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VP Wani Igga Arrives in New York to a Dry Reception

Vice President Wani Igga and Foreign Minister Benjamin Marial seen at John F. Kennedy Airport with with no reception.
Vice President Wani Igga (middle) and followed behind by Foreign Minister Benjamin Marial seen at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York on 24/09/2015, there was no official reception.

Sept 24, 2015 (Nyamilepedia) – South Sudan’s Vice President James Wani Igga who has travelled to New York to attend the UN meeting on South Sudan arrived at the John F. Kennedy Airport terminal to a dry reception and forced to pull his own luggage through the crowded and standard arrival section of the airport like any other traveller to the embarrassment of many.

Wani Igga who never made it to the airports VIP lounge which is often reserved for VIP’s and heads of state was instead received by the South Sudanese Ambassador and two other officials at the standard arrival section.

The Diaspora community in the USA and Canada did not turn up to recieve the regimes Vice President, but are instead said to be busy preparing a huge welcome reception for the SPLM-IO Leader Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

In addition to his meetings at the UN General Assembly, Dr. Machar the designated First Vice President of South Sudan is expected to address the Diaspora community in North America about the IGAD compromise peace agreement and his leadership’s commitment to the implementation of the agreement.

The Vice President Wani Igga who was accompanied by te Foreign Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin and Awan G. Riak who is the minister in the office of the President were initially all expected to be welcomed by a large crowd of jubilant South Sudanese, but on their arrival were shocked to see only the country’s Ambassador to US, Mr. Garang Diing Akuang, two other embassy staffs and the Ambassador to the United Nations, Francis Mading Deng, awaiting them at the airport’s ordinary arrival reception.

Wani Igga has traveled to the UN meeting with what one observer described as the ‘whole South Sudan cabinet’ in New York to beg for funds from the international community.

The VP’s entourage includes the Minister in the office of the President, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of finance, Minister of Education, several oter ministers and officials, and the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs who found himself fired by a decree on National Television on the next day upon his travel to New York.

A senior official in he regime said President Kiir had sent most of the officials to the New York meeting so he could have a free time and space to clear out those he didn’t want to be in the new upcoming government.

“Most of those in America now…they will not be coming back to their same offices” the Senior official in Kiir’s office who gave his name as Lual told this reporter.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Mon had invited South Sudanese warring party leaders President Kiir and SPLM-IO chairman Dr. Machar.

Also invited are all the other political forces and stakeholders in the country, including Former Political Detainees leader Pagan Amum, Opposition alliance leader Dr. Lam Akol to attend the special UN General Assembly meeting on South Sudan to support the current IGAD peace agreement.

The UN General Assembly 70th session meeting is expected to have a sideline meeting on South Sudan to discuss ways on how to support implementation of the recently signed IGAD compromise peace agreement on the resolution of the conflict in South Sudan.

The UN sideline meetings on South Sudan are expected to be attended by several world leaders.

Wani Igga who will be officially representing Salva Kiir’s regime at the UN meeting had said he initially had reservations about the peace agreement, but has now accepted the agreement and pushed the reservation aside in order to give peace a chance and stop war for the sake of peace.

Salva Kiir meanwhile decided to boycott the UN meeting after complains of being treated like a “Schoolboy” by the International Community.

The leader of the Armed Opposition Dr Riek Machar who has accepted to attend the UN meeting on South Sudan is expected to arrive on Saturday in New York to attend the UN General Assembly meeting.

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AGUMUT September 24, 2015 at 2:54 pm

GOOD Good,beause our people have no service at all.

GatNor September 24, 2015 at 6:46 pm

One “schoolboy”, two “schoolboys” what ashame. Incompeten tribal chief Kiir treating Igga like a schoolboy. Oh ya Igga is the yes man hand of the king that picks up the king’s crap on the go. Weew, that’s your son Great Equatoria.

GatNor September 24, 2015 at 6:56 pm

I think I am gonna get some outrageous threats from Far Jalna very soon for speaking whatever my big heart desires. Freedom of speech butthole.

Loberito September 25, 2015 at 8:05 pm


Let Wani and Salva humiliate themselves. By the way, Equatorians have nothing to do with South Sudan government. Wani does not represent Equatorians in this tribal government. Salva Kiir puts Wani there to please the people of Equatoria by replacing Dr. Riek Machar when he fired him. Wani is “Yes” man in this tribal government. Most people know Wani as “Baba ja”. Mr. Wani is in Juba working for his own stomach.

Equatorians are not coward people. They respect humanity but those who acted like wild beasts see them as cowardice. Equatorians were the first people to start mutiny in South Sudan. These people are wise enough to separate problem from the people. Without Equatorians, Salva Kiir government would have long gone. Salva Kiir government survives because Equatorians did not declare war otherwise Salva would have not handled both White army and Equatorians. He is a very lucky lunatic. A son of a gun.

sixteen September 27, 2015 at 9:11 am

Pliz do not talk like some boby who is just awake from sleeping. Talk senses than telling rubbish to General public.

Goweng Torbaar September 25, 2015 at 2:03 am

Who do you think from American diplomats can receive rotten regime? They are invited to explain why they violate peace agreement. Waite how many people will arrive at airport when Democratic leader and Champion of Self determination and Federalism?

AGUMUT September 25, 2015 at 11:54 am

They just wanted to Humiliated Dr.Riek Machar. Look at those pictures first,he is well protected by US itself.

weechdiit September 26, 2015 at 2:23 am

Mr Agumut, u are a chicken. Only those couldn’t see the light @ other the end of tunnel. You misleading your supports or u just don’t care about their support any more because your thugs in juba already learn that no way out from cage.

AGUMUT September 27, 2015 at 4:02 am

Keep your mad off about your Dementia leader,but you Nuer will turn against him very soon, mark my words.

FarJalna September 25, 2015 at 4:40 am

Mr. GatNor,
I have no personal bones to pick with you however negative you have perceived me to be. Wani Igga and his entourage ‘s humiliation in New York has nothing to do with Equatorians. He is there in name of the government of South Sudan. Whatever shameful reception they received is a shame to the government not a region and its people.

Mark me well. I responded to that idiot whoever he may be in that manner to let him know that we as Equatorians are NOT going to sit back and watch if he or they starts implementing his/their devilish, satanic, primitive, and uncivilized plan. The better if he retracts his ill motive.

Let some legitimate Citizens not be taken for granted. Silence or non-reaction shouldn’t be completely understood to be cowardice. It is a mature way of handling issues however painful they seem to be. But this backward culture o saying we do this and that so that we are felt is misplaced and empty talk.

“The Elephant is the biggest animal but can easily die in the hands of a Frog”. As long as someone does not threaten my being a South Sudanese in any part of the country, I have no problem at all.

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ September 25, 2015 at 11:21 am

100% WANI is our son, pure son of Greator Equatoria. All People in the RSS have to thank him for continues stepping Down from his post for the sake of Peace. Every Peace loving Citizen knows that without any doubt because WANI did this two times.

Coming to you Gatnor, you need to thank WANI because he pulls his laguage by himsel. That is the true leader. A good leader do not want to be served by others but to serve others. WANI is doing good service the both Kiir and Riak must appreciate if these both do understand.

Equatorians are watching and People know very well that you both jengelon and nuerjin are crying for Our support. So please try to be smart like us.

Bentiu Ramaran September 26, 2015 at 1:15 am


You are really living in delusion and denial. Wani Igga has never been a senior to Dr. Machar. You need to stop spreading white liars about this case. You need to double check of your sources. When Dr. Machar defected from the SPLA he was number four, Garang was number one, William Nyuon was number two, Kiir was number three, Dr. Lam Akol was number five. So where was Wani Igga’s position in the ranks that you are crying about?

In addition, Wani Iga was promoted in the SPLA in affirmative action, but not through performance even John Garang was no happy with him. John Garang kept on promoting Wani Igga just for sake of balancing ranks among all South Sudanese tribes. You and Wani are just crying wolves. Were nothing during struggle, you are nothing today, and you will never be anything in the years to come.

Tolio September 25, 2015 at 12:16 pm

The reception of Vice President James Wani is normal.

He is not South Sudanese Ambassador to the United States of America. As a result, the United States Government should not have been expected to give him reception upon his arrival at the Airport.

Only his ambassador to the United States is the right one to receive him.

The Vice President never flew to the United States at the invitation of American Government. Rather,he traveled to the United States of America at the invitation of the United Nations Chief to attend a meeting at the UN headquarters in New York where the United States Government officials themselves will attend that meeting at the similar invitation given to Vice President Wani by UN Chief.

The United Nations is an independent separate entity from the United States Government and just because its headquarters is built on Americans soil,it does not mean whoever the United Nations invites is a business of American Government.

None reception of the Vice President Wani by American Government official should not be misinterpreted as kind of disrespect from the United States towards him and his Government of the Republic of South Sudan he is to represent at that meeting in New York.

As for the leader of opposition Riek Machar’s anticipated popular reception that the article mentioned he is to get upon his arrival in New York,there is no doubt that he will get it. He will get that reception from his ethnic supporters and some members of Shilluk who live in North America.The government as well has many supporters in those countries, but they are mature enough to avoid pointless competitions.

There are no red and yellow shirts events such as the ones seen in Thailand suchets when it comes to this current states of affairs among citizens of South Sudan.

GatNor September 26, 2015 at 4:58 pm

Oh give me a break Tolio, there is nothing to interprete. Wani is not US’s guest so his arrival is not of US official’s priority but UN’s.

Tolio September 27, 2015 at 7:00 am

Gadnor,it is all the world’s delegates,including domestic US officials that are guests of the UN Chief at that meeting in New York.

They will discuss this recent good development of peace in South Sudan and come up with strategies that will make the ceasefire hold as long as people don’t want the continuation of the civil war which has ruined lives and devastated the infrastructure.

The panel will talk about other issues that need attentions,cooperations and collective actions of the world’s leaders.

Of course Dr Machar and Vice President Wani will have different opportunities to meet other South Sudanese and dignitaries from other countries including US which is one of stakeholders in South Sudan where the event is taking place.

Mattador September 26, 2015 at 2:53 am

mr Tolio shutur dirty mouth. you are not even from south sudan. What make you commented on Wani Igga arrival in united states of America? You seemed as if u were from poor country of Uganda.

Tolio September 27, 2015 at 6:13 am

Mattador,I have no filthy mouth at all and my comment above is pure from linguistic profanities. Perhaps, you should rescind your calling me a dirty mouth. Your doing so will distinguish you from the civilised society and the barbarian society.

As for why I remarked on Vice President James Wani’s touchdown in New York, a call of duty to put things right had obligated my need for a good response.

I know you are trying to discriminate me on my nationality,I am not a Ugandan and a shocking truth to reveal to you is that I am a South Sudanese like you.

Since I am not from Uganda,you should also acquit me from your charges of hinting that I was probably a poor Ugandan.

To you,Ugandans are poor and that is why their children are starving and dying of malnutrition in their country South Sudan while their Ugandan leaders such as Kiir and Machar play them Russian Roulette to save their lives from perishing on their land. Lol.

juba boy September 26, 2015 at 11:50 pm

this is to confirm how the world and the people of South Sudan are fed up with the Juba government and devalue it. Even no UN representative to welcome him. Another point is that as far as Equatoria is concerned, Alfred Lado Gore is now the greatest Equatoria leader who has more influential and the respect of the Equatorian people. moveover, when Dr. Machar and Lado Gore comes to Juba in December, they are going to be received the way even president Salva has never been received. All the South Sudan people is going to crowd the Juba airport and and all the street of Juba to welcome the people’s reformists.

Tolio September 27, 2015 at 7:35 am

Resetting this nation to a good footpath reguires an equal treatment of all the parties to the conflict. It took Juba and SPLM-IO to sign the peace agreement and will take the cooperation of both parties to reform everything.

As for the international community, it is not happy because war is not good for South Sudanese citizens and it spoils the fun that all its humanitarian workers are having in South Sudan in the name of development which is probably a smokescreen for establishment of imperial empires.

DINGIT NS TUGG September 27, 2015 at 10:47 am

bentiu ramaran…………..read what I wrote before insulting me. The name DINGIT NA TUGGÖ has explained to you very cleary that only time explain. What am telling is that how many time WANI has stepped down from his position for the sake of Peace without insulting you or any body. Genuine Peace does not need who joined the SPLA/M first. Peace is Peace wether you join the struggle for Peace today or tomorrow.

Please ramaran go to the history of the stuggle befores insulting us Equatoians. Just know that we Accept to be nothing and will be nothing for the sake of Peace. But it is you crying not me. Equatorians want to help you to come out of you primitive life of full of hatred. I hope you get me.

Please be smart and follow us sons and daughters of Greater Equatoria if you really want a true Peace and a civilised life in the RSS. I know how much you cry for Our support……………..so be wise to see what Peace and freedom is.


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