
South Sudan Wildlife National Service Seized Ivory at Juba International Airport

Juba, South Sudan

Brig. Gen Khamis Adieng Ding, Spokesperson of national Wildlife Service(Photo: file)
Brig. Gen Khamis Adieng Ding, Spokesperson of national Wildlife Service(Photo: file)

Dec 09, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— The authority at Juba international airport has sized a half ton of ivory; the ivory shipment was smuggled from one of the neighboring countries and scheduled to be flown to Egypt’s capital Cairo, the spokesperson of national wildlife service said.

Brig. Gen. Khamish Adieng Ding said they have seized a half ton of ivory at Juba airport on Monday which was hidden in a way that it is impossible for human being to detect.

He said with the presence of sniffer dogs and machines, the wild life unit at the airport has managed to uncover the hidden ivory.

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Gen. Khamis said most of ivories often sized at the airport majority of them are being smuggling from neighboring countries into South Sudan and possibly the illegal wildlife traders want to smuggle it via South Sudan.

He said few ivories that they do seize from some people who travel from Juba to Khartoum are not fresh ones because majority of them bear marks which shows that they are being smuggled from other countries to South Sudan.

“Although there is significant improved in a fight against wildlife trafficking, but we cannot deny that there is no any problem because there are still violations but the situation is not alarming as people think,” Gen. Khamis said.

“We are trying our level best to create awareness campaign and this is why we do send out telephone short messages to public. Wild life is our resources and it is a collective responsibility to keep it,” he said.

Gen. Khamis reiterated that the introduction of sniffer dogs as a unit within wild life service has help to combat illegal wildlife trafficking.

He said the dogs are doing very well at Nimule, Juba and as well at Juba international airport.

He reiterated that due to deployment of some personnel at the airport the situation is not as loose as it used to be in the past.

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