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Paul Malong Group Welcome Disgruntled Officers in Lake State

Jan 26, 2022 — A rebel group led by the former Chief of Staff of the SPLA, currently known as the SSPDF, Gen. Paul Malong Awan, claimed to continue to receive disgruntled officers who are defecting from the government in Lake State.

Ex-South Sudan army chief, General Paul Malong, left, greeting President Salva Kiir Mayardiit, right, (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

According to the deputy spokesman of Paul Malong’s rebel group, the South Sudan United Front/Army,  SSUF/A has welcomed two groups of officers led by 1st Lt. Bol Agany Kuur Angui and 1st Lt. Kodi Agok Kodi in Lake states on January 21st and 22nd, respectively.

“The group is headed by 1st Lt. Bol Agany Kuur Angui with well equipped (104) officers, NCOs and men from SSPDF third Division (three) on 21st Jan 2022.”  Said Maj. Philip Deng Kuol Nguot, the SSUF/A Deputy Military Spokesperson.

“Still on the same record, on behalf of SSUF/A military leadership, allow me to give you a clue on the enormous news that a group of (47) officers, NCOs and men headed by 1st Lt. Kodi Agok Kodi also joined SSUF/A from Lakes State’s SSPDF organized forces on Jan 22nd 2022.” Philip Deng continued.

According to Philip Deng, this is a big development for SSUF/A and therefore their supporters should receive the news and welcome the defecting officers.

“The official SSUF/A Deputy Military Spokesman is very much honored and pleased to announce to the general public, our chapters and SSUF/A staunch partisans across the world and entire leadership that our alternative movement is so glad to welcome and thump-up for the “boldest decision” taken by our likeminded comrades from SSPDF organized forces from Lakes State to join our mighty movement SSUF/A.” Deng said.

The SSUF/A Deputy spokesman believes that the disgruntled officers are well trained and persons of high discipline.

“The aforementioned comrades who reported themselves to SSUF/A military bases in Lakes State, are persons of high sculptures from different areas of professionalism in military skills and whose presence in our mighty SSUF/A movement is absolutely more celebrative.” Philip Deng added.

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1 comment

Gol Bol January 27, 2022 at 8:15 am

“Paul Malong Group Welcome Disgruntled Officers in Lake State”

Oh Yeah? Why don’t your pieces of shits bring your damn to South Sudan and over South Sudanese and get away with it. if you vermins/parasites/viruses think, if you can really can. Lake states of Democratic republic of Congo DRC), Uganda, Burundi, Angola, central Africa republic (C.A.R) have nothing to do with our Nile valleys lakes’ states, in Central South Sudan. Lakes states. No matter how much you pieces of trashes try to attach your evils arses to our country and over our people. You will be WIPED OUT of this planet earth. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM Tamarind, Cuei Akuc (Kush), war (tong) war is here low lives. Paul Malongdit, is a typical SPLM/A boy. We have asked his Malual Giernyang/muonyjieng/Jieng/jenge/Dinka community, Jurchol (Luos), Ngok Dinkas just take a little bit of a rest. Let the Bor/muonyjiengs/jiengs/Jenges/Jaangs play games with our Nuers Ke Nyantoc, Shilluks (chollos), Abeshas (so-called ethiopians) prostitutes, our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, the UN, their sleazy NGOs, their evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, Bantuses, Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, Roman Catholic (society of Jesuits), evil juus (so-called israelis) attacks dogs, the US army or NATO.

We will call them for help if it at all, it is going to be very hard for us. For all I care. That is not going to happen. There is a South Sudanese from a Ngok Dinka/Muonyjieng,from Ruweng and Parieng who says a few years ago. That there are some of our South Sudanese in middle of South Sudan who like to ‘carry AK47, run after cattle and fight aimless clanish or tribal war fare’. People who know how to fight wars, are not heeded by our lowly informed piece of shits. The whole dirty and cheap intreigues is all about South Sudan and Nilotic plains and valleys. The vermins/parasites/viruses are just waiting for their usual, South Sudanese teats—-to come and suckle them and wait for South Sudanese mess and then South Sudanese will run to Uganda and then they will go and used them as their begging bowls around the world—–we are God’s chosen people. In Kenya, they will go and used South Sudanese lives, as their means to make a living over them, There are some South Sudanese who might heard Totos, Mtoto (watotos) most of them were youngs and uglies babies from Acholi community, they use to take them to Canada, the US, Europe, Australia and other countries to go and use them as begging bowls. I don’t know where are they now.

Are they still being used as beggers, I went to Kampala, Uganda a lot times. Ugandans are lowly educated piece of rubbishes. There was an anaoly I used two weeks ago. *There was a French solicitor (woman), who had love affair with a French criminal, that criminal was pretty much very dangerous, he intrigued the woman (solicitor) to be his lover, and framed up, his best friend to have commited a crime.

His best friend was sent to jail for life. The woman solicitor later found out, her husband (criminal) an evil man after. She faced him told him that he an evil man and that they had put a wrong man in jail. The even smile to the woman solicitor, that there is not thing we do any more, that if they released the innnocent man from jail, he would go and killed them.

The just woman took courage and let the innoccent French man out jail, and because. The woman solicitor and her criminal husband. They were scared to death, that they are going to be killed any moment, by their wrongly jailed innocent French man. They had destroyd his life, his relationship with his family, friends others was destroyed.

The woman socilitor and his criminal husband, even became full time ‘harassers/stalkers/detective’ to their victim 24/7, and after they saw their victim became vulnerable, then they urged him (their victim) to himself.

This is a European tragic story. Cheap and dirty intrigues are not very good. I speak a very vergy good french than even some French themselves, have you ever heard of the Fashoda incident here in Upper Nile. I went studied at the univresity McGill, Montreal, Canada. Quebec Province, the French think, it is their country. That is true, but are they not Canadians? I helped built their amenities in Yukon, Winnepeg, there are indigenous of Canadians, who think, Minnseota, two Dakotas (South and North, Washington state, Mainz and others, think, they are their people.

They didn’t have weapons in the European took over their countries, authorities in Canada, even allow ‘the inuits’ to kill and eat wales. They don’t even eat a lot wales anyway. Seals, Carribus and indigenous of Finlands are allowed to hunt for Carribus, Nowway, swedan, Russians. The animal activists, will scream at you. The wolves were taken to Americas. In Canada and border US to Canada. The don’t want wolves to be killed, Yeah, there is annecdote, that wolves were put in a zoo in Canada, but they want to be in a zoo, they dug themselves out a zoo, they were caufght by the keepers and taken back to a zoo in Toronto. They dug themeslves out again and went and scavenged for Carbus. And up these days, the Canadian just respect the wolves, they hunt in pack like ‘NATO’, hyenas, Jakals.

NATO will be no more, but wolves are not going anywhere.

Here in nilotic plains and valleys.The Animals the Europeans, Canadians, Americans and gods’ are animals. The evils fuck up their animals and their lands fuck their counries. But they always poke evil long noses into other peoples’ countries on Sub-Sharan Africa Here in South Sudan, we don’t consider people, we are superior racists than white people, we are the Ancient Egytian.

We informed people before we bombed them. White people who can dare challenges us on this planet earth don’t. ‘One country, two sytems’ this phrase, was used long in 1999, I was fighting in South (ern). It was used arch enemies, the evil juu (so-called israelis), the devil infested island England, our cloned so-called Arabs of North Sudan, their lackeys here in the IGAD, the African Union (the AU), their gulf Arab states’ paymasters. Weaponries are going to be stested on you. Suez Canal is going to be closed by ‘me’ The UNSC is going to be challenged in battle fields. France, the UK and the US attack dogs, are not going any say in the UNSC and the UN. The owners. Not again. The damned building UNSC in New York will erazed out map.

No white Americans, no evil juus (so-called israelis) attack dogs, cloned arabs of North Sudan, no Nigerians, No Rwandans, No Bantuses, No Abeshas (so-called so-called ethiopians) prositutes, No Arabs, Englsih, No Irish, No french, no gays, lesbeans. Reasons, pure HATRED and RACISM. Look for a place to hide.


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