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Warrap State Governor gives 72hrs ultimatum to UN journalist to leave his state

Warrap, South Sudan

November 10,2021—-The governor of Warrap State, Lt. Gen. Aleu Ayieny Aleu, has ordered UN journalist to exit the state within a maximum of 72 hours.

Security situation in Warrap improves, says Governor
Aleu Ayieny Aleu, Warrap State Governor (photo credit: Facebook)

In a statement seen by Nyamilepedia, Governor Aleu issued an order expelling South Sudanese journalist identified as Manyang Mayom who works for UN-owned Miraya FM in Warrap State.

Manyang, who is the Miraya’s correspondent in Warrap state, has been accused by the state governor of “involving in activities that frustrate efforts to achieving peace and stability” in his state.

The governor wrote to Miraya stating that their personnel is jeorpodizing peace and stability in his state and therefore he is given only 72 hours to exit.

“This letter serve to inform your institution that one of your personnel particularly Mr. Manyang Mayom is considered to be participating in activities that jeopardizes peace and stability in Warrap State and as such he is given only seventy-two hours (72hrs) to leave Warrap State “, the statement reads of Governor Aleu addresses to Miraya PM.

Governor Aleu, who has been accused of human rights violations in Warrap, couldn’t mention immediately the repercussions if the Journalist fails to comply with his order and what exactly the journalist did; however, Warrap and Lakes States have been on international news for summary executions of individuals, mostly youth, they believe to be guilty.

Aleu is almost in dispute with the SPLM/A-IO and other opposition parties in Warrap, most of which have already left Kwajok, and are now operating in Juba.

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