of purpose and of equals, the survival and the desire to work together in harmony in despite of our acute internal differences, harmony and disharmonious relations, cooperation, determination and motivation to work or to labor or to function together in unionism as an Action-Team (A-Team) as the way forward. Personally, I had no desire at all, to work with Dr. Machar because I realized from day one that he was weak, impressionist and a human being with no charisma to complete whatever project that he started with good ending. He has been created as a failure from the womb to life and until death departs for that.

If I have had hasty blind political ambition like some useless and the restless guys that I have known their nitty-gritty political motives for so long, I could have caused more troubles and problems for Dr. Machar.  However, I would have lost the gist of my purpose and interest of picking Dr. Machar’s as a prime target or case of my studies that I shall tell my readers at the end of the paragraph and throughout this work. I shall reveal the rest in my memoirs, God willing or Allah Karim or Allah-wa-Akhabir (God is great) or in my native Nuer Language “A pouth Kouth ke Kuoth Nhial athin. I will write my autobiography and my memoirs sooner for this generation, the next and for posterity. Realistically, this was where I seized the opportunity to intrinsically psychoanalyze, to understand and to discover firsthand most of Dr. Machar’s weakness and strengths in the leadership roles and the specific raison d’être that the Nuer people gave him a blank check or trust and confidence building measures to him to lead them even to hell, defeat, but victory, unfortunately. He has been virtually elevated and worshiped like the man called Jesus Christ of Judea or the Great Nuer Prophet Nyundeng Bong (Gatnyayiel) (the son of Nyayiel (mother of Nyundeng) who proclaimed himself as the King of the Jews. Could Machar do the same miracles and performances compared to Jesus Christ of Nazareth amongst the Nuer people historically and anthropologically classified as acephelaous (cephalous)) society, stateless or egalitarian or non-stratified (none-kingdom) or traditional democratic societies around the world? I would guess not because he (Dr. Machar) has been no Chris-like, but a human being that has been leading the Nuer through deception, manipulation and maneuvering and through his personal designed political philosophy of divides and conquer the local Nuer people public opinion and termed all the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème as being crazy or hag-ridden or as if cursed, hypnotics, jerks, hypochondriac, jejune (French) (dull, banal, unoriginal or empty), jole de vivre (French) (exuberant spirits or enthusiasm for living) lack of imagination or childish) in which he left them as “headless” in the aftermath of his great exodus or re-defected to the late John Garang’s SPLM/A Torit faction that he defected from on 28 August 1991 and followed by a bloody inter-factional, inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic fighting. He (Dr. Machar) with all due respects, looks pretty charismatic, flamboyant, straight headed, cool, but a political savvy-foxy guy and calculative political personality to deal not with only in the Nuer folks, but throughout South Sudan. Hitherto, one extreme characteristic of Dr. Machar has been that he fears competition and fears the best and the brightest amongst the Nuer Community as juggernaut and often attempted to bulldoze them not to shine in the political lime lights that he often preferred to deal with the “Yes- men” who have no experiences and proper education and qualifications at all and utilized as the political ladders to reach to pinnacle of power and dropped like jackasses without saying to them “Thank you” a word that does not exists in Dr. Machar’s vocabulary and humanism and appreciation.

I could recall that he (Dr. Machar) was once a heavy smoker, but he dropped or quit that bad habit completely and that was a spectacular total change of heart, mind and soul to drop that one of his bad habits. Both cognitively and comparatively speaking, Dr. Machar’s has been no different from the two Dinka dictators the late John Garang and now the child and woman killer Salva Kiir. It would be for the first time to be read by socio-cultural anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists and lawyers in the headlines to read about the Nuer Dictator for the first time in history that the Nuer nation has produced its first dictator-that’s to say, Dr. Riek Machar in the 21st century. Conclusively, South Sudan dictators have all alike compared any other dictators around the world; they have killed so many souls for their personal interests with no exception and they have been like the same birds with the same color and feathers flying together or the rag-tag gentlemen of the same league of their own or same school of thought. When history shall be written, they shall be remembered in their legacies as killers and murderers of their own people because of power, money and control. This does not sound pretty healthy, isn’t it? Most importantly, history shall and will not absolve them forever.

In my opinion, it would be fair enough to call Dr. Machar as the first Nuer Machiavellian-Praetorian-Draconian dictator of our times. This is just the skeleton of what I do know about Machar’s leadership style that has been kept in closet and based on segregated groupings, individuals and personalities rather than on normal “collective leadership” that has been the hallmark of the Nuer society, egalitarianism, traditional democracy and traditional federalism that has been existing amongst the Nuer nation for generations and transmitted from generation to the next. Interestingly, once he (Dr. Machar) discovers or notices that anyone closer to him has become smarter and about to discover his logic, tricks deceptions, manipulations, maneuvering and the archaic art of his leadership style and he perceives above his mental capacity or intellectual caliber or level to control and deceive no more, he would hate that one, if possible to waste him mysterious to his guts, he becomes naturally paranoid and could turn to become social enemy and would begin to isolate, alienate and to look at identified person enviously and would do whatsoever it takes to stampede that individual  and to ignore and termed him as being so dumb headed and a jackass of a kind who knows nothing when, in fact, he could become the one that could begin to be negatively branded as such or could even secretly and smoothly arranged to be killed or wasted. Perhaps, I was the luckiest because of my military experiences in the US Army, as an intellectual and pretty patience guy, I completely ignored all his action for a simple and straightforward purpose of studying and understanding r. Riek Machar leadership style. I could recall that he secretly arranged to kill one of his best Intelligence Officers (I.Os.) by the name Gatkhor, Esq. between Lador and Kakuma en route to Ethiopia by land from Nairobi, Kenya in 1995. The young man hailed from my hometown District Ayod and from my village Ayod and the killers are freed in Juba today and all have failed to rejoin their former boss Dr. Machar in the mid-December 2013 split within the ruling party that yielded the treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war. He had dispatched him on a mission to Ethiopia, but he had already pre-arranged to murder the guy before he could cross into Ethiopia under the pretexts that he was killed by the Turkana tribesmen in the areas in question. He did dispatch the young Officer to go to Ethiopia by land and behold he had already pre-planned or pre-arranged ways and means of wasting him before he could cross Kenya into Ethiopia. I do know the sharps or the guys involved in the killing of that qualified Intelligence Officer discovered that Dr. Machar’s outfit would lead the armed struggle to vicious cycle or  nowhere because he failed to procure the necessary equipment, arms, ammunitions and other vital war materiel. Realizing that all these failures, tricks, the wheeling and dealings have been discovered by the generals in command of the rebel forces, the Nuer Community Elders (NEC) and the professionals and the intellectuals, we wish him (Dr. Machar) a farewell to arms and to pursue a new career or just to sit down peacefully and calmly to begin writing his memoirs for this generation and the next to read and to know the man called Dr. Machar, his political life, ideology, leadership and the legacy of his leadership style. The Nuer nation and its resilient people bestowed upon Dr. Machar the trust and confidence building measures, but betrayed them and let them down and as a consequence, they all have become disappointed and disenchanted with Dr. Machar’s leadership particularly, in desperation wishing to sign a bad peace agreement that has not addressed the Nuer genocide and targeted them for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part.

Therefore, we urge and appeal to Dr. Machar that this is about time to resign and to go peacefully and should just follow the footprints or the footsteps undertaken by the US President Rich M. Nixon that resigned from the Oval Office in the White House in the aftermath of the Watergate Hotel Affair or scandal in Washington, DC, and President Nelson Mandela turning over power peacefully to the African National Congress (ANC) at the end of his term of tenure as President of the Republic of South Africa in the post-apartheid era and President Good Luck of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. We hope and look forward that Dr. Riek Machar would do the same for the cause of the Nuer unity and all the people of the Greater Upper Nile region and the would-be renewed new South Sudan in the foreseeable future. Because of the enormous weaknesses and the red flags in Dr. Machar’s leadership and its failure in procuring logistics, war materiel or the hardware and the lack of training of new fresh battalions as reinforcement for those combatants already at the frontlines, could be attributed also as one basic fundamental reason that the war still continues up to this today. The rebel forces under the command of General Peter Gaddet Yaka, General Gabriel Tang, General Mabor Dhol, General Gathoth Gatkouth and General Johnson Oolong and other field commanders, they would have already overran the Capital of South Sudan Juba, Warrap and Aweil in the Northern Bahr-el-Ghazel (Kier-Boka) in despite of the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) fighting for Salva Kiir from day one of the war up to present. They could have been bulldozed as the rebel forces have already done so and weakened them to the point of no return.

Precisely, without the UPDF the Dinka would have been already defeated and they would be defeated for good and it’s just a matter of time in South Sudan. They could become disperse to East Africa and saint elsewhere in the world and they would not dream of returning to South Sudan because of the things that they have done, which they ought to have done to unarmed and helpless Nuer ethnicity in Juba in 2013 Juba Genocide and/or democide as the second definition of genocide as the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity on the planet-Earth. They shall and will soon experience a hefty collateral damage because the Nuer would not leave the Dinka tribesmen as long as they live inside the territorial jurisdiction of South Sudan. The Nuer would continue fighting the Dinka tribesmen until they conceded to the crime of genocide and other heinous crimes that they have committed against the Nuer nation and its people. Cognizant that Dr. Machar’s has been removed, fired or sacked from power and authority by the generals, the war could take a new turn or recourse with new military strategies and new military vision and tactics, including urban warfare, launching pre-emptive attacks  behind the enemy lines and there would be no place secured for anyone to hide. Hitherto, we have now the capacity and the capability of taking the war or sucking it into Metropolitan Juba under the new leadership, new tactics, new strategies and new spirit similar to the “Tet Offensive” in the Old City of Quay in the Mikong River Delta and the former Saigon the Capital of the then Republic of South Vietnam (RSV), which was now renamed as the Hoo Chi Ming City against the Americans forces by the Vietcong guerrilla forces and similar to the defeat of the French Legionnaires by General Nyuen Gap in the then French Indo-China in 1956. There could neither be any places to run and to hide nor any saved places to run and to hide throughout South Sudan. We would make the whole country to become more pretty unsecured, inhabitable and to intensify the level of the daily deteriorating insecurity and political instability that could rapidly be moving the entire state already failed, disarrayed, disunited and disintegrated country to the status quo ante of stateless to statelessness similar to Somalia in the aftermath of the overthrown of the Somali strongman’s General Mohamed Sayiad Barre in Mogadishu in 1992. Certainly, the rebels would make South Sudan to become like Vietnam prior to the 1971 Quam Speech by the US President Richard Nixon to declare the US military forces withdrawal from South Vietnam. I could not wait to hear such a speech to be made by Salva Kiir that he could not take it no more and to ask the rebel forces to march into Juba to take over the reins of the government. It would happen and it’s only a matter of time. The internal split within the ruling party elites have been, per se, fabricated, engineered or manufactured maliciously an infinite tribal warfare or as if a civil war and the long term effects of hatred and enmity would remain visible for the future and the present  generations. The quick departures by the generals and other members of the Opposition allies that have been allied to the SPLA-I-O have been all about peaceful democratic change in the leadership hierarchy within the ranks and files of the SPLA-I-O and its allied components. The rebel forces under the command of the most outstanding General Peter Gatdet Yaka; the war could take a new tune and a new dance of the music. It’s going to become like the movies such as, “The Dirty Dozen,” “The Night of the Generals,” “The Longest Day” and “The Bridge Too Far over the River Kauai,” “The Green Barrettes” in South Vietnam” and “The Black Hawk Down” in the Somali Capital of Mogadishu…etc., as well as the Afro-Mexican hot chilies as the bitter pill that Salva Kiir, General Paul Malong Awan, General Marial Chinoor and General Thomas Douth Guet and the notorious killers Kuol Manyang Juuk would have to swallow their words in Juba sooner rather than later. For those who have hypothetically assumed that the Nuer are out of Juba, they should know now that they zeroing on in to Juba town with great might and strength. Nothing that would prevent the Nuer forces and people not to return to Juba with full strength and dignity as complete human beings, formidable and organized better fighters to enter  sprawling Metropolitan Juba town.


The callous and onerous claims by Dr. Machar’s spokesman played down the epic or episode of the above-mentioned- that the generals- have not been fired has been utterly a false premise or statement that has not been true, but the spokesman told a white lie to the whole world. Why the generals departed from Dr. Riek Machar’s outfit? Who is in the hell on the planet that Dr. Machar’s has been atypical failed leader that the Nuer folks ever produced to fire the generals and by what laws could he apply on the planet-Earth that he could have the audacity that he could utilize to pronounce firing or sacking or dismissing the rebel forces generals? In all guerilla forces or rebel forces or the national liberations movements, it has been always the main thrusts of the objective that united or divided different schools of thought, political persuasions, socioeconomic and manpower development vision, political ideology and the vital strategic national security interests.

By the way, it was these men that he arrogantly claimed to have fired, or sacked or dismissed that saved Dr. Machar’s, Taban Deng and Madam Angelina Machar lives when they were kicked out of Juba and ran fastest for their lives like rats that were seeking for a hiding pigeonhole from their predators or killers in the wild. Again, it was General Peter Gatdet that really saved their lives and turns around and treated him like a Skunks and/or a weirdo guy. Why they did not run to Adok or to the Western Nuer for that matter? Supposedly, that General Gatdet captured them and turned them over to their attackers? Based on my closed conservation with General Peter Gatdet Yaka, he rest assured me that as an Officer and a gentleman, he was doing his moral duty of saving civilians population lives in war as an Officer and a Gentleman to protect all civilians that were in danger. Most importantly, he feared the curse of God ad humanity and the Nuer people in particular, if he captured and to have turned over Dr. Machar and his families to be tortured, humiliated and probably assassinated or murdered by his attackers. This would have had so many implications that could have produced bad precedent and serious augmentations in accordance with the Nuer customs and the law of warfare engagements. They further claimed to the world media that the General Peter Gatdet have “no followers.” Again, this was a flawed, flouted and cheap shot propaganda. Who are the soldiers that he (General Peter Gatdet) commanded to protect Dr. Machar’s and his associates, including Madam Angelina-Machar? This was not also a true statement at all, because Dr. Machar’s spokesman lied to the world again. He (Dr. Machar) lives in luxurious places and Shebelle in Addis-Ababa, winning and dinning with high class Ethiopian ladies and men alike and enjoying eating the Ethiopian Injeria (Kisra), what does he know about what is happening on the grounds that the generals would not know? There are no generals in any guerrilla movements without a people and the soldiers that he commands are his people otherwise he could not become a general without the above-mentioned. It could be Dr. Machar’s that could become a general without a people because he did not know and/or to recall what happens daily on the ground compared to General Peter Gatdet Yaka, General Gathoth Gatkouth, General Gabriel Tang, General Mabor Dhol and General Johnson Oolong who have daily interactions with the men and women that the lead to the battlefronts. There are no laws in any guerrilla movements; no leaders that have the legal powers, constitutional authority and the right to fire another guerrilla generals free at will or to remove anyone from the ranks and files or a self-proclaimed leader with his own group or troops. Succinctly, without the courage, strength, superior skillful military tactics and without the bravery of General Peter Gatdet Yaka soldiers comprised of the Lou Nuer (Gaatbourchar) (the sons of Bourchar) and the Garwaar Nuer (Gaatdewaar) (the sons of de Waar) and the ferocious Nuer White Army (NWA) and the Bull Nuer (Gaatgiekah), Leek Nuer, Jikany Nuer minus or less Adok Nuer of Dr. Riek Machar’s clan fighters, they (Dr. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina-Machar) could not have made it out alive because they could have been killed and already could have become dead cadavers and/or statistics of the tribal warfare or as if a war civil war.

The Machar’s family should have bestowed General Peter Gatdet Yak with high honor, respect, dignity and to salute General Peter Gatdet as a well-trained, a well-disciplined and the best breeds of Sudan’s Military Academy product and the rigorous Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) capabilities, combat experiences and a tactician that has been a league of his own. Have they forgotten so fast the epic, ordeal and the awful war experiences that they passed through because of General Peter Gatdet efforts and bravery that really made them got out alive and well in Jongeli State-Juba Road (approx. 240Kms) (120 miles) and between Bor-Gadiang Road (approx.300Kms) (150 miles) northwards to the New Capital City of the largest and the most densely populated State (Aprox.1.5-3m people) with great natural resources and agricultural potential in South Sudan. It was a shame indeed and the lack of respect and honor on the part of Dr. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and Madam-Angelina Machar against General Peter Gatdet to have done him such a disgraceful and shameful acts so much within a short period of time to be alive and what they did without any prior appropriate and adequate investigation against the generals to ascertain whether the reports on the allegations to remove them prematurely were correct or not, true or false and he (Dr. Machar) as the supreme leader could have made consultations prior to undertaking any actions with the Nuer Community Elders, leaders and the intellectuals for a Dialogue par cum pare (equal) on all the alleged allegations made against the generals for that. There was without the shadow of a doubt that rapidly and premature epic and episode or actions would seem to be mainly a personal vendetta from Taban Deng Gai’s influence on Dr. Machar to remove the capable and the most outspoken generals against his dirty works as an implanted mold within the SPLA-I-O by Pagan Amoum’s SPLA-G-10.

Certainly, based on our investigation, it was Taban dirty tricks to prematurely remove the best generals because they could not have any claims of the bits and pieces of the pie of the bribery money from the Sino-Malaysian oil consortia to utilized for procuring war materiel, hardware and equipment for the rebel forces and then turned around branding or painting negatively them as if they were wanting to return to Juba. In fact, Taban and Dr. Machar’s and associates that have been wishing to return to Juba as Taban Deng Gai’s has been already might have returned or about already to do so a week after inking or signing of this controversial and un-implementable failed peace agreement between the two warring factions or the warring camps on 27 August 2015 or a week late after it was inked or signed by Dr. Riek Machar in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa on 17 August 21015. Of course, it was Taban Deng Gai, strategic conspiracy plans to destroy not only Dr. Machar’s and the generals political careers, but the entire Nuer nation and its resilient people in its ongoing successful war against Salva Kiir and the UPDF for that. We rest assured Taban Deng Gai that with him or without him that the Nuer nation and its resilient people has been determined that they would not fail, but they shall win big. The Nuer nation and its resilient people have been honest (Amin) and trust worthiness (Siga) (Ngath) as a faith-based political culture and they do have the guts and gusto and stamina to win this war by any means necessary. Both Mchar and Taban Deng Gai do not have the monopoly of the international community and how it works. As an expert in international relations and international law, I think and I do know so that other forces around have doing too as well. We have also known for sure for so long that Taban Deng Gai has been a big mold within the SPLA-I-O, including Ezekiel Lul Gatkouth and Stephan Par Kuol Wang. They have been failures that never held any successful careers in the United States and given their conspicuous backgrounds as criminal justice system and social work majors in the US universities and colleges. They are not qualified for any international negotiations and diplomacy.

The generals have done what Napoleon did not do because he was “defeated by the Duke of Willington at the Battle of Waterloo.” Furthermore, the generals did the right thing to have disassociated themselves and left Dr. Machar and Taban, but not the SPLA-I-O that without their efforts could not exist nowadays. We hope and trust that the generals, the political leaders and he Nuer Community both inside and in the Diaspora should undertake serious restoration, re-augmentation, re-organization, re-consideration, re-thinking and neo-thinking of changing the acronyms of the SPLA-I-O sometime in point to have new name with new acronym after which time they would have consolidated themselves and with their feet stickled on the ground. There is no rush anyhow to change it now, but it’s necessary to do it now for the ‘trust’ and confidence building measures reckoning, that everyone has been asphyxiated with the acronym SPLM/A identified as a monster killer of the people retrospect to its inception in 1983. I would like to go beyond the call of duty that we should wait with the SPLA-I-O for tactical purposes to kill the SPLM for good at the end of the day. We should not leave its remnants alive or in existence this time around. If, we do so, the Dinka would continue to consolidate the SPLMA as a party. Therefore, we should disarm it, kill it and to bury it forever for that. We could do so as soon as Dr. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina Machar have returned to Juba because they have no reasons to be hanging around since they have signed the so-called Arusha Plus Agreement and gotten the needed positions that they have been anxiously waiting for and wanted so badly to betray the cause and the objective of the Nuer nation and its resilient people against genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity or in authentic Nuer language translation means (Coung Wiec Naadth ke (or) Nath min dhiamdien) or in Arabic language (Al-Hadaf al-Assasi). Furthermore, the big money bribes from China injected more immoral damaging roles to play and would surely continue to haunt them and they could be charged with the Grand Theft, Anti-Money Laundering, Narcotics and the sources of the cash from China whether government or business or private or the wheeling and dealings we would be interested to ascertain, to relentlessly pursue and to know in any futuristic formal investigation. We may refer this matter also the international financial institutions, i.e., the International Monetary Fund (IMF), The World Bank (WB), The European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Union (EU) as well as other bodies and sources alike that would adequately revealed the real impetus of the wheeling and dealings between Dr. Machar’s leadership and the Chinese that he had already betrayed the lives of so many folks so soon and the Nuer people in particular, in South Sudan.

In the case of General Peter Gatdet Yaka and his colleagues, they have already declared defection from Dr. Machar’s leadership, maladministration, mismanagement and the lack or the absence thereof of adjudication of social justice, democracy, freedom, equality and his far patch failure to control Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina-Machar from grossly interference in the military affairs, which are outside the realm of or in the domain of their job descriptions, but let it be known to all concerned that the generals remained fully pledged loyal and dedicated members of the SPLA-I-O in which has no links with Dr. Machar’s and Taban Deng Gai as a people’s public outfit. The international community should cognitively know and underscore that it would not be the generals who are out and without the followers, but it would be Dr. Machar who’s would be out neither with the generals nor with the troopers or soldiers left to give him support, loyalty and allegiance as their leader. Surely, the absence or the lack thereof of the above-mentioned, we do envisage that  he (Dr. Machar) would become one of the prima facie obstacles in the implementation of the recently inked or signed failed controversial peace agreement ever through sharper knife-blades placed on the throats and the Adam’s Apples alike and the sledge hammers put on the foreheads of any selected people or head of states and governments alike through the gunboat boat diplomacy in Black Africa (Afrika minchar) in the case of South Sudan and compared to how the world and the superpowers have been handling the Arab-Israeli conflict and the continuous search for the roadmap to peace in the volatile Middle East, Southern Europe or elsewhere on the planet-Earth. For instance, the Oslo I Accord or Oslo I Declaration of Principles (DOP) was an attempt to set a framework that would lead to the resolution of the Arab-Israeli or Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Oslo II and the Camp David Accord on 17 September 1978 between Israel and Egypt led to  endorsement of peace treaty in 1979 between the countries was not constructed, framed or envisaged in the same mannerism like the current failed peace agreement that I have experienced in South Sudan in my capacity as an international expert in world affairs, international negotiations on crisis management and conflict resolution. I believe beyond a reasonable doubt that there were unexplored tenable reasonable alternative (TRA) solutions in the case of the conflict in South Sudan. The whole peace process leading to the signing or inking it was a flawed, flouted, fluked and externally superimposed under duress and for that raison d’être, without the shadow of a doubt, it has already failed and the war would escalate disproportionately with disastrous consequences in the course of the next few months before its enters into its third year of this tribal warfare and or as if a civil war. Although I could not agree more with the US President Barack Obama Speech in Addis-Ababa criticizing African leaders for long terms duration in the Office of the Presidents, the Prime Ministers or rag-tag military junta, I guess if I were to Grade President Obama in international relations/international law and international public affairs, international political economy or on African international relations and African studies as an academic expert, I could give him a Grade of a “C/B-” on the current crisis in South Sudan. Realistically, the crisis was fabricated, manufactured or engineered by the US lobbyists on K Street in Washington, DC and on the Capitol Hills.

As Sudanese-American with expertise and the know-how on the US foreign policy formulation strategies in Africa that has been non-strategic retrospect to the end of the Second World War (WWII) (1939-1945) since the US emerged as one of the world’s powers such a policy had been based on case-by-case basis because of lack of the US comprehensive foreign policy strategy not only in Sub-Saharan Africa, but throughout the world. I would like to give credit where credit is due- the US, in fact, politically has helped the birth of South Sudan has already lost grounds in its foreign policy, its national security and its strategic vital national security interests in both Sudan-the mother county- of Africa’s youngest failed state in South Sudan.  Certainly, the crisis in South Sudan based on what I do know firsthand has been created by the American lobbyists led by John Prendergast, Roger Winter, Ted Diane an Ethiopian émigré turned CIA agent, Professor Eric Reeves and the current National Security Council (NSC) Chief or the Boss in the White House and the former US Ambassador to the UN in New York City (NYC) otherwise earned the nicknamed as the “Iron Lady” from all her United Nations colleagues in the UN Security Council (UNSC) because of her well-documented and well-established feelings of being virtually anti-Sudan and anti-Bashir of Sudan. For me as a man of faith, I could not stomach it to become anti-fellow humankind like me or even if we were to be different by virtue pigmentation, we are still one as God’s children the creator of all things above and below because that would become ungodly, racism and racialism and xenophobia of the third kind. As a human being just passing through this world, I have no right to hate anyone because of race, color, creed, gender, lifestyle, national origin and religion. I said this for the record for this generation and the next that the ongoing treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war has been engineered or manufactured by the US lobbyists that have been pro-late John Garang de Mabior and pro-Salva Kiir that snatched away the credit of political independence from Dr. Riek Machar and awarded it to the Dinka dictators against the Nuer leaders that toiled so hard for it for years and covered up all the Dinka dictators bad deeds and had been vocal on Dr. Riek Machar’s wrong doings as one of the best and the brightest or la crème de la crème that Sudan and the British Universities ever produced for the Nuer nation and South Sudan alike. The US lobbyists should know that one thing has been clear that if they hated Dr. Riek Machar’s with the strongest followers united around him, he could become the next President of South Sudan not because of being a Nuer, but because of his charismatic nature, coolness and political Solidarity amongst all South Sudanese around him by any means necessary. Without the shadow of a doubt, he’s not perfect, but a 100 times better off compared to the Dinka leadership that has plunged the country to become a failure state since its split on 9 July 2011 because of rampant corruption, embezzlements, self-aggrandizements, entrenched ethnocentrism (tribalism), patronage, autocracy, oligarchy, non-benevolence dictatorship above and beyond the current Chinese and the North Korean “Democratic Militarism” in the 21st century. South Sudan is not a homogeneous, but a heterogeneous society comprises of a cultural diversity or multiculturalism or the “melting pot” or the “rainbow coalition” that do not share any shredded cultural values except the war against the Arabized Muslim North for independence. Hence, any leaders should be cognitive and mindful of comprehensive and inclusiveness of this cultural diversity, democratic values, representation, participation in the formation of a government of national unity that should give all groups visibility and to giving them all a sense of belonging to the state. The creation of this political cultural mosaic or status quo ante and socio-political balanced could be achieved only by the Nuer liberal mindedness vs. illiberal mindedness and the ultraconservative and negative leadership or what Professor Albert Einstein termed as “high spirits vs. mediocre spirits” who have not been often sensitive of social injustice and mindful less of abuses that the Dinka leaders do not really possess because the Dinka society by its very nature and structured has been ultraconservative vs. the Nuer liberalism and egalitarianism that have been advanced for generations after generations and transmitted it from one generation to the next the idea of advanced traditional democracy embracing the universal values of democracy, i.e. social justice, freedom, liberty, equality and fraternity and the idea of advanced traditional federal system, egalitarianism, communalism, kinship, selflessness vs. selfishness. Above all, the Nuer believes that in order to have harmonious co-existence or cohabitation, the issues such as social justice, democracy, equality for all members of the community must and ought to become supreme in the Constitution (Warakni kumni Naath or Nath) and in the delegation of authority or in Nuer customary law (thoup coungni kume) that negate anyone personal interests (Nhok raan ka roa de), but collective interests (Nhok naadthdial ke nhoanyi Nathdial) of the diverse community (Wiec mi ca guel). This is the prima facie epos facto raison d’être that in the Nuer society, everyone has been his brother’s or sister’s keeper and social justice to be rendered to all members of the community as equal on daily basis. This is where the Dinka completely fell short and the Nuer as majority ethnicity based on the 2010 Sudan Fifth Population Census calls for democratic transformation because what the Dinka has set up could not unite the culturally diverse country because the system has been un-representative, un-participatory and un-accommodating of all these conglomerate collectively and to cater only to one ethnicity out of sixty-four (64) or so ethnicities or nationalities in Africa’s youngest failed state in South Sudan.

The Dinka leaders retrospect to Abel Alier in the aftermath of the 1972 Addis-Ababa Accord to the late Dinka dictator John Garang in the bushes of the then Southern Sudan for more than 21-year to the current Dinka dictator Salva Kiir have failed the country by not adhering to the democratic principles, cultural diversity, unity in diversity and multiculturalism embracing for social justice, freedom, liberty, equality, comprehensive and inclusiveness, good governance, democratization; the rule of law, human rights protection, transparency and accountability. Therefore, one of the epic roots causes of this ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war has been the denial of Dr. Riek Machar’s by Salva Kiir from declaring his candidacy to run for the Office of the President of the Republic as a challenger of Salva Kiir’s in the scheduled 2015 Parliamentary and Presidential elections in South Sudan. Of course, they would not be the only candidates to run for the highest office in the land in 2018. Many capable and highly qualified men and women rise up to compete for the highest job in the land. There are other highly qualified and experienced candidates such as Professor/Ambassador David de Chand of the SSDFP (SSDP), Dr. Lam Akol, SPLA-DC, and many others vying for the said high Office in the land. Reckoning, that Dr. Machar’s could become a tougher challenger to win the elections against Salva Kiir in 2015 scheduled elections, he would have no options, but to do the impossible and the probable or whatever humanly possible to assassinate Dr. Machar’s as his tougher challenger in 2015 scheduled general elections and the Presidential elections the first of its kind since the split on 9 July 2011 from the mother country-the Republic of Sudan. He (Salva Kiir) fabricated or engineered or manufactured a coup d’état attempt against him staged or masterminded by the former VP Dr. Riek Machar. At the end of the epic or the episode and because of lack of sufficient evident to corroborate or to substantiate the alleged coup d’état, it was dismissed as a hoax by the entire international community that there was no coup d’état staged or orchestrated by the former VP Dr. Machar. Therefore, he was exonerated from all allegations of having instigated a coup d’état against his former boss in Juba. It has been cleared that the international dealings in Africa and with African problems have been absolutely, resolutely, outlandishly and astonishingly different from the rest of the world. I could not agree more with President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe analysis that the problem of the White man has been the souls of the Black folks and that everything that they invented have always been white from the outside, but always black from the inside or black from the outside and white from inside and vice versa except the toilet seats have that has been always white, light green, pink and pretty rarely black color. Realistically, no peace agreement signed in Africa like the one that has been pushed through the gunboat diplomacy in South Sudan. Conclusively, Dr. Machar’s has lost the political polyandry and the generals have won the match of the day that shall be henceforth remembered as “The Days and the Nights of The Generals.” Although Dr. Machar’s and Madam Angelina-Machar have painted them negatively or gave them negative caricatured characterizations with negative paints and images of the wholesome functioning strategic action on the generals of returning to Juba, but it has been the reverse because it has been really the above-mentioned minus the generals that have all along wanted returning to Juba for the sake of positions and big money as opposed to physical security as specified in the Arusha plus Agreement for the reunification of the splinted SPLM as the ruling party.

Specifically, Taban Deng Gai’s strategic plan has been a serious vendetta against the outspoken generals against him because of his past shadow and wanted also to destroy not only Dr. Machar’s credibility and his political career, but the entire Nuer Community that has achieved successful war against Salva Kiir and Museveni that he (Dr. Machar) has resoundingly, astoundingly, resolutely and absolutely failed to achieve this time of political and military juncture. Perhaps, the gravest and the greatest mistakes were that both Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai have failed to provide the arms and ammunitions to fight with because they have concluded that if the Nuer were to be provided with arms they would finish the Dinka on the one hand and also said nothing on the fact that the Dinka have focused and vowed of wiping out the Nuer folks on the other. They have been receiving arms secretly of all types from XY countries, but they sold them in black marketplace for their own personal benefits. This statement has been rather controversial and could be interpreted differently by different analysts as if there is a hidden agenda on the part of Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai against the Nuer people who have been fighting for their own protection from the Mid-2013 Juba Genocide up to present. The Nuer nation and its people should know and acknowledge that both Dr. Machar and Taban have not true and original Nuer folks for reasons I shall leave opened to question for everyone to read between the lines or to dig out in the sand. I would reveal these particular reasons in my autobiography and my memoirs. The peace agreement has been assuredly failed and the future does not look so rosy, but pretty murky and bleak for South Sudan in the course of the next 3-6 months if both Dr. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina-Machar and their protégés should ever dream of returning to Juba without the generals as their sole protectors that they have now lost for the sake of and the love of money as the root causes of all social evils that men do and live by them in the world that we are all just passing through and that’s not our home.

We wish them all farewell to arms and well if they should they venture to go that route to Juba without the generals. We hope that there would be no blames and cursing outs for any negative painful eventualities that may occur down the road. We hope Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai in particular, should forget not that Salva Kiir, Yuri Museveni and Paul Malong Awan have vowed to cut off their heads and have been yearning and determined to do anything that is humanly possible to get their heads cut off dead or alive. Without the shadow of a doubt, Taban has been determined to betray Dr. Riek Machar to the Dinka archenemies like Judas Iscariot’s betrayed Jesus Christ with only 30 pieces of silver. Retrospect to 1983 Taban Deng Gai has been Salva Kiir’s man or buddy and has become a mold from within the SPLA-I-O in alliance with G-10 led by Pagan Amoum. Therefore, we hope that Dr. Machar should take care and the necessary precautions from this archenemy from within. They have been like ought couple since 2008 when Taban as the Governor of Unity State gave the VP Dr. Machar 24 hours to get the hell out of state because his personal security was not in his hands. He secretly pressured by Salva Kiir to murder Dr. Machar so that he would no longer stand up as his potent challenger in 2015 scheduled elections. Could any Governors to do this to any VP in any countries without disciplinary measures or reprimands from the President and the Parliament? Such a reprehensive action could not be happening anywhere in the world, but except in an archaic, system less, disorganized, un-established institutions and lawlessness state in South Sudan. The international community and the IGAD plus mediators and the TRIOKA should reckon that Dr. Riek Machar does not have any iota or no security protection guarantees from Juba and under the Arusha plus Agreement compared to the IGAD Mediators Forum, the TRIOKA (the USA, the UK and Norway). Realistically, the peace agreement brokered recently would become a total failure with the presence of the generals and all of the above-mentioned episodes or epics.


In my capacity as the Chairman of the South Sudan Democratic Front Party (SSDFP) and the Interim Chairman of the revived South Sudan Independence Movement/Army (SSIM/A), we do hereby declare our absolutely, resolutely and astonishingly loyalty, political and military support to the generals who have done the right thing by dismissing or firing and/or sacking Dr. Machar as the Commander-in-Chief of the SPLA-I-O. We also do solemnly urge and appeal to our forces and the field commanders to peacefully leave the so-called Machar’s  controlled areas (if any) to join the generals controlled areas to chart a new course of the armed struggle against Salva Kiir and Yuri Museveni fighting for Juba since the beginning of this war.

Moreover, we urge and appeal to anyone wishing to remain with Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai (if there are those wishing to do so or any groups wishing to remain with Dr. Machar that they should also be freed to do so. This is mutual and the art of democracy and freedom of choice guaranteed by God Almighty (Kuoth Nhial) that is the Alpha and Omega the Beginning (Tuok hoa kene boum houa ken thouk hoa ke lieu) and the End, Omnipresence (Te guathni dial) and Omniscience (gaare wiec moun ke lieu). What we should all constantly remember in whatsoever tasks or endeavors we do, should be that we are still one body fighting the same enemy that has been determined to wipe out the Nuer nationality or ethnicity and we shall all share any logistics and war planning to defeat Salva Kiir by any means necessary. We should be mindful not to forget so quickly what happened to our unarmed and helpless people perpetrated genocide on 15,16,17 and 18 December 2013 Juba Genocide and beyond. Therefore, as one of your leaders and elders in the Nuer Community, I personally appeal for calm; for a United front; political solidarity; togetherness; to share our love and sorrows and to be mourning together in a United front the sudden and unfortunate death of our loved ones in the 2013 Juba Genocide and throughout the country. Together, we shall endure the pain, suffering and mental anguish to overcome this tragedy with courage, determination and motivation. We have also promised you the people of this great Nuer nation to become patience, sober, calm and that we our gallant, fearless and ferocious military forces and their leaders shall deliver us the victory that we all deserve and to deliver a hefty total maximum collateral damage to the perpetrators of this dangerous tribal warfare or as if a civil war. May God Almighty and the spirits of our Great Prophets (Nyundeng, Dieu and Maati and the other ancestral spirits) through Almighty God to deliver us from all evils forever, Halleluiah, Amen!

Most importantly, the Nuer society as a faith-based society, traditionally democratic, egalitarian, communalist, kinship, embraces the ideas of social justice and social equality, we should forgive, but not forget the past and our martyrs of this perpetrated genocide upon us by our Dinka cousins and our fellow countrymen. Therefore, there should be no absolutely any good reasons wanting to fight each other instead of the defined and identified our archenemy because of what has happened between the generals and Dr. Machar has been a peaceful democratic change and administrative affair because of a failed and redundant leadership, maladministration, mismanagement and the gross constant interference in the domain of others by an uncontrollable individual called Taban Deng Gai. We should all know that we have one and the only one enemy and one objective- that’s to fight this war in ‘Unionism,’ ‘un-fractured,’ ‘undivided’ and to decisively defeat Salva Kiir. We shall and will not relent until the mission has been accomplished. Furthermore, we cannot allow one rotten leader within the Nuer Community to destroy our community and its future. We have the right to remove that rotten leader like a rotten apple in a carton of apples or a rotten onion in a carton of onions. We salute the generals for having done the right thing by removing, firing or sacking or dismissing the first Nuer Dictator ever Dr. Riek Machar from power and authority. We should also balance the equation because he had done the good things, the bad things and the ugly things. If he could leave peacefully the political scene, the Nuer nation remains united and intact; the Nuer people could possibly be ready to re-welcome Dr. Machar’s back into the political scene in the future. This is now the time for the bells of the people’s revolution or social renaissance to ring and the demand or the quest for the democratic transformation in South Sudan. Actually, what the generals have done could be equated with the Arab Spring or the Arab Streets that produced regime changes in North African nations of Libya, Egypt and Tunisia and has spread to Iraq, Syria and Yemen in the Middle East. We hope that other South Sudanese should join us in the march for democratic transformation in Africa’s youngest failed state in South Sudan, including the removable of the rag-tag regime in Kampala that has been responsible for the massive death of the Ugandan soldiers as ‘dogs of war’ and have met tragic death in South Sudan and in the Greater Upper Nile region in particular. We would like to inform the people of Uganda that many of your loved ones, husbands and fathers have been already dead for no probable causes at all, in this treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan. Many of the Ugandans would not ever meet and give big hugs like a little girl that was rescued by the US Airman in New Orleans as the victim of Katrina Storms that devastated the City of New Orleans more than thirteen (13) years of their loved ones brought to be fighting for the dictator in Juba because they have been all dead cadavers, unfortunately.

We do hereby sincerely do urge and appeal for calm, non-violence and non-intimidation against anyone except our defined archenemy that has vowed to wipe the Nuer folks out all on the planet-Earth. We all do know who that’s and we can read it between the lines. We should all remain conscious of what happened to our people, which has been one of the root causes of the tribal warfare or as if a civil war. If it were to be a coup d’état as claimed by Salva Kiir in the past, we could have done it because we have the political will and the determination to doing it in Juba. We should not fight each other because of maintaining Taban Deng Gai and Dr. Riek Machar to remain in the leadership that drags the Nuer nation, its resilient and fearless people back to Salva Kiir’s domination, exploitation, oppression, genocide that targeted the Nuer ethnicity for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Our main purpose and objective of this war should be to fight for the liberation of the Greater Upper Nile region, but never ever to return to Juba. God forbids, the people of Greater Upper Nile shall and will never ever return to Juba and this could be happening over their dead bodies and there would be no power on the planet to push the knives on our throats and our Adams’ Apples, the pistols on our foreheads and bellies through the gunboat diplomacy. We have got nothing to do in Juba except to face more genocide, democide, social injustice and social discrimination and to be targeted for extermination as a “final solution” as long as the government remains in the reins of the cannibal-like Dinka tribesmen, savages and the remorseful less human beings of the third kind. We shall and will liberate the Greater Upper Nile region and we could not careless or to forget about the rest. This could be the best strategy to get the Dinka freely in their own turf for payback on the pretty horrible and horrendous things that they have done, which they ought not to have done. We have promised to the great people of the Greater Upper Nile region that victory is at our grasps, but never defeat. We would also like to rest assured them all that in any conflict resolution on this existing critical crisis would have possible geo-political and geo-strategic implications for the entire region that should constitute and be based on the followings points as follows that:-

Firstly, the resolution of this tribal warfare or as if a civil war should be and ought to be the establishment of a flexible “ethnic federal system” similar to Ethiopia, Kurdistan-Iraq, Somaliland (Punt land) in Hargesisa, the divided Island nation of Cyprus into the Greco-Cypriots on the Westside of the Island nation of Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriot on the Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus, the French Quebecois in Canada, the Christian Enclave self-ruled of Nagorno-Karabakh in Armenia that should guarantee the right to self-determination to any regions to split or to exit or to remain within the Union based on free will and consent at the end of 18-36 months Interim Period of self-governance, self-rule, self-reliance, self-autonomy and self-socioeconomic and manpower development, a free for all education and health care system, and other infrastructural human resources and man power development in order to produce a new generation or a new man and a new woman that shall be empowered and educated to never again ever be bullied or subordinated to anyone on our beloved land the Greater Upper Nile region. This is our absolute and resolute political ambition and there would be retreat, but forward backward never!

Secondly, there must and ought to be “two separate armies, police, wardens, wildlife, Fire Brigades…etc. This is to create a cooling down period for the two armies that split and fought each other for so long. Therefore, it would become imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to reunite and to reintegrate the two armies in the foreseeable future. This is a red line and a non-negotiable item in any peace settlement that two the warring factions must and ought to accept on faith value. This is a given red line and a none-negotiable item.

Thirdly, the UPDF, its affiliated mercenaries, Sudan rebels- that have become rebels without cause (JEM, SRF and SPLA-N) mercenaries and terrorists- and that have been fighting for Juba since the inception of this war in mid-December 2013 must and ought to be withdrawn from South Sudan’s soil without any pre-conditions or quid-pro-quos as sin-qua-non to peace and political stability. This is a given red line and a non-negotiable item.

Fourthly, we cannot under any circumstances sign any peace agreement with an illegitimate President, an illegitimate government and an illegitimate Parliament in Juba. We do recommend or suggest that unless the above-mentioned have been adhered to and resolved as pre-requisites there would be no peace to sign. It must and ought to be put on hold until further notice. We are committed to peace, but with strength, but never in weakness. This is also a red line.

Fifthly, we would not accept under any circumstances any externally superimposed peace agreement with knives on our throats (nyuakniko) and our Adam’s apples (rolinikondial) and the pistols stricken on our foreheads(Ke masadni ci ca nyuoth nhiamnikondial) by the superpowers and the regional powers alike. We would remain aloof, apprehensive, fearful and unyielding to such externally superimposed peace agreement through the barrel of a gun (Thuok mach) and the gunboat diplomacy (Babuor sassani). It would not serve our security and the strategic vital national interest. Cognizant that such an externally superimposed peace agreement would not produce permanent and durable peace in South Sudan, the vital national interest, its socioeconomic takeoff, its foreign policy, its national security and its vital national strategic security interests. We could become flexible on this point, but must and ought to be framed in a mannerism that would be acceptable to and be directly negotiated by the warring parties under the auspices of the IGAD mediators or any other UN and regional bodies for that. This is a given red line.

Sixthly, we wish Dr. Machar’s and his group well for having signed the Arusha plus Agreement that has been extraterritorial framework of the IGAD mediators designed for the total reunification of the splinted SPLM as the ruling party with main aims and purposes of continuing ruling the country like it was a priori to the internal split in mid-December 2013 that produced the ongoing treacherous tribal warfare or as if a civil war. As a political realist, South Sudan could not become the same as it was prior to the internal split within the SPLM as the ruling party.

Seventhly, the future of South Sudan hangs in the balance on two specific scientific, socio-political, philosophical observations that South Sudan could become divided into three (3) states as it occurred in the Island nation of Cyprus dismembered into the Greco-Cypriots on the Westside of the Island nation of Cyprus and the Turkish-Cypriots on Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus and there has been no centrist path- that’s to say, a person identifies himself/herself as a Greco-Cypriot or as a Turkish-Cypriot and there has been no centrist path for that. This could happen in an international supervised referendum on or before the end of 18-36 months Interim Period.

Eighthly, alternatively, South Sudan could be divided into three (3) independent  regions compared to what was done so by the late Sudan’s strongman Field Marshal Gaffer Mohamed El-Nuiemri in 1983. It could also follow the political arrangements in Kurdistan-Iraq, Somaliland (Punt Land) in Haregisa that has existed for more than 20-year as a de facto state, politically stable, economically progressive and the EU states and others have established Consulates and do business as usual and diplomatic relations like government-to-Government (G-to-G), and the case of the Christian Enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh in Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ostia that broke away from the Republic of Georgia and recognized only by the Russian Federation (RF) in Eastern Europe and the Crimea re-annexed to Russia since 1954 when it was annexed to Ukraine by Premier Nikita Khrushchev of the formed demised Union of the Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR).

Ninthly, South Sudan has collapsed and left in ruins because there is no legitimate established government institutions and does exist euphorically. Given, that South Sudan has become a failed state with an illegitimate government, it could become imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to attain its restoration to the old status quo ante. The Arusha plus Agreement has been extraordinaire jurisdiction of the IGAD framework of the peace process and does not at all, concerns the non-SPLM/A members in the Opposition. The Opposition, per se, would be wholly and totally committed to the IGAD mediators’ peace process. We shall and will sign the peace agreement if it were to become comprehensive and inclusive, fair, democratic, transparent and accountable and addresses our legitimate concerns, but not to become a blocker. It has to be made loud and clear that Dr. Riek Machar did not sign for all the Opposition except the segment that is under his control if there is any at all. The Opposition that has been in the bush for seven (7) that Dr. Machar was still the VP of Salva Kiir has not signed and has already defected to be on its own, including the White Army that Dr.  Riek Machar did not recognize even though they saved his life under the command of General Peter Gatdet in Jonglei State. Hitherto, the absence of the rest of the Opposition forces, including the general could jeopardize the peace implementation in the next few months or years ahead.

Tenthly, we would urge and appeal to the IGAD mediators to give peace a chance to hear our say. Surely, we shall neither subscribe nor sign any externally superimposed peace through the barrel of the gun and the gunboat diplomacy nor as a de jure peace process.

Eleventh, we hope and anticipate that Dr. Machar and his group would be returning to Juba to re-assume their positions in the SPLA’s line up as the ruling party. There would be no rebel forces going down to Juba with Dr. Machar and his protégés. We shall continue with the war until the end. Whatsoever peace agreement that Dr. Machar’s signed in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa on 17 August 2015 was a total “sales out” and a betrayal of the Nuer causes and concerns. Therefore, the signature of Dr. Machar’s does not represent the will of the people except a handful few, receptors, manipulators and maneuverings designed by Taban Deng Gai to confuse Dr. Machar’s to sign the peace at his own pearl. There was no reason at all, for Dr. Machar to have signed the peace without the green light from his generals that have differed with him and fired them and the generals turned around and fired, sacked or dismissed him as the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLA-I-O and the same against Dinka dictator Salva Kiir and his war mongering generals in Juba.

Twelfth, we cannot sign any peace agreement with an illegitimate government, an illegitimate President and an illegitimate Parliament in Juba. This is the bottom line. Above and beyond that as long as the UPDF, its affiliated mercenaries, Sudan rebel forces or the rebels without a cause (JEM, SRF and SPLA-N) continuing fighting us in our own turf or soil as mercenaries, rebels without a cause and terrorists fighting for the money, it would become excruciatingly and imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to attain any peace signing because like we have said it, we could not sign any peace until all the above-mentioned have been thoroughly and comprehensively and inclusively adhered to and be implemented by the IGAD mediators and the TRIOKA (the USA, the UK and Norway), including the United Nations organization.

In summation, we do know for sure that the entire guerrilla forces standing up tall with the generals and the non-SPLA Opposition that Dr. Machar’s attempted to marginalize or to sideline and termed them sarcastically as ‘Khartoum Militias’ have also switched side and have already pledged their loyalty, allegiance and support to the generals. Oh, by the way, the interesting thing that Dr. Riek Machar does not know has been that the entire rebel forces have not been fighting because he has been removed from the Office of the Vice President in Juba because no Nuer folks benefited from it except himself and his closed relatives from Adok. Again, what he does not know and perhaps, he should know and underscore as of this day, has been that the Nuer White Army would not go white as feeble minded individual has already hinted it so in Juba. The White Army would be re-trained re-equipped with modern weapons to become the best formidable fighting killing machine that South Sudan and Africa ever produced. We would be determined to re-armed them and be re-trained them to become real professionals with the mission first and people’s always.

We would trained them with the modern world military warfare and tactics and standards, to become well equipped force to be reckoned with and to fight efficiently and professionally, ferociously, courageously, disciplined and indoctrinated to make sure that they become the best amongst equals of the best fighting war machine compared only the US Marines Corps, the German Panthers, the US Army and the British Army, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), the French Army and the French Legionnaires, the Russians Army, including the best of the brightest or la crème de la crème Officers Corps with spirit de corps  to command and to lead them that we could recruit around in the Greater Upper Nile region such that no Salva Kiir’s forces and the UPDF could not further invade and occupy any parts of the Greater Upper Nile region as they wish by setting their footprints or footsteps on the soil of Jonglei State and they could return either as dead cadavers or to run alive for their lives to Juba if could make it. They should know that this is a red line. In any organized guerrilla movements no anyone has any rights to do things on his own whims like Dr. Machar has done by proclaiming that Jonglei State should be returned to Juba without any prior consultation with citizens and leaders of Jongeli State. The people of the Great State of Jonglei would say right on his face,” hell no pal!” because you (Dr. Machar) has been dead wrong to have done this unilaterally on his own whims without the collective decision of the people and the leaders of Jonglei State. Why Dr. Machar could not do this sacrifice in his home state of Unity State? There are three specific reasons why Dr. Machar’s undertook such a unilateral decision against Jonglei State: – (1) the oilfields and gas fields in Jonglei State have not yet been developed compared to Unity and Upper Nile States. (2) If he attempted to make such a unilateral decision on Unity or Upper Nile both Dak Duop Bichok and Taban Deng Gai would have gotten bloody mad and gotten on his throat because of the huge bad debts that they have already incurred in Sudan with various businessmen. (3) The huge sum of bribes from the Sino-Malaysian oil companies have been also another death trap. Without the shadow of a doubt, Dr. Machar’s and his colleagues have enriched themselves with stacked of cash based on bribery and extortion from foreign oil companies. It’s only a matter of time that Dr. Machar, Dak Duop Bichok, Taban Deng Gai, Chiang Jiek and their con man the so-called Dr. Castillo Garang (no relations to the late John Garang) could be charged with the Grand Theft, anti-Money Laundering and Narcotics, briberies, extortions and corruption on public purse or coffer for their own self-aggrandizements.

Last, but not least, the arbitrary concession to offer Jonglei to Juba would not work because any jack asses that should come down from Juba to become the Governor of Jonglei State without the consent of the governed or the masses, could be rest assured that he/she could become a dead duck instantly. Therefore, any fools daring to become the Appointee Governor of Jonglei by Salva Kiir would only exist euphorically and would not enter Jonglei State. We, the overwhelming majority citizens of the Great Jongeli State, the most populous and potentially the richest in natural resources, wildlife conservation and the biggest agricultural arable lands and abundant waters, we shall not concede to Dr. Machar’s political polyandry to seek favors from Salva Kiir because he played his musical lullaby with the wrong people. We, the people of Jonglei State, we believe that Dr. Machar’s owe us his life because without the participation of our youth in the armed forces under the command of the best of the best generals of the SAF ever produced for South Sudan General Peter Gaddet Yaka known by the nickname as “Jundi Iraq” and the ferociously, gallant, courageous and the fearless White Army that has changed the course of the tank war by capturing them with an AK-47 the first ever to happen on the planet plus other local techniques that engineers who designed, invented and produced the tanks as s superverb perfecto defensive and offensive weapon has become useless and a thing of the past in accordance with the Nuer White Army war engagement logic and strategies. The engineers who designed and built the tanks did not imagine that someday the Nuer fighters would defy and break the intended logic of the tank designs as both defensive and offensive weapon of the modern military industrial complex fighting machine that nobody could one way or the other could be able to break the logic and the intent of the tank except by the ferocious Nuer hell fighters in South Sudan. They have utilized their simple rudimentary science that does not need a rocket scientist to explicate it to kill a tank so easily and so quickly and they already perfected the logic against the tank war in South Sudan. It is now the least fear weapon in the SPLA arsenal as long as it is commanded by Dinka commanders and soldiers. All the tanks commanded by the Dinka against the Nuer have been proven beyond a reasonable to have been like the Dinka; including the latest imported captured Chinese weapons that have been also like the Dinka. Who would respect and fear the Dinka for anything done by the Dinka in South Sudan? They have already lost the games of national, regional and international geo-political and geo-strategic politics.

The latest imported Egyptian Al-Walid Tanks have made a little headway because it runs fast in the dry season and have been also bloody vulnerable and useless because we have already killed or captured so many of them like the Dinka and Egyptian Military Advisors to Juba have been killed or captured alive because of their premature engagement or involvement in the war to died a painful death in vain and shame on them that they surely got involved in a war that they neither know nor understand its logic nor how it started, nor how and when it would end. The Nuer fighters have also developed ways and means of killing so quickly Al-Walid Tank in the battlefield. There are two raisons d’être that Dr. Machar’s unilaterally compromised the Great State of Jonglei to Juba:- Firstly, it oilfields and gas fields in Kier and Jung Toich of Garwaar Nuer have not been developed yet compared to Unity and Upper Nile States. Secondly, Dr. Machar has recently received bribes worth millions approximately $50-100m, plus Seventy (70) bungalows and skyscrapers offered to him and his brother-in-law Taban Deng Gai as bribes with the main purposes of not shooting and capturing or to destroying the oil wells in Paloch (Wiec Loch) and Dhar Yiel that have been Arabized as Adaryiel whose its entire inhabitants have been Gajak-Nuer retrospect to the crossing at Wathngook (shallow river crossing) in and around Malut centuries ago by the Nuer explorer and geographer the man called Dhar Yiel from the west bank to the east bank of the White Nile River (Yier kiir in boor). Let’s hypothetically assume that such allegations are true, Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai could be charged with a “Grand Theft” and the Sino-Malaysian oil companies could lose their rights to siphoning the oil immediately. It should be known to the world that no place is saved these days as long as it is located on the war zone. We would make all hell break loose and we will attack Paloch to shut it down as the last oil well in northern Upper Nile State.

Historically, Paloch has not been a Dinkaland, but it’s entirely Gajak-Nuerland. Most of the Dinka Abilang in the area have been immigrants or émigrés, tolerated by the Nuer to settle down side-by-side and became admixture or biracial because the Dinka Abilang have got big strains of the Nuer DNA. This may sounds controversial in the historical case of the US President Harding of having an African-American DNA and an ancestry of African-Americans although the US racists DNA specialists or experts denied this racial reality, it could become true because of the racial interactions and mixed breeding between the African-Americans and the White Anglo-Saxons Protestants (WASP) in the New World or in the New Hemisphere for centuries. Therefore, Salva Kiir and the Dinka stooges in the UK, the US and saint elsewhere gossiping and claiming recently that the oil and gas are in the Dinkaland, but not in the Nuerland have no credence or any historical basis to prove it. All seismographic studies done by the international geologists and engineers have proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that the entire oilfields and gas fields have been all located in the Nuer country in South Sudan up to Nuer-Ethiopia in Gambela region and none at all in the Dinka countryside. Therefore, it’s about time to stop jazzing around and misleading Europeans and the world public opinion like they have already been poisoned by the octogenarians and educate derelicts Dr. Francis Mading Deng Majok who is not a Southerner, but technically a Northerner from Abei in Southern Kordufan State and Bona Malwal a self-denied Nuer-Dinka Speaker from Yakuac (Kuacjoak) in northeastern Warrap State closest to Mankin in the Bull Nuer countryside where all Bona Malwal’s families, siblings and kin and kith have been residing for generations and still doing so up to now. In fact, Bona Malwal whether has likes it or not has the Bull Nuer DNA for that.  In the cases of Pariang and Abienoum, they have been also admixture of the Nuer and the Dinka Padang who migrated from the Greater Upper Nile region of Moggok, Fangak, Atar, Biylit in around 1750 and crossed the White Nile River and moved on westwards to Bentiue and continued until they crossed the Kiir River (no relations to Salva Kiir) otherwise technically called Bahr-el-Arab (Arabs do not have rivers in Africa or in the world because they have been desert people for centuries) and reached  the land called today Abyei (Bei) or as a reminder of Bei Nyundeng in the Lou Nuer in around 1800s. Thus, the Ngok Dinka are not permanent residents of modern Abyei because the Arab nomads were the original seasonal inhabitants for 8-months annually coming down from the arid North in search of gracing lands and waters for their cattle, sheep and people as well have been technically the nomads from the arid north. Therefore, Abyei, per se, should neither be called Dinka Ngok land nor the Messiriya and nor the Rizigat land, but should be designated as the “land of the immigrants” or the “melting pot” or as the “rainbow coalition” compared to the Americas (North and South America) as they were the First Nations of the Native Americans (the Red Indians) and the Aborigines in Australia, Tasmania, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. We do know the historical development of these lands and what really transferred there for centuries, unfortunately.


Now, it’s about time to revert to the main gist concise analysis of the failed peace agreement process in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa. We should not waste time at all, on much ado about The Arusha plus Agreement because it does not concern us, but the SPLM for that. As regard to the peace process that is being mediated by the IGAD mediators on South Sudan crisis, it would eventually become a “No-Go” peace without being comprehensive and inclusive, the establishment of flexible ethnic federal system, the establishment of two armies during 18-36 months Interim Period; the withdrawal of the UPDF fighting for Salva Kiir in Juba since the beginning of this war without any pre-conditions or quid-pro-quos as sin-qua-non to peace; and exiguity vivid explication of the reasons for having targeted the Nuer ethnicity or nationality for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Both the warring camps have committed and continue to committing the crime of Genocide—defined as the gravest and the greatest crimes against humanity on the planet-Earth. Let us assume that the IGAD mediators failed to address and to adhering to the above-mentioned, the roadmap to peace in this war-torn or the war-ravaged South Sudan remains murky, zigzag and bleak. Actually, the aforementioned have been the main gist of the nitty-gritty kernel of the problem. They are all red line positions subject to non-negotiable items and there would be no compromises and that would happen over our dead bodies. Presently, the Presidency, the government and the Parliament are all illegitimate institutions in Juba. Therefore, any peace process ventured or envisaged by Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai would tantamount to wasting of time, energy and money because they cannot sign and implement any peace agreement without the approval and the blessings of the generals, the politicians, professionals, artisans, the intellectuals and the entire population of the Greater Upper Nile region, namely, the Nuer (Naadth or Nath), the Shilluk (Chollo), the Murle and other minority groups.

Affirmatively, the roles of the Dinka Community Elders (CDE) would have an adverse impact or political impasse on the peace process. They should know and underscore that South Sudan does not belong to the Dinka alone, but a mosaic comprises of cultural diversity or multiculturalism with each group of people have their regions independent and peculiar from other regions. Therefore, every Southerner has legal and historical claims to South Sudan. Historically, it was not the Dinka that liberated South Sudan because the real history of the liberation should been accredited to the Equatorians and the Nuer nation and its resilient people. Nevertheless, the lobbyists in conjunction with the USCIA and UK MI-6 have stolen the credit and awarded it to the late John Garang that was historical distortion and blunder. The Nuer people have been denied their political and historical right because the Western world did not like their leader Dr. Riek Machar compared to the late John Garang de Mabor.

No Dinka leaders ever formed or established any liberation movements in South Sudan. They have been often known for hijacking what others have started and made it to become their own without fear, bias or prejudice. It was done first by the late William Deng Nhial when he hijacked the Southern National Union (SANU) that was created or established by the Equatorian political leaders and intellectuals in East Africa and the late John Garang hijacked Southern Sudan People’s Liberation (SSPLM/A) or the Anya-Anya-2 (A-2) established by the Nuer and the Shilluk (Chollo) in Greater Upper Nile region via a military coup d’état abated by the former Marxist-Leninist Dirge regime in Ethiopia in 1984. The Dinka could not boost that they have been the only sole liberators of South Sudan, but they (the Dinka) have been the prime destroyers of national unity, unity in diversity, national integration and cohesion in South Sudan because of greed, the love of power for the sake of power and control without realizing that power corrupts and more power corrupts more. They have plunged the state into a political turmoil, tribal warfare or as if a civil war that could eventually to divide and to disintegrate it in the foreseeable future. Conclusively, South Sudan shall and will not be same as it was prior to the internal party split that plunged the state into this bloody tribal warfare or as if a civil war. History shall and will not absolve the Dinka leadership retrospect from the time of Abel Alier in the post-1972 Addis-Ababa Accord, to the late John Garang leadership the bush for 21 years of hardships, death, murders and disappearances without traces of prominent persons in the Movement and up to Salva Kiir retrospect to the death of the late John Garang up to present state of tribal warfare or as if a civil war. The outcome of this conflict or crisis would make the state to become a divided South Sudan like the experience that the international community witnessed in the political polarization on the Island nation of Cyprus divided it into two, namely, the Greco-Cypriots on the Westside of the Island nation of Cyrus and the Turkish-Cypriots on the Eastside of the Island nation of Cyprus, Somaliland (Punt Land) in Hargesisa and many other examples not to be cited in this study.

The current crisis has, however, proven beyond a reasonable doubt, that if they [Dinka] were men with balls, what the hell they brought in the UPDF fighting for them in South Sudan quagmire? Who would respect the Dinka again in South Sudan? They have arrogantly proclaimed to the world that they are warriors, that they [Dinka] are borne to rule and to be ruled and that they [Dinka] are the Chosen people by whom and for what remains a myth to be demythologized. Pre-supposedly, that they were warriors, why they have to hired UPDF to fight for them in the present treacherous and dangerous tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South Sudan. The Nuer and the Shilluk fighters have captured their tanks, trucks, speed boats and weapons recently imported from China because they have all become Dinka that is a weakling, wickets, cowards of the cowards, the most corrupt, entrenched ethnocentric (tribal) and the negatively most sophisticated people who have no remorse at all, on the horrific and horrendous things that they have done to other humans like them in South Sudan. Even the Nazis and the Fascists leaders and their forces fell remorseful for the things that they have done to their fellow human beings during the Second World War (WWII) (1939-1945), which they ought not to have done. The Dinka Community, sociologically and anthropologically has been known to be stubborn, ultraconservative with negative attitudes or what Professor Albert Einstein termed as the “high spirits” vs. the “mediocre spirits,” cowards and lazy people that would have no remorse at all, for the things that they have done, which they ought not to have done against their fellow humans in South Sudan. The readers should be aware that a Dinka no matter how much he could become a friend; he could at the end of time become your primary Numero Uno (#1) killer. How anyone could live, co-exist or co-habit with this cannibal-like human being?

The Dinka Community of Elders that has wheeled power arbitrarily from Salva Kiir should know and underscore hereon and now that our position and determination has been that peace would not return to South Sudan only through the attainment of the these basic fundamental principles as pre-requisites as follows that:-

Firstly, the establishment of flexible ethnic federal system of government should become primary for peace to return to South Sudan. This is a red line and a non-negotiable item and not even a square inch to be compromised.

Secondly, the establishment of two independent armies must and ought to become a political reality. It would become imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to reunify an army that rebelled and fought it on tribal lines so soon and so fast. It would take a generation or so to build trust and confidence building measures. Because the Nuer and the Dinka have been a breed apart, it would be imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to attain a true national cohesion in all sectors of the national political economy. The Nuer White Army (NWA) shall and will not return to their homesteads “white” as hinted by a psychopathic, idiot and spokesmen of an illegitimate government in Juba. In our capacity as professionals, we shall re-train and re-equip the White Army, the Shilluk (Chollo) and the Murle Copra Forces and the regular forces such that they could become united and integrated formidable force to be reckoned within the next few months and to be commanded by the Officers corps of the Nuer, the Shilluk, the Murle and the Dinka Bor without any distinctions. The Army is no political, but an organized dictatorship with its own laws, rules and regulations as well as discipline and code of ethics. In other words, they are professionals to protect the national economic and the vital national strategic security interests when call upon by the President and the Commander-in-Chief. The establishment of two-armies is a political expediency, reality and peace could not return to South Sudan without it. This is a red line.

Thirdly, we cannot sign any peace agreement with an illegitimate government, an illegitimate President and an illegitimate Parliament.  This is a red line.

Fourthly, Salva Kiir must and ought to give explicit reasonable explication that he (Salva Kiir) targeted the Nuer ethnicity for extermination as a “final solution” in whole or in part. Without an appropriate, sufficient and acceptable adequate explication on the genocide or democide perpetrated against the Nuer nationality or ethnicity, peace would not to return to South Sudan at any time soon than anticipated and it could become slimmer and far away likes the Galaxy that has not been discovered yet by the scientists in the atmosphere or in the universe.

Fifthly, if the Dinka Community of Elders wanted war, we shall and will promise them a 50-100-year war and they would have it up to their necks and throats. They should become aware that Dr. Machar’s who has been their protector and the priestly-like leader has been relieved, sacked or fired and out of the loop because he has been removed, fired or sacked by the generals, politicians, intellectuals and the Nuer Community (NC) as a whole.

Sixthly, we shall and will continue with the war and there would be no cessation of hostilities until a comprehensive and inclusive, fair, transparent and accountable negotiated peace would be brokered and signed. We shall and will declare that a state of war exists between the Opposition and Salva Kiir and there would be no power on the planet-Earth that would prevent it or to stop it.

Seventh, Dr. Machar’s signing of the peace agreement in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa on 17 August 2015 was unprecedented and did not represent the free will and consent of the generals, the political leaders, the intellectuals and the Nuer Community Elders. Fact, there could be no peace and the implementation of the peace without the generals on both sides of the warring camps to agree that could become imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to attain the anticipated peace and tranquility at this time.

Eight, compromised of Jonglei State as the largest, the most densely populated (Approximately 1.5-3.5 million) (Statistical Standards Deviation (SSD) of plus or minus of 2.5-3.5) and endowed with enormous natural resources, oil and fertile agricultural lands has been denounced by the entire population of the State and that could be tantamount to an unhealed wound that shall and will haunt Dr. Machar’s in his entire future political career.


It must be stated at the outset that whether the architects of the peace process like it or not, it has become a failed peace and the future remains bleak for the people of South Sudan. Therefore, they would have to salvage it from the grassroots to make it become comprehensive and inclusive, fair, democratic, transparent and accountable such that everyone can have their own say in a political conducive atmosphere. The administrative raw, which has occurred between Dr. Riek Machar and his-brother-in-law Taban Gai and the generals has already polluted both human public relations, the political spectrum or theater and poisoned the whole well to the point of no return at all, unfortunately. The split and actions of the generals was, of course, was natural and unavoidable. Given, the fact that so-called SPLA-I-O has been a young organization of loose alliances comprised mostly Nuer hurts by the genocide and atrocities committed against their loved ones or folks in the 2013 Juba Genocide. This was (and still is) the gist of the bond, the unity of purpose and of equals and the rest could be considered as politics; true or false still remains in the air or in the twine light zone.

Perhaps, the biggest failure of Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai was not to have the guts and gusto to sit down with the generals to fix fences or to re-cement or to bond relations compared Dr. Riek Machar and his colleagues can sit down to negotiate or talk to Salva Kiir and party multifaceted times and he (Dr. Machar) fails to do so the same with the generals, who are “leaders” and not “soldiers,” his colleagues and the backbone of his politico-military successes against Salva Kiir,  protector of his own life, Taban and Madam Machar when they were kicked out of Juba at gun point of escaping death. It was the generals that saved their necks and heads to be cut off and with particular, emphasis on General Peter Gatdet as the Commander of the 8th Division in Jonglei State that gave perfecto security protection with a pretty high cost of lives and equipment until Dr. Machar reached safety in Akobo town and then to Nasir town. Because of the faithful deeds performed and/or done him and his family it was callous, cruel and unusual punishment for General Peter Gatdet, a great and popular war hero not only amongst the Nuer folks, but amongst all Sudanese both Northerners and Southerners alike to be treated as such like a scoundrel and a Skunk and with no respect as a “leader” and not per se a “soldier.” It was so stupid and idiotic, crocket and dumb action that an intelligent human being like Dr. Riek Machar should so quickly forget the favors and sacrifices made, conducted and performed by General Peter Gatdet under strenuous pressure points as a leader, a soldier, an Officer and a Gentleman should have been forgotten by a wiser and faithful leader so quickly and returned negative caricatured characterizations and treated him (Gen. Peter Gatdet) like a “Skunk” and feeble minded mannerism.

Dr. Machar should have realized that he and the generals have held together on his weak and loose alliances by not uttering that he has been “fired” or “dismissed” any of the generals because there are no written laws, code of military code of conducts, regulations and ethical standards in any guerrilla movements’ that could allow the generals to be “dismissed” or fired or relieved of duties and/or not even to utter it by saying that they have “no followers.” How about their soldiers and officers that they have commanded and have loyalty to them, are they not people? How about the politicians, the intellectuals and the community leaders who have been already asphyxiated, alienated and lost trust and confidence building measures and support of Dr. Machar’s leadership quality style because of constant neglect, marginalization, un-representation and un-participation in the peace process? I guess, it’s about time for Dr. Machar to rewind back the clock, but I guess, it has come too late too soon. It would be imperatively impractical, if not impossible, for Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai to repair the rift or the raw between them and the generals as well as the politicians, the intellectuals who have been marginalized, alienated, isolated, unrepresented and non-participants in the peace process for so long.

The modality utilized by Dr. Riek Machar of exiting the generals was cruel and unusual and hurtful not only to them, but also the well wishers and the entire Nuer Community because it was wrong at this critical and crucial time and under these hardships, difficult and tedious circumstances bloody wrong now. Actually, the deployment or the over use of “Pursuant to December 6-12, 2014 Pagak II Conference Resolutions….” could have led to a dictatorship- like a lightening rod or an equivalent to the very dictatorship that Dr. Machar has been hypothetically assumed to be trying against Juba. What are the differences now between Dr. Machar and Salva Kiir, including their predecessors retrospect to Abel Alier in the post-1972 Addis-Ababa Accord (1972-1983) to the late John Garang de Mabior who also had more than 21-year of the same bush war period. It’s loud clear that the four (4) guys in South Sudan have become dictators of the third kind and the same birds of the same feathers flying together. They did not have true of nationalism, political cohesion and worked to serve their personal interests rather than the national interest. The proclamation ostensibly alleged by Dr. Riek Machar that there was a delegation sent to Khartoum was a real political, historical blunder, deception, manipulation and maneuvering that has come too late too soon. Of course, flew in from Addis-Ababa to Khartoum first to mend fences with Yuri Museveni that has vowed to cut off his like he did to the late John Garang instead of trying to mend fences with the generals. We hope he understands that the failed peace that he inked or signed on 17 August 2015 and Salva Kiir inked or signed on27 August 2015 could not be implemented to end the war. Most importantly, Salva Kiir continuous to launch military attacks against the rebels in despite of the signed peace and a ceasefire. There was no delegation sent to Khartoum and if it were so, we do not believe that would ameliorate the physical, the negative propaganda and the negative caricatured characterizations that has been already done and inflicted more than enough damage to the generals as individuals seeking to return to Juba, when they were in reality not at all wishing to returning to Juba. This was a fabricated, engineered or manufacture lie because the general ever thought of returning to Juba.  As a result, Dr. Machar’s Spokesman lies have he had done so many times to the international community, the IGAD plus mediators, the SPLA-I-O leadership and the Nuer Community. Precisely, unless Dr. Machar reconcile with the generals, the brokered peace agreement could not go forward at all, to reduce pain, suffering and mental anguish. Realistically, Dr. Machar could not fly to Juba that has become Salva Kiir’s fortress without the generals because he could become a vulnerable prey without any protection. Assuredly, no people and the survivors would want to go on to Juba that has become the Concentration Camp or the Crematorium in South Sudan.

On the contrary, it was, in fact, Dr. Machar and Taban Deng Gai that really had the intentions of returning prematurely without any prior consultations with the generals under the terms stipulated under the so-called Arusha plus Peace Agreement and all the terms therein to reunify the SPLM as the ruling party such that everyone would re-assume their previous positions in the hierarchy of the party as it was prior to the internal split that produced the ongoing tribal warfare or as if a civil war in South. Let us hypothetically assume that Dr. Machar’s were to send a delegation to Khartoum to talk and to persuade the generals and those that have already joined them to return to Dr. Machar’s leadership, many, of course, would not return at all. There is a great possibility that they could become reluctant and hesitant because of fears of the unknown factors of Dr. Machar’s democratic militarist dictatorship that follows the Chinese and the North Korean leadership styles and the systems of governance. Without any shadow of a doubt, the generals and their alliances might not be interested to talk to their juniors in the ranks and files, but could say to the delegation “Thanks, but No Thanks” for them to be sent back with a pretty strong message by saying that such a delegation should return to Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia, to inform Dr. Machar’s himself personally to fly in to Khartoum to Dialogue par cum pare (equal) or to negotiate face-to-face with the generals as equals instead of sending them non-generals of not equal ranks.

On the Salva Kiir’s side though, it has been pretty obvious that the cabinet and the military of an illegitimate government, led by an illegitimate President and an illegitimate Parliament were not ready to sign the peace brokered by the IGAD mediators and the TRIOKA (the USA, the UK and Norway) and other interested parties and well wishers of peace to return to South Sudan. The rejection of the signing of the peace was as a result, of Salva Kiir’s demands for more time as Dr. Machar signs the final peace agreement for over a fortnight to sign it in Juba on 27 August 2015 after a fortnight after his counterpart and revival Dr. Machar’s signed or inked the peace agreement on 17 August 2015 in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa. Without the shadow of a doubt, the regional powers and the international community should realize now that Salva Kiir does not like peace or anti-peace and has become a pro-war monger and he could not careless about the death and the dying of so many people at the war front. His main objective is how to maintain power, money and control for life in South Sudan. The warring parties have been paralleled in the roadmap to peace process in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa. Realistically, one of the major weaknesses of the IGAD mediators was that they excluded or failed to incorporate the non-SPLA liberation movements, Opposition parties, the intellectuals to have their own say in the roadmap to peace process in South Sudan.

Naturally, this persistent parallelism could become acute and disproportionately escalating the war rather than de-escalating it. Both sides have locked in and loaded and ready to finger trigger the safety of their weapons to start shooting at each other at any time or pre-emotively without any prior notice. Nevertheless, one thing is cleared though, whether Salva Kiir’s signs the peace agreement or not to sign it, he remains disproportionately politically and militarily at disadvantage. Salva Kiir could be overthrown by the hardliners of the top military brazes who have flagrantly rejected and denounced any signing of any peace deal with Machar’s camp because they have defended and relied so much on Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) that have been fighting for Juba since the inception of the ongoing treacherous tribal or as if a civil war more than two-year ago in South Sudan. The UPDF has been involved in both the ground and the air war and they have in huge numbers. For Ugandan wives, sisters, brothers, fathers and many other loved ones in Kampala who assume that their loved ones are safe and sound in South Sudan, so many of them have died and would not see Uganda again alive, unfortunately. We hope and trust that President Yuri Museveni should be held accountable by the people for is direct involvement internal quagmire or tribal or as if a civil war in failed state of South Sudan.

We have one simple modality to offer as a remedy for the peace to return to this war-torn or war-ravaged failed state that would be the immediate and the unconditional withdrawal of the UPDF, Sudan rebel forces (JEM) SRF and SPLA-N) fighting for Salva Kiir without any quid-pro-quos as sine-qua-non to peace in South Sudan. Without the shadow of a doubt, Salva Kiir has become a political lackey and a political polyandrous of Uganda’s Dictator-for-Life-Yuri Museveni. Both Salva and Dr. Riek Machar should abdicate or vacate the political scene because their continuous present would not mitigate any doable peace process in the failed Africa’s youngest State in South Sudan that has been daily confronted by deteriorating insecurity, political instability, the lack or the absence thereof socio-economic takeoff for the benefit of its citizens and is moving from the status quo ante to stateless and to statelessness similar to the experienced Africa witnessed in Somalia in the aftermath of the fall of Somali’s strongman Major-General Sayiad from Mogadishu in 1992, including other exiting processes such as the Arab Spring or the Arab Streets in the North African nation-states of Libya that toppled the 43-year old of Colonel Qaddafi’s rule, 32-year old rule of President Hosni Mubarak’s of Egypt and the 30-year plus ruled of President Ben Ali’s of Tunisia and still spreading like a wild bush fires in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. The current situation if at all, could not become controllable and contain in South Sudan, it could produce the next African Spring or African Streets or the African Summer and/or the African Fall, the African Winter, the African Spring or vice-versa with serious national, regional and international geopolitical and geostrategic implications for Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore, the IGAD and the African Union (AU), the UN system, the TRIOKA (the USA, the UK and Norway) as well as other regional and international superpowers should intervene to control the most dangerous and the political like-Epidemic deadly Ebola Virus Ebola Virus outbreak in the Western African nation-states in recent months and off and on with the most dangerous consequences not only for the failed state in South Sudan, but the entire African Continent and beyond with possible overspill to the Middle East and the Indian Sub-Continent that has the largest and the most fragile democracies in Asia and the world at large.


These viewpoints should, nevertheless, focus on Dr. Riek Machar’s camp, they should offer the following as pre-requisites to any political Dialogue per cum pare (equal) from the above-mentioned:-

  1. Face to face Dialogue between Dr. Machar’s and the generals who are “leaders” and not “soldiers” has to happen prior to any reconciliation and reunification, to forgive, but not to forget the past. The claims by Dr. Machar that the generals have not been fired, but transferred and actually dismissed or fired or sacked the generals have been contradictory to the political reality that we have discovered and known now. Given, the current circumstances now and the already widespread bad publicity by Dr. Machar’s spokesman against the generals’ dissatisfaction and defection should be put under strictest control. If possible, Dr. Machar’s should search for a neutral third party to undertake the proposed Dialogue between Dr. Riek Machar’s and the generals, politicians, the intellectuals and the community leaders that he (Dr. Machar) deliberately and willfully marginalized in the peace process since its inception more than 24-month ago in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis-Ababa up to the end of this failed peace process to have their own say. The protégés and disciples of Dr. Machar to halt of uttering any negative propaganda against the generals. They should just fly to Juba after they have inked or signed the brokered peace instead procrastinating and criticizing the anti-Machar’s forces sand the non-SPLA-I-O.
  2. The modality utilized by Dr. Machar to exiting the generals publicly was cruel, unusual, hurtful and grossly damaging, not only to the Nuer Community, but all well wishers and sympathizers of the SPLA-I-O a young organization of loose alliances and loyalties mostly of the Nuer hurt by the atrocities committed against their folks. The rest, of course, politics; or cocked up. It was utterly bloody wrong at this time under these critical and crucial circumstances and pretty wrong now.
  3. Machar’s Spokesman and the press media staff needs to refrain from belittling the generals who are “leaders” and not, per se, “soldiers” and the gross “downplaying” the split. Naturally, the split and the actions of the generals were inevitable, un-controllable and unavoidable as long as Dr. Machar’s failed to control and contain his brother-in-law cropping here and there like a grass-hoofer devouring young grains and grasses on its path in the fields. They should stop short talking about it whilst concentrating on ways and means of reconciliation, apologizing to the generals who are “leaders” and not, per se, “soldiers” for humiliation, pain, suffering and mental anguish that they have suffered from the incident that has occurred and its negative publicity impact or impasse to the international community. The focus should be now what is to be done to “forgive, but to forget the past because as Professor George Lucas writes that “Those who do forget the past are bound to repeat it.” The Rev. John Hagee writes that “Those who fail to remember the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them in the future. History reveals humanity’s triumphs and failures, giving us a campus for the future.” The people of South Sudan and the Nuer nation and its resilient people should always become mindful of the above-mentioned.
  4. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and their assistants needs to talk positively of the generals and to be earnestly rest assuring and be inviting them to return with their faces and spirits saved and their dignity and grace preserved. What would Dr. Machar’s do with heart “Broken” men and “humiliated” “leaders” and not, per se, “soldiers?” Would they trust the SPLA-I-O under Machar’s leadership with Taban Deng Gai hanging around on the shoulders of Dr. Machar’s? To be or not to be, that’s the question.
  5. Absolutely, resolutely and astonishingly, Dr. Machar’s camp needs to stop from any reference to the “dismissal” or “fired” or “sacked” and that if they [the generals] returned they would be “re-assigned.” Any reference or the events that have already occurred could torpedo any efforts to regain them back to the SPLA-I-O. They are still and remaining staunched loyalists’ members of the Opposition who could not be dreaming of returning to Juba no matter what happens in the day of their lives. The visit of Dr. Machar to Khartoum to meet with President Yuri Museveni before President to mend their fences was only a political show of force, but not realistic. Yuri Museveni per advices of the Israeli Mosad, the CIA and the MI-6 wanted to play a Checker game of mindsets with President and Dr. Machar to blind fooled in order to cut off their heads. As for President Al-Bashir the Checker game is cleared and well-known in advanced and as for Dr. Machar who is vying for power that the US lobbyists and the intelligent community denied him the credit a long time ago, the game remains murky and he could walk into a dangerous spotlessly or spotlessness spider-web trap and never ever to walk out alive. Nevertheless, many other members of the Opposition allied to the SPLA-I-O, they do have legitimate concerns and questions on the name SPLA-I-O. Therefore, the SPLA-I-O should carefully listen to their concerns as aforementioned.
  6. Machar’s supporters in the IDP camps in Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan though steadfastly dwindling as a result, of the raw between the generals and the SPLA-I-O leadership and the generals to become or to talk positive, for instance, not to “disown” and not to “condemn” because that cannot on when negotiations are taking place between Dr. Machar’s delegation or himself negotiating or Dialoguing with the Generals who have got a different world’s perspective as “professionals” and a league of its own as an “non-politicians”. The purpose herein would be to create a political conducive atmosphere for all to have free speech expression to have their say without fear, bias or prejudice. This is the bottom line. How could Dr. Machar mobilize the people to the peace march without the generals to give them protection? Succinctly, not a single soul would venture to return to Juba that has the fortress of death or the death city or Sodom and Gomorrah.
  7. Machar’s deliberately and willfully failed to investigate the security reports of plans of staging a coup d’état against him in Pagak by the generals. A Commission of Inquiry on the alleged coup d’état should have formed to seek the truth, the whole truth, nothing, but the truth sand so help us God. His (Dr. Machar) actions were so hasty, conspiratorial and unprofessional. The entire blamed and the ball have been dumped on Taban Deng Gai’s court who has got past personal jealousies, vendettas, grudges, biases and prejudices against the outspoken generals and in particular, General Peter Gatdet Yak and General James Hoth Gatkouth who have been critical indeed on Taban Deng Gai’s encroachment within the domain of the generals as a politician and the chief negotiators. It would be imperatively impractical, if not impossible, for one person to do everything at a go in the world. There are always divisions of labor in all systems that Mother Nature and humankind have devised, established or institutionalized and created on the planet-Earth. It was a mistake that what happened should not have happened at these critical and crucial circumstances that archenemy of the Nuer nation and its resilient people has focused on the Nuer Community to seek ways and means of dividing or disintegrating or disarraying it and it was wrong then and now.
  8. Specifically, General Peter Gatdet saved Dr. Machar’s life and the life of his family and hundreds of thousands Nuer folks in Bor town. Realistically, he needs special recognition, commendation and acknowledgement as a military hero, a commander, a leader, and an Officer and a Gentleman that has fought so hard in despite of the odds to save lives of his kin and kith and all people of South Sudan. He had provided protection to all unarmed and helpless civilian both the Nuer, the Dinka Bor and the Murle people, including all the wounded soldiers on both sides of the warring camps. He is not, and should not have been the man to remove and keep suspended because he has been a great successful type of a General of a kind not to be played with or to be removed. Dr. Machar, Taban Deng Gai and Madam Angelina Machar have been alive today because of General Peter Gatdet hard fought and hard won battles against the combined Salva Kiir and Yuri Museveni forces that were pursuing them as escapees, including the former VP Dr. Machar’s from being assassinated by these enemy forces of evils after them in Jonglei State en route from Juba. As the Bible teaches us that “Do unto others such they would do unto you” and that “Judged not so you would not be judged because the same measures you give would be the same or equals to the same measures that you get”. We do encourage face to face Dialogue par cum pare (equal) between the generals and Dr. Machar for the sake of the “Nuer unity and Solidarity” to fight for our sociopolitical rights, self-determination, social justice, democracy, equality, flexible ethnic federal system similar to the flexible ethnic federal system in Ethiopia and the right to have “two armies” and we should all vow with determination and motivation that without the two-armies less, peace would not return to South Sudan in the foreseeable future. This is a non-negotiable item, uncompromised in any shape and form and a red line.
  9. Concerning the side of the illegitimate government in Juba led by an illegitimate President and an illegitimate Parliament, I could not speak or write about them at this time since they committed themselves to have signed the peace. Therefore, it would be after to adhere to what they inked of signed or not. It would be after the international community to ask them why they continue with the war when they have inked or signed the brokered peace agreement. Let’s wait and see if Juba would heed to a ceasefire and cessation of hostilities or to continue with the war. We are ready for peace or for war or vice versa.
  10. Professor/Ambassador David de Chand, Chairman of South Sudan Democratic Front Party- in-Opposition (SSDFP-I-O) and the Interim Chairman of SSIM/A-in-Opposition (SSIM/A-I-O) can be reach via david.dechand2015@gmail.com


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Bentiu Ramaran September 26, 2015 at 1:28 pm

Dr. Dechand,

You like to claim nonsense yet you are not doing anything about it. You have Ph.D like Dr. Machar why don’t you do what Riek did not do to rescue Nuer from Kiir’s genocidal regime? Naïve Nuer politicians like you are the ones failing Dr. Machar from time to time. Do something and bring war materials stop claiming about Dr. Machar.

DinkaTwic Panda September 26, 2015 at 2:37 pm

History Center-Point: The Eastern Twic Dinka to Mr. David de Chand

N/B: Please be honest with Eastern Twic Dinka people identity. Thanks

“Having been slow to join the first civil war, the Nuer and Dinka Anyanya units of Upper Nile were among the most resistant to the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1972. It was initially opposed by Samuel Gai Tut, a senior Lou Nuer Anyanya commander, as well as by John Garang, a very junior Twic Dinka captain (Abel Alier 1990:138).” By Abel Alier Kuai

“Things some of you probably don’t know.
– Malong Awan, Bol Madut, Pagan Amum, Deng Alor…were rebels before those of John Garang and Kerubino instigated the second liberation war. They were already in the Bush!
– Anyanya I wasn’t formed in 1955 but 1963.
– Joseph Lagu wasn’t the overall commander of Anyanya I. Emedio Teffeng was until the early 70s.
– There were other mutinies after 1972 and before the May 16, 1983 mutiny.
– Kerubino Kuanyin didn’t attack the SAF. He was attacked and he had to act in self-defence and mutinied instead of surrendering.
– Rebellion in 1983 was supposed to be simultaneous in major towns in South Sudan but Kerubino had no choice but to fight and disrupt the arrangement.
– Dr. John Garang wasn’t the first SPLA/SPLM leader. Akuot Atem was until the first movement split.
– Garang’s idea of ‘New Sudan’ borrowed from Sudan African Closed District National Union (SACDNU) formed by those of Oduho, Jaden, Deng.” By Kuir E Garang

“Before the arrival of Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, the commander of 105 and William Nyuon Bany, the Commander of 104 to Gambella Region, the first movement was formed between Akuot and John Garang supporters. Since Garang’s military officials with their forces still in Sudan and Akuot and Gai Tut with thier military officials (Gordon Kaong Chol, Victor Kuany Latjor etc.) were in Bilpam, Akuot Atem de Mayen became the first chairman of the SPLA/M. He (Akuot) appointed his movement officials as followed, Samuel Gai Tut, minister of defense; Joseph Oduho, foreign affairs; Martin Majier Gai, legal affairs; John Garang de Mabior, chief of staffs, and the list continued. They drafed their first manifesto and left for Addis Ababa to presented their movement agendas to Ethiopian leader, Mangestu Mariam. Their ideas or movement agendas were rejected by Ethiopia leader because (1) Akuot wanted to be capitalist while Ethiopia government was communist, (2) Akuot’s movement wanted to separate South Sudan from Sudan, that was also rejected because South Sudanese were given regional autonomy in 1972 Addis Ababa Agreement it didn’t work, and many other points. They were sent back to Gambella to draft another paper. On arrival in Gambella, another meeting was conducted to reorganized and to deleted unwanted points on the manifesto. Joseph Oduho, the oldest guy of the group told John Garang to draft a new manifesto but, Garang refused because he didn’t wants to be accused by the chairman (Akuot) of becoming a new chairman. But Joseph Oduho insisted untill John Garang agreed to draft their proposals with conditions. To get their feet wet in Ethiopia, Garang proposed that their movement will be (1) Communist and capitalist later, (2) that they fighting for the “NEW SUDAN” and separation as a plan B, and so. After meeting, they left for Addis Ababa for second time to met Mangestu Mariam. On the meeting, they were told that their paper was well written and they would share any logistic with Ethiopian Army. John Garang was asked to remain behind by Ethiopia chief of staffs to work out logistic assistant to the new movement. After couple days, Garang came back to Gambella region, that was a time when his supporters, Kerubino Kuanyin Bol and William Nyuon Bany with their forces arrived in Gambella region. After hearing that the movement already formed and Akuot Atem de Mayen is a chairman of a new movement and not John Garang, Kerubino and Nyuon were pisted off and called a new meeting that didn’t went well. fighting broke out between John Garang and (Akuot Atem & Gai Tut) supporters. Akuot and Gai with their forces withrawn and relocated to Sudan Border and established their new headquarters in Bukteng were they attacked new recruits that wanted to go to John Garang in Bilpam for training. John Garang remaind in Gambelle region and his group appointed him as a chairman of the SPLA/M. John Garang de Mabior became the SPLA/M chairman with the support from Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, William Nyuon Bany and Ethiopian government. Source ” Sudan painful road to peace.” Good Luck!” By Yol Goch Achiek




“Good stuff bro Kuir Ë Garang! Allow me to insert what I know about Sudan African Closed District National Union (SACDNU). SACDNU was formed by Joseph Oduho, William Deng Nhial, and few others under the scholarly guidance and leadership of Fr. Saturnino Lohure Hillangi.

Mid 1960’s, when William Deng completed his studies and was ready to contribute to SANU, he was appointed deputy to Fr. Lohure, who was the chair and founder of SANU. Joseph Oduho was given the role of procurement officer, and his position as Secretary of SANU was given to Jaden.

Jadan and his refugee population of supporters in Uganda weren’t happy with the position he was given. He mobilized his supporters to become active members of SANU then instigated early party election by a majority vote. The results of that election awarded him the role of a chair that he was eying.

Uganda dramatically became unsafe for those of Deng, Oduho, and even Fr. Lohure. In addition to threats from the known enemy (Sudan government), they were also threatened by their own party, SANU. Hence, they had to flee Uganda and stationed in Tanzania. That is when and where the inception of SACDNU took place. Without Jaden’s camp.” By Davide Odongi

“I don’t believe this. You missed a point somewhere. The true history will be revealed when the living 104 and 105 battalions sit together and rewrite the history. The true history of South Sudan has been changed by Dr. John Garang and his Twic henchmen during the war of independence. Read again and research the history using peer reviewed articles and books. There are junks of books circulating around with one sided version of history. Torit mutiny is documented and well written and dated. If you continue feeding us with fall history, then you will loose your prestige and honour as a young writer and researcher. Maintain your integrity and reputation as modest man.” By Abdalla Bin Abdalla

DinkaTwic Panda September 26, 2015 at 3:13 pm

History Center-Point: The Eastern Twic Dinka to Mr. David de Chand

“Having been slow to join the first civil war, the Nuer and Dinka Anyanya units of Upper Nile were among the most resistant to the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1972. It was initially opposed by Samuel Gai Tut, a senior Lou Nuer Anyanya commander, as well as by John Garang, a very junior Twic Dinka captain (Abel Alier 1990:138).” By Abel Alier Kuai

“Things some of you probably don’t know.
– Malong Awan, Bol Madut, Pagan Amum, Deng Alor…were rebels before those of John Garang and Kerubino instigated the second liberation war. They were already in the Bush!
– Anyanya I wasn’t formed in 1955 but 1963.
– Joseph Lagu wasn’t the overall commander of Anyanya I. Emedio Teffeng was until the early 70s.
– There were other mutinies after 1972 and before the May 16, 1983 mutiny.
– Kerubino Kuanyin didn’t attack the SAF. He was attacked and he had to act in self-defence and mutinied instead of surrendering.
– Rebellion in 1983 was supposed to be simultaneous in major towns in South Sudan but Kerubino had no choice but to fight and disrupt the arrangement.
– Dr. John Garang wasn’t the first SPLA/SPLM leader. Akuot Atem was until the first movement split.
– Garang’s idea of ‘New Sudan’ borrowed from Sudan African Closed District National Union (SACDNU) formed by those of Oduho, Jaden, Deng.” By Kuir E Garang

“Before the arrival of Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, the commander of 105 and William Nyuon Bany, the Commander of 104 to Gambella Region, the first movement was formed between Akuot and John Garang supporters. Since Garang’s military officials with their forces still in Sudan and Akuot and Gai Tut with thier military officials (Gordon Kaong Chol, Victor Kuany Latjor etc.) were in Bilpam, Akuot Atem de Mayen became the first chairman of the SPLA/M. He (Akuot) appointed his movement officials as followed, Samuel Gai Tut, minister of defense; Joseph Oduho, foreign affairs; Martin Majier Gai, legal affairs; John Garang de Mabior, chief of staffs, and the list continued. They drafed their first manifesto and left for Addis Ababa to presented their movement agendas to Ethiopian leader, Mangestu Mariam. Their ideas or movement agendas were rejected by Ethiopia leader because (1) Akuot wanted to be capitalist while Ethiopia government was communist, (2) Akuot’s movement wanted to separate South Sudan from Sudan, that was also rejected because South Sudanese were given regional autonomy in 1972 Addis Ababa Agreement it didn’t work, and many other points. They were sent back to Gambella to draft another paper. On arrival in Gambella, another meeting was conducted to reorganized and to deleted unwanted points on the manifesto. Joseph Oduho, the oldest guy of the group told John Garang to draft a new manifesto but, Garang refused because he didn’t wants to be accused by the chairman (Akuot) of becoming a new chairman. But Joseph Oduho insisted untill John Garang agreed to draft their proposals with conditions. To get their feet wet in Ethiopia, Garang proposed that their movement will be (1) Communist and capitalist later, (2) that they fighting for the “NEW SUDAN” and separation as a plan B, and so. After meeting, they left for Addis Ababa for second time to met Mangestu Mariam. On the meeting, they were told that their paper was well written and they would share any logistic with Ethiopian Army. John Garang was asked to remain behind by Ethiopia chief of staffs to work out logistic assistant to the new movement. After couple days, Garang came back to Gambella region, that was a time when his supporters, Kerubino Kuanyin Bol and William Nyuon Bany with their forces arrived in Gambella region. After hearing that the movement already formed and Akuot Atem de Mayen is a chairman of a new movement and not John Garang, Kerubino and Nyuon were pisted off and called a new meeting that didn’t went well. fighting broke out between John Garang and (Akuot Atem & Gai Tut) supporters. Akuot and Gai with their forces withrawn and relocated to Sudan Border and established their new headquarters in Bukteng were they attacked new recruits that wanted to go to John Garang in Bilpam for training. John Garang remaind in Gambelle region and his group appointed him as a chairman of the SPLA/M. John Garang de Mabior became the SPLA/M chairman with the support from Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, William Nyuon Bany and Ethiopian government. Source ” Sudan painful road to peace.” Good Luck!” By Yol Goch Achiek




“Good stuff bro Kuir Ë Garang! Allow me to insert what I know about Sudan African Closed District National Union (SACDNU). SACDNU was formed by Joseph Oduho, William Deng Nhial, and few others under the scholarly guidance and leadership of Fr. Saturnino Lohure Hillangi.

Mid 1960’s, when William Deng completed his studies and was ready to contribute to SANU, he was appointed deputy to Fr. Lohure, who was the chair and founder of SANU. Joseph Oduho was given the role of procurement officer, and his position as Secretary of SANU was given to Jaden.

Jadan and his refugee population of supporters in Uganda weren’t happy with the position he was given. He mobilized his supporters to become active members of SANU then instigated early party election by a majority vote. The results of that election awarded him the role of a chair that he was eying.

Uganda dramatically became unsafe for those of Deng, Oduho, and even Fr. Lohure. In addition to threats from the known enemy (Sudan government), they were also threatened by their own party, SANU. Hence, they had to flee Uganda and stationed in Tanzania. That is when and where the inception of SACDNU took place. Without Jaden’s camp.” By Davide Odongi

“I don’t believe this. You missed a point somewhere. The true history will be revealed when the living 104 and 105 battalions sit together and rewrite the history. The true history of South Sudan has been changed by Dr. John Garang and his Twic henchmen during the war of independence. Read again and research the history using peer reviewed articles and books. There are junks of books circulating around with one sided version of history. Torit mutiny is documented and well written and dated. If you continue feeding us with fall history, then you will loose your prestige and honour as a young writer and researcher. Maintain your integrity and reputation as modest man.” By Abdalla Bin Abdalla

Goweng Torbaar September 27, 2015 at 10:31 pm

I agree with Bentiu Ramiraan and Dinka Twic Panda for teaching this man a true thing of what to do, he become most disturbing PHD with foreign party. He should come home and exercise what he want

Manasseh Moses Riek . September 28, 2015 at 5:59 am

Professor / David ,De Chand , by all mean , I found out , the way he critiqued Dr Riek Machar , was not the path of intellectuals at all , he showed to me , Decand still far from the real problem , which faces south sudanese at the stage of the Nuer people , firstly and South Sudan nation ,, I was trying to find out among his sentences here to tell us a plus solution as Dr Riek Machar ,is trying hard to solve this contradicted case of people of South Sudan , so I can say I felt sorry in away such an intellectual Personel like Pro, Dechand to not know to write a subject of the current time , please what do you teach your students in the universities in America and sudan ? Completely I got lost to understand you ,,, but what I want from you now , go and support Doctor Riek Machar , so would be the best channel I reckon it for you . Thanks , Rev , Manasseh Moses Riek . Melbourne , Australia .

Ter Manyang Gatwech September 28, 2015 at 12:08 pm

Dear Professor, David
You need to understand the ethics of writing in order to continue with the writing and therefore, i agree with you sometime but, I disagree with you because of failure to do any thing for Nuer nation as you mentioned in your article. We the Gawaar-Nuer Community you do nothing for us please, no single child to take to school. Please don’t mention the weakness of Dr.Riek Machar Teny, yet you have so many weaknesses.

Please can you coordinate the organizations to come to Ayod county, as our son from Gawaar-Nuer Community in Ayod and you need take care about the people of Ayod in different ways or another. Please take 30 students within Nuer community to the different schools for the scholarship and so that , they can remember you well. “Remember God takes and God Gives. Can you remembered what you said during the death of later father, Michael Manyang Gatwech Gatcahng Lam, on 8th March, 2011.” Let us hope for the best”

lual deng September 30, 2015 at 4:10 am

I think you right to be upset because the things are no favor nuer community in general but the things will be favor dr machar at the end. He signed the peace deal and he will be the country vice president ,but these who fought real hard and those who died their families will never see anything and you dr de chand you right that I like your because you show to tell us the true.


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