By J. Nguen,

March 7th, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– Many experts agreed that the civil war in South Sudan on December 2013, which killed fifty thousand (UN’s report), displaced 2.3 million persons to neighboring countries and forced 108, 000 to seek refuge (internally displaced) at various UNMISS’s camps across the country could have been averted if too many warning signs weren’t ignored. Say lack of foresight and proactive actions led to senseless lost of innocent lives.
After two years of merciless civil unrest, the world’s newest nation now mid-wife fragile peace. However, chances for this fragile peace to holds are slimes if there is no change in strategy. As South Sudanese struggles, lavished by senseless deaths and sufferings often encouraged by narcissistic tribal politics, the world watches on in disbelief and inactions to rescue the young nation.
Given what happened on 15 December 2013, I refused to be silence. I chose to disclose hints suggesting that the same mistakes which allowed December 2013 crisis to occur unabated could be in the making.
This piece is meant to sound an alarm with the hope peace’ guarantors would devise contingent plans to ward off what I think is an imminent time bomb.
Without sugarcoating what could happen, evidence suggests the government of South Sudan in part planned to initiate another major crisis when Dr. Machar arrived in Juba. For example, information coming out of Juba indicates a renew execution of civilians over unfinished business on the quest of absolute power is possible and a ticking time bomb.
Those of us, who deeply understand South Sudan’s political landscapes including the narcissistic self tribal importance and other social underpins are not surprised by this turn of event. However, what we cannot afford is to be silence in the face of this ill-intended prevailing reality. Keeping silence in my opinion will be irresponsible. Being politically correct over the matter at hand would be regrettable when the new country is once again blazed.
In a nutshell, I must start with crucial evidences suggesting the government of South Sudan is not interested in the peace deal but war as the only alternative. Since August 2015, when the government signed the fragile peace agreement with rebels, there are overwhelming evidences showing that the government has not fully implemented any agreed articles.
This issue is attributable to the fact that there are prominent figures within and outside the government who made it their sole duty to abort the accord comes rain or sunshine. This behavior is self-evidence considering the language used by government officials include the president included. Especially when he blatantly declared that he would hunt down the rebels in the Equatoria and Western Bhar El Gazal like rats. You agreed that that was not the language of peace. In another spin, the comment revealed that the diabolical onslaught of 15 December 2015 did not in any way quench certain prominent political bigots’ thirst for more bloodbaths in South Sudan.
Evidences suggesting the government South Sudan government not respecting the agreement
First, elements within the government and the JCE convinced President Salva Kiir to terminate the accord by unilaterally declaring new 28 States outside the pact, which he (Kiir) signed in August 2015.
In order to remedy this obstacle, the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD)’s foreign ministers met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia early this year, to devise corrective measures to prevent the peace accord to fail. Subsequently the bloc came up with a new roadmap which includes the suspension of 28 states created by President Kiir outside the agreement. However, even though the warring parties endorsed the new roadmap from the IGAD’s foreign ministers, the government didn’t honor the communiqué but continued to operationalize 28 states despite the suspension. You may call this a nasty spat in the IGAD-plus face.
Second, the government has refused to demilitarize Juba as demanded by the agreement for rebel leader Dr. Riek to return to the capital. The government forces were supposed to evacuate all States’ capitals of armed forces to 25 KM outside the cities including Juba. But this critical step in the agreement did not occur.
It must be noted that the government paid lip service and deception card by portraying fake images suggesting evacuation of Juba of government’s troops. However, on the ground, evidence showed evacuation this was nothing but a staged deception. Juba is still beefed up with tens of thousands of government’s forces. In my view, this is pointing to something more cynical in the part of the government.
Third, when Kiir’s government realized that the SPLM –IO was not ready to going back to war over the creation of 28 States, the government planned and attacked innocent civilians from Shilluk and Nuer tribes sheltering in the UNMISS camps in Malakal on February 17 through 18, 2016. The government’s intention was to provoke violent reaction from the SPLM –IO’s forces to ensure all out war.
Fourth, when the SPLM – IO’ delegation decided to return to Juba to show the movement’s commitment to the accord, Kiir’ government views this as an outright capitulation. In return, the government refused to transport and accommodates IO’s delegation and forces. Not only that, President Kiir summoned Dr. Riek to report to Juba in a week after he (Riek) was decreed in as the nation’s First Vice President.
Because of the above points, peace implementation installed, IGAD –Plus and Troika had to intervened. They transported IO’ delegation, accommodate them and pledged to transport the SPLM-IO’ forces to Juba. As the SPLM-IO forces were preparing to come to Juba, the government blocked them to use land and sea. Further, the government refused the SPLM –IO’s troops to bring heavy weaponries along.
This could have been the last straw for peace, but remarkably SPLM/A -IO succumbed and agreed to come to Juba by air only and carrying light rifles. Yet again, the government failed prepare for IO’s forces transportation from airport to their cantonment areas upon landing. And more importantly, the government refused to provide food and safe drinking water to them.
Fifth, the government violated the cease fire and secession of hostility. Since agreement was the government did not withheld military offensives on the IO’s forces positions both in Western Bhar El Ghazal and Equatoria. If you may recall this is where President Salva Kiir declared that he will continue to hunt down IO’ forces like rats.
Therefore, it’s indisputable to deny that the government’s choice war but it’s the other party that consistently refusing to engage militarily. Because the IO refuses to engage militarily, the government of South of Sudan seem to have ushered another plan to ensure a major crisis when Dr. Riek arrived in Juba whether we like it or not.
The government‘s plan is simple but strategic. For example, the government used militias supporting in the likes of Lt. Gen. James Gai Yoach to set a stage for crisis.
On February 29, 2016, the Government televised what I called time bomb bait to set a stage for crisis. On the government’ televised commentary, Lt. Gen. James Gai Yoach painted Machar’s home coming not as a significant move to restore stability in South Sudan but as a ploy for Machar to kill the Nuer civilians who are alive and resides in Juba.
The only reason the government would allow such incitement of violence comment be televise on the nation’ television point to the fact that the government planned to start another crisis when Riek arrived. Therefore it would be naïve and irresponsible to take this comment slightly especially when Riek and his troops of 1, 370 were supposed to arrives in Juba the next day, March 1st, 2016.
Mr. Yoach’s comment is an informative Intel and does not require genius conspiracy theorist to debunk it considering the timing and medium in which it was aired.
Following the “comment”, strong condemnations emerged from the IO’s operatives. Mabior Garang De Mabior called it a “hate speech” and he disdained the government for allowing such a hateful speech be televised on government’s owned television.
On the other hand, Dr. Riek’s press Secretary James Gatdet Dak simply dismissed the comment as nonsensical. He said this “comment does not make any sense.” However, Mr. Dak stated that Yoach’s comment may represent government’s position.
“The comment may represent the official view of the government and the national army, the statements should have been investigated by President Kiir’s government and it was unfortunate the comments were uttered over the national television by a senior army officer.”
I agreed with Mr. Dak that Mr.Yoach’s comment is an official government’s position and not nonsensical. It’s a strategic and well positioned to set a stage for a major crisis in national’s capital upon Dr. Riek arrival. For example, Mr. Yoach’s comment is the government’s masked decoy to attack the IO’s forces in Juba with possibly to assassinate Machar and then blame the victim for wanting to “kill the Nuer civilians”. This plan looks unsophisticated and could easily be dismisses but legit. In my view, it was well devised and would easily be executed.
Besides, this revelation should not be misconstrued as a refusal or scare tactic for Dr. Riek not to return to Juba as per the agreement. I fully supported Dr. Riek and team’s return to the capital. However, I only cautioned the SPLM/A _IO, IGAD –plus, Friends of South Sudan and Troika to be extra vigilant because events happening in Juba are not adding up and could have debilitating effects.
Nguen is a concerned South Sudanese citizen living in Canada. He can be reached at
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There were no Nuers civilians killed Juba or anywhere else in the country, so stopped that Bullshits.
You are really an idiot if you can denied no Nuer was killed in Juba or in other parts of the Country. Why did your president apology for what had happen in December 2013 if there was no Nuer got killed?
Man don’t forget there is time for everything. This kind of barbaric act is going to end at any time. Dinka and Nuer have been staying with no problems for decades, but some elements from no where come and confused. But time where come when truth will be spoken out
Show evidence of so called Nuers massacre in Juba. You Nuers are stupid you learn the hard way.
Chol Y, your nasty language is showing your stupidity and uncivilized beast. Therefore, I will never valued your leadership for ever.
Dear J. Nguen,
Thank you for sounding the alarm on the state of affairs in South Sudan politic. Personally, I thing Dr. Riek Mach planned going to Juba is suicide because by every indication the government is not ready for peace. Whether we like it or not, the government of South Sudan is ready with assassination plan to take down the top leadership of SPLA/M-IO as soon as Riek gets to Juba.
What is wrong with the the top leadership of SPLM/A-IO? Why do they want ot rush to Juba when indeed the government has indicated very clearly that they are not interested in the compromised peace agreement. Implementation of 28 states is almost complete and disarmament of juba and all the other state capitals is not done. Government is armed to the teeth both in residential areas and military barracks.
The kingdom is overdue to be set on fire. Let Machar go to Juba if he think he can fight his way out a well surround Juba. Also let him go to Juba if him and his forces are ready for an urban warfare against lord knows how many different nationalities of mercenaries he will be fighting. He should be ready to fight from Juba to Chad, Uganda and Darfur or else none of them will make it out of that death trap called Juba they are being lured into.
Equatorians are rats as the Salva said, one day he will run away from Equatoria land.
You people of Bentiu are masters of confusion. The Nuer will be safe when the leadership leaves you either for Greater Fangak, Jikany or Lou Nuer. Nothing good has ever happened to Nuer since you assumed leadership. All you are about is tribal wars, tribalism and conspiracies. Why did you start war if you are afraid of death like that… I am back boys! Watch out!
Dear Readers :
Please be informed that Juba is very Safe for Riek Ebola virus Machar Negative Return … nothing will harm him and his opportunists Job and positions seekers in an IO. ONLY UNLESS
But be warned if he and his Opportunists in an IO started any trouble whether in Juba and other main State cities God knows how they will ending up!!! For the Nuer White Army Young thugs as always by Riek Machar Ebola you have been used as the tools and viruses to do destruction , to loot , to killed, to raped and to created backwardness both socially and economically and as A results of this War you ended up as Losers and Victims of all your own actions engineered and Master -minded by your only Master Dr Loomed Riek Ebola Machar.
As you may know Riek Machar Ebola virus(Untrained Nuer White Army Young thugs) have already almost been destroyed both emotionally physically and mentally drained ! Together With their Master Mind Dr Loomed Machar Ebola ,they are now in the position of defeated and self sorry!
An IO Opportunists as always They are now comming and Surrendering to Juba one by one with out even single changed objective or goal they have been assumed and claimed for 3 years.
History repeated itself as of 1991 and 1997- Please Note : Readers most of you know what I am talking about if you know practically the History of South Sudan!
Readers to be Honest : Riek Ebola virus of 1300 troops in Juba is Nothing compared to every single road leads in and out of Juba filled with patriotics and Mighty the SPLA in Government armed with any Modern Warfare and weapons if needed just in case if Nuer White Army Young thugs mentality get caught crazy as often . Each 24 States and their Capital Cities are not going to be demilitarising no matter what happens? Someone may argue with this point but is is a reality already in the made and Approved Decision and it is in firmed Place.
In another just in case scenarios as we knew Riek Machar Ebola virus before : 24 States out of 28 States is filled with armed standing by and situation reactions forrces where 99% percentage are very Loyal to the Republic of South Sudan and the Principles in which it was founded.
To be honest As of now most if not all ; Riek Machar Ebola virus of Nuer White Army Young thugs became to their sense Point of Realities and they became the victims of their own actions and misleading information cooked and engineered by their Master Magic Mind of Dr Doomed Riek Machar Ebola.
As always Nuer White Army Young thugs mentality learned in the hardest ways, as refreshing to 1991-1997 and 2013-2015 Wars . They fought hardest and hotest wars but they always ended up as losers and victims of their own actions thinking . Haha haha! Are they not learned yet?
Nuer White Army Young thugs you have been Fooled once , fooled twice , and fooled third and still followed and misled by the same doomed Dr Doomed Riek Machar Ebola.
To the Nuer White Army Young Thugs Now you should starting pray very well so that your Master Minded Riek Machar Ebola in Juba will not started again the fire he can not control and contained. This will be the last rebellion of your Master Minded Dr Doomed Riek Machar Ebola.
For the Loving of Peace and Country Please Welcome Back to Juba Shameless and Embarrassed an IO Opportunities and Job Seekers rather for the the Change you have been claimed and preached for the last 3 years.
As far as I know an IO will all be treated as opportunists and Positions seekers not as heroes and Change agents.
Thank you for your reading my comments.
From Abuchook