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UNSC/RES/2304: Understanding “The Protection Force” And The Peacekeeping Mission In South Sudan

A badge of 144 Chinese Peacekeepers arriving in South Sudan to join UN Mission in the country to protect civilians. Two peacekeepers were killed by Kiir's army in earlier July 2016 attack and five others injured(Photo: file)
A badge of 144 Chinese Peacekeepers arriving in South Sudan to join UN Mission in the country to protect civilians. Two peacekeepers were killed by Kiir’s army in earlier July 2016 attack and five others injured(Photo: file)

August 12, 2016(Nyamilepedia) ——- The United Nations Security Council has extended the UNMISS Mandate, as set in its resolution 2252(2015), until December 2016. In addition to its current mandates the UNMISS is now allowed to use “all necessary means to carry out its tasks”

The UNSC requests the Secretary-General to take all appropriate steps and, in consultation with troop and police contributing countries, to identify options, including seeking the support of Member States, to enhance the safety and security of UNMISS’s personnel to enable UNMISS to execute effectively its mandate in a complex security environment, including through improving UNMISS’s early warning, surveillance, and information gathering capacities, enhancing quick response and crisis management capacity, including providing appropriate training and equipment, implementing more effective casualty and medical evacuation procedures, and taking active and effective steps to improve the planning and functioning of UNMISS’s safety and security facilities and arrangements.

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Unlike the regional Protection Force, the peacekeeping mission will continue to observe resolution 2086 (2013) and reaffirms the basic principles of peacekeeping, as set forth in Presidential Statement S/PRST/2015/22, including consent of the parties, impartiality, and non-use of force, except in self-defence and defence of the mandate.

The resolution recognizes that the mandate of each peacekeeping mission is specific to the need and situation of the country concerned, a statement that has been taken for a weakness and abused by South Sudan government.

The Protection Force

South Sudan’s Regional Protection force shall be a Special Unit under UNMISS with specific and more protection oriented mandates.

The 4000 troop will be based in Juba, with the responsibility of providing a secure environment in and around Juba, including in support of the outcomes of the Permanent Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Workshop, and in extremis in other parts of South Sudan as necessary, and stresses that the Regional Protection Force will carry out its mandate, as set forth in paragraph 10, impartially and in strict compliance with international law, including, as applicable, international humanitarian law.

The UNSC stresses the critical importance that the Regional Protection Force has a clear, conditions-based exit strategy and express its intent to consider the presence of the Regional Protection Force in light of the changing situation on the ground

The Security Council calls upon member states in the region to expedite contributions of rapidly deployable troops to ensure the full deployment of the Regional Protection Force as soon as possible;

This deployment will increase the force levels of UNMISS up to a ceiling of 17,000 troops, including 4,000 for the Regional Protection Force, and requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps to expedite force and asset generation.

The Protection Forces, as recommended by the IGAD-Plus summit, will protect civilians, demilitarized the capital, protect the Juba International Airport and major installations in the country.

The Regional Protection Force will promptly and effectively engage any actor that is credibly found to be preparing attack, or engages in attacks and threatening security and safety of South Sudanese populations, United Nations premises, United Nations personnel, international and national humanitarian actors.

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1 comment

Deng Matok August 12, 2016 at 10:25 pm

So the situation is clear for all to see.
The president, Kiir says he wants peace for his people. The real first Vice President, Machar also wan’ts peace.
Kiir via his spokesmen . argues with vitriol against the UN mandate.
Machar velcomes the additional peacekeeping forces with open arms.
The hundreds of thousands stuck in the camps also welcome extra security, and the 2 500 000 on the run inside the country also.
Time for Kiir to start doing what he says, implement peace and get rid of those who wants war.
Kiir and his cronies standing as lone, exposed to all not by the words so much as their actions.
And end to that insight, Kiir join the good force and abandon the dark side of the force.


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