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Man in land dispute with South Sudan spy chief on the ran

South Sudan's National Security Headquarters also known as Blue House (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)
South Sudan’s National Security Headquarters also known as Blue House (File/Supplied/Nyamilepedia)

July 13th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – A man involved in a land dispute with South Sudan’s Director of Internal Security Bureau, General Akol Koor, is on the ran after he “felt” his life is under threat, a family member has said.

According to documents obtained by Nyamilepedia, the man, More Deng Atak, bought the 450 square land, plot 100 located in Hai Jalaba in Juba from a man named Ibrahim Yousif El-Haj in 2001.

After More renovated the house built on the land, the Director of Internal Security Bureau General Akol Koor occupied it and claimed that it belongs to him igniting a court case.

In a landmark ruling that maybe  the first of its kind in South Sudan’s land disputes history, a Juba court in 2014 ordered the land be returned to More. Following this court order, the national security chief refused to abide by it.

After a complaint was raised against the national security by the citizen, Minister of National Security General Obute Mamur wrote to Akol’s deputy ordering him to return the land to the citizen telling them that the institution should instead protect civilian properties.

After the order was referred to General Akol Koor by his deputy in 2015, the former ordered his deputy to stay out of the spat igniting threats against the judge and the owner of the land by General Akol.

At the time, a fabricated story meant to intimidate the national security minister Mamur was spread by unknown individuals in Juba claiming that he was in contact with rebels limiting his efforts in the issue for fear of his safety.

A family source accused General Akol of graving citizens’ properties revealing that three men have fled the country for their dispute with the national security chief.

“The Director General of National Security in Blue House is graving citizens’ properties and threatened their safety using the state powers,” one of the relatives who refused not to be named told the Nyamilepedia on Saturday.

“Two Equatorians and one Dinka man whose properties have been graved by him are running for their dear lives,” the source said.

The family source said following the court decision to order for the return of the house to the owner, General Akol went on to threaten the judge and after the threat against the judge, the owner of the land fled the country and is now seeking refuge in a neighboring country.

“One case whose documents I just shared with you have orders of the court directing that the property be returned to the rightful owner, but instead DG of National Security threatened judges and the owner. The owner have sought refuge abroad to avoid Gen. Akol who was determined to get him killed,” the family source said.

“Akol directed Louise not act on it and instead went for the owner who ran for his life. Therefore no one followed up the case. I don’t even know if the minister is aware that his orders were never acted on,” the source added.

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