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South Sudan’s Petroleum Minister order roads maintenance in and around Tharjiath of Koch County in Unity State.

Juba, South Sudan

July 29, 2021—South Sudan’s Minister of Petroleum, Puot Kang Chol has made directives for Roads maintenance in and around Tharjiath of Koch County in Unity State on Monday July 21, 2021.

South Sudan’s Minister of Petroleum, Hon. Puot Kang Chol (Photo credit :Courtesy Image)

According to a statement extended to Nyamilepedia, Puot addressed the head of the Sudd Petroleum Operating Company (SPOC), Eruwan Gerry and his Deputy Eng. Diew Charoaw, directing them to renovate road linking Tharjiath and Koch, Tharjiath and Mirmir Payam as well as road connecting Rubkuach and Leer County.

“Reference to the above indicated subject and to my directives during Block 5A resumption ceremony at Tharjiath Oil Field of 21st of June 2021, the Ministry of Petroleum (MOP) to immediate start the maintenance of the following roads” Petroleum Minister, Kang noted in a statement.

In a separate letter Kang says he was assured on 12th of July 2021 by Governor of Unity State, Dr. Joseph Manytuil about the devastating floods which he said has negatively affected Leer and Mayiandit Counties and as such he ordered SPOC to immediately construct dykes in Mayiandit and Leer County.

” In conclusion, as we are all aware of the flood devastation in most parts of South Sudan, Unity State in particular is among the severely affected States”, he said.

” According to the letter dated 12th July, 2021, (Ref: USB Go/12,A) addressed to me by Hon. Joseph Manytuil Wejang , Governor of Unity State, Mayendit and Leer counties have been identified as the most affected by floods in Unity State, therefore, SPOC is further directed to instantly construct dykes in Mayendit and Leer Counties “, Kang added in a statement.

The decision of the Minister is welcomed and applauded by citizens of the concerned areas but some says there are other places affected by flood that are left out especially Panyijiar County.

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