
South Sudan Rejects UN Proposal to Send More Peacekeepers

By The Associate Press

JUBA, South Sudan

Makuei Lueth, the minister of information warning the journalists in Juba(Photo: youtube)
Michael Makue Lueth, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting(Photo: extracted)

August 10, 2016(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan on Wednesday rejected a U.S. proposal for the U.N. Security Council to send 4,000 additional troops to the East African country to restore calm, saying it “seriously undermines” its sovereignty and threatens a return to colonialism.

Government spokesman Michael Makuei said the proposal gives the U.N. the ability to govern. The proposal also calls for a vote on an arms embargo on South Sudan if U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reports within a month that authorities have blocked the regional force.

The Security Council could vote Friday on the proposal, which comes after a former U.S. special envoy suggested last month that the U.N. and African Union temporarily administer the country after fighting broke out once again.

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South Sudan’s pushback comes as U.N. officials say the government has begun a crackdown that includes seizing dozens of passports of U.N. workers and imposing restrictions on travel and delivery of food aid.

Deadly fighting in the capital, Juba, last month raised fears of a renewed civil war after an August 2015 peace deal and worsened a humanitarian crisis.

Rebel leader and former first vice president Riek Machar fled during the fighting and says he will return only when regional peacekeepers secure the capital. An East African political body, IGAD, last week said South Sudan had agreed to a regional force, but Makuei on Wednesday disagreed and said the government had not been consulted.

Under the U.S. proposal, the regional force would report to the U.N. force that numbers more than 12,000 peacekeepers but has been criticized for not acting to protect civilians. The regional force would protect the airport and promote “safe and free movement” in and out of the capital.

“If South Sudan is turned into a U.N. protectorate, then this is not the end of the game but the beginning,” the government spokesman, Makuei, said. “It will begin with South Sudan, but it will end up with all of us being turned into new colonies.”

The U.S. ambassador to South Sudan, Molly Phee, said the U.S. proposal is “entirely in line with what IGAD requested, and South Sudan is a member of IGAD.”

South Sudan’s government has seized at least 86 passports of U.N. workers and imposed other restrictions that are a “clear violation” of the U.N.’s operating agreement with the government, a spokeswoman for the U.N. mission, Yasmina Bouziane, told The Associated Press. South Sudan’s foreign minister, Deng Alor, has called it a temporary safety measure.

The U.N. also has said the government has forbid it from traveling south of the capital.

In addition, its World Food Program has had its flight clearances revoked for all food drops coming from neighboring Ethiopia, said a spokesman, George Fominyen.

Speaking at the United Nations in New York, humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien, who recently returned from a three day trip to South Sudan, said the country was facing a crisis that is “enormous and complex.”

“Sadly, in the past year, the humanitarian situation has significantly deteriorated, including in areas that were relatively stable, and displacement and hunger are now widespread across the country,” O’Brien said.


Associated Press writer Michael Astor at the U.N. contributed to this report.

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Kiir Riak Bai August 11, 2016 at 1:17 am

Makuei you are devil, stop your wishful of doing something against the region as well UN. if you failed to defeat IO for two years, who are you to defeat the West? your magician will never help you this time round, mark my word. the deal you always make with devil will never give space this time round. the citizens of south Sudan are tired of you with your lied.

Lomuchie August 11, 2016 at 3:56 am

The UN should call Makuei’s bluff.

John Kijana August 11, 2016 at 5:09 am

These are desperate kicks of a dying donkey. Makuei is a brakeless car without restraint and Kirr is a motorless car that can’t start. Just useless jaangs.

Nationalist August 11, 2016 at 6:10 am

What soverienty when most of your population is either refugees, displaced or starving. Where is soverienty when you currency is crippling, which soverienty when every time your government is asking for loans? The matter Brethern, for those of Makuei and his colleagues is the question of survival and continue to be in the government not soverienty.

king kong August 11, 2016 at 4:28 pm

Makuei lueth you didn’t fought in the bush during the Spla/m national liberation I, knew you very well Cowardice and gossipier in SPLA GHQs in Bilpam. When comrades were sent to front-line for liberation mission you hide in Itang, Gambella & Addis Ababa pretend to have fake sick report given to you by deformed tongue’s Trible Bor chief Chagai Atem Bair, as a Bilpam commander in-charge, because you are his playboy and his adjutant in GHQs. You never fought a single war nor fire a single bullet towards foe. Tell me where and when you myopic lier. Your boss kiir used to tortured and burnt prisoners accusing them of being traitors & spy sent by Namieri or jallaba. Kiir is the who was sent by SAF (intelligent to hunt down SS nationalists’& students in the armed struggle. Kiir was sent from Malakal SAF/ GHQs he didn’t joined spla/m with the pure heart. This is evident need to be shown to all peace lovers SS. let kiir’s proves the opposite if he can. That is why he doesn’t know the meaning of human values of SS he lead. Kiir think SS masses are his property or toys to play with, causing inhumane crimes & crimes against humanity.
You and your boss are evildoers both of you & others like you will be condemned by God and you will beek-apeel noun. The heinous crimes your boss have committed against Innocent civilians their blood will be upon all JCEvildoers.
You keep separating and misleading SS & Intl community about false misinterpreting UN,AU,TROIKA &IGAD messages, for the sakes of Jieng domination and dinka Neo-colonialism in SS, but not the intervention forces who stop yr mess. You fear your tigertails would be cut soon. You’re from dinka bor the most coward who run away from the hippo voice in the river Nile.
You confused the worldwide so that you keep your kingdom of Jieng hegemony filthy village system. Be informed that you can’t fools all peace lovers SS masses anymore.
You will be-peel sooner or later on.
Intervention forces are more than welcome into SS, even inside your mother house in bor. NO TIME WASTE!!
God save RoSS.

GatNor August 11, 2016 at 4:47 pm

The Jaang regime has squandered every opportunity at their disposal to salvaged the ruins of their crumbling kingdom to an extent that nothing they say or do will work to their advantage anymore. Power and money has this affect on those who experiences them for the first time. Some becomes so intoxicated with these two to a point of feeling invincible. This is the case for the tribal ruling thugs(clique) in Juba.


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