Juba, South Sudan,
July 06, 2021 – A new humanitarian response report released by the International Committee of the Red Cross paints a gloomy future for the ever-worsening humanitarian situation in South Sudan as the country remained heavily dependent on handouts from foreign aid actors one decade later.

The consolidated report which spans from the year 2011 when South Sudan attained independence to 2021 says violence and armed conflict, which are still rampant, have jeopardized the ability of people in need to access basic services.
“Cycles of conflict and armed violence have repeatedly displaced families and reduced their ability to meet their daily needs,” part of the report reads. “These have created long-term needs for humanitarian assistance to help families build their resilience to survive these shocks,” the report continues.
From 2019 to 2020, South Sudan witnessed the occurrence of natural disasters, especially floods, which left thousands homeless with Jonglei State and Pibor Administrative Area being the most affected regions.
The already-dire humanitarian phenomenon has been worsened by subnational violence characterized by revenge attacks, cattle raids, and child abduction between the two communities.
Outside the two regions, the non-signatories to the revitalized agreement have caused havoc in Central Equatoria. Peace monitoring bodies have filed several reports of clashes between government and opposition forces.
The Red Cross says despite positive progress in the slow implementation of the peace agreement, thousands of citizens in the country lack access to basic needs.
“Despite the steps made towards peace, hundreds of thousands of families today continue to suffer from lack of access to food, water, health care, and other basic services,” it says.
Red Cross says in the past decade, it has either constructed or renovated hundreds of water points, including boreholes, ponds, and water kiosks benefiting over 2.75 million people.
The humanitarian group says it has started the construction of an urban water network including a pumping station, water treatment station, distribution pipeline, and water kiosks, which will eventually benefit over 200,000 people in Juba through the Gumbo Water Supply Project.
The Nile River passes through South Sudan and in particular Juba. Ironically, residents get water from bowsers amid the unavailability of piped water systems.