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Pope Francis and Rt Hon Justin Welby to visit South Sudan in July.

Juba, South Sudan

March 5, 2022 — His Holiness Pope Francis is expected to visit South Sudanese capital, in July this year, his Grace, Stephen Ameyu Mulla, announced on Thursday.

South Sudan President as he meet Pope Francis in the Vatican (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

Pope Francis will visit South Sudan on 5th-7th July 2022 after postponing his trip due to security concerns in the country a few times.

His Holiness is also expected to visit the Democratic Republic of Congo during that trip to Africa.

The Apostolic Nunciature from the Vatican Embassy Mser Lonut Paul also announced the visitm saying:

“I would like to make this official announcement which is released in this same moment in the Vatican. At the invitation of their respective heads of state and bishops, His Holiness Pope Francis will make an apostolic journey to the Democratic Republic of Congo from the 2nd to 5th of July 2022 visiting the cities of Kinshasa and Goma, and to South Sudan from the 5th to 7th of July 2022 visiting Juba,” Mser Lonut Paul announced in a statement obtained by Nyamilepedia.

According to Paul, the program and the details of the journey will be announced in no time.

Speaking at the same press conference, Archbishop Ameyu, said the Pope is worrying about the political situation in the country and the well-being of the South Sudanese citizens.

“The Holy Father would like to come to visit South Sudan because he is a pastor and it is from the religious perspective. But of course, he is not only coming to visit the religious but he has also other concerns. He is concerned about the lives of the people generally, he is concerned about politics in South Sudan. And so he will stand in solidarity with the South Sudanese,” Archbishop Ameyu said.

The Minister of Presidential Affairs, Dr. Barnaba Marial, assured the head of the catholic church of tight security during Pope’s visit.

“As far as South Sudan is concerned, the government is absolutely hundred percent sure that the security situation in this country is stable and we will be happy, you and me and all the citizens of this country that his Holiness the Pope visits us and this is the long-awaited request by the Christian community of this country that his Holiness visits,” Minister of Presidential Affairs Dr. Benjamin announced.

Pope Francis is expected to visit South Sudan with the Anglican Bishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby, the leader of the Church of England.

In 2019, one year after the signing of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, Pope Francis hosted South Sudan’s leaders President Kiir, FVP Dr. Riek Machar and other members of the presidency at a Vatican retreat where he knelt, kissed their feet and urged them to demonstrate servant leadership that puts people beyond their leaders’ personal interests.

Although the 2018 peace has ensured a little peace in the country,  implementation of key aspects remains behind schedule and could slide the country back to war, analysts say.

According to reports presented by United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the UN Human Rights Office, more than 400 civilians died during fighting between two rivaling groups in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State.

More inter-communal conflicts are still being witnessed in Jonglei State, Abyei, Unity, Ruweng and Lake States; however, situations are relatively calm in the capital, Juba.

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1 comment

Gol Bol March 7, 2022 at 3:47 am

“Pope Francis and Rt Hon Justin Welby to visit South Sudan in July”

Who in South Sudan wants these vermins/parasites.viruses/pests in our country? Fellows, pure HATRED and RACISM is here. We are desperate for tong/ war with these devils and evils. They follow us 24/7, Mr. Pope Francis, was a terrorist, former Argentina scrounger—- the head of the Roman catholic church (society of jesuits). What is their damned connection with South Sudan and the South Sudanese people? South Sudan is not their damned colony Roman Catholic colony or their damned so-called ANGLO-AMERICAN empire. Let any piece of South Sudanese sewer ever ever again brings these vampires into our country and over our people in the name of Roman catholicism, Anglicanism, Presbyterianmism, Voodoosim, Lutheranism, Islamism, Judaism, Episcapalism, Hinduism and UN NEW WORLD WORLD ORDER bullshits, humanitarian aid donations and rubbish again into our country and over our people like in 2005. And that South Sudanese will Pope Francis, Anglican Bishop of the devil infested island of England. Who really want these vampires/vermins/parasites/viruse/pests in our country, who really want them?

The so-called “BREXIT—-the UK leaving the European was *was being negotiated over the backs of our South Sudan and the South Sudanese people.

Any South Sudanese who want the vampires/vermins/parasites/viruses/pests, in our county should go to Rome and knell there and pay taxes in Rome. Mr. Salva Kiir Mayardit and his oppenent, Mr. Riek Machar were invited them to Rome, by Mr. Pope Francis

And Mr. Salva Kiir and Mr. Riek Machar went and pay homage to devil and evil and paid taxes ther, in Rome.
There is another little vampires and terrorist, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu and his bunch of evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs and Zionists, have found out the oil in the gulf Arab states’ is depleted, and thus, they deviced a very dangerous scam or scheme, that since muslim around the world would always pilgrim to Saudi Arabia to Mecca or Medina, for visit to their Momahed god, And thus, the evils juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs. Proposed their *United Arab Emirates (the UAE) as their would be Hong Kong, New York, Singaphore, Malaysia, Taiwan, London, New York, here in Africa, Adis Ababa (so-called ethiopia) prositute, Nairobi, Kenya, Jahanesburg South Africa, Lago, Nigeria, Accra, Ghana, Bahamas, British virgin islands, Panama, Cayman islands and other small islands the devils and the evil go and their money loots in.

And that the oil here in Upper Nile and Jonglei will go and be refined in Saudi Arabia and other gulf Arab states’ ‘facilities’ and then be resold back to us. And that regional integration where we are going to live sides by sides, with our cloned so-called arab of North Sudan, Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, Bantuses, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, gulf Arab states’ white Americans, English people, Indians, Pakistanis, Neplese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Nigerians or Rwandans, Portagueese, Italians, Dutch and other pieces of sewers like they live with Bantuses in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Angola, Zambia, Malawi and Kenya

They even brought their Bantus piece of sewer, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, whose their ancestors, let the Dutch (so-called Afrikaans), the English piece of shits, portaguese, took over their country, their other Bantuses countries—-which were even called ‘Cecil Rhode estates’ and they thought it was a good idea to bring their piece of shit to come and convince the South Sudanese people to live sides by sides with Bantuses? Yeah? God helps us. Move your rubbish away from South Africa, Kenya, take it to Western Australia and we are going to go and bomb them, to nothing.

Being called Indaan Ocean, doesn’t mean anything to do with Indians. Cylones always start Southern Africa, Mozambique and Magadcar, always cope ‘rage of cylones’. There was a few years ago, there was a cyclone in Mozombiques, Indians of of people were spread on ‘TVs’ all over Africa to helping people of Mozabique, Oh yeah?!! ‘It was a show and an intrigue’

Human beings help each others, in times of needs, but Indians are the last human beings to help others. The Biblical Jesus of Nazereth, he was a Jewish, but very he a good teacher, he was brought up in our Egypt, probably Jesus of Nazerteh, wasthe first refugee and on the current records and Calendah. The Cylones from Southern Africa, through East Africa through Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam, Loas, Cambodia, Philipine, Thailand, Indonesia, West Australia and Nothern territory—-they are in tropics. piece of sewers, However, these days, there are evils who think, they can controll the weather.

There is a piece shit, called HARP, it is US resreach piece of shit and very dangerous, they had exprimented it in ‘Alaska, Hurricane Katrina in Southern part of America in 2005, prior to 2004, Boxing day Tzunami in India Ocean, it killed a lot of people in Indonesia, Thailand, Sr Lanka and a few people came and be killed in Somalia.

Human beings help each others, people who helped people of Banda Aceh, Indonesia, were people of Australia, they contributed a lot money, and that money went and be used as it was intended..

The US, the UK and their creeps in between in between, are liars.

The US and her alies think, by 2025, the US and her allies would have own the weather—-their so-called ULTIMATE BROAD SPECTRUM (USB). Climate Change is always used subjectively by the devils and the evils over our country and over our people.

Facts, there is a climate Change, but not here in South Sudan. We are going crushed you to your right place. In the European countries, climate had since cahnged, In Australia, it is one of the driest continent on earth, but they have small population and their Antarctica. In Queensland and New South Wales, there was a very fire, it was an experiment, don’t experiment on human beings pieces of shits.

In 2019-2020, was experimented by devils and evils on Australian people, last year, there was a big flood in Western Sydney and also up their Northern Rivers, they are tributaries of Murry Darling River, Indigenous people of Australia know the Murry Darling in their own mother tongues especially in the regional Australia.

Rivers are the parts of Human beings civilization, but these days, game is over. Human beings have this say, if you lost and lucky to find a river or a flowing water, then just follow that water, and you find civilization, that is the way, always is and always will be.

Our Nile Niver, we cannot share with white people take it or leave, pay back times. We are ancient Egyptian. Saudi Arabia, gulf Arab states and their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack get their damned food and water from, in a dry bone Middle East? From us.

Suez Canal will be closed by me>>>>


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