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South Sudan: Fashoda State Leadership And Agwelek Forces Reaffirm Allegiance To Dr. Machar’s Leadership

Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony, the Special Division 1 Commander of SPLM/A-IO forces in Fashoda State(Photo: file)
Lt. Gen. Johnson Olony, the Special Division 1 Commander of SPLM/A-IO forces in Fashoda State(Photo: file)

August 10, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— Agwelek, a force from the Chollo community which has been fighting alongside SPLM/A in Opposition for more than one year, reaffirms their allegiance to SPLM/SPLA in Opposition and the First Vice President, Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

Speaking from his headquarters in Fashoda, Maj. Gen. Jukino Fidel Jikanyo, the military governor of Fashoda State declares that Agwelek forces and the people of Fashoda remain under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny, chairman and commander in chief of SPLM/SPLA-IO.

“I, Maj. Gen. Jukino Fidel Jikanyo, SPLM-IO governor of Fashoda State do hereby inform the SPLM-IO members worldwide, and the Chollo Community in Particular, that we are still under the leadership of Dr. Riek Machar Teny, the FVP of South Sudan, Chairman and C-in-C of SPLM/A-IO” Governor Fidel Said.

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The governor calls on the Chollo Community to ignore a group of ten individuals that were televised in Juba on behave of the  Chollo community pledging allegiance to Gen. Taban Deng Gai.

The ten individuals include Gabriel Thokuj Deng, who has been appointed a minister by Gen. Taban Deng. Others include William Ezekiel the spokesperson of the disgruntled group.

Fidel Concludes that despite the recent conflict, which forced Dr. Machar and his forces out of Juba, the SPLM/SPLA in Opposition remains committed to full implementation of the peace agreement.

According to Governor Fidel, Fashoda State welcomes the deployment of regional troops in the country to end the war.


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Mawien Magol August 10, 2016 at 8:25 pm

Brothers of Shilluk keep singing about supporting Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon. The vice president of Republic of South Sudan was not written on one person.

kuoyuotjiek August 10, 2016 at 10:24 pm

it is great sir late as still to firied dinkas from southsudan to be silent not to force them out to exile we are southsudanese together
viva oyeeeee

DINGIT NA TUGGÖ August 11, 2016 at 1:00 am

Ma awir Magol,

stop singing that the jenge will be allowed to loot the wealth of this country forever. If you are behind this worst present situation of this country, please be informed that the support to Dr. Riak is not coming only from nuer or shilluk. It is already coming from all over South Sudan. We are already fight a just war to balance power in this house call South Sudan. FULL STOP

king kong August 11, 2016 at 8:06 am

Dear Mrs. Mawien Magol,
Be informed that injustice in SS is a problem anywhere for any communities due to vicious and despicable actions sponsored by yr naive kiir, malong & Jieng council of evildoers in Juba.
Well done, Maj. Gen. Jukino Fidel Nyikayo, Governor of Fashoda State.
Your message is highly received and appreciated by all peace lovers SS.
However, this high profile message from Agwelek Commandos’ Shilluk Warriors its echo reached directly & sharply hit harder the “central gravity” of J-1 kiirs’ dumb head,malong & JCE filthy-club J1.
Therefore, about the ten stooges, there future is in limbo and shame will burn them out soon.
Your support to logic and humanity is your spirit of Shilluk humility towards the suffering masses in SS.
If Dr. Riek Machar, stands for the good course to emancipate all SS masses form suffering under leadership of Cannibalism kiir,malong, Ahammed Deng Alor the broker of 2 billions ,kual manyang, makuei the lier, ateny with evil & tongue and Evildoers of JCE and Taban will be taban till he diminish in his hotel with his fiancé SalahGosh the deformed with evil eyes like Ateny Wek.
We believe as SS when Shilluk appears the Jieng will disappear, history tells us their bravery as Jieng can’t attempts to temper or mess with them. Don’t open yr decay mouth about Shilluk warriors support to the road to truth and freedom to SS.
So, Mrs.Magol you be-peel soon.
Dr. Machar deserves Shilluk support as well as intervention forces.
God SaveRoSS.

Mawien Magol August 11, 2016 at 7:13 pm

Mrs. King Kong.

Keep singing about supporting Dr. Riek Machar Teny. Shilluk people don’t need to be betrayed by these Idiocy militias generals.

Keep Singing brother

john chuol August 12, 2016 at 3:22 am

You are seeing the truth not corruption. Those whom need to sell their parents with money lets them go and they will not last for long time. The current government will end soon. CHOLLO VIVA


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