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“Unknown Gunmen” Attended SPLM/SPLA-IO Convention Organized by Taban Deng Gai To Replace Dr. Machar

Members giving support to Gen. Taban Deng Gai at a meeting in crown hotel in Juba to replace Dr. Riek Machar Teny(Photo: file)
Members giving support to Gen. Taban Deng Gai at a meeting in crown hotel in Juba to replace Dr. Riek Machar Teny(Photo: file)

July 23, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– A controversial meeting organized today in South Sudan capital, Juba, by a handful of senior cadres of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition under the leadership of the sacked former Chief Negotiator, General Taban Deng Gai, was flooded by a number of unknown faces.

According to a top official of SPLM/SPLA(IO), who spoke on condition of anonymity due to fear of his life, The Chief of general Staff for SPLA-IG, Gen. Paul Malong Awan, was not more than three rooms away within the crown hotel as the meeting proceeded.

The official alleges that Gen. Malong held a closed-doors meeting with Gen. Taban and Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth a few minutes before the “convention” was held within the same hotel, however, Malong did not exit until the meeting was over.

“What is happening here is completely insane, there are no orders except those coming from some unknown force. We just came in and saw many faces some of us never seen in their lives. Some of these people are mostly Dinka but even Dr. Dhieu Mathok does not recognize them” The official spoke out.

“They came to give us a number to make our forced meeting look somehow official. No one consulted us on when and where to meet or why” he continued.

The official said, the Deputy Chairman, Lt. Gen. Lado Gore, was sidelined and not put in the picture as a senior official, who could have acted as the chairman in a democractic process.

“Lado was brought in at gun point, he had no choice or intention to claim the seat. They said, it has to be given to Taban Deng because he is a Nuer, some sort of conspiracy like that” the official continued.

In the meeting Lt. Gen. Lado Gore said, his chairman is not present in Juba because of “circumstances beyond his control” but demands that they want him to come back.

The loud brave general said when he arrived in Juba that they made a tough decision that some of them, the leaders, could even die in the process.

Other top cadres of SPLM/SPLA-IO, who have made it to UNMISS camps, reported intense fear of intimidation and death threats as Kiir’s officials call them to come out from their hiding. Some said they were intimidated by Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth, a polite gentleman, who served as South Sudan Ambassador to Washington.

Responding to the meeting, Machar’s Press Secretary, James Gatdet Dak, declared the meeting as “illegal” because Taban Deng Gai is no longer a member of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition.

“The hotel meeting in Juba convened by a non-SPLM/SPLA (IO) member – who was already dismissed yesterday by the top leadership – is illegal.” Dak said.

“How can a dismissed person convene a meeting and claim leadership from a leader of a party he does not belong to any more?” he continued.

Dak is concerned that the meeting is not only illegal but also lacks forum to be recognized as a democratic process.

“Also there were no leaders to constitute a quorum of the so-called “endorsement for First Vice President’s position”, only a handful of two or three senior officials with the rest of the attendees mainly collected from the streets of Juba.” Dak said.

“They are simply being used by President Salva Kiir’s faction to dismantle the peace agreement. The action is illegal and a forgery.” he continued.

Responding from Washingtong, Reath Muoch Tang, the SPLM IO Representative to the United States of America declared the meeting as “illegal and baseless”.

“To all the members and sympathizers of the SPLM-IO, in the United States of America; and around the World. Please be informed that what happened at Crown Hotel in Juba today, is illegal and baseless for several reasons.” Reath said.

Reath, who has served before under the incumbent president as a member of parliament, calls on the SPLM/SPLA-IO supporters and sympathizers around the world to not be shaken by what he believes is an act of betrayal and greed by his former colleagues, Gen. Taban Deng Gai and Ezekiel Lol Gatkuoth.

“In conclusion, we urge all the members of the SPLM-IO around the World not to be shaken by the defection of these two individuals, Taban and Ezekiel Lol. who are joining the Government of Salva Kiir, that carried genocide on the Nuer in Juba, massacred, Shollo, Paratit and Balanda, Equatorians, Murle and other ethnic groups in South Sudan.” Muoch said.

Other officials of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition like Agel Machar Ring, appeals to SPLM/SPLA-IO  officials in Juba to stay away from these meetings being organized by the defected officials like Taban Deng Gai.

“I am appealing to all my comrades, the 4 SPLM-IO National ministers who attended to absent themselves from attending the Council of Ministers and their other duties until that time when the third party intervention force is deployed and our leader Dr Riek Machar is back in town.” Agel said.

Agel believes that none of the officials in SPLM/SPLA-IO has enough leadership qualities to replace Dr. Machar Riek Machar Teny, the First Vice President.

“No any other politician in the SPLM-IO leave alone those are who already dismissed has even 10% of political traction of your First Vice-president if you can allow me to give a secret. Yin cha dok comrade!” he said.

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Gat Deng July 23, 2016 at 1:01 pm

Funny that yhe Kiir side use the same tactic Bagosoro used just before the Rwanda genocide started. Threats and intimidation, paid crowds of demonstrators. Luckily the UN EU IGAD and AU and the rest of the international community see straight through these silly antics.
Lueth and the other hardliners will be dealt with later when the international court convenes. That is where the hate speaches, genocide and atroctities will be thorougly investigated. And suitable punishment meteted out. what we see now is a kleptocracy in its last few moments. For the sake of South Sudan also, hope that the southern neighbour understands that he must keep out of this, not prolonging the agonoy of those soon without office in Juba.

GatNor July 23, 2016 at 7:26 pm

At gun point anyone can sing to the tune of the one holding the gun. We should put this to the test with Jaang councils of elders. You would be surprise too to see how fast they sing in Thoknath and denounced the born to rule ideology.. need I mention too that they would hit all the high notes in singing the national anthem in English rather than in Thokjaani.. Those guys who are said to have defected are probably under the influence and pressure at gun point and will probably need time to snap out of it.

James kolang July 23, 2016 at 9:17 pm

Taban deng was anounce by the fv pres,that is no longer belong to his leadership anymore.

Tolio July 23, 2016 at 1:28 pm

Impossible to have two vice presidents from one region. That’s the reason for not following leadership hierarchy and agreeing to deselect Lado Gore. There was neither intimidation against Lado Gore nor his party colleagues while they were exercising their democratic rights to elect general Deng Gai as the acting VP while Riek Machar is Away on a jungle business.

Mawien Magol July 23, 2016 at 4:46 pm

I think the position of vice president or president nor any Public service is for anyone to apply and there is no blame who take what. The leader of SPLA I0 still unknown place and the nation can not wait him. I thought John Luke Jok is the most trust man but the general Taban Deng Gai took that position of agreement. I think we must accepted real peace on each others.

GatNor July 23, 2016 at 5:27 pm

Poor South Sudanese, only if they could just come to their senses and be ABLE to realized and accept the fact that tyrant Kiir and his tribal government only understand the language of guns and only respect direct combat. Having said that, I am yet to be proven wrong. I cannot think far enough to recall the last dictator that has willingly and peacefully left power. And I don’t expect Kiir to be the first.

Mawien Magol July 23, 2016 at 8:01 pm

Mr. GatNor.
I think you are not living in South Sudan and if you were then, you wouldn’t need another war, The language of guns, what is different from the past Nasir faction or SPLA I0? Please do not fueling conflict while, you are living exile. If you want more war then, wait Fangak and many more locations will be recaptures sooner.

GatNor July 23, 2016 at 9:48 pm

Well Maggot do keep on thinking it makes no difference to me. If I understood your comment correctly you are begging me not to fuel conflict and in the same sentence you say this…”If you want more war then, wait Fangak and many more locations will be recaptures sooner.” That seem to me that you are warmongering and not practicing what you are preaching. I am not even going to make a big deal of what an hypocrite S.O.B you are but nice try.


Gatwiech Dunrin Philip July 23, 2016 at 8:10 pm

Hahaha funny. this is the failure of Dr. Riek which is knocking on the doorstep. I’m wondering if you people start looking for small excuse to make a room for argument. in fact those were the true leaders of IO who are present in their nation’s capital who cares for the life of entire southern Sudanese forget about Gatdet Dak who is protecting his job just to pour out words that can lead us no where but hell and whose visions doesn’t reflect unity” continued your work bro.

lualdit July 23, 2016 at 9:09 pm

Gatnor, I cannot agree with you more. The humiliation that Jaang has done to naath, it’s not something that can be forgotten with the same leader in power. And with the same Jaang devil elder as his adviser. War is the only option. Let the international community intervene when Jaang taste the same medicine. Gatmachar will be kill if he will continue with his soft stand against Evil plan of Jaang. No other solution, but war.

Karab July 23, 2016 at 9:48 pm

I dont know really what kind of mental those of taban deng have? If salva kiir eliminated riek macahar today, he will eliminate him next day. Or he will join the group of NUER Slaves to Salva Kiir. Why thousands of freedom fighters died if it was for joining salva kiir government? Why rebeling in the first place? He just did this because he is not minister of petroleum? No riek machar was right to balance the allocation of ministries other wise how SPLM IO will be different from the Government?

John China July 23, 2016 at 10:48 pm

You ‘ve no choice right now, you better tske it or leave it, I know majority of you are very good in stitching lies, defamation and betraying the Sovereignty of our Nation.
Wanne thin mentality as usual.

Marop July 24, 2016 at 12:23 am

Barking dog Never stop Carmel from reaching It destination

Ekoh Ekol July 24, 2016 at 4:32 am

WE NEED peace. We in Equatoria were sucked in a war qe never wanted to be pary of. Now is the time for all Southern Sudanese to come together to rebuild the Country.

Warfive July 24, 2016 at 10:17 am

The problem is Risk Machar, has a lot of sympathy with jieng to much because this would be been solved longtime ago.

mabior ateny July 24, 2016 at 10:22 am

Taban and lol with ur mision and vision for money and position marchar started strugling for democracy in this nation long time,plize give hime chance all IO forces in s.sbelong Riek u reach juba coz of Riek all Equatoria for Riek i.e all IO.Taban and lol force is Unknown Gunmen same on u, start moblization for Unknown Gunmen but do not cross Equatoria go back to kirr rigion and urs shamed on taban and lol for ur act siding with killer kirr and malong Equatorian has condemed ur think twice.

Paulau July 24, 2016 at 11:32 am

Paulau’ i wonderful about Dr,Riak machar his profile,i describes him he is power hunger,look way and the issue of dismissed Gen-Taban Deng Gai from splm/spla in opposition,not showing he as not fighting for Nuer wew Freedom,his absent mean he play game of politics not fear.he want to know who will going took his position,that is why he fire Gen-Taban Deng-but Gen -taban Deng is smart and qualify to take this opposition not kingdom of his Nguendeng Nuer


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