Juba, South Sudan.
Sep 17,2021— SPLM/A veteran politician, Dr. Peter Adwok Nyaba, believes that the country needs another ten years to witness a free, fair and credible elections citing the current conditions the country is exposed to by wars.

Peter Adwok, a former Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, said South Sudan needs to settle for at least ten years in order to run a sustainable, genuine, free, fair and transparent elections.
” You think you can do elections in South Sudan under the conditions we’re in now, you need another ten years actually to prepare for credible, fair and transparent elections”, Adwok told V.O.A via phone from Nairobi, Kenya.
The veteran politician believes that rushing on elections without guarantees in place is an invitation of another bloodshed because there would be high possibility for rigging the elections by the incumbent R-IGoNU which might turn the nation back to square one.
“if you do elections under these conditions it will be again rekindling the crisis and people will go to war because there will be dispute over elections result, the rigging and so on”, he added.
He further stressed that South Sudanese leaders don’t care about the suffering of their people despite that their feet were kissed by pope in Vatican to compromise their differences for the sake of their people.
“These guys went to Rome, Vatican and their feets were kissed by Pope, Pope kissed them begging them actually you people should be concerned about your people”,Adwok emphasized.
South Sudan has never witnessed elections since its independence in 2011. The constitutional mandate of South Sudan government expired since 2015, however, the regime has extended its lifespan several times within the last 6 years