Nov 11, 2018(Nyamileppedia) — Latest reports from South Sudan front lines in Imatong and Raja States confirm that the two warring rivals, the SPLA in Opposition and SPLA-IG, also known as the SSPDF, have met and agreed to implement the peace agreement as instructed by the senior leaderships.
Accordding to SPLA(IO) Deputy Spokesman, Col. Lam Paul Gabriel, delegations of the two forces met yesterday in Magwi county and agreed to give free access to soldiers, civilians and humanitarian workers.
“On 10/11/2018, the SPLA IO forces around Magwi had a fruitful meeting with the SSPDF Commander, the Commissioners of Magwi and Ayaci and also the regime’s Governor of Imotong. The meeting was to enable free movements for both civilians and soldiers and also cease all hostilities in the county.” Col. Lam said.
In Raja state, the main armed opposition, the SPLA(IO), sent its peace delegation under officer Mohammed to Raja town to meet with the regime Governor, Peter Dut and Raja Military Command to deliver a message of peace.
“In a framework of confidence-building and the dissemination of a culture of peace, on 09/11/2018, a group of SPLA IO forces in Dulu military area, led by officer Mohammed with a two Platoon, visited Raja Town and met with acting Governor of Raja State Peter Dut and Raja Military Command to deliver a message of peace to Raja citizens.” Said Col. Lam Paul Gabriel, the Deputy Military spokesman of the SPLA(IO).
In Yei River State, forces of the SPLA(IO) also met with their counterparts in Kaji-Keji to deliver a message of peacce.
“Yesterday the 10/11/2018, the SPLA-IO advance team formed of MI Combat unit met with their counterpart from SSPDF for confidence building in Kajo-Keji. The meeting aimed at paving way for the meeting of the senior commanders from both sides to happen soon enough.” Read part of the report extended to Nyamilepedia