June 19th 2018 (Nyamilepedia) – Armed criminals raided on Friday and Saturday, three ministries in the ministries complex in the South Sudan’s capital Juba leaving the office disorganized and left with some cash, three ministers said in a press conference held after the incident on Monday.
The ministry of housing and physical planning, the ministry of road and the ministry of transports were raided twice last week by a group of criminals the ministers said were well-disciplined and well organized.
Speaking in a press conference on Monday, the minister of housing and urban planning Alfred Lado Gore said he don’t think the culprits were just a mere thuggery who were just looking for money, but well-disciplined.
“I don’t think it is just a mere thuggery – people looking for money, they may have some other motives because preliminary report says these fellows were very composed and very well-disciplined,” Ladu said at a conference on Monday.
Lado pointed out that the three ministers do not know where the thugs are from nor do they know the motive behind the actions.
“And you know, we didn’t know where exactly they are from and the motive is,” he said.
For his part, the minister of transport, John Luk Joak said he wonder if it could be for a different motive saying they in the ministry don’t keep money in the file and still wonder what the motive could be.
“Could it be a different motive because we don’t keep money in the files,” Luk asked. “So we are still wondering what the motive really could be,” he said.
The minister of road, Rebecca Joshua refused to comment on he issue.