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Organized Government Assaults On Rebels’ Stronghold In Lou-Nuer Falling Apart

Loyal SPLA troops preparing for an assault in South Sudan's volatile region of Jonglei State(Photo: file)
Loyal SPLA troops preparing for an assault in South Sudan’s volatile region of Jonglei State(Photo: file)

April 12, 2017(Nyamilepedia) ——- For the past one month South Sudan Government has been amassing all in its powers ranging from locally trained troops, militias and mercenaries, missiles and weapons in order to launch the biggest assault of 2017 in SPLM/A-IO stronghold of Lou-Nuer before the dry season runs out.

Since early March this year, Juba has been dispatching troops and weapons from Juba, Aweil and other parts of the country to converge in Yuai in order to force their way into Akobo and Waat, the proposed capitals of two newly created controversial States.

After all preparation were completed three days ago, the appointed governors of Akobo and Waat States, Lt. Gen. Johnson Gony Bilieu and Majok Gatluak Thoah visited Yuai, a village that was recently captured by the government troops in Uror County.

To raise morale of the troops and civil population, the two governors, who were accompanied by government media, were broadcasted live last night on South Sudan television.

Preaching peace, the two governors were welcomed by a few loyalists in Yuai but this morning the troops moved out and launched assaults on SPLA-IO bases in Pieri while attempting to force their way to Akobo through Walgak.

According to SPLA-IO sources, this assault was repulsed by SPLA-IO forces and allied White Army; however, a separate assault is still ongoing between Waat and Moutdit.

Reports on the ground indicate that fighting is intense and casualties are many.

While the locals are motivated by the spirit of self-defense, Juba stands to prove its military power and control.

“They come here to kill our people, loot our cattle, burn out villages and rape our women. This will never be accepted and tolerated by our men. They will be fought and defeated badly” Said Mary Nyaluit Thoan, a Lou-nuer woman in Akobo town.

Our correspondent in Akobo registered similar outcries from youth, church and elders, who are anticipating attacks any time in Akobo town.

“This is a not a government but a group of dinka men who want to show Dinka superiority in our country. We are fighting to prove them wrong. If they are superior why do they go to hire mercenaries and buy heavy weapons to fight our children?” Ask Duer Gatluak, an elderly man in Akobo.

South Sudan’s conflict began in Juba in December 2013 but since then the regime has been struggling to capture many areas in Jonglei States that are occupied mostly by Machar’s Nuer tribe.

While attempts to capture Phow State have been squashed in Ayod and Wau towns, fighting for Akobo and Waat have not proven any easier.

Juba is also interested in Pagak, Fangak, Khor Fulus and Kaldak in Greater Upper Nile but the troops are getting exhausted as many are already killed.

In other reports, the government troops are alleged to have been hit by new defections in Yuai, which is believed to have complicated the war on Lou-Nuer.

More to follow on this report!

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